Changeset 8052 in josm for trunk/data/defaultpresets.xml

2015-02-12T00:52:34+01:00 (10 years ago)

fix #11103 - in street presets add a preset_link to the access preset

1 edited


  • trunk/data/defaultpresets.xml

    r8028 r8052  
    361361                </checkgroup>
    362362            </optional>
     363            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    363364        </item> <!-- Motorway -->
    364365        <item name="Motorway Link" icon="presets/motorway.png" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    386387                </checkgroup>
    387388            </optional>
     389            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    388390        </item> <!-- Motorway Link -->
    389391        <item name="Trunk" icon="presets/trunk.png" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    416418                </checkgroup>
    417419            </optional>
     420            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    418421        </item> <!-- Trunk -->
    419422        <item name="Trunk Link" icon="presets/trunk.png" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    436439                </checkgroup>
    437440            </optional>
     441            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    438442        </item> <!-- Trunk Link -->
    439443        <separator/>
    458462                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    459463            </optional>
     464            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    460465        </item> <!-- Primary -->
    461466        <item name="Primary Link" icon="presets/way_primary.png" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    473478                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    474479            </optional>
     480            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    475481        </item> <!-- Primary Link -->
    476482        <item name="Secondary" icon="presets/way_secondary.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    494500                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    495501            </optional>
     502            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    496503        </item> <!-- Secondary -->
    497504        <item name="Secondary Link" icon="presets/way_secondary.png" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    508515                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    509516            </optional>
     517            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    510518        </item> <!-- Secondary Link -->
    511519        <item name="Tertiary" icon="presets/way_tertiary.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    529537                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    530538            </optional>
     539            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    531540        </item> <!-- Tertiary -->
    532541        <item name="Tertiary Link" icon="presets/way_tertiary.png" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    543552                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    544553            </optional>
     554            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    545555        </item> <!-- Tertiary Link -->
    546556        <item name="Unclassified" icon="presets/way_unclassified.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    562572                <check key="passing_places" text="Passing Places" />
    563573            </optional>
     574            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    564575        </item> <!-- Unclassified -->
    565576        <item name="Residential" icon="presets/residential.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    582593                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    583594            </optional>
     595            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    584596        </item> <!-- Residential -->
    585597        <item name="Bicycle Road" icon="presets/bicycle_road.svg" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    605617                <combo key="sidewalk" text="Sidewalk" values="both,left,right,no" values_context="sidewalk" />
    606618            </optional>
     619            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    607620        </item> <!-- Bicycle Road -->
    608621        <item name="Living Street" icon="presets/living_street.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    624637                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width" />
    625638            </optional>
     639            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    626640        </item> <!-- Living Street -->
    627641        <item name="Pedestrian" icon="presets/pedestrian.png" type="way,closedway,relation" preset_name_label="true">
    648662                <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
    649663            </optional>
     664            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    650665        </item> <!-- Pedestrian -->
    651666        <item name="Service" icon="presets/way_unclassified.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    667682                <check key="passing_places" text="Passing Places" />
    668683            </optional>
     684            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    669685        </item> <!-- Service -->
    670686        <item name="Parking Aisle" icon="presets/way_unclassified.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    684700                <check key="lit" text="Lit" />
    685701            </optional>
     702            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    686703        </item> <!-- Parking Aisle -->
    687704        <item name="Escape" icon="presets/way_unclassified.png" type="way" preset_name_label="true">
    714731                <reference ref="highway_yesno_incline_oneway_lit_width_sidewalk" />
    715732            </optional>
     733            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    716734        </item> <!-- Road (Unknown Type) -->
    717735        <item name="Construction" icon="presets/construction.png" type="way,closedway" preset_name_label="true">
    732750                <combo key="junction" text="Junction" values="roundabout,jughandle" />
    733751            </optional>
     752            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    734753        </item> <!-- Construction -->
    735754        <separator/>
    746765                  sv.href=""
    747766                  uk.href="" />
     767            <space />
     768            <label text="Some road types already imply some access restrictions. They shouldn't set again." />
    748769            <space />
    749770            <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" />
    802823                <text key="width" text="Width (meters)" />
    803824            </optional>
     825            <preset_link preset_name="Road Restrictions" />
    804826        </item> <!-- Roundabout -->
    805827        <item name="Ford" icon="presets/ford.png" type="node,way" preset_name_label="true">
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.