Custom Query (61 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (61 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#11428 Add Overpass download dialog to core, provide Overpass Turbo wizard simon04 enhancement major Core
#7289 Bing: There should be a repaint when attribution data is ready team defect normal Core imagery
#8170 mapcss parent_tag(key_name) only selects value from 1 parent team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#8717 highway=milestone should show pk= value team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#10023 History of overpass queries team enhancement normal Core
#10417 Selectable Gamma value for background imagery Nipel-Crumple enhancement normal Core imagery
#10623 support WMTS imagery services team enhancement normal Core imagery
#10893 How to make Overpass query team defect normal Core
#10947 "No data found in this area." message when Overpass query times out team defect normal Core
#11243 Icon error josm 8109 Jakka defect normal Internal mappaint style tested
#11389 [Patch] Check for maxspeed in combination with maxspeed:forward/backward Basstoelpel enhancement normal Core validator latest
#11452 IPv6 issue on 82xx and 8339 on Ubuntu 14.04 / ElementaryOS Freya & Luna ralleon@… defect normal Core
#11491 Remove "place together with addr:*" for places with only addr:postcode team enhancement normal Core validator latest
#11529 [Patch]Check for maxweight in combination with maxweight:forward/backward windu.2b enhancement normal Core validator
#11583 [Patch] Add mnemonic key to "Search menu items" team enhancement normal Core
#11625 Add MapView hooks required by OpenGL plugin. team enhancement normal Core
#11626 <checkgroup> blocks auto completion and match=* team defect normal Core
#11686 [Patch] Error by uploading changeset with too long tag edward17 defect normal Core tested
#11702 HTTP trace and WMS/TMS cache team defect normal Core imagery latest
#11741 [Patch] Add a contextual menu on taginfo simon04 enhancement normal Core
#11755 Update to new version of opening_hours.js. simon04 enhancement normal Core validator
#11765 [Patch] Seperate menu entry i18n strings team enhancement normal Core latest
#11774 [Patch] Warn about obvious misspelled tag keys team enhancement normal Core validator latest
#11790 [Patch] Lookup test errors for selected primitives simon04 enhancement normal Core validator
#11795 taginfo-extract also external presets team enhancement normal Core
#11805 Request for addition to standard imagery team enhancement normal Core imagery
#11813 Error after waiting several minutes for JOSM team defect normal Core latest
#11814 Move reference to Apache Commons Compress to git team enhancement normal Core latest
#11817 NullPointerException when deleting/loading images team defect normal Core tested
#11819 History dialog not properly showing ways being reversed anymore. team enhancement normal Core latest
#11821 JOSM freezes while Bing attribution data is loaded team enhancement normal Core imagery
#11822 Road route relation validator complain about ferry team defect normal Core validator
#11823 Add a mini map team enhancement normal Core
#11827 Unexpected exception when attempting to upload data team defect normal Core
#11832 support | in regular expression team enhancement normal Core
#11833 Deadlocking while loading a lot of data team defect normal Core
#11834 [Patch] Use visitor pattern for key/value lookup. team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#11836 Zoom out with Gamma adjusted on imagery causes Exception team defect normal Core imagery latest
#11837 Advanced key:layer checking in the validator Klumbumbus enhancement normal Core validator
#11839 [PAtch] getKeys() is accessing this.keys multiple times. team defect normal Core
#11843 [Patch] Improve number and name of running threads simon04 enhancement normal Core
#11846 Ignoring "Whole group" for MapCSS Validator test "street name contains ss" is not persistent. team defect normal Core validator latest
#11849 [Patch] Add NavigationComponentTest team enhancement normal Core
#11850 highway=motorway|motorway_link without oneway needs update team enhancement normal Core validator
#11851 Needs to update style for tourism=artwork team defect normal Core mappaint
#11853 NPE while opening unavailable recent file team defect normal Core
#11856 Provide ability to choose zoom level of tiles wiktorn enhancement normal Core imagery tested
#11862 Validator complains about noname=yes, but at the same time the key is used in MapCSS tests. team defect normal Core validator latest
#11866 remove sport=safety_training team defect normal Internal preset
#11867 [patch] ThumbsLoader freezes if EXIF orientation is not set team defect normal Core image mapping latest
#11872 WMS caching prevents using more than one layer from a particular WMS_endpoint wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#11886 Selecting non branching ways with a filter applied team enhancement normal Core
#11891 unable to merge more than two data layers team defect normal Core latest
#11895 Menu entries 'File', 'Tools', 'More tools' and 'Windows' are no longer translated team defect normal Core
#11898 --download option broken for bounds team defect normal Core
#11803 wrong help link team defect minor Core
#11869 Replace CacheFiles by JCS? team enhancement minor Core
#11881 untranslated string in WMS/TMS configuration tab wiktorn defect minor Core imagery latest
#11889 Tiny differences in projection regression unit test with Java 9 team enhancement minor Core
#11882 ImageryCache plugin wasn't properly deprecated team defect trivial Core latest
#11890 "Add Node..." from expert mode should automatically center on the newly created node team enhancement trivial Core latest
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.