Class JosmAction

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected JosmAction()
      Constructs a new JosmAction.
      protected JosmAction​(boolean installAdapters)
      Constructs a new JosmAction.
      protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String iconName, java.lang.String tooltip, java.util.List<Shortcut> shortcuts)
      Constructs a new JosmAction.
      protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String iconName, java.lang.String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar)
      Constructs a new JosmAction and installs layer changed and selection changed adapters.
      protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String iconName, java.lang.String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, boolean installAdapters)
      Constructs a new JosmAction.
      protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String iconName, java.lang.String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, java.lang.String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters)
      The new super for all actions.
      protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name, ImageProvider icon, java.lang.String tooltip, Shortcut shortcut, boolean registerInToolbar, java.lang.String toolbarId, boolean installAdapters)
      Constructs a JosmAction.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JosmAction

        protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name,
                             ImageProvider icon,
                             java.lang.String tooltip,
                             Shortcut shortcut,
                             boolean registerInToolbar,
                             java.lang.String toolbarId,
                             boolean installAdapters)
        Constructs a JosmAction.
        name - the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
        icon - the icon to use
        tooltip - a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
        shortcut - a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here, the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
        registerInToolbar - register this action for the toolbar preferences?
        toolbarId - identifier for the toolbar preferences
        installAdapters - false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
      • JosmAction

        protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name,
                             java.lang.String iconName,
                             java.lang.String tooltip,
                             Shortcut shortcut,
                             boolean registerInToolbar,
                             java.lang.String toolbarId,
                             boolean installAdapters)
        The new super for all actions. Use this super constructor to setup your action.
        name - the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
        iconName - the filename of the icon to use
        tooltip - a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
        shortcut - a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here, the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
        registerInToolbar - register this action for the toolbar preferences?
        toolbarId - identifier for the toolbar preferences. The iconName is used, if this parameter is null
        installAdapters - false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
      • JosmAction

        protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name,
                             java.lang.String iconName,
                             java.lang.String tooltip,
                             Shortcut shortcut,
                             boolean registerInToolbar,
                             boolean installAdapters)
        Constructs a new JosmAction. Use this super constructor to setup your action.
        name - the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
        iconName - the filename of the icon to use
        tooltip - a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
        shortcut - a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here, the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
        registerInToolbar - register this action for the toolbar preferences?
        installAdapters - false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
      • JosmAction

        protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name,
                             java.lang.String iconName,
                             java.lang.String tooltip,
                             Shortcut shortcut,
                             boolean registerInToolbar)
        Constructs a new JosmAction and installs layer changed and selection changed adapters. Use this super constructor to setup your action.
        name - the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
        iconName - the filename of the icon to use
        tooltip - a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
        shortcut - a ready-created shortcut object or null if you don't want a shortcut. But you always do want a shortcut, remember you can always register it with group=none, so you won't be assigned a shortcut unless the user configures one. If you pass null here, the user CANNOT configure a shortcut for your action.
        registerInToolbar - register this action for the toolbar preferences?
      • JosmAction

        protected JosmAction()
        Constructs a new JosmAction.
      • JosmAction

        protected JosmAction​(boolean installAdapters)
        Constructs a new JosmAction.
        installAdapters - false, if you don't want to install layer changed and selection changed adapters
      • JosmAction

        protected JosmAction​(java.lang.String name,
                             java.lang.String iconName,
                             java.lang.String tooltip,
                             java.util.List<Shortcut> shortcuts)
        Constructs a new JosmAction. Use this super constructor to setup your action.
        name - the action's text as displayed on the menu (if it is added to a menu)
        iconName - the filename of the icon to use
        tooltip - a longer description of the action that will be displayed in the tooltip. Please note that html is not supported for menu actions on some platforms.
        shortcuts - ready-created shortcut objects