Package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.bbox
Provides GUI classes for displaying a customizable and interactive bounding box.
Interface Summary Interface Description BBoxChooser A BBoxChooser is a component which provides a UI for choosing a bounding box.JosmMapViewer.TileSourceProvider A list of tile sources that can be used for displaying the map. -
Class Summary Class Description JosmMapViewer An extension ofJMapViewer
that implements JOSM-specific tile loading mechanisms.JosmMapViewer.AbstractImageryInfoBasedTileSourceProvider TileSource provider.JosmMapViewer.CurrentLayersTileSourceProvider TileSource provider - providing sources from current layersJosmMapViewer.DefaultOsmTileSourceProvider TileSource provider - providing default OSM tile sourceJosmMapViewer.TMSTileSourceProvider TileSource provider - providing sources from imagery sources menuSizeButton Button allowing to control the dimension of a slippy map between two states (normal/enlarged).SlippyMapBBoxChooser This panel displays a map and lets the user chose aBBox
.SlippyMapController This class controls the user input by listening to mouse and key events.SourceButton Button that allows to choose the imagery source used for slippy map background.TileSelectionBBoxChooser TileSelectionBBoxChooser allows to select a bounding box (i.e.TileSelectionBBoxChooser.TileAddressInputPanel A panel for entering the address of a single OSM tile at a given zoom level.TileSelectionBBoxChooser.TileAddressValidator Validates a tile addressTileSelectionBBoxChooser.TileBounds Represents a rectangular area of tiles at a given zoom level.TileSelectionBBoxChooser.TileBoundsMapView The map view used in this bounding box chooserTileSelectionBBoxChooser.TileCoordinateValidator Validates the x- or y-coordinate of a tile at a given zoom level.TileSelectionBBoxChooser.TileGridInputPanel A panel for describing a rectangular area of OSM tiles at a given zoom level.