Class VectorNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • VectorNode

        public VectorNode​(java.lang.String layer)
        Create a new vector node
        layer - The layer for the vector node
    • Method Detail

      • lon

        public double lon()
        Description copied from interface: ILatLon
        Returns the longitude, i.e., the east-west position in degrees.
        Specified by:
        lon in interface ILatLon
        the longitude or NaN if ILatLon.isLatLonKnown() returns false
      • lat

        public double lat()
        Description copied from interface: ILatLon
        Returns the latitude, i.e., the north-south position in degrees.
        Specified by:
        lat in interface ILatLon
        the latitude or NaN if ILatLon.isLatLonKnown() returns false
      • getCoor

        public LatLon getCoor()
        Description copied from interface: INode
        Returns lat/lon coordinates of this node.
        Specified by:
        getCoor in interface INode
        lat/lon coordinates of this node
      • setCoor

        public void setCoor​(LatLon coordinates)
        Description copied from interface: INode
        Sets lat/lon coordinates of this node.
        Specified by:
        setCoor in interface INode
        coordinates - lat/lon coordinates of this node
      • setCoor

        public void setCoor​(org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.ICoordinate coordinates)
        Set the coordinates of this node
        coordinates - The coordinates to set
        See Also:
      • setEastNorth

        public void setEastNorth​(EastNorth eastNorth)
        Description copied from interface: INode
        Sets east/north coordinates of this node.
        Specified by:
        setEastNorth in interface INode
        eastNorth - east/north coordinates of this node
      • isReferredByWays

        public boolean isReferredByWays​(int n)
        Description copied from interface: INode
        Return true, if this primitive is referred by at least n ways
        Specified by:
        isReferredByWays in interface INode
        n - Minimal number of ways to return true. Must be positive
        true if this primitive is referred by at least n ways
      • getBBox

        public BBox getBBox()
        Description copied from interface: IPrimitive
        Fetches the bounding box of the primitive. Since 17752, the returned bounding box might be immutable, i.e., modifying calls throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
        Specified by:
        getBBox in interface IPrimitive
        Specified by:
        getBBox in interface IQuadBucketType
        Bounding box of the object