17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
allow multi-revision based plugin revision
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed unicode
17 years |
stoecker |
build fixes
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed build
17 years |
stoecker |
updated to josm changes
17 years |
stoecker |
now uses new mirrored stream of main josm
17 years |
petrdlouhy |
Added ewmsplugin
17 years |
petrdlouhy |
Added automatic tiles downloading and Yahoo support.
17 years |
ramack |
- import from http://svn.raphaelmack.de/svn/measurement-plugin/trunk/
17 years |
ramack |
- import from http://svn.raphaelmack.de/svn/globalsat-plugin/trunk
- …
17 years |
ulf |
17 years |
stotz |
Bugfix: Timing problem with instance variable as reported in #1438
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
some updates
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed some texts
17 years |
stoecker |
better version info, using plain perl now
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
some more texts
17 years |
stotz |
Bugfix: Zoom level was wrong when displaying an external specified …
17 years |
khris78 |
Agpifoj plugin : changed the buttons size in AgpifojDialog
17 years |
stoecker |
corrected version
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
removed email
17 years |
stoecker |
added some AgPifoJ translations
17 years |
stoecker |
added agpifoj plugin
17 years |
frederik |
new build of slippymap plugin with correct request url
17 years |
frederik |
fix update request URL for slippy map plugin
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
I18N, remove deprecated interface
17 years |
stoecker |
updated to new tagging stuff
17 years |
stoecker |
added some more checks
17 years |
stoecker |
added new area
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed Notfallrettungspunkt
17 years |
stoecker |
minor typos
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed typo
17 years |
stoecker |
removed debatable checks
17 years |
stoecker |
minor cleanup
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed build of two more modules
17 years |
stoecker |
updated code to current JOSM state
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
need to change something to rebuilt, so I fixed indentation :-)
17 years |
stotz |
Bugfix: Used methods were dependent on Java6
17 years |
stoecker |
some cleanups
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed loading additional files
17 years |
stoecker |
added revsion control
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed startup initialization error
17 years |
stoecker |
use tagged of OsmPrimitive
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
added some stuff
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
close locale bug
17 years |
stoecker |
some typos
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
added two server messages
17 years |
stoecker |
finished TagChecker
17 years |
stotz |
Demo classes excluded for default jar
17 years |
stotz |
Updated because of changes in JMapViewer
17 years |
stotz |
small bug fixed
17 years |
stotz |
Dispatcher now created and disposes Thread dynamically; …
17 years |
stotz |
Switching between Mapnik and Osmarenderer works
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Outer map border added
17 years |
stotz |
new: switching between different map types is now possible
17 years |
stoecker |
finished TagChecker implementation. Parser working. Matching still …
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stotz |
new method: zoomChanged()
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
cleanup a lot, ignore errors is now numeric
17 years |
tim |
New SlippyMapChooser Version
17 years |
tim |
Quick and dirty implementation to switch between Mapnik and …
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Usage of TileLoader completely changed
17 years |
stotz |
Small changes to the way tiles are loaded
17 years |
stoecker |
added bounds patch by Matteo
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
Continued TagChecker development. Some other cleanups and fixed. …
17 years |
stotz |
mouseDragged() mouse button detection from original slippy map chooser
17 years |
stotz |
Missing check for right mouse button on movement added
17 years |
tim |
Map moving triggered also region selection on OSX
17 years |
stotz |
Bugfix: map moving triggered also region selection
17 years |
tim |
Issues with MouseMotionListener, OSMMapControl needs to …
17 years |
stoecker |
continued TagChecker validator plugin
17 years |
stotz |
Added "srv_jmv" as source folder in eclipse project
17 years |
stotz |
Added "srv_jmv" as source folder in eclipse project
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Slippy-Map-Chooser now uses an extended version of JMapViewer instead …
17 years |
stotz |
Added "link" to JMapViewer
17 years |
stotz |