12 years |
stoecker |
see #josm8853 remove tabs, trailing spaces, windows line ends, strange …
12 years |
akks |
[JMapViewer]: fix rare NPE while cleaning cache, extracted …
12 years |
the111 |
Cleaned up some older JMapViewer releases.
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8640 and #josm8747 - JMapViewer versioned releases and …
12 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] fix #josm8570 - streams not closed
12 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] easy subclassing of MapRectangleImpl
12 years |
donvip |
fix #josm8620 - Breaking changes in jmapviewer
12 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] fix some stuff causing compilation problems in JOSM
12 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] remove debug code
12 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] switch back to Java 6 + javadoc
12 years |
galo |
Includes a tree of layers to the map
12 years |
stoecker |
javadoc fix
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8534 - AttributionSupport does not clear out old link bounds …
12 years |
akks |
JMapViewer: small methods to allow extensions
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8421 - Bing maps does not load zoom level 0 tiles
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8420 - change cursor when user mouses over attribution links
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8351 - missing tileController getter method
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8343 - remove "focus" from zoom slider
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8342 - some image references are package dependent
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8333 - release zip needs to be updated
12 years |
the111 |
Second fix for #josm8321 - JMapViewer does not use parameter …
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8329 - Add alternate zoom slider button style. …
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8328 - Add scroll wrap option. Default/current map options …
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8327 - Disappearing map
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8322 - moveMap does not cancel outstanding jobs
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8321 - JMapViewer constructor does not use parameter …
12 years |
the111 |
Fix #josm8320 - Project specifies 1.5 compiler compliance but requires 1.6
13 years |
donvip |
jmapviewer - remove dependency on JOSM. JMapViewer remains an …
13 years |
jttt |
better message when bing attribution is not loaded yet
13 years |
stoecker |
improve task handling for jmapviewer in JOSM context
13 years |
stoecker |
test fixing Javadoc
13 years |
simon04 |
fix #josm7734 - documentation (patch by Locked)
13 years |
daeron |
Fix tile download when the cached image has been removed.
If a cached …
13 years |
donvip |
Add MapQuest-OSM and MapQuest Open Aerial Tile Sources
13 years |
donvip |
Remove Tiles@Home support (see #josm7472)
13 years |
stotz |
javac statement updated (source, includeantruntime)
13 years |
donvip |
Allow to control tile cache clearing (needed for JOSM)
13 years |
simon04 |
jmapviewer, Bing: fix "Error: null" (NPE)
13 years |
simon04 |
jmapviewer: remove JOSM specific stuff
13 years |
simon04 |
jmapviewer: fix encoding bug (under Windows) introduced in r27483.
13 years |
simon04 |
fix #7284 (JOSM) - Download dialog always loads bing attributions
13 years |
stoecker |
add missing space
13 years |
stoecker |
fix Yahoo and add new negative y style pattern
13 years |
donvip |
fix #josm7014 - Apparent error computing tms tile URLs
13 years |
stoecker |
fixed templates for TMS
13 years |
stoecker |
improve header settings
13 years |
donvip |
Revert capturing group pattern to correct value
13 years |
donvip |
see #josm6982 - Let JOSM know supported TMS pattern values
13 years |
donvip |
see #josm6109 and #josm6288 - Allow to flush Disk Tile cache
13 years |
bastik |
fix typo in class name
13 years |
bastik |
rework in order to get attribution for wms layers
13 years |
stoecker |
give text translation a chance
13 years |
bastik |
more options to configure imagery attribution (logo-url & …
13 years |
bastik |
unified redundant attribution code from …
13 years |
bastik |
applied josm 6869 - scale and event listeners for JMapViewer (patch by …
13 years |
bastik |
fixed josm 6858 - Unnecessary JMapViewer Dependencies (patch by Don-vip)
14 years |
bastik |
applied josm 6834 - Imagery providers slippy map enhancements (patch …
14 years |
bastik |
applied josm 6825 - Display imagery providers bbox in a slippy map …
14 years |
stoecker |
fix typo
14 years |
stoecker |
support reload in case of errors
14 years |
stoecker |
allow proper attribution handling also in slippy map chooser of JOSM
14 years |
stoecker |
readd attribution for OSM data
14 years |
stoecker |
fix #josm6533 - defective download URL
14 years |
stoecker |
add switch statement to TMS tile urls
14 years |
stoecker |
improve TMS zoom handling
14 years |
stoecker |
fix zoom for Mapnik
14 years |
tomhughes |
Make sure all variables which are initialised by the one time call
to …
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Switching to use XPath for parsing the metadata and add a retry to the …
14 years |
upliner |
fix #j6139.
With new TMSLayer implementation there's no much harm to …
14 years |
upliner |
add support for OsGeo tiling scheme in TemplatedTMSTileSource
14 years |
glebius |
- Use Newton's method to solve reverse equation lat=f(y) in the …
14 years |
stoecker |
remove double slashes in URL
14 years |
bastik |
fix josm bug #6075 - the attribution is not generic and has to come …
14 years |
upliner |
use absolute path for Bing attribution image
14 years |
stotz |
Gpl added; release zip created
14 years |
stotz |
TileSource implementation moved to own package;
code clean-up and …
14 years |
glebius |
Fix breakage introduced in previous revision.
Ticket: 5965
14 years |
stotz |
System.err output commented out
14 years |
stotz |
attributation patch by Marcin Floryan (see JOSM Ticket #5911)
14 years |
upliner |
Add support for ScanEx Spot support (patch by glebius)
14 years |
upliner |
add support for Scanex IRS tilesource (patch by glebius)
14 years |
stotz |
timeout removed because of JOSM dependency
14 years |
stotz |
Problematic @Override removed
14 years |
bastik |
set timeout
14 years |
upliner |
jmapviewer: add function to get default cache directory and throw …
14 years |
upliner |
bugfix: call tileLoadingFinished() after loading dummy tiles
14 years |
upliner |
jmapviewer: implement detection of Bing zoomlevel and don't store …
14 years |
upliner |
jmapviewer: replace .etag files with .tags ones to store tile metadata
14 years |
upliner |
jmapviewer: initial support for bing tile metadata
14 years |
upliner |
jmapviewer: replace Windows special characters in cache directory name
14 years |
upliner |
jmapviewer: don't show Bing tiles until the attribution data is loaded
14 years |
upliner |
prepare to include imagery into JOSM and Bing into jmapviewer
14 years |
upliner |
jmapviewer: show imagery attribution
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Adding support for attribution and terms of use URLs.
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Checkpoint for Bing attribution requirements.
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed changed URL (josm bug 5344)
15 years |
yellowbkpk |
The TileSource can specify the tile size. Used to allow custom tile …
15 years |
bastik |
minor extension (patch by svenmeier)
15 years |
stotz |
JavaDoc added for getPosition() methods
15 years |
stotz |
Implemented hashCode() based on equals(..)