17 years |
joerg |
josm: move plugins/dist directory one level up
17 years |
joerg |
josm: move plugins/dist directory one level up
17 years |
joerg |
josm: move plugins/dist directory one level up
17 years |
joerg |
josm: move dist directory one level up
17 years |
joerg |
josm: move dist directory one level up
17 years |
ulf |
remove mappaint plugin from install …
17 years |
frederik |
remove mappaint, now built into JOSM core
17 years |
frederik |
remove mappaint plugin
17 years |
gabriel |
Revert r6066 (remove mappaint/build.xml), and remove instead the …
17 years |
frederik |
removed mappaint build.xml
17 years |
gabriel |
osmarender plugin: Check for incomplete nodes.
17 years |
gabriel |
Add note that the mappaint plugin is now included in JOSM.
17 years |
ulf |
fix a misleading translation
17 years |
ulf |
add multi language support to the installer
17 years |
ulf |
latest plugin version from http://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/plugins/
17 years |
ulf |
add taxi icon
17 years |
ulf |
add some more icons and some realwidth values
17 years |
ulf |
add plugin version 1.0
17 years |
ulf |
add plugin version 1.0
17 years |
ulf |
add a version number
17 years |
ulf |
add a version number to the plugin
17 years |
ulf |
add a version number to the plugin
17 years |
ulf |
add a version number to the plugin
17 years |
ulf |
new mappaint version
17 years |
ulf |
enable useRealWidth as default
17 years |
ulf |
railway=subway is too dark, make it a little bit brighter
17 years |
joerg |
josm/debian: also allow jdk5
17 years |
ulf |
update to latest changes:
- add some existing icons to the …
17 years |
brent |
Add start search direction preference
17 years |
tabacha |
German JOSM i18n changes
17 years |
ulf |
fix some dots
17 years |
ulf |
fixed some typos, changed some strings to better fit german language, …
17 years |
tabacha |
German JOSM Languagepack: Testversion vom 04.12.2007
17 years |
tabacha |
New German Josm Plungin (not realy full translated but a start)
17 years |
ulf |
updates to latest changes in map features, add a "swimming" icon, …
17 years |
ulf |
the new style seems to be widely accepted, remove old "flat icon" style
17 years |
ulf |
switch back to former Epsg4326 projection default after some …
17 years |
ulf |
change the default projection to Mercator
17 years |
ulf |
add a branding image
17 years |
ulf |
set preferences according to current JOSM default changes
17 years |
hakan |
Add Eclipse project files
17 years |
joerg |
elemstyles.xml: remove deprecated Features
17 years |
hakan |
Really fixed the install target
17 years |
hakan |
Fixed output path
17 years |
hakan |
Ignore the build directory
17 years |
hakan |
Fixed install target
17 years |
hakan |
slippymap jar of SVN 5691
17 years |
hakan |
Drop-down preferences dialog for tile sources
17 years |
hakan |
pref.put() automatically saves, no need to do that again
17 years |
hakan |
Ask a Preferences holder for tile URLs
17 years |
hakan |
Constant interface
17 years |
hakan |
Refactoring into clean package structure
17 years |
hakan |
Listen to our own preferences
17 years |
hakan |
Extract clearTileStorage() for later use
17 years |
hakan |
Ignore the serialVersionUID warning
17 years |
hakan |
Reformatted a little bit
17 years |
hakan |
Refactoring into clean package structure
17 years |
hakan |
Refactoring into clean package structure
17 years |
joerg |
elemstyles.xml: Add railway=subway
17 years |
christofd |
reorganized imports
17 years |
hakan |
Fetch map tiles from the official server
17 years |
hakan |
Fix project name for eclipse
17 years |
joerg |
elemstyles.xml: Add supermarket
17 years |
gabriel |
validator plugin: check for incomplete/deleted objects, take 2
17 years |
gabriel |
validator plugin: check for incomplete objects.
17 years |
joerg |
josm.sh: remove old EOF error in shell script
17 years |
joerg |
josm/debian:Add menue to dependencies
17 years |
ulf |
be a bit more precise what to do, if firefox couldn't be found
17 years |
ulf |
move "join node to way" function from UtilsPlugin to core
also remove …
17 years |
ulf |
rename mergenodeway to joinnodeway, to reflect it's menu name
17 years |
ulf |
- change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on …
17 years |
ulf |
disable duplicateway plugin, still uses API 0.4 things (Segments)
17 years |
ulf |
add a comment, that the code is not updated to API 0.5 (still uses …
17 years |
ulf |
add keyboard shortcuts
17 years |
ulf |
some minor menu changes
17 years |
ulf |
copy the former icon into 24*24 pixels "canvas", so it will be aligned …
17 years |
ulf |
add icons and keyboard shortcuts to the menu items
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
ulf |
add icons to the menu entries
17 years |
ulf |
add tooltips for the menu items
17 years |
ulf |
resize icon to 16*16 pixel, so it fits better into the layer dialog
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
ulf |
move the LiveGPS menu more to the right and fix accelerator keys
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
ulf |
fix the "Open Visible" menu item
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
ulf |
move the two remaining UtilsPlugin functions from the toolbar to the …
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
ulf |
- move the WMS menu top level item more to the right (well, it's a …
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
ulf |
remove some more preferences tweaking, that are already defaults in JOSM
17 years |
ulf |
as of JOSM 459 (fixed as trac bug 426), the download dialog will now …
17 years |
ulf |
update to API 0.5
17 years |
frederik |
re-build 0.2.1
17 years |
ulf |
archeological.png -> archaeological.png
17 years |
frederik |
17 years |
frederik |
build fix for wms plugin
17 years |
frederik |
17 years |
frederik |
added very simple capability of loading and saving wms layers to …
17 years |
ulf |
archeological -> archaeological