Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#17823 Centimeter resolution for length mesurement Don-vip enhancement minor 5 years
#13458 display external resources icons in the preferences Don-vip enhancement normal 8 years
#14208 Fix the table header of the filter dialog box Don-vip defect normal 8 years
#17621 update links to external history (changeset/object) viewer team enhancement normal 5 years
#17768 Use code in MultipolygonTest to improve CreateMultipolygonAction GerdP enhancement normal 5 years
#17794 ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.DataSource when loading GeoTools plugin team defect normal 5 years
#17805 NoSuchElementException during conflate team defect normal 5 years
#17819 Improve performance when loading or validating complex multipolygon relation team enhancement normal 5 years
#17824 Command line substitution in .desktop file uses incorrect pattern Don-vip defect normal 5 years
#17825 unable to open geo: URIs from the command line Don-vip defect normal 5 years
#17835 strange plugin versions Don-vip defect normal 5 years
#17861 Refactor of HTTP client to support HTTP/2 in a new plugin requiring Java 11 Don-vip enhancement normal 5 years
#17871 Update data: do not zoom to download area team enhancement normal latest 5 years
#17881 Could not load plugin, main class not found Don-vip defect normal 5 years
#17882 Java HTTP Client is retrying POST requests on its own after 5 minutes team defect normal 5 years
#17810 [PATCH] incompletely downloaded turn restrictions sometimes break when splitting the from way team defect major tested 5 years
#17894 Moving two or more relation members results in re-arrangment team defect major latest 5 years
#17887 Relation editor: (I)OOBE when moving members or deleting the last one Don-vip defect blocker 5 years
#17904 [PATCH] NPE when moving the first member of a relation down. team defect blocker latest 5 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.