11 years |
donvip |
[josm_piclayer] code cleanup, https link to josm website
11 years |
donvip |
revert destructive commit r30196
12 years |
akks |
[josm/PicLayer] - disable menu items by default
12 years |
akks |
[josm/PicLayer] - disable menu items by default
12 years |
akks |
[josm/plugins]: more imagery layer adding actions to Imagery/More submenu
12 years |
akks |
[josm_plugins]: use new core function for default menu position (see …
12 years |
larry0ua |
PicLayer - #8743 - fixed NPE when removing last layer
12 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] fix #josm8710 - Inconsistent MapMode focus behaviour
12 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] Do not use Main.map.mapView instead of mv parameter …
13 years |
larry0ua |
piclayer: added missing file
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - #7127 - added world file loading option'
13 years |
stoecker |
fix deprecation
13 years |
stoecker |
fix shortcuts
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - added possibility to edit transformation with 1 or 2 …
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - fix #7319'
13 years |
larry0ua |
Added missing source files to PicLayer
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - now all actions are shown in history and user can …
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - fix of #7171'
13 years |
larry0ua |
PicLayer - fix of #7171
13 years |
larry0ua |
PicLayer - rotate->rotation in KML
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - changed marker icon to make it more visible; #5451; #7124 …
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - changed marker icon to make it more visible'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - 1. now all toolbar operations are done relatively to …
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - now markers are visible only when they are needed - active …
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - removed hiding buttons from PicLayer main menu - this is …
13 years |
bastik |
default values
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - changed shortcut to prevent conflict with Imagery menu, #7084'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - added action icons, fixed #7083'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - fixing issues like #6068, #6123, #5002'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - fixing #7075.1'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - fixing #7075.2'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - selection points are enlarged to 10 px'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer - toolbar buttons are hidden when layer is not active'
13 years |
larry0ua |
'PicLayer rewritten - lots changed'
14 years |
stoecker |
i18n fixes
14 years |
bastik |
support loading of zip files directly
14 years |
bastik |
add support for world file
14 years |
bastik |
fix: Get map scale from the center of the image and not from the …
14 years |
bastik |
don't copy image to a new buffered image (not necessary); fix zoom to …
14 years |
bastik |
'applied #J5852 (patch by Petschge) - new shear option'
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: Get supported file formats from ImageIO instead of using …
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: changed default scaling factor
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: many features: loading of multiple files, autozoom on load, …
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: added rename action
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: name of the layer is now the name of the loaded file by default
14 years |
ocroquette |
Precision of rotation and scaling is now increased when pressing the …
15 years |
stoecker |
remove tabs
15 years |
jttt |
Adapt to latest josm
15 years |
stoecker |
i18n fixes
15 years |
guggis |
'Changed the constructor signature of the plugin main class'
15 years |
guggis |
'Updated to JOSM 2621; updated build.xml'
15 years |
jttt |
Updated to new MapViewPaintable.paint arguments
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed i18n error I made in last checkin
15 years |
stoecker |
updated some stuff to current JOSM
16 years |
tstelmach |
Saving / loading image calibration
16 years |
tstelmach |
Scaling in one axis, new icons
16 years |
stoecker |
adapted to JOSM 1728
16 years |
stoecker |
adapted plugins to JOSm 1722, UtilsPlugin still has a problem
16 years |
tstelmach |
PicLayer - remaining delivery