Class StyledMapRenderer

    • Constructor Detail

      • StyledMapRenderer

        public StyledMapRenderer​(java.awt.Graphics2D g,
                                 NavigatableComponent nc,
                                 boolean isInactiveMode)
        Constructs a new StyledMapRenderer.
        g - the graphics context. Must not be null.
        nc - the map viewport. Must not be null.
        isInactiveMode - if true, the paint visitor shall render OSM objects such that they look inactive. Example: rendering of data in an inactive layer using light gray as color only.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if g is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if nc is null
    • Method Detail

      • newForkJoinPool

        private static java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool newForkJoinPool()
      • isGlyphVectorDoubleTranslationBug

        public static boolean isGlyphVectorDoubleTranslationBug​(java.awt.Font font)
        Check, if this System has the GlyphVector double translation bug.

        With this bug, gv.setGlyphTransform(i, trfm) has a different effect than on most other systems, namely the translation components ("m02" & "m12", AffineTransform) appear to be twice as large, as they actually are. The rotation is unaffected (scale & shear not tested so far).

        This bug has only been observed on Mac OS X, see #7841.

        After switch to Java 7, this test is a false positive on Mac OS X (see #10446), i.e. it returns true, but the real rendering code does not require any special handling. It hasn't been further investigated why the test reports a wrong result in this case, but the method has been changed to simply return false by default. (This can be changed with a setting in the advanced preferences.)

        font - The font to check.
        false by default, but depends on the value of the advanced preference glyph-bug=false|true|auto, where auto is the automatic detection method which apparently no longer gives a useful result for Java 7.
      • setStyles

        public void setStyles​(ElemStyles styles)
        Set the ElemStyles instance to use for this renderer.
        styles - the ElemStyles instance to use
      • displaySegments

        private void displaySegments​(MapViewPath path,
                                     java.awt.geom.Path2D orientationArrows,
                                     java.awt.geom.Path2D onewayArrows,
                                     java.awt.geom.Path2D onewayArrowsCasing,
                                     java.awt.Color color,
                                     java.awt.BasicStroke line,
                                     java.awt.BasicStroke dashes,
                                     java.awt.Color dashedColor)
      • drawArea

        protected void drawArea​(MapViewPath area,
                                java.awt.Color color,
                                MapImage fillImage,
                                java.lang.Float extent,
                                MapViewPath pfClip,
                                boolean disabled)
        Worker function for drawing areas.
        area - the path object for the area that should be drawn; in case of multipolygons, this can path can be a complex shape with one outer polygon and one or more inner polygons
        color - The color to fill the area with.
        fillImage - The image to fill the area with. Overrides color.
        extent - if not null, area will be filled partially; specifies, how far to fill from the boundary towards the center of the area; if null, area will be filled completely
        pfClip - clipping area for partial fill (only needed for unclosed polygons)
        disabled - If this should be drawn with a special disabled style.
      • computeFill

        private void computeFill​(java.awt.Shape shape,
                                 java.lang.Float extent,
                                 MapViewPath pfClip,
                                 float mitterLimit)
        Fill the given shape. If partial fill is used, computes the clipping.
        shape - the given shape
        extent - if not null, area will be filled partially; specifies, how far to fill from the boundary towards the center of the area; if null, area will be filled completely
        pfClip - clipping area for partial fill (only needed for unclosed polygons)
        mitterLimit - parameter for BasicStroke
      • drawArea

        public void drawArea​(Relation r,
                             java.awt.Color color,
                             MapImage fillImage,
                             java.lang.Float extent,
                             java.lang.Float extentThreshold,
                             boolean disabled)
        Draws a multipolygon area.
        r - The multipolygon relation
        color - The color to fill the area with.
        fillImage - The image to fill the area with. Overrides color.
        extent - if not null, area will be filled partially; specifies, how far to fill from the boundary towards the center of the area; if null, area will be filled completely
        extentThreshold - if not null, determines if the partial filled should be replaced by plain fill, when it covers a certain fraction of the total area
        disabled - If this should be drawn with a special disabled style.
      • shapeEastNorthToMapView

        private MapViewPath shapeEastNorthToMapView​(java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double shape)
        Convert shape in EastNorth coordinates to MapViewPath and remove invisible parts. For complex shapes this improves performance drastically because the methods in Graphics2D.clip() and Graphics2D.draw() are rather slow.
        shape - the shape to convert
        the converted shape
      • drawArea

        public void drawArea​(IWay<?> w,
                             java.awt.Color color,
                             MapImage fillImage,
                             java.lang.Float extent,
                             java.lang.Float extentThreshold,
                             boolean disabled)
        Draws an area defined by a way. They way does not need to be closed, but it should.
        w - The way.
        color - The color to fill the area with.
        fillImage - The image to fill the area with. Overrides color.
        extent - if not null, area will be filled partially; specifies, how far to fill from the boundary towards the center of the area; if null, area will be filled completely
        extentThreshold - if not null, determines if the partial filled should be replaced by plain fill, when it covers a certain fraction of the total area
        disabled - If this should be drawn with a special disabled style.
      • usePartialFill

        private boolean usePartialFill​(Geometry.AreaAndPerimeter ap,
                                       float extent,
                                       java.lang.Float threshold)
        Determine, if partial fill should be turned off for this object, because only a small unfilled gap in the center of the area would be left.

        This is used to get a cleaner look for urban regions with many small areas like buildings, etc.

        ap - the area and the perimeter of the object
        extent - the "width" of partial fill
        threshold - when the partial fill covers that much of the total area, the partial fill is turned off; can be greater than 100% as the covered area is estimated as perimeter * extent
        true, if the partial fill should be used, false otherwise
      • drawBoxText

        public void drawBoxText​(INode n,
                                BoxTextElement bs)
        Draw a text onto a node
        n - The node to draw the text on
        bs - The text and it's alignment.
      • drawRepeatImage

        public void drawRepeatImage​(IWay<?> way,
                                    MapImage pattern,
                                    boolean disabled,
                                    double offset,
                                    double spacing,
                                    double phase,
                                    float opacity,
                                    RepeatImageElement.LineImageAlignment align)
        Draw an image along a way repeatedly.
        way - the way
        pattern - the image
        disabled - If this should be drawn with a special disabled style.
        offset - offset from the way
        spacing - spacing between two images
        phase - initial spacing
        opacity - the opacity
        align - alignment of the image. The top, center or bottom edge can be aligned with the way.
      • computeStartOffset

        private static double computeStartOffset​(double phase,
                                                 double repeat)
      • drawNode

        public void drawNode​(INode n,
                             java.awt.Color color,
                             int size,
                             boolean fill)
        Description copied from class: AbstractMapRenderer
        Draw the node as small square with the given color.
        Specified by:
        drawNode in class AbstractMapRenderer
        n - The node to draw.
        color - The color of the node.
        size - size in pixels
        fill - determines if the square must be filled
      • drawNodeIcon

        public void drawNodeIcon​(INode n,
                                 MapImage img,
                                 boolean disabled,
                                 boolean selected,
                                 boolean member,
                                 double theta)
        Draw the icon for a given node.
        n - The node
        img - The icon to draw at the node position
        disabled - true to render disabled version, false for the standard version
        selected - true to render it as selected, false otherwise
        member - true to render it as a relation member, false otherwise
        theta - the angle of rotation in radians
      • drawAreaIcon

        public void drawAreaIcon​(IPrimitive osm,
                                 MapImage img,
                                 boolean disabled,
                                 boolean selected,
                                 boolean member,
                                 double theta,
                                 PositionForAreaStrategy iconPosition)
        Draw the icon for a given area. Normally, the icon is drawn around the center of the area.
        osm - The primitive to draw the icon for
        img - The icon to draw
        disabled - true to render disabled version, false for the standard version
        selected - true to render it as selected, false otherwise
        member - true to render it as a relation member, false otherwise
        theta - the angle of rotation in radians
        iconPosition - Where to place the icon.
      • drawIcon

        private void drawIcon​(double x,
                              double y,
                              MapImage img,
                              boolean disabled,
                              boolean selected,
                              boolean member,
                              double theta,
                              java.util.function.BiConsumer<java.awt.Graphics2D,​java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D> selectionDrawer)
      • getSelectionHintColor

        private java.awt.Color getSelectionHintColor​(boolean disabled,
                                                     boolean selected)
      • drawNodeSymbol

        public void drawNodeSymbol​(INode n,
                                   Symbol s,
                                   java.awt.Color fillColor,
                                   java.awt.Color strokeColor)
        Draw the symbol and possibly a highlight marking on a given node.
        n - The position to draw the symbol on
        s - The symbol to draw
        fillColor - The color to fill the symbol with
        strokeColor - The color to use for the outer corner of the symbol
      • drawOrderNumber

        public void drawOrderNumber​(INode n1,
                                    INode n2,
                                    int orderNumber,
                                    java.awt.Color clr)
        Draw a number of the order of the two consecutive nodes within the parents way
        n1 - First node of the way segment.
        n2 - Second node of the way segment.
        orderNumber - The number of the segment in the way.
        clr - The color to use for drawing the text.
      • drawPathHighlight

        private void drawPathHighlight​(MapViewPath path,
                                       java.awt.BasicStroke line)
        highlights a given GeneralPath using the settings from BasicStroke to match the line's style. Width of the highlight can be changed by user preferences
        path - path to draw
        line - line style
      • drawPointHighlight

        private void drawPointHighlight​(java.awt.geom.Point2D p,
                                        int size)
        highlights a given point by drawing a rounded rectangle around it. Give the size of the object you want to be highlighted, width is added automatically.
        p - point
        size - highlight size
      • drawRestriction

        public void drawRestriction​(IRelation<?> r,
                                    MapImage icon,
                                    boolean disabled)
        Draw a turn restriction
        r - The turn restriction relation
        icon - The icon to draw at the turn point
        disabled - draw using disabled style
      • drawText

        public void drawText​(IPrimitive osm,
                             TextLabel text,
                             PositionForAreaStrategy labelPositionStrategy)
        Draws a text for the given primitive
        osm - The primitive to draw the text for
        text - The text definition (font/position/.../text content) to draw
        labelPositionStrategy - The position of the text
      • displayText

        private void displayText​(java.lang.Runnable fill,
                                 java.util.function.Supplier<java.awt.Shape> outline,
                                 boolean disabled,
                                 TextLabel text)
        Displays text at specified position including its halo, if applicable.
        fill - The function that fills the text
        outline - The function to draw the outline
        disabled - true if element is disabled (filtered out)
        text - text style to use
      • forEachPolygon

        private void forEachPolygon​(IPrimitive osm,
                                    java.util.function.Consumer<MapViewPath> consumer)
        Calls a consumer for each path of the area shape-
        osm - A way or a multipolygon
        consumer - The consumer to call.
      • drawWay

        public void drawWay​(IWay<?> way,
                            java.awt.Color color,
                            java.awt.BasicStroke line,
                            java.awt.BasicStroke dashes,
                            java.awt.Color dashedColor,
                            float offset,
                            boolean showOrientation,
                            boolean showHeadArrowOnly,
                            boolean showOneway,
                            boolean onewayReversed)
        draw way. This method allows for two draw styles (line using color, dashes using dashedColor) to be passed.
        way - The way to draw
        color - The base color to draw the way in
        line - The line style to use. This is drawn using color.
        dashes - The dash style to use. This is drawn using dashedColor. null if unused.
        dashedColor - The color of the dashes.
        offset - The offset
        showOrientation - show arrows that indicate the technical orientation of the way (defined by order of nodes)
        showHeadArrowOnly - True if only the arrow at the end of the line but not those on the segments should be displayed.
        showOneway - show symbols that indicate the direction of the feature, e.g. oneway street or waterway
        onewayReversed - for oneway=-1 and similar
      • appendOnewayPath

        private static void appendOnewayPath​(boolean onewayReversed,
                                             MapViewState.MapViewPoint p1,
                                             double nx,
                                             double ny,
                                             double dist,
                                             double onewaySize,
                                             java.awt.geom.Path2D onewayPath)
      • getCircum

        public double getCircum()
        Gets the "circum". This is the distance on the map in meters that 100 screen pixels represent.
        The "circum"
      • getColors

        public void getColors()
        Description copied from class: AbstractMapRenderer
        Reads the color definitions from preferences. This function is public, so that color names in preferences can be displayed even without calling the wireframe display before.
        getColors in class AbstractMapRenderer
      • getPFClip

        private static java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double getPFClip​(IWay<?> w,
                                                             double extent)
      • buildPFClip

        private static void buildPFClip​(java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double clip,
                                        java.util.List<? extends INode> nodes,
                                        double extent)
        Fix the clipping area of unclosed polygons for partial fill.

        The current algorithm for partial fill simply strokes the polygon with a large stroke width after masking the outside with a clipping area. This works, but for unclosed polygons, the mask can crop the corners at both ends (see #12104).

        This method fixes the clipping area by sort of adding the corners to the clip outline.

        clip - the clipping area to modify (initially empty)
        nodes - nodes of the polygon
        extent - the extent
      • getPFDisplacedEndPoint

        private static EastNorth getPFDisplacedEndPoint​(EastNorth p1,
                                                        EastNorth p2,
                                                        EastNorth p3,
                                                        double extent)
        Get the point to add to the clipping area for partial fill of unclosed polygons.

        (p1,p2) is the first or last way segment and p3 the opposite endpoint.

        p1 - 1st point
        p2 - 2nd point
        p3 - 3rd point
        extent - the extent
        a point q, such that p1,p2,q form a right angle and the distance of q to p2 is extent. The point q lies on the same side of the line p1,p2 as the point p3. Returns null if p1,p2,p3 forms an angle greater 90 degrees. (In this case the corner of the partial fill would not be cut off by the mask, so an additional point is not necessary.)
      • isAreaVisible

        private boolean isAreaVisible​(java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double area)
        Test if the area is visible
        area - The area, interpreted in east/north space.
        true if it is visible.
      • isInactiveMode

        public boolean isInactiveMode()
        Determines if the paint visitor shall render OSM objects such that they look inactive.
        true if the paint visitor shall render OSM objects such that they look inactive
      • isShowIcons

        public boolean isShowIcons()
        Check if icons should be rendered
        true to display icons
      • isShowNames

        public boolean isShowNames()
        Test if names should be rendered
        true to display names
      • computeFlags

        public static int computeFlags​(IPrimitive primitive,
                                       boolean checkOuterMember)
        Computes the flags for a given OSM primitive.
        primitive - The primititve to compute the flags for.
        checkOuterMember - true if we should also add FLAG_OUTERMEMBER_OF_SELECTED
        The flag.
        13676 (signature)
      • setBenchmarkFactory

        public void setBenchmarkFactory​(java.util.function.Supplier<RenderBenchmarkCollector> benchmarkFactory)
        Sets the factory that creates the benchmark data receivers.
        benchmarkFactory - The factory.
      • render

        public void render​(OsmData<?,​?,​?,​?> data,
                           boolean renderVirtualNodes,
                           Bounds bounds)
        Description copied from interface: Rendering

        Renders the OSM data in data

        data - the data set to be rendered
        renderVirtualNodes - if true, renders virtual nodes. Otherwise, ignores them.
        bounds - the bounding box for the data to be rendered. Only objects within or intersecting with bbox are rendered