Class MergeNodesAction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ActionListener,, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener, javax.swing.Action, Destroyable

    public class MergeNodesAction
    extends JosmAction
    Merges a collection of nodes into one node. The "surviving" node will be the one with the lowest positive id. (I.e. it was uploaded to the server and is the oldest one.) However we use the location of the node that was selected *last*. The "surviving" node will be moved to that location if it is different from the last selected node.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MergeNodesAction

        public MergeNodesAction()
        Constructs a new MergeNodesAction.
    • Method Detail

      • actionPerformed

        public void actionPerformed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
      • selectTargetLocationNode

        public static Node selectTargetLocationNode​(java.util.List<Node> candidates)
        Select the location of the target node after merge.
        candidates - the collection of candidate nodes
        the coordinates of this node are later used for the target node
      • selectTargetNode

        public static Node selectTargetNode​(java.util.Collection<Node> candidates)
        Find which node to merge into (i.e. which one will be left)
        candidates - the collection of candidate nodes
        the selected target node
      • fixParentWays

        protected static java.util.List<CommandfixParentWays​(java.util.Collection<Node> nodesToDelete,
                                                               Node targetNode)
        Fixes the parent ways referring to one of the nodes. Replies null, if the ways could not be fixed, i.e. because a way would have to be deleted which is referred to by a relation.
        nodesToDelete - the collection of nodes to be deleted
        targetNode - the target node the other nodes are merged to
        a list of commands; null, if the ways could not be fixed
      • doMergeNodes

        public static void doMergeNodes​(OsmDataLayer layer,
                                        java.util.Collection<Node> nodes,
                                        Node targetLocationNode)
        Merges the nodes in nodes at the specified node's location. Uses the dataset managed by layer as reference.
        layer - layer the reference data layer. Must not be null
        nodes - the collection of nodes. Ignored if null
        targetLocationNode - this node's location will be used for the target node
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if layer is null
      • mergeNodes

        public static Command mergeNodes​(java.util.Collection<Node> nodes,
                                         Node targetLocationNode)
        Merges the nodes in nodes at the specified node's location.
        nodes - the collection of nodes. Ignored if null.
        targetLocationNode - this node's location will be used for the targetNode.
        The command necessary to run in order to perform action, or null if there is nothing to do
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if layer is null
      • mergeNodes

        public static Command mergeNodes​(java.util.Collection<Node> nodes,
                                         Node targetNode,
                                         Node targetLocationNode)
        Merges the nodes in nodes onto one of the nodes.
        nodes - the collection of nodes. Ignored if null.
        targetNode - the target node the collection of nodes is merged to. Must not be null.
        targetLocationNode - this node's location will be used for the targetNode.
        The command necessary to run in order to perform action, or null if there is nothing to do
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if layer is null