Custom Query (20503 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 20503)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4599 relation-editor: delete key deletes whole tag row team defect trivial Core
#4618 Tango icons team defect trivial Core
#4645 [Patch] Show coordinates as East/North team enhancement trivial Core
#4653 josm should delete "unconnected nodes without a tag" when solving conflicts team enhancement trivial Core
#4702 newly created "turn restriction" is not visible in drawing area team defect trivial Core
#4704 German hint not visibile on empty plugin list team enhancement trivial Core
#4736 deletion incomplete team defect trivial Core
#4739 Link to JOSM-site in "INFO" (Shift-F1) doesn't work team enhancement trivial Core
#4743 [Patch] wrong error message when loading a non-existing file. team defect trivial Core
#4785 gpx attribute import scai enhancement trivial Core
#4830 optimize Pref/mappaintstyle team defect trivial Core
#4909 [patch] draw direction arrows only at ways head is inverted team defect trivial Core
#4930 Relation editor "creeps" team defect trivial Core
#4952 Suggestions for Startpage of JOSM team enhancement trivial unspecified
#5006 reverter plugin: error if no data layer exists Upliner defect trivial Plugin
#5081 [PATCH] Use singular form download error dialog when there is one error team defect trivial Core
#5082 JOSM installer version 3208 anonymous defect trivial Installer Windows
#5150 wrong postcode "34117" in germany team defect trivial unspecified
#5155 [patch]Strange rectangle in WMSPlugin team defect trivial Core imagery
#5204 Move node: wrong window title team defect trivial Core
#5271 "Index out of bounds" when loading images with GPS info in EXIF team defect trivial Core
#5281 [PATCH] Wrong Icon in Presets/man-Made/Shops/Car Dealer team enhancement trivial Core
#5396 Crash when user has not made a single changeset yet team defect trivial Core
#5413 multipolygon display problem team defect trivial Core
#5428 "via" is now missing on the Turn Restrictions plugin "Basic" view team defect trivial Plugin turnrestrictions
#5519 josm plugin sources team defect trivial Core
#5610 too much autocompletion in JOSM search team defect trivial Core
#5640 Operator 'OR' in search expression does not work, only 'or' and '|' works. team defect trivial Core
#5657 Vertical space in relation editor team defect trivial 14.01 Core
#5784 opening a new ticket with the Exception dialog ends your Trac session Cobra defect trivial Core
#5794 Fine tune position of the four coordinate boxes in the download->bounding box dialogue team enhancement trivial 20.01 Core
#5828 Duplicated Skiing check box in guidepost preset team defect trivial External preset
#5853 ambigous translation of "Microbrewery" in german translation of presets ce defect trivial Internal preset
#5898 get object from server - parse links and lists team enhancement trivial Core
#5941 new name for josm fuzzy area selection tool Upliner enhancement trivial Plugin fuzzer
#5988 Problem with save stat !i! defect trivial Core
#6081 Plugin restart misses icon + shortcut in file menu Upliner defect trivial Core restart
#6096 [Patch] two small enhancement proposals team enhancement trivial Core
#6099 [wiki_admin] Deletion of attachments stoecker defect trivial Trac
#6165 Download_Along: link to webpage is a stub (broken link) Nakor defect trivial Plugin download_along
#6206 Turnrestrictions plugin misspelling team defect trivial Plugin turnrestrictions
#6261 dialog for address preset is to narrow flaimo defect trivial Core
#6305 Relations usability enhancement :) team enhancement trivial Core
#6376 funny translation bug team defect trivial Core
#6557 Windows installer still offers "WMS Plugin" when installing r4201 team defect trivial Installer Windows
#6593 [patch] Resources files Unicode characters display is broken on Windows team defect trivial Core
#6670 Typo error team defect trivial Plugin
#6671 Typo error in npm team defect trivial Plugin
#6672 Typo error in GraphView tordanik defect trivial Plugin graphview
#6674 [Patch] Wrong header in add tag window. team defect trivial Core
#6677 Some typo errors from Launchpad team defect trivial Core
#6692 Misspelled Exception OsmTransferCanceledException team defect trivial Core
#6693 Some Plugins didn't get updated after recent i18n fixes team defect trivial Plugin
#6724 Desktop Integration team enhancement trivial unspecified
#6733 [patch] File Open dialog incorrectly accepts folder selection team defect trivial Core
#6759 [PATCH] adjustment to car_sharing presets ce enhancement trivial Internal preset
#6785 GPX "Customize track drawing" screen team defect trivial Core
#6794 download dialog slippymap: mouseup on licence text instead of click team defect trivial Core
#6866 loadAttributionText Throws NumberFormatException which gets swallowed by thread jhuntley defect trivial Core
#6882 Missing toolbar action for osmarender plugin team defect trivial Plugin osmarender
#6885 add options to bicycle parking ce enhancement trivial Internal preset
#6894 [Patch] Plugin and JOSM version numbers badly displayed in warning popup team defect trivial Core
#6899 The visual selection of the "current version" in the history dialog is cleared when the "target primitive" is edited. team defect trivial Core
#6985 Cadastre-fr plugin should use a 48x48 icon for its preferences tab pieren defect trivial Plugin cadastre-fr
#7010 Icon too small in GPX track visibility dialog team defect trivial 14.09 Core
#7022 Повис просто так при движении мыши над картой team defect trivial Core
#7040 set a default leisure for sport team enhancement trivial Internal preset
#7041 maxheight for car parking team enhancement trivial Internal preset
#7060 Precios team defect trivial Core
#7071 One dialog where Esc doesn't cancel team defect trivial Core
#7077 Another dialog where Esc doesn't cancel team defect trivial Core
#7121 Grammar in Properties/Memberships Toggle Dialog team enhancement trivial Core
#7153 shortcut conflict within core team defect trivial Core
#7187 Registered toolbar action problem with "save_as" team defect trivial Core
#7224 Failed to locate image for plugin team defect trivial Plugin
#7287 doubled warnings about key/value skyper defect trivial Core validator
#7309 JOSM should load images included in StartupPageSource from JAR team defect trivial Core
#7362 Mouse icons for rotate and scale have lots of transparent space team enhancement trivial Core
#7378 no zoom Cottaer defect trivial Core
#7417 Fehlerhafte Anzeige auf Startbildschirm team defect trivial unspecified
#7525 remove bicycle_parking=sheffield team enhancement trivial Internal preset
#7557 ID# shown twice in middle click selection window team defect trivial Core
#7558 History window shows XML entities in user names team defect trivial Core
#7633 Make "dynamic buttons" feature disabled by default team enhancement trivial 14.01 Core
#7784 OS unknown? team enhancement trivial unspecified
#7793 Wrong tooltip for undo button team defect trivial Core
#7805 "Copy ID" context menu entry in selecion dialog team enhancement trivial Core
#7865 [Patch] Map icons should be less prominent when disabled or inactive team enhancement trivial Core
#8092 missing space in "Details(untranslated)" team defect trivial Core
#8205 Design von Feld- und Waldwegen (track) team enhancement trivial Core
#8234 Icon image twice in source team enhancement trivial 14.02 Core
#8325 Tiles at Home in download window team defect trivial Core
#8371 A large number of files in the cache. team enhancement trivial JMapViewer
#8394 [PATCH] Fix comments for Way's firstNode and lastNode methods to reflect the code team defect trivial Core
#8544 Allow traffic_calming preset also on ways team defect trivial Internal preset
#8577 Exception with empty SVG as image team defect trivial Core mappaint
#8604 Add shop=newsagent to preset team enhancement trivial Internal preset
#8624 Exception when second monitor is activated anonymous defect trivial Core
#8683 Do not display images in timeline stoecker enhancement trivial Trac
#8733 Restart does not work if JOSM is run using "optirun josm" on a Linux laptop with Nvidia Optimus team defect trivial Core restart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.