15 years |
stoecker |
close #4618 - icon updates - by Radomír Černoch
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed #4613 - icon updates
15 years |
bastiK |
fix icon
15 years |
stoecker |
images cleanup
15 years |
stoecker |
cleanup icons a bit
15 years |
bastiK |
image updates, rearranged order of toggle dialogs
image sources:
* …
15 years |
bastiK |
image update (source: openclipart.org, license: PD)
15 years |
jttt |
Improvements in conflicts gui
15 years |
mjulius |
New action: DownloadPrimitiveAction
This allows to download a specific …
15 years |
mjulius |
get rid of DownloadUrlAction again.
This was redundant.
15 years |
mjulius |
new button in LayerListDialog: Duplicate Layer
This creates a …
15 years |
mjulius |
new action: DownloadUrlAction
This opens a dialog to allow the user to …
15 years |
ce |
Experimental: Added dedicated menu entries for segregated and combined …
15 years |
stoecker |
(re-)moved unused icons
15 years |
stoecker |
first version of a tool to detect icon usage, does not yet detect all …
15 years |
mjulius |
fixes #1653 - zoom to the previously shown area
This adds menu entries …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Partial commit due to #4137. Comment to follow in another commit.
15 years |
stoecker |
moved svg's to images_nodist
15 years |
mjulius |
fixes #4226 - add reverse members command to relation editor
15 years |
stoecker |
moved file to where it belongs
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #4222: Layerlist right click menu does not handle multiselection
15 years |
stoecker |
added update modified action
15 years |
Gubaer |
More icons
15 years |
Gubaer |
Couple of icons - going to need them shortly
15 years |
bastiK |
fixed #4122 - Apply role button is missing
15 years |
Gubaer |
new: supports system defined proxies if JOSM is started with …
15 years |
bastiK |
geoimage: new button 'delelet image from disk' (shortcut: …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Completed Changeset List Dialog
See also …
15 years |
Gubaer |
new: global in-memory cache for downloaded changesets
new: toggle …
15 years |
bastiK |
some minor things:
* layerlist dialog: right click on an entry …
15 years |
Gubaer |
New icon - going to be used shortly
15 years |
Gubaer |
New icon. Going to be used shortly.
15 years |
stoecker |
include utilsplugin, fix #4086
15 years |
bastiK |
Moved the code from agpifoj plugin to JOSM core. Thanks to Christian …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3400: relation editor: improvement to highlight an element …
15 years |
stoecker |
apply #2989 - patch by pieren - improve lambert projection
15 years |
Gubaer |
updated icons for preference tabs
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3800: UI: improve mappaint styles and presets tabs in preferences
15 years |
bastiK |
Relationdialog: show roundabouts in the 'linked' column
15 years |
ce |
fixes #3843
15 years |
framm |
pngcrush images
15 years |
Gubaer |
applied #3771: patch by bastiK: add nicer symbols for relation member …
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3525: Double-clicking on a bookmark should initiate its …
15 years |
stoecker |
applied #3771 - patch by bastiK - improve link display in relation handling
15 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3762: Deleted relation still referenced when deleting former …
15 years |
Gubaer |
Improved help browser layout (now uses custom CSS shipped with JOSM) …
15 years |
stoecker |
removed some useless images
15 years |
Gubaer |
Added missing icon
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed delete cursor - #see 2163
15 years |
xeen |
new close changeset icon
15 years |
stoecker |
see #3475 - patch by Petr Dlouhý - display filtering - disabled by …
15 years |
ce |
adding historic=boundary_stone
15 years |
Gubaer |
added missing icons
16 years |
Gubaer |
missing icon - just copied from download.png, would benefit from …
16 years |
Gubaer |
applied #2163: patch by xeen: for delete-command mouse-icons
16 years |
ce |
#3338 - added place=islet
16 years |
Gubaer |
new: tag conflict resolution when pasting tags (only if necessary) …
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
stoecker |
optimized PNG images (this time without distorting effects I hope)
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed #3213: Adding objects to a relation breaks selecting multiple objects
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed NPE, added missing icon
16 years |
Gubaer |
update: rewrite of layer dialog
new: allows multiple selection of …
16 years |
Gubaer |
new: DownloadReferrersAction - downloads the set of primitives …
16 years |
stoecker |
applied relation sort - fix #27789 - patch by cjw
16 years |
stoecker |
removed old style world chooser - interactive map is much better
16 years |
Gubaer |
fixed: bug in OsmApi.getOsmApi()
cleanup: exception handling in …
16 years |
stoecker |
fix #2024 - patch by Daeron - added Mirror action
16 years |
Gubaer |
icons to be used in the upcoming improved dialog for conflict resolution
16 years |
ce |
first (ugly) relation icon to make the button in the toolbar show …
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
ce |
16 years |
stoecker |
close #999. patch by xeen
16 years |
stoecker |
close #1902. Patch by xeen
16 years |
stoecker |
added slippy_map_chooser
16 years |
stoecker |
fix #2145. Patch by Teemu Koskinen
16 years |
framm |
remove unnecessary file
16 years |
framm |
layout change for relation editor
16 years |
stoecker |
added missing images
16 years |
ulfl |
move citylimit.png where it belongs
16 years |
stoecker |
applied #2046. patch by Detlef Reichl
16 years |
ulfl |
the "download remaining" icon in the relation editor is plain wrong as …
16 years |
ulfl |
ooops, add missing images (all derived from existing ones)
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed bug #1871, removed all deprecations
16 years |
ce |
added icon for lift_gate as an Xmas gift :) .
16 years |
ce |
#1862, power part
16 years |
stoecker |
fixed Extrude action. Closes #721 and #1866
16 years |
framm |
- fix Open Location bugs, add icon
16 years |
ce |
new icon
16 years |
ce |
not optimal, but better than the one before, at least in 16x16
16 years |
framm |
- new "Add Node" action from the Edit menu presents you with a dialog …
16 years |
ce |
initial import
16 years |
ulfl |
add a car wash icon
16 years |
framm |
- add support for ordered relations (triggered if version is set to 0.6)
16 years |
framm |
- added a new option to the GPX Layer menu ("download along track") …
16 years |
framm |
- replaced he align-in-rectangle function with a more general method …
16 years |
ce |
removed intransparent pixels
16 years |
ce |
some reorganisation and hunting stand added.
16 years |
ce |
copied from mappaint dirs here.
16 years |
ce |
applied changes as requested by Thorsten Feles