13 years |
zverik |
Initial commit of surveyor2 plugin
13 years |
akks |
'InfoMode : renaming buttons'
13 years |
akks |
Utilsplugin2: forgot to do svn add; InfoPanel,InfoMode: minor changes
13 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
13 years |
akks |
'Utilsplugin2: OpenCustomURL moved to Shift-H (for some keyboard layouts)'
13 years |
akks |
'Utilsplugin2: OpenCustomURL refactoring'
13 years |
akks |
'Utilsplugin2: shortcut confilct removed, fix NPE in OpenCustomURL …
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
akks |
Utilsplugin2: shortcut problem
13 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - now all actions are shown in history and user can …
13 years |
jttt |
Fix #7208 Plugin does not compile
13 years |
frederik |
update license change plugin to support odbl=clean; modify display of …
13 years |
tilusnet |
Ensure that the Windows->AlignWays Mode menu entry cannot be selected …
13 years |
tilusnet |
Delete old src tree.
13 years |
jttt |
update to latest josm
13 years |
jttt |
Update to last josm
13 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
tilusnet |
Preventing the use of Windows->AlignWays Mode menu entry in the JOSM …
13 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
13 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
13 years |
jttt |
smed_fw and toms directories were removed - remove also from build script
13 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
13 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
13 years |
malcolmh |
tidy smed
13 years |
malcolmh |
remove toms
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
stoecker |
fix compile issue
13 years |
stoecker |
fix #josm7180 - build issues
13 years |
stoecker |
catch SAX exception
13 years |
stoecker |
fix error in image
13 years |
stoecker |
use createLayout() for toggle dialog
13 years |
stoecker |
fix deprecation, remove tabs
13 years |
stoecker |
fix deprecation issue
13 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
13 years |
stoecker |
some more icon updates
13 years |
stoecker |
fix typo
13 years |
stoecker |
fix some plugin icons and plugin links
13 years |
tilusnet |
Old package tree set to 'svn:ignore'.
13 years |
tilusnet |
Old package tree set to 'svn:ignore'.
13 years |
tilusnet |
* Added new, angle preserving aligning mode
* Improvements and bugfixes
13 years |
tilusnet |
Source files will end up in different package.
13 years |
oliverw |
'Bugfix #7169: Added option to ignore post codes.'
13 years |
oliverw |
Added further targets after reviewing other build files.
13 years |
oliverw |
Bugfix #7169: Added option to ignore post codes.
13 years |
stoecker |
fix manifest
13 years |
oliverw |
Ignore .externalToolBuilders.
13 years |
oliverw |
Ignore .project and .classpath file.
13 years |
oliverw |
Ignore .project and .classpath file.
13 years |
oliverw |
Ignore .project file.
13 years |
oliverw |
Removed .classpath file.
13 years |
oliverw |
Added includeantruntime attribute.
13 years |
oliverw |
Bugfix #7181: FixAddresses plugin works very slow. Guessers work on …
13 years |
oliverw |
Removed duplicate comment.
13 years |
oliverw |
Moved all action instance to class AddressActions.
13 years |
oliverw |
Removed obsolete Visitor impl.
13 years |
akks |
'Utilsplugin2: open url patches'
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
kpastor |
Map information (attribution) can be multi-line
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
kpastor |
Text background rendering improved for better readability.
13 years |
donvip |
JOSM tag2link plugin: history
13 years |
donvip |
JOSM tag2link plugin : add contact namespace for website
13 years |
stoecker |
fix typo
13 years |
donvip |
JOSM Imagery-XML-Bounds plugin: update classpath
13 years |
donvip |
JOSM PBF plugin: update classpath
13 years |
donvip |
JOSM PBF plugin: update to JOSM 4687
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - fix of #7171'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'added layerIsSupported to main mapmode'
13 years |
larry0ua |
PicLayer - fix of #7171
13 years |
stoecker |
remove ar, he and is languages
13 years |
stoecker |
update to new JOSM feature, see #josm6953
13 years |
oliverw |
Bugfix: Removed en_GB from IMPERIAL_SYSTEM_COUNTRIES (suggested by …
13 years |
kpastor |
Removed temporary debugging code.
13 years |
kpastor |
Added a field to specify the map scale.
13 years |
akks |
'fixed NPE at startup'
13 years |
kpastor |
README and build.xml updated for latest release
13 years |
kpastor |
Added support for layer opacity.
13 years |
kpastor |
Implemented a print dialog with preview.
13 years |
upliner |
add missing files to SVN
13 years |
stoecker |
update to core changes
13 years |
stoecker |
update to support core changes
13 years |
stoecker |
update i18n for josm plugins
13 years |
larry0ua |
PicLayer - rotate->rotation in KML
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - changed marker icon to make it more visible; #5451; #7124 …
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - changed marker icon to make it more visible'
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
frederik |
switch required main version backwards for new license change plugin
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
frederik |
the license change plugin now uses a different interface on …
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
malcolmh |
13 years |
larry0ua |
removing GpxPoints plugin as unneeded - that function is already in …