3 years |
malcolmh |
add seabed areas
4 years |
malcolmh |
jchart improvements
4 years |
malcolmh |
jchart enhancements
4 years |
malcolmh |
add wreck names
4 years |
malcolmh |
pipe & cable rule change
4 years |
malcolmh |
water/riverbanks overwrite coast line
4 years |
malcolmh |
catch null pointer
4 years |
malcolmh |
fix null exception in lights
4 years |
malcolmh |
null exception fix + misc updates
5 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
5 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
5 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
5 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
5 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
5 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
5 years |
malcolmh |
more map features
5 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
5 years |
malcolmh |
use XML DOM to parse OSM files
5 years |
malcolmh |
update jchart & renderer
5 years |
malcolmh |
add new jchart utility
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
mooring buoys
6 years |
malcolmh |
mooring buoys
6 years |
malcolmh |
fix exception problem
6 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
6 years |
malcolmh |
refine light sectors
6 years |
malcolmh |
improve pipelines
6 years |
malcolmh |
7 years |
donvip |
fix UnnecessaryParentheses warnings
7 years |
donvip |
fix java warnings - CatchAndPrintStackTrace
7 years |
malcolmh |
7 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 13558/13559
7 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
7 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 13243
7 years |
malcolmh |
illuminated beacons
7 years |
malcolmh |
arrow topmark
7 years |
malcolmh |
illuminated topmarks
7 years |
malcolmh |
Orient topmarks
7 years |
malcolmh |
new topmarks & lights
7 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
7 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
7 years |
malcolmh |
Replace deprecations
8 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 11868
8 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 11858
8 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
8 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
8 years |
malcolmh |
catch rendering exception
8 years |
donvip |
fix errors with error_prone
8 years |
malcolmh |
exit bug fix
9 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
9 years |
malcolmh |
9 years |
donvip |
fix some error-prone warnings
9 years |
donvip |
9 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 10571
9 years |
donvip |
9 years |
donvip |
use diamond operator
9 years |
malcolmh |
9 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 10279
9 years |
malcolmh |
[SeaChart] Fix landmark
9 years |
malcolmh |
[SeaChart] finish notices
9 years |
malcolmh |
[SeaChart] improvements
9 years |
malcolmh |
[SeaChart] Fix floats
9 years |
malcolmh |
9 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] Publish new release
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] update
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] update
9 years |
malcolmh |
[Seachart] update
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] add jbasemap
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] bug fixes
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] bug fix
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] update
9 years |
donvip |
fix JOSM plugins build, broken by latest change of seachart plugin
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] updates
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] update
9 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart] fix errors
9 years |
malcolmh |
add josmtos57
9 years |
malcolmh |
Multipolygon processing
9 years |
malcolmh |
Multipolygon processing
9 years |
malcolmh |
handle null attributes
10 years |
malcolmh |
10 years |
malcolmh |
update jicons
10 years |
malcolmh |
update jicons
10 years |
malcolmh |
clip to map bounds
10 years |
malcolmh |
[SeaChart] update
10 years |
malcolmh |
[seachart]update & tidy directories
10 years |
malcolmh |
cope with missing nodes
10 years |
malcolmh |
add base map rendering
10 years |
malcolmh |
add base map rendering
10 years |
malcolmh |
coast/land processing
10 years |
malcolmh |
Catch invalid nodes
10 years |
malcolmh |
Catch invalid node
10 years |
malcolmh |
Rules debugs