Custom Query (30 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#14921 Support Sentinel 2 data directly reopened wiktorn, Klumbumbus, simon04, naoliv, michael2402, lists@…, imagico, SimonPoole, mnalis team enhancement major
#17842 Integration with OSM wiki data items new bagage, francois.lacombe, simon04 team enhancement major
#8460 Validator checks for Public Traffic Proposal relations new skyper, simon04, darya team enhancement normal
#8612 Next version of remote control API new Don-vip, stoecker, bastiK, skyper, simon04 team enhancement normal
#8864 Include some functions from Utilsplugin2 new stoecker, Don-vip, bastiK, simon04, skyper, joshdoe, Zverikk, akks team enhancement normal
#9857 Address Preset doesn't keep the entry from before new simon04 team defect normal
#10226 Verify multiple equal values new bastiK, simon04 team enhancement normal
#12629 Summarize changes in relation editor new simon04 team enhancement normal
#14142 Rename "Toggle Dialogs" (sometimes "Windows") to "Panel" new stoecker, bastiK, Don-vip, simon04, michael2402, wiktorn team enhancement normal
#15752 Test for landuse inside landuse new simon04 team enhancement normal
#17011 Multiple warnings for same problem new Klumbumbus, simon04, qeef team enhancement normal
#17196 [RFC] [Patch] Undo/Redo may change data in inactive layer reopened simon04 GerdP defect normal
#17662 Wrong warnings for route=ferry relation new Polyglot, simon04 Biswesh defect normal
#18579 Warn when adding a url with /commons.wikimedia/ to image= new simon04 team enhancement normal
#18748 WikiStart Start Page - How much details for download options? new Hb---, Skyper, DiGro, Klumbumbus, simon04 team defect normal
#18855 Clicking twice required to delete attribute when using alt to select multipolygon new simon04, Don-vip team defect normal
#18892 Features missing in OpeningHoursParser compared to JS library new simon04, SimonPoole team enhancement normal
#18911 Clicking on layer's opacity slider "toggles" instead of sliding new simon04 team defect normal
#19466 Change role dialog: Combo instead of text input and better title new Simon04 team enhancement normal
#20008 Unsharp preset icons new simon04, Don-vip team defect normal
#20130 [Patch] Use mapcss rules instead of CrossingWays java code to find overlapping areas assigned Klumbumbus, simon04 GerdP enhancement normal
#20159 Split way: Change "Which way segment should reuse the history" to modal? new simon04, Skyper team defect normal
#20272 Confusing handling of native scale layer and "zoom to download" new wiktorn, simon04 team defect normal
#20416 Download (incomplete) members: Cancel does not work and timeouts while download relation with members works new Don-vip, simon04 team defect normal
#20770 Merge two context menus in History browser (coordinates) new simon04, skyper team enhancement normal
#20861 Tagging preset: "value_template" always overwrites value without strong indication and without option to disable. new simon04 team defect normal
#21261 Command line option --status-report does not exit new simon04 team defect normal
#21576 Please add support for the species:wikidata=* key, as it is implemented in the iD new simon04 floscher enhancement normal
#22637 Allow positive matching for match_expression attribute in preset item new simon04 team enhancement normal
#23931 JOSM-Plugins git mirror new simon04, Don-vip, taylor.smock, Stereo team defect normal
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