10 years |
nokutu |
Update version number
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed bug in the history dialog when moving first an image, and then a …
10 years |
nokutu |
Updated version number
10 years |
nokutu |
New test form MapillaryRecord class. Tests every type of command.
10 years |
nokutu |
When uploading, 8 threads are creating instead of only 1. This should …
10 years |
nokutu |
Fix #11772.
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed bug with upload. ThreadPoolExecutor was rejecting more than 5 …
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed concurrency bug when deleting the layer during a download. It …
10 years |
niplecrumple |
Publishing RasterFilters plugin ver 1.0.1
10 years |
wiktorn |
Pass custom headers to OsmTileLoader
10 years |
donvip |
[josm_mapillary] fix i18n message + restore Eclipse project. PLEASE DO …
10 years |
donvip |
[josm_utilsplugin2] fix #josm11760 - NPE
10 years |
nkaragiannakis |
support textual analysis for most used languages
10 years |
nokutu |
Created several new tests and improved comments.
10 years |
nokutu |
Moved bounds ArrayList from MapillaryLayer to MapillaryData.
10 years |
nokutu |
Fix test
10 years |
nokutu |
Added logout button and improved javadoc
10 years |
nokutu |
Created several utils classes
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed test errors
10 years |
nokutu |
* Right click on "View in website" label allows the user to copy the …
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed test.
10 years |
nokutu |
Fix #11748
10 years |
nokutu |
Forced method access instead of parameter to get MapillaryData from …
10 years |
nokutu |
Remove getInstance method in MapillaryData class.
10 years |
nokutu |
Improved status bar behaviour.
10 years |
nokutu |
Added needed libraries
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed JavaDoc errors.
10 years |
nokutu |
Updted build.gradle, .gitignore and uploads are now processed in a …
10 years |
nokutu |
Several changes:
* Fixed #17730 and #11742
* Created upload system. …
10 years |
donvip |
[josm_cadastre_fr] fix #josm11744 - old path to PNG image replaced to …
10 years |
nkaragiannakis |
allow custom SVM models
10 years |
nkaragiannakis |
add log4j
10 years |
floscher |
Remove scribe-dependency and add new AWS-dependency instead
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed problem with ImageProvider and tests
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed ImageProvider errors when in Windows because of the routes separator.
10 years |
nokutu |
Remove unused library: Scribe
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed EDT when the "Area is too big" dialog appears.
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed tests errors
10 years |
nokutu |
Fix build.gradle
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed test error
10 years |
nokutu |
Improved tests and code quality. Login is already working. Tests now …
10 years |
nokutu |
Created a few more tests. In order to run them, a JOSM window is opened.
10 years |
nokutu |
Added the possibility to do a reverse walk.
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed several findbugs problems
10 years |
holgermappt |
Do not try to calculate direction if image has no position. See …
10 years |
floscher |
Fix some FindBugs warnings and one JavaDoc error
10 years |
floscher |
Add test for MapillaryAbstractImage.getDate()
10 years |
floscher |
Don't throw an exception in MapillaryImportedImage.getImage() when …
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed several concurrency bugs and improved Mapillary data download …
10 years |
floscher |
Publish plugin via GitHub releases when a tag is pushed
10 years |
floscher |
Let Travis publish FindBugs report and cache Gradle dependencies
10 years |
floscher |
Automatically deploy build results of master-branch to GitHub pages
10 years |
nokutu |
Undo build.gradle edit.
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed #11716. Concurrency bug related with semiautomatic mode when …
10 years |
nkaragiannakis |
bugFix for files extraction
10 years |
nokutu |
Formatted code and extracted a few methods from MapillaryLayer to …
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed bug when downloading multiple times, several instances of the …
10 years |
nokutu |
Creted semiautomatic download mode. The plugins behaves like …
10 years |
nokutu |
Added buttons when in walk mode, so it can be paused, resumed and …
10 years |
nokutu |
Improved filters, you can set since when images are valid.
10 years |
nokutu |
Walk mode created. Set an interval and it will automatically switch to …
10 years |
floscher |
[mapillary] Bump Gradle to latest version 2.5
10 years |
floscher |
[mapillary] Add documentation on the contribution workflow and on how …
10 years |
floscher |
[mapillary] Added Gradle as an alternative build-system
10 years |
floscher |
[mapillary] Remove Eclipse specific files from VCS
10 years |
nokutu |
Rebased master
10 years |
nokutu |
Login system implemented
10 years |
nokutu |
More comments and made many methods and properties private.
10 years |
nokutu |
Started login system, code is already gathered, only the last POST to …
10 years |
nokutu |
More comments
10 years |
nokutu |
Code commented
10 years |
nokutu |
In select mode, when an image is highlighted, just the thumbnail is …
10 years |
floscher |
[mapillary] Fix last commit
10 years |
floscher |
Add Java-representation of a traffico-sign
* …
10 years |
floscher |
Add traffico-resources
These resources have been generated from …
10 years |
floscher |
Move all API-URLs into the classes resposible for downloading from the …
10 years |
nokutu |
Improved export GUI and when exporting an imported image, the EXIF …
10 years |
nokutu |
When importing images, zoom to fit all the images
10 years |
nokutu |
Now you can import a whole directory
10 years |
nokutu |
Imported images show their names and capture time in the dialog titlebar
10 years |
nokutu |
Now the imports remember the last visited directory
10 years |
nokutu |
Fixed double click and shift click for sequences of imported images.
10 years |
nokutu |
Test downloading of sequences in a given bbox
The new testcase starts …
10 years |
nokutu |
Prevent overloading mapillary-server by fetching 10 sequences at a …
10 years |
stoecker |
fix external
10 years |
belecker |
Change code for new Server response.
10 years |
belecker |
Change default settings for new NRW server.
10 years |
donvip |
[josm_opendata] see #josm11624 - better GML support
10 years |
stoecker |
fix i18n
10 years |
stoecker |
fix build error
10 years |
floscher |
Delete .settings-folder from VCS to allow different settings for …
10 years |
floscher |
Improved method MapillaryImportAction.degMinSecToDouble()
10 years |
nokutu |
Finished join/unjoin mode. You can change the mode with a button in …
10 years |
nokutu |
Join mode created, press the button on the data menu to enable it. …
10 years |
nokutu |
Started working on map modes for MapillaryLayer. Atm I'm working with …
10 years |
nokutu |
New action: Import pictures into a sequence. It imports a set of …
10 years |
wiktorn |
Added implementation of new metods of Projection interface in JOSM
10 years |
floscher |
Some code formatting and code style improvements
The changes are …
10 years |
floscher |
Improved Eclipse settings for compiler warnings and code formatting
10 years |
nokutu |
Now the timezone to show the image cration time is taken from the …