18 years |
ulf |
don't throw a NullPointerException, if an icon png wasn't found - put …
18 years |
ulf |
rename standard to standard.old to keep it visible for reference, but …
18 years |
ulf |
rename standard to standard.old to keep it visible for reference, but …
18 years |
ulf |
remove dir mirrored by "svn:externals icons ...", as it's now mirrored …
18 years |
joerg |
remove old icons propset
18 years |
joerg |
set propset for map-icons to be seen inside mappaint
18 years |
joerg |
first version of debian package for josm
18 years |
frederik |
new version with nicer table for results; fixed bug that would close …
18 years |
christofd |
added gpl v2 license
18 years |
christofd |
added copyright comment
18 years |
christofd |
added copyright comment
18 years |
christofd |
added source/target 1.5 to javac task
18 years |
brent |
DuplicateWay v1.0
18 years |
brent |
DuplicateWay v1.0
18 years |
brent |
Create duplicateway structure
18 years |
brent |
More Lakewalker preferences
18 years |
brent |
Tidied up
18 years |
frsantos |
Include water and coastline in crossing roads test
Fix calculation of …
18 years |
frsantos |
Preferences prefix moved from "tests" to "validator".
18 years |
brent |
v0.3 with latest python module
18 years |
brent |
18 years |
frsantos |
Fix retrieval of tests
18 years |
david |
18 years |
frsantos |
Allow "by user" and "before upload" validations be enabled separately …
18 years |
frsantos |
Fixing deprecated Layer listeners code
18 years |
frederik |
added PD license
18 years |
imi |
fixed bug in slippymap that referenced the wrong LayerChangeListener
18 years |
brent |
Version 0.2 Lakewalker - support for multi data layers
18 years |
brent |
Version 0.1 - Very rough basic working version
18 years |
frsantos |
Fixed URI in Windows
18 years |
frsantos |
Fixed URI in Windows
18 years |
frsantos |
Check for empty (without segments) ways
18 years |
frsantos |
Initial coastline checks
18 years |
frsantos |
No longer used
18 years |
frsantos |
New image for the layer dialog
18 years |
frsantos |
Initial coastline checks
18 years |
frsantos |
Removed unused javadoc
18 years |
frsantos |
Store version and build date in jar Manifest instead of REVISION file
18 years |
frsantos |
Support for multiple layers
18 years |
frsantos |
Removed unneeded casting
18 years |
frsantos |
Use URI instead of URL, since URI handles encoding/decodingg of …
18 years |
frsantos |
Added some space below version and date
18 years |
frsantos |
Store version and build date in jar Manifest instead of REVISION file
18 years |
frsantos |
Use URI instead of URL, since URI handles encoding/decodingg of …
18 years |
imi |
fixed build.xml and several svn:ignore's for JOSM plugins
18 years |
brent |
Create Structure
18 years |
joerg |
only insert the classic.small icons here
18 years |
christofd |
new action that emits a beep
18 years |
christofd |
use debug variable
18 years |
christofd |
reorganize imports
18 years |
christofd |
use debug mode for offline test
18 years |
christofd |
moved resources into separate directory
made play sound in background …
18 years |
christofd |
fixed nullpointerexception when deleting the last mapFrame
18 years |
christofd |
check for null segments or ways
18 years |
christofd |
reset stroke to former value after painting
18 years |
christofd |
use multigraph to allow multiple ways for a segment.
added weights for …
18 years |
christofd |
new version
18 years |
christofd |
new micro version
18 years |
christofd |
read color from preferences
18 years |
christofd |
add way and length
18 years |
christofd |
description of route
18 years |
christofd |
add way to edge for description
18 years |
christofd |
add navigator to toggle group
18 years |
christofd |
add description to route
18 years |
christofd |
reset model
18 years |
christofd |
add calculated route to layer
18 years |
ulf |
annotation.sources -> taggingpreset.sources
18 years |
ulf |
update validator URL
18 years |
ulf |
rename build target in tways from jar to build
18 years |
ulf |
replace the two remaining install targets
18 years |
ulf |
add a clean target for the tagging-preset-tester plugin
18 years |
ulf |
surveyor: fix path to livegps.jar
18 years |
ulf |
add a build.xml for the nearclick plugin
18 years |
ulf |
add remaining plugins to the global build
18 years |
ulf |
add pastic_laf and pluginmanager to global build
18 years |
ulf |
add osmarender to global build
18 years |
ulf |
add colorscheme, lang and grid, lang and grid doesn't compile :-(
18 years |
ulf |
add livegps to global build
18 years |
ulf |
create jar file into dist dir (as other plugins also do), otherwise …
18 years |
ulf |
add namefinder to global build
18 years |
ulf |
add mappaint plugin
18 years |
ulf |
change settings, so josm from svn can be used
update description to …
18 years |
ulf |
start a "global" ant script
18 years |
ulf |
change "josm.build.dir", so navigator.jar can be build directly in SVN
18 years |
ulf |
don't use class= tags, add Bushaltestelle
18 years |
ulf |
simply use "latest" as the version number, instead of the fictional …
18 years |
ulf |
remove remains of the validator plugin while uninstalling
18 years |
ulf |
update to latest changes
18 years |
ulf |
Use wget -N instead of -nc. Let wget download files when they are …
18 years |
ulf |
add tways plugin
18 years |
ulf |
update files according to the recent dir move
18 years |
ulf |
move nsis files to the josm folder, as this will be JOSM only for …
18 years |
ulf |
start a style set based on applications/share/map-icons instead of the …
18 years |
ulf |
landuse/cemetery should be an area, not a line
18 years |
christofd |
handle null newFrame in mapFrameInitialized
18 years |
christofd |
new description, new version
18 years |
christofd |
adopted to new interface in josm
18 years |
christofd |
added some icons (need improvement!)
18 years |
christofd |
pack images into jar
18 years |
christofd |
added some icons (need improvement!)