Interface ProgressMonitor

    • Method Detail

      • beginTask

        void beginTask​(java.lang.String title)
        Starts this progress monitor. Must be called exactly once Ticks count is set to default value
        title - title text of the task
      • beginTask

        void beginTask​(java.lang.String title,
                       int ticks)
        Starts this progress monitor. Must be called exactly once
        title - title text of the task
        ticks - number of work units (see setTicksCount(int ticks))
      • finishTask

        void finishTask()
        Finish this progress monitor, close the dialog or inform the parent progress monitor that it can continue with other tasks. Must be called at least once (if called multiply times then further calls are ignored)
      • invalidate

        void invalidate()
        Can be used if method receives ProgressMonitor, but it's not interested progress monitoring. Basically replaces beginTask(String) and finishTask() This method can be also used in finally section if method expects that some exceptions might prevent it from passing progressMonitor away. If beginTask(String) was already called then this method does nothing.
      • setTicksCount

        void setTicksCount​(int ticks)
        Set the total number of work units
        ticks - Number of total work units
      • getTicksCount

        int getTicksCount()
        Get the total number of work units
        Number of total work units
      • setTicks

        void setTicks​(int ticks)
        Set the current number of work units
        ticks - Number of work units already done
      • getTicks

        int getTicks()
        Get the current number of work units
        Number of work units already done
      • worked

        void worked​(int ticks)
        Increase number of already done work units by ticks
        ticks - number of ticks to add
      • indeterminateSubTask

        void indeterminateSubTask​(java.lang.String title)
        Subtask that will show progress running back and forth
        title - Can be null, in that case task title is not changed
      • subTask

        void subTask​(java.lang.String title)
        Normal subtask
        title - Can be null, in that case task title is not changed
      • setCustomText

        void setCustomText​(java.lang.String text)
        Shows additional text
        text - custom text
      • setExtraText

        void setExtraText​(java.lang.String text)
        Show extra text after normal task title. Hack for ProgressInputStream to show number of kB already downloaded
        text - extra text
      • createSubTaskMonitor

        ProgressMonitor createSubTaskMonitor​(int ticks,
                                             boolean internal)
        Creates subtasks monitor.
        ticks - Number of work units that should be done when subtask finishes
        internal - If true then subtask can't modify task title/custom text
        subtasks monitor
      • isCanceled

        boolean isCanceled()
        Returns the state of user aborts
        true if user aborted operation
      • cancel

        void cancel()
        Abort current operation, usually called when user somehow requested an abort
      • appendLogMessage

        void appendLogMessage​(java.lang.String message)
        Appends a message to the log managed by the progress monitor.
        message - the log message. Ignored if null or white space only.
      • setProgressTaskId

        void setProgressTaskId​(ProgressTaskId taskId)
        Set the task ID of the progress dialog Should be used only by PleaseWaitRunnable. If taskId <> null then "In background" button will be shown
        taskId - the task ID
      • getProgressTaskId

        ProgressTaskId getProgressTaskId()
        Returns the task ID of the progress dialog Should be used only by PleaseWaitRunnable
        the task ID
      • getWindowParent

        java.awt.Component getWindowParent()
        Return the parent windows of progress dialog
        component suitable as parent for dialogs that wants to be shown in front of progress dialog