14 years |
stoecker |
cleanup builds
14 years |
stoecker |
remove obsolete file
14 years |
upliner |
add TMS layers to the slippymap chooser like it was in the original …
14 years |
malcolmh |
misc buttons
14 years |
upliner |
Implement imagery sharpening(idea by Stephan Knauss)
14 years |
malcolmh |
spec panel
14 years |
malcolmh |
more port panels
14 years |
malcolmh |
port panel
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
upliner |
implement offset bookmarks: ability to remember layer offset
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
upliner |
add missing breaks in switch statements
14 years |
postfix |
LayerHarbour implemented, but untl now without any function
14 years |
upliner |
unify remote control feature for WMS and TMS
14 years |
upliner |
catch NumberFormatException, fix zoomlevel restriction
14 years |
postfix |
first steps to use the layers of josm
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
upliner |
Make per-layer maxzoom to override global settings(includes some …
14 years |
upliner |
fix checkMaxZoomLvl() to make possible to control maxzoom of Bing …
14 years |
upliner |
fix GBC in imagery settings
14 years |
upliner |
implement fade for WMS layers
14 years |
malcolmh |
image languages
14 years |
malcolmh |
image languages
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Adding per-layer max zoom for TMS layers.
14 years |
stephankn |
fix NPE caused by reference to wrong name
14 years |
upliner |
add TMS zoomlevel detection
14 years |
postfix |
14 years |
upliner |
nice shadowy attribution text
14 years |
upliner |
convert to unix linefeeds, set default maxzoom to 18 to match …
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
upliner |
fix issues with TMS layer shift and attribution displaying
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
malcolmh |
14 years |
upliner |
add TMS settings
14 years |
malcolmh |
tab images
14 years |
malcolmh |
tab images
14 years |
malcolmh |
rm smed_ex
14 years |
beata.jancso |
14 years |
beata.jancso |
modified dist task
14 years |
beata.jancso |
new JOSM plugin: MapDust Bug Reporter
14 years |
malcolmh |
OseaM restart
14 years |
upliner |
imagery: remove obsolete code
14 years |
upliner |
first step to split layers list and WMS/TMS settings; update layer info url
14 years |
upliner |
imagery: again NPE fix
14 years |
upliner |
Fix NPE when right-clicking in adjust mode
14 years |
upliner |
imagery:update icons
14 years |
upliner |
add imagery plugin: the union of the wmsplugin and the slippymap plugin
14 years |
malcolmh |
delete lights
14 years |
bastik |
'change ToU to the osm specific one (like it is done in Potlatch 2)'
14 years |
bastik |
'publish the bing imagery support (was added by yellowbkpk); change …
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Adding the terms of use text and link support.
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Clicking the attribution image will open a browser window to the URL.
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Adding attribution text and image to the Bing maps layer.
14 years |
postfix |
panel limits ready
14 years |
postfix |
some more functioins to harbour editor
14 years |
postfix |
sheltergram works now in windows 7 too
14 years |
postfix |
harbour: TristateCheckBox added (2)
14 years |
postfix |
'harbour: TristateChekBox added'
14 years |
postfix |
harbour PanelLimits wieder hinzu
14 years |
postfix |
ore work on harbor edtor
14 years |
stoecker |
add version
14 years |
stoecker |
remove dead parts
14 years |
stoecker |
remove wrong entry
14 years |
retsam |
added svg image files for trustosm plugin
14 years |
retsam |
josm plugin trustosm sourcecode and files
14 years |
gslater |
Disable Bing aerial for now. We need legal approval first
14 years |
postfix |
'harbour extended'
14 years |
postfix |
'harbour extended'
14 years |
frederik |
ian, you beat me to it ;) minor fix in bing support, and removed …
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Adding support for Bing Aerial Maps.
14 years |
postfix |
'harbour extended'
14 years |
oliverw |
Added comments.
14 years |
oliverw |
Added comments.
14 years |
postfix |
'new harbour'
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: Get supported file formats from ImageIO instead of using …
14 years |
ocroquette |
Reverted wrong change to build.xml and updated JAR with the latest …
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: changed default scaling factor
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: many features: loading of multiple files, autozoom on load, …
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: added rename action
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: name of the layer is now the name of the loaded file by default
14 years |
boman |
fixed bug, time-range of new TimeRects is now checked
14 years |
ocroquette |
Revert of unwanted change (my bad)
14 years |
ocroquette |
Precision of rotation and scaling is now increased when pressing the …
14 years |
upliner |
Add features requested by kryskow: make OK button in dialogs default …
14 years |
bastik |
'applied JOSM Ticket 4498 (patch by ax) - oauth support for gpx upload …
14 years |
bastik |
new UtilsPlugin2 (see …
14 years |
oliverw |
Updated plugin date.
14 years |
oliverw |
Simplified action names.
14 years |
oliverw |
Added notes.
14 years |
oliverw |
- Bugfix: PostalCodeChecker returned wrong results
- Added support for …
14 years |
oliverw |
Removed debug output, added validation support for RU, MX and LT.
14 years |
oliverw |
PostCode -> PostalCode
14 years |
oliverw |
Validate postal codes (for some countries).
14 years |
upliner |
revert my changes in .classpath. It was accidentially changed in …