Class DownloadOsmTask.AbstractInternalTask

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractInternalTask

        protected AbstractInternalTask​(DownloadParams settings,
                                       java.lang.String title,
                                       boolean ignoreException,
                                       boolean zoomAfterDownload)
        Constructs a new AbstractInternalTask.
        settings - download settings
        title - message for the user
        ignoreException - If true, exception will be propagated to calling code. If false then exception will be thrown directly in EDT. When this runnable is executed using executor framework then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't)
        zoomAfterDownload - If true, the map view will zoom to download area after download
      • AbstractInternalTask

        protected AbstractInternalTask​(DownloadParams settings,
                                       java.lang.String title,
                                       ProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
                                       boolean ignoreException,
                                       boolean zoomAfterDownload)
        Constructs a new AbstractInternalTask.
        settings - download settings
        title - message for the user
        progressMonitor - progress monitor
        ignoreException - If true, exception will be propagated to calling code. If false then exception will be thrown directly in EDT. When this runnable is executed using executor framework then use false unless you read result of task (because exception will get lost if you don't)
        zoomAfterDownload - If true, the map view will zoom to download area after download