Changeset 6830 in josm for trunk/src/org/openstreetmap

2014-02-10T00:51:53+01:00 (11 years ago)

javadoc fixes for jdk8 compatibility

135 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6814 r6830  
    4040 * @since 996
    4141 *
    42  * @author Henry Loenwind, based on much copy&Paste from other Actions.
     42 * @author Henry Loenwind
    4343 * @author Sebastian Masch
    4444 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6380 r6830  
    7676     * @param title The string that goes in the dialog window's title bar
    7777     * @param extension The file extension that will be selected as the default file filter
    78      * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br/>
     78     * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br><ul>
    7979     *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li>
    8080     *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li>
    81      *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li>
     81     *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li></ul>
    8282     * @param allTypes If true, all the files types known by JOSM will be proposed in the "file type" combobox.
    8383     *                 If false, only the file filters that include {@code extension} will be proposed
    9797     * @param title The string that goes in the dialog window's title bar
    9898     * @param filter The only file filter that will be proposed by the dialog
    99      * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br/>
     99     * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br><ul>
    100100     *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li>
    101101     *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li>
    102      *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li>
     102     *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li></ul>
    103103     * @param lastDirProperty The name of the property used to setup the JFileChooser initial directory. This property will then be updated to the new "last directory" chosen by the user
    104104     * @return The {@code JFileChooser}.
    116116     * @param filters The file filters that will be proposed by the dialog
    117117     * @param defaultFilter The file filter that will be selected by default
    118      * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br/>
     118     * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br><ul>
    119119     *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li>
    120120     *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li>
    121      *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li>
     121     *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li></ul>
    122122     * @param lastDirProperty The name of the property used to setup the JFileChooser initial directory. This property will then be updated to the new "last directory" chosen by the user
    123123     * @return The {@code JFileChooser}.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6814 r6830  
    7070     *
    7171     * @param targetLayer  the target layer. Must not be null.
    72      * @param id the primitive id. id > 0 required.
     72     * @param id the primitive id. id &gt; 0 required.
    7373     * @param type the primitive type. type != null required
    7474     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if targetLayer is null
    75      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     75     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    7676     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if type == null
    7777     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6639 r6830  
    300300    }
    302     // Adds the menu entry, Shortcuts, etc.
     302    /**
     303     * Constructs a new {@code JoinAreasAction}.
     304     */
    303305    public JoinAreasAction() {
    304306        super(tr("Join overlapping Areas"), "joinareas", tr("Joins areas that overlap each other"),
    399401     * Tests if the areas have some intersections to join.
    400402     * @param areas Areas to test
    401      * @return @{code true} if areas are joinable
     403     * @return {@code true} if areas are joinable
    402404     */
    403405    private boolean testJoin(List<Multipolygon> areas) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6380 r6830  
    2828 * Note: If a ways are selected, their nodes are mirrored
    2929 *
    30  * @author Teemu Koskinen, based on much copy&Paste from other Actions.
     30 * @author Teemu Koskinen
    3131 */
    3232public final class MirrorAction extends JosmAction {
     34    /**
     35     * Constructs a new {@code MirrorAction}.
     36     */
    3437    public MirrorAction() {
    3538        super(tr("Mirror"), "mirror", tr("Mirror selected nodes and ways."),
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6431 r6830  
    4545    /**
    46      * Create the preference action with "&Preferences" as label.
     46     * Create the preference action with "Preferences" as label.
    4747     */
    4848    public PreferencesAction() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6643 r6830  
    2424 * Restarts JOSM as it was launched. Comes from "restart" plugin, originally written by Upliner.
    25  * <br/><br/>
     25 * <br><br>
    2626 * Mechanisms have been improved based on #8561 discussions and <a href="">this article</a>.
    2727 * @since 5857
    5050            Main.exitJosm(true, 9);
    5151        }
    5353        try {
    5454            restartJOSM();
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6815 r6830  
    121121    /**
    122      * Creates a new "Save" dialog for a single {@link ExtensionFileFilter} and makes it visible.<br/>
     122     * Creates a new "Save" dialog for a single {@link ExtensionFileFilter} and makes it visible.<br>
    123123     * When the user has chosen a file, checks the file extension, and confirms overwrite if needed.
    124124     *
    136136    /**
    137      * Creates a new "Save" dialog for a given file extension and makes it visible.<br/>
     137     * Creates a new "Save" dialog for a given file extension and makes it visible.<br>
    138138     * When the user has chosen a file, checks the file extension, and confirms overwrite if needed.
    139139     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6623 r6830  
    111111    /**
    112112     * Finds out if the current selection can be extended.
    113      * <p/>
     113     * <p>
    114114     * The members outerNodes, nodes must have been initialized.
    115115     * How to update these members when extending the selection, @see extend().
    116      *
     116     * </p>
    117117     * @param selection current selection
    118118     * @return a way by which to extend the selection, or null
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/

    r6679 r6830  
    286286     *
    287287     * assume that OrginalNode is in the way
    288      *
    289      * -> the new node will be put into the parameter newNodes.
    290      * -> the add-node command will be put into the parameter cmds.
    291      * -> the changed way will be returned and must be put into cmds by the caller!
     288     * <ul>
     289     * <li>the new node will be put into the parameter newNodes.</li>
     290     * <li>the add-node command will be put into the parameter cmds.</li>
     291     * <li>the changed way will be returned and must be put into cmds by the caller!</li>
     292     * </ul>
    292293     */
    293294    private Way modifyWay(Node originalNode, Way w, List<Command> cmds, List<Node> newNodes) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/audio/

    r6380 r6830  
    15  * Play the sound track from the Audio Marker after the one most recently played.<br/>
     15 * Play the sound track from the Audio Marker after the one most recently played.<br>
    1616 * Play from the first such Marker if none has been played, or repeat the last marker if at the end.
    1717 * @since 547
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/audio/

    r6380 r6830  
    18  * If not playing, play the sound track from the first Audio Marker, or from the point at which it was paused.<br/>
    19  * If playing, pause the sound.<br/>
     18 * If not playing, play the sound track from the first Audio Marker, or from the point at which it was paused.<br>
     19 * If playing, pause the sound.<br>
    2020 * If fast forwarding or slow forwarding, resume normal speed.
    2121 * @since 547
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/audio/

    r6380 r6830  
    15  * Play the sound track from the Audio Marker before the one most recently played.<br/>
     15 * Play the sound track from the Audio Marker before the one most recently played.<br>
    1616 * Play from the first such Marker if none has been played or already at the first marker.
    1717 * @since 547
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/downloadtasks/

    r6589 r6830  
    9696     * {@link Future}, but make sure not to freeze up JOSM. Example:
    9797     * <pre>
    98      *    Future<?> future =;
     98     *    Future&lt;?&gt; future =;
    9999     *    // DON'T run this on the Swing EDT or JOSM will freeze
    100100     *    future.get(); // waits for the dowload task to complete
    104104     * the Swing EDT:
    105105     * <pre>
    106      *    final Future<?> future =;
     106     *    final Future&lt;?&gt; future =;
    107107     *    Runnable runAfterTask = new Runnable() {
    108108     *       public void run() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/downloadtasks/

    r6084 r6830  
    88import java.text.MessageFormat;
    99import java.util.Collection;
    10 import java.util.Set;
     10import java.util.HashMap;
    1111import java.util.HashSet;
    12 import java.util.HashMap;
    1312import java.util.Map;
    1413import java.util.Map.Entry;
     14import java.util.Set;
    1616import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    101101     *
    102102     * @param targetLayer  the target layer. Must not be null.
    103      * @param id the primitive id. id > 0 required.
     103     * @param id the primitive id. id &gt; 0 required.
    104104     * @param type the primitive type. type != null required
    105      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     105     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    106106     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if type == null
    107107     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if targetLayer == null
    124124     * constructor
    125125     *
    126      * @param targetLayer  the target layer. Must not be null.
     126     * @param targetLayer the target layer. Must not be null.
    127127     * @param primitiveId a PrimitiveId object.
    128      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     128     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    129129     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if targetLayer == null
    130130     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/downloadtasks/

    r6069 r6830  
    2525     * {@link Future}, but make sure not to freeze up JOSM. Example:
    2626     * <pre>
    27      *    Future<?> future =;
     27     *    Future&lt;?&gt; future =;
    2828     *    // DON'T run this on the Swing EDT or JOSM will freeze
    2929     *    future.get(); // waits for the dowload task to complete
    3333     * the Swing EDT:
    3434     * <pre>
    35      *    final Future<?> future =;
     35     *    final Future&lt;?&gt; future =;
    3636     *    Runnable runAfterTask = new Runnable() {
    3737     *       public void run() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r6388 r6830  
    54  * @author Alexander Kachkaev <>, 2011
     54 * @author Alexander Kachkaev &lt;;, 2011
    5555 */
    5656public class ImproveWayAccuracyAction extends MapMode implements MapViewPaintable,
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/mapmode/

    r6362 r6830  
    2020 * segment to divide.
    2121 *
    22  * @author Alexander Kachkaev <>, 2011
     22 * @author Alexander Kachkaev &lt;;, 2011
    2323 */
    2424final class ImproveWayAccuracyHelper {
    2727        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    2828    }
    3030    /**
    3131     * Finds the way to work on. If the mouse is on the node, extracts one of
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/

    r6296 r6830  
    1818 * Command that changes the role of a relation member
    1919 *
    20  * @author Teemu Koskinen <>
     20 * @author Teemu Koskinen &lt;;
    2121 */
    2222public class ChangeRelationMemberRoleCommand extends Command {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/

    r6246 r6830  
    1616 * RotateCommand rotates a number of objects around their centre.
    1717 *
    18  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     18 * @author Frederik Ramm
    1919 */
    2020public class RotateCommand extends TransformNodesCommand {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/command/

    r6610 r6830  
    2020 * Abstract class with common services for nodes rotation and scaling commands.
    2121 *
    22  * @author Olivier Croquette <>
     22 * @author Olivier Croquette &lt;;
    2323 */
    2424public abstract class TransformNodesCommand extends Command {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/

    r6822 r6830  
    3030    /**
    3131     * Returns min latitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for {@code getMin().lat()}.
    32      * 
     32     *
    3333     * @return min latitude of bounds.
    3434     * @since 6203
    4040    /**
    4141     * Returns min longitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for {@code getMin().lon()}.
    42      * 
     42     *
    4343     * @return min longitude of bounds.
    4444     * @since 6203
    5454    /**
    5555     * Returns max latitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for {@code getMax().lat()}.
    56      * 
     56     *
    5757     * @return max latitude of bounds.
    5858     * @since 6203
    6464    /**
    6565     * Returns max longitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for {@code getMax().lon()}.
    66      * 
     66     *
    6767     * @return max longitude of bounds.
    6868     * @since 6203
    9595     * Single point Bounds defined by lat/lon {@code b}.
    9696     * Coordinates will be rounded to osm precision if {@code roundToOsmPrecision} is true.
    97      * 
     97     *
    9898     * @param b lat/lon of given point.
    9999     * @param roundToOsmPrecision defines if lat/lon will be rounded.
    102102        this(, b.lon(), roundToOsmPrecision);
    103103    }
    105105    /**
    106106     * Single point Bounds defined by point [lat,lon].
    107107     * Coordinates will be rounded to osm precision if {@code roundToOsmPrecision} is true.
    108      * 
     108     *
    109109     * @param lat latitude of given point.
    110110     * @param lon longitude of given point.
    232232     *
    233233     * @param center  the center coordinate pair. Must not be null.
    234      * @param latExtent the latitude extent. > 0 required.
    235      * @param lonExtent the longitude extent. > 0 required.
     234     * @param latExtent the latitude extent. &gt; 0 required.
     235     * @param lonExtent the longitude extent. &gt; 0 required.
    236236     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if center is null
    237      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if latExtent <= 0
    238      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if lonExtent <= 0
     237     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if latExtent &lt;= 0
     238     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if lonExtent &lt;= 0
    239239     */
    240240    public Bounds(LatLon center, double latExtent, double lonExtent) {
    241241        CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(center, "center");
    242242        if (latExtent <= 0.0)
    243             throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Parameter ''{0}'' > 0.0 exptected, got {1}", "latExtent", latExtent));
     243            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Parameter ''{0}'' > 0.0 expected, got {1}", "latExtent", latExtent));
    244244        if (lonExtent <= 0.0)
    245             throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Parameter ''{0}'' > 0.0 exptected, got {1}", "lonExtent", lonExtent));
     245            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format("Parameter ''{0}'' > 0.0 expected, got {1}", "lonExtent", lonExtent));
    247247        this.minLat = LatLon.roundToOsmPrecision(LatLon.toIntervalLat( - latExtent / 2));
    253253    /**
    254254     * Creates BBox with same coordinates.
    255      * 
     255     *
    256256     * @return BBox with same coordinates.
    257257     * @since 6203
    260260        return new BBox(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat);
    261261    }
    263263    @Override public String toString() {
    264264        return "Bounds["+minLat+","+minLon+","+maxLat+","+maxLon+"]";
    277277     */
    278278    public LatLon getCenter() {
    279         if (crosses180thMeridian()) {           
     279        if (crosses180thMeridian()) {
    280280            double lat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
    281281            double lon = (minLon + maxLon - 360.0) / 2;
    296296        extend(, ll.lon());
    297297    }
    299299    /**
    300300     * Extend the bounds if necessary to include the given point [lat,lon].
    358358    /**
    359359     * The two bounds intersect? Compared to java Shape.intersects, if does not use
    360      * the interior but the closure. (">=" instead of ">")
     360     * the interior but the closure. ("&gt;=" instead of "&gt;")
    361361     */
    362362    public boolean intersects(Bounds b) {
    413413     */
    414414    public boolean isCollapsed() {
    415         return Double.doubleToLongBits(minLat) == Double.doubleToLongBits(maxLat) 
     415        return Double.doubleToLongBits(minLat) == Double.doubleToLongBits(maxLat)
    416416            && Double.doubleToLongBits(minLon) == Double.doubleToLongBits(maxLon);
    417417    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/

    r6380 r6830  
    6767    /**
    6868     * The two bounds intersect? Compared to java Shape.intersects, if does not use
    69      * the interior but the closure. (">=" instead of ">")
     69     * the interior but the closure. ("&gt;=" instead of "&gt;")
    7070     */
    7171    public boolean intersects(ProjectionBounds b) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/coor/

    r6566 r6830  
    3030 * where valid values are in the [-180,180] and positive values specify positions east of the prime meridian.
    3131 * <br>
    32  * <img src="">
     32 * <img alt="lat/lon" src="">
    3333 * <br>
    3434 * This class is immutable.
    292292     *
    293293     * @param other the "destination" position
    294      * @return heading in the range 0 <= hd < 2*PI
     294     * @return heading in the range 0 &lt;= hd &lt; 2*PI
    295295     */
    296296    public double heading(LatLon other) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/gpx/

    r6380 r6830  
    1515 * Objects of this class represent a gpx file with tracks, waypoints and routes.
    16  * It uses GPX v1.1, see {@link <a href="">the spec</a>}
     16 * It uses GPX v1.1, see <a href="">the spec</a>
    1717 * for details.
    1818 *
    19  * @author Raphael Mack <>
     19 * @author Raphael Mack &lt;;
    2020 */
    2121public class GpxData extends WithAttributes {
    255255        };
    256256    }
    258258    /**
    259259     * Iterates over all track segments and then over all routes.
    320320        }
    321321    }
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/gpx/

    r6142 r6830  
    1111 * Base class for various classes in the GPX model.
    1212 *
    13  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     13 * @author Frederik Ramm
    1414 * @since 444
    1515 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/imagery/

    r6690 r6830  
    2727 * Class that stores info about an image background layer.
    2828 *
    29  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     29 * @author Frederik Ramm
    3030 */
    3131public class ImageryInfo implements Comparable<ImageryInfo>, Attributed {
    8383     */
    8484    public static class ImageryBounds extends Bounds {
    8686        /**
    8787         * Constructs a new {@code ImageryBounds} from string.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/imagery/types/

    r6069 r6830  
    2525 *
    2626 * <pre>
    27  * &lt;complexType name="entry">
    28  *   &lt;complexContent>
    29  *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType">
    30  *       &lt;sequence>
    31  *         &lt;element name="pixelPerDegree" type="{}double"/>
    32  *         &lt;element name="east" type="{}double"/>
    33  *         &lt;element name="north" type="{}double"/>
    34  *         &lt;element name="lastUsed" type="{}date"/>
    35  *         &lt;element name="lastModified" type="{}date"/>
    36  *         &lt;element name="filename" type="{}string"/>
    37  *       &lt;/sequence>
    38  *     &lt;/restriction>
    39  *   &lt;/complexContent>
    40  * &lt;/complexType>
     27 * &lt;complexType name="entry"&gt;
     28 *   &lt;complexContent&gt;
     29 *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"&gt;
     30 *       &lt;sequence&gt;
     31 *         &lt;element name="pixelPerDegree" type="{}double"/&gt;
     32 *         &lt;element name="east" type="{}double"/&gt;
     33 *         &lt;element name="north" type="{}double"/&gt;
     34 *         &lt;element name="lastUsed" type="{}date"/&gt;
     35 *         &lt;element name="lastModified" type="{}date"/&gt;
     36 *         &lt;element name="filename" type="{}string"/&gt;
     37 *       &lt;/sequence&gt;
     38 *     &lt;/restriction&gt;
     39 *   &lt;/complexContent&gt;
     40 * &lt;/complexType&gt;
    4141 * </pre>
    42  *
    4342 *
    4443 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/imagery/types/

    r6069 r6830  
    55// Generated on: 2011.01.09 at 07:33:18 PM CET
    119import java.util.ArrayList;
    1210import java.util.List;
    1312import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
    1413import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
    1514import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
    1615import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
    2321 *
    2422 * <pre>
    25  * &lt;complexType name="projection">
    26  *   &lt;complexContent>
    27  *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType">
    28  *       &lt;sequence>
    29  *         &lt;element name="entry" type="{}entry" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
    30  *       &lt;/sequence>
    31  *       &lt;attribute name="name" type="{}string" />
    32  *       &lt;attribute name="cache-directory" type="{}string" />
    33  *     &lt;/restriction>
    34  *   &lt;/complexContent>
    35  * &lt;/complexType>
     23 * &lt;complexType name="projection"&gt;
     24 *   &lt;complexContent&gt;
     25 *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"&gt;
     26 *       &lt;sequence&gt;
     27 *         &lt;element name="entry" type="{}entry" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/&gt;
     28 *       &lt;/sequence&gt;
     29 *       &lt;attribute name="name" type="{}string" /&gt;
     30 *       &lt;attribute name="cache-directory" type="{}string" /&gt;
     31 *     &lt;/restriction&gt;
     32 *   &lt;/complexContent&gt;
     33 * &lt;/complexType&gt;
    3634 * </pre>
    37  *
    3835 *
    3936 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/imagery/types/

    r6069 r6830  
    55// Generated on: 2011.01.09 at 07:33:18 PM CET
    119import java.util.ArrayList;
    1210import java.util.List;
    1312import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
    1413import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
    1615import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
    1716import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
    2422 *
    2523 * <pre>
    26  * &lt;complexType>
    27  *   &lt;complexContent>
    28  *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType">
    29  *       &lt;sequence>
    30  *         &lt;element name="projection" type="{}projection" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
    31  *       &lt;/sequence>
    32  *       &lt;attribute name="tileSize" use="required" type="{}int" />
    33  *       &lt;attribute name="totalFileSize" use="required" type="{}int" />
    34  *     &lt;/restriction>
    35  *   &lt;/complexContent>
    36  * &lt;/complexType>
     24 * &lt;complexType&gt;
     25 *   &lt;complexContent&gt;
     26 *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"&gt;
     27 *       &lt;sequence&gt;
     28 *         &lt;element name="projection" type="{}projection" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/&gt;
     29 *       &lt;/sequence&gt;
     30 *       &lt;attribute name="tileSize" use="required" type="{}int" /&gt;
     31 *       &lt;attribute name="totalFileSize" use="required" type="{}int" /&gt;
     32 *     &lt;/restriction&gt;
     33 *   &lt;/complexContent&gt;
     34 * &lt;/complexType&gt;
    3735 * </pre>
    38  *
    3936 *
    4037 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6821 r6830  
    11// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
    4 import;
    64import static;
    1917import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
    2222* Abstract class to represent common features of the datatypes primitives.
    160160    /**
    161161     *
    162      * @return True if primitive is new (not yet uploaded the server, id <= 0)
     162     * @return True if primitive is new (not yet uploaded the server, id &lt;= 0)
    163163     */
    164164    @Override
    184184     * is set to false.
    185185     *
    186      * @param id the id. > 0 required
    187      * @param version the version > 0 required
    188      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
    189      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if version <= 0
     186     * @param id the id. &gt; 0 required
     187     * @param version the version &gt; 0 required
     188     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
     189     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if version &lt;= 0
    190190     * @throws DataIntegrityProblemException If id is changed and primitive was already added to the dataset
    191191     */
    256256     * primitive.
    257257     *
    258      * @param changesetId the id. >= 0 required.
     258     * @param changesetId the id. &gt;= 0 required.
    259259     * @throws IllegalStateException thrown if this primitive is new.
    260      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id < 0
     260     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt; 0
    261261     */
    262262    @Override
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6380 r6830  
    5353    /**
    54      * Creates a changeset with id <code>id</code>. If id > 0, sets incomplete to true.
     54     * Creates a changeset with id <code>id</code>. If id &gt; 0, sets incomplete to true.
    5555     *
    5656     * @param id the id
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6643 r6830  
    778778     * exists
    779779     *
    780      * @param id  uniqueId of the primitive. Might be < 0 for newly created primitives
     780     * @param id  uniqueId of the primitive. Might be &lt; 0 for newly created primitives
    781781     * @param type the type of  the primitive. Must not be null.
    782782     * @return the primitive
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6639 r6830  
    11// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
     4import java.util.Collection;
     5import java.util.Set;
     6import java.util.TreeSet;
    48import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main;
    14 import java.util.Collection;
    15 import java.util.Set;
    16 import java.util.TreeSet;
    139139    /**
    140140     * Constructs an incomplete {@code Node} object with the given id.
    141      * @param id The id. Must be >= 0
    142      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id < 0
     141     * @param id The id. Must be &gt;= 0
     142     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id &lt; 0
    143143     */
    144144    public Node(long id) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    148148    /**
    149149     * Constructs a new {@code Node} with the given id and version.
    150      * @param id The id. Must be >= 0
     150     * @param id The id. Must be &gt;= 0
    151151     * @param version The version
    152      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id < 0
     152     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id &lt; 0
    153153     */
    154154    public Node(long id, int version) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6733 r6830  
    241241     * Creates a new primitive for the given id.
    242242     *
    243      * If allowNegativeId is set, provided id can be < 0 and will be set to primitive without any processing.
     243     * If allowNegativeId is set, provided id can be &lt; 0 and will be set to primitive without any processing.
    244244     * If allowNegativeId is not set, then id will have to be 0 (in that case new unique id will be generated) or
    245245     * positive number.
    247247     * @param id the id
    248248     * @param allowNegativeId
    249      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id < 0 and allowNegativeId is false
     249     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt; 0 and allowNegativeId is false
    250250     */
    251251    protected OsmPrimitive(long id, boolean allowNegativeId) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    269269     * Creates a new primitive for the given id and version.
    270270     *
    271      * If allowNegativeId is set, provided id can be < 0 and will be set to primitive without any processing.
     271     * If allowNegativeId is set, provided id can be &lt; 0 and will be set to primitive without any processing.
    272272     * If allowNegativeId is not set, then id will have to be 0 (in that case new unique id will be generated) or
    273273     * positive number.
    274274     *
    275      * If id is not > 0 version is ignored and set to 0.
     275     * If id is not &gt; 0 version is ignored and set to 0.
    276276     *
    277277     * @param id
    278278     * @param version
    279279     * @param allowNegativeId
    280      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id < 0 and allowNegativeId is false
     280     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt; 0 and allowNegativeId is false
    281281     */
    282282    protected OsmPrimitive(long id, int version, boolean allowNegativeId) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    356356     * is set to false.
    357357     *
    358      * @param id the id. > 0 required
    359      * @param version the version > 0 required
    360      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
    361      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if version <= 0
     358     * @param id the id. &gt; 0 required
     359     * @param version the version &gt; 0 required
     360     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
     361     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if version &lt;= 0
    362362     * @throws DataIntegrityProblemException If id is changed and primitive was already added to the dataset
    363363     */
    11431143     * semantic attributes.
    11441144     * <ol>
    1145      *   <li>equal id</ol>
     1145     *   <li>equal id</li>
    11461146     *   <li>both are complete or both are incomplete</li>
    11471147     *   <li>both have the same tags</li>
    11651165     * technical attributes. The attributes:
    11661166     * <ol>
    1167      *   <li>deleted</ol>
    1168      *   <li>modified</ol>
    1169      *   <li>timestamp</ol>
    1170      *   <li>version</ol>
    1171      *   <li>visible</ol>
    1172      *   <li>user</ol>
     1167     *   <li>deleted</li>
     1168     *   <li>modified</li>
     1169     *   <li>timestamp</li>
     1170     *   <li>version</li>
     1171     *   <li>visible</li>
     1172     *   <li>user</li>
    11731173     * </ol>
    11741174     * have to be equal
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6717 r6830  
    2121 * An relation, having a set of tags and any number (0...n) of members.
    2222 *
    23  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     23 * @author Frederik Ramm
    2424 */
    2525public final class Relation extends OsmPrimitive implements IRelation {
    205205    /**
    206      * Creates a new relation for the given id. If the id > 0, the way is marked
     206     * Creates a new relation for the given id. If the id &gt; 0, the way is marked
    207207     * as incomplete.
    208208     *
    209      * @param id the id. > 0 required
    210      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id < 0
     209     * @param id the id. &gt; 0 required
     210     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt; 0
    211211     */
    212212    public Relation(long id) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6069 r6830  
    4949    /**
    50      * PrimitiveId implementation. Returns the same value as {@link #getMemberId()()}
     50     * PrimitiveId implementation. Returns the same value as {@link #getMemberId()}
    5151     */
    5252    @Override
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6717 r6830  
    1414 * A Set-like class that allows looking up equivalent preexising instance.
    1515 * It is useful whereever one would use self-mapping construct like
    16  * <code>Map<T,T>.put(t,t), that is, for caches, uniqueness filters or similar.
     16 * <code>Map&lt;T,T&gt;.put(t,t)</code>, that is, for caches, uniqueness filters or similar.
    1717 *
    1818 * The semantics of equivalency can be external to the object, using the
    2424 * <ul><li>A String cache:
    2525 * <pre>
    26  * Storage<String> cache = new Storage(); // use default Hash
     26 * Storage&lt;String&gt; cache = new Storage(); // use default Hash
    2727 * for (String input : data) {
    2828 *     String onlyOne = cache.putIfUnique(input);
    3232 * <li>Identity-based set:
    3333 * <pre>
    34  * Storage<Object> identity = new Storage(new Hash<Object,Object> {
     34 * Storage&lt;Object&gt; identity = new Storage(new Hash&lt;Object,Object&gt; {
    3535 *     public int getHashCode(Object o) {
    3636 *         return System.identityHashCode(o);
    4444 * <pre>
    4545 * class Thing { int id; }
    46  * Storage<Thing> things = new Storage(new Hash<Thing,Thing>() {
     46 * Storage&lt;Thing&gt; things = new Storage(new Hash&lt;Thing,Thing&gt;() {
    4747 *     public int getHashCode(Thing t) {
    4848 *         return;
    5252 *     }
    5353 *  });
    54  * Map<Integer,Thing> fk = things.foreignKey(new Hash<Integer,Thing>() {
     54 * Map&lt;Integer,Thing&gt; fk = things.foreignKey(new Hash&lt;Integer,Thing&gt;() {
    5555 *     public int getHashCode(Integer i) {
    5656 *         return i.getIntValue();
    6464 * assert things.get(new Thing(3)) == fk.get(3);
    6565 * </pre></li>
    66  *
     66 * </ul>
    6767 *
    6868 * @author nenik
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/

    r6717 r6830  
    126126     * @param index the position
    127127     * @return  the node at position <code>index</code>
    128      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if <code>index</code> < 0
    129      * or <code>index</code> >= {@link #getNodesCount()}
     128     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if <code>index</code> &lt; 0
     129     * or <code>index</code> &gt;= {@link #getNodesCount()}
    130130     * @since 1862
    131131     */
    255255    /**
    256      * Contructs a new {@code Way} for the given id. If the id > 0, the way is marked
     256     * Contructs a new {@code Way} for the given id. If the id &gt; 0, the way is marked
    257257     * as incomplete. If id == 0 then way is marked as new
    258258     *
    259      * @param id the id. >= 0 required
    260      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id < 0
     259     * @param id the id. &gt;= 0 required
     260     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id &lt; 0
    261261     * @since 343
    262262     */
    267267    /**
    268268     * Contructs a new {@code Way} with given id and version.
    269      * @param id the id. >= 0 required
     269     * @param id the id. &gt;= 0 required
    270270     * @param version the version
    271      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id < 0
     271     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id &lt; 0
    272272     * @since 2620
    273273     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/event/

    r5170 r6830  
    2222    /**
    2323     * Returns list of primitives modified by this event.
    24      * <br/>
     24     * <br>
    2525     * <strong>WARNING</strong> This value might be incorrect in case
    2626     * of {@link DataChangedEvent}. It returns all primitives in the dataset
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/history/

    r6623 r6830  
    4343     * Creates a new history for an OSM primitive
    4444     *
    45      * @param id the id. >0 required.
     45     * @param id the id. &gt; 0 required.
    4646     * @param type the primitive type. Must not be null.
    4747     * @param versions a list of versions. Can be null.
    48      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     48     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    4949     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if type is null
    5050     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/history/

    r6449 r6830  
    8383     * and version <code>version</code>. null, if no such primitive exists.
    8484     *
    85      * @param id the id of the primitive. > 0 required.
     85     * @param id the id of the primitive. &gt; 0 required.
    8686     * @param type the primitive type. Must not be null.
    87      * @param version the version of the primitive. > 0 required
     87     * @param version the version of the primitive. &gt; 0 required
    8888     * @return the history primitive for the primitive with id <code>id</code>,
    8989     * type <code>type</code>, and version <code>version</code>
    135135     * and type <code>type</code>.
    136136     *
    137      * @param id the id the if of the primitive. > 0 required
     137     * @param id the id the if of the primitive. &gt; 0 required
    138138     * @param type the type of the primitive. Must not be null.
    139139     * @return the history. null, if there isn't a history for <code>id</code> and
    140140     * <code>type</code>.
    141      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     141     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    142142     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if type is null
    143143     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/history/

    r6069 r6830  
    2222     * Constructs a new {@code HistoryNode}.
    2323     *
    24      * @param id the id (> 0 required)
    25      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     24     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     25     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    2626     * @param visible whether the node is still visible
    27      * @param user the user (! null required)
    28      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required)
    29      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required)
     27     * @param user the user (!= null required)
     28     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required)
     29     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required)
    3030     * @param coords the coordinates
    3131     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated
    3939     * This is needed to build virtual HistoryNodes for modified nodes, which do not have a timestamp and a changeset id.
    4040     *
    41      * @param id the id (> 0 required)
    42      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     41     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     42     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    4343     * @param visible whether the node is still visible
    44      * @param user the user (! null required)
    45      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    46      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     44     * @param user the user (!= null required)
     45     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     46     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    4747     * @param coords the coordinates
    4848     * @param checkHistoricParams if true, checks values of {@code changesetId} and {@code timestamp}
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/history/

    r6440 r6830  
    4747     * Constructs a new {@code HistoryOsmPrimitive}.
    4848     *
    49      * @param id the id (> 0 required)
    50      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     49     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     50     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    5151     * @param visible whether the primitive is still visible
    52      * @param user the user (! null required)
    53      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required)
    54      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required)
     52     * @param user the user (!= null required)
     53     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required)
     54     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required)
    5555     *
    5656     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated
    6464     * This is needed to build virtual HistoryOsmPrimitives for modified primitives, which do not have a timestamp and a changeset id.
    6565     *
    66      * @param id the id (> 0 required)
    67      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     66     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     67     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    6868     * @param visible whether the primitive is still visible
    69      * @param user the user (! null required)
    70      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    71      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     69     * @param user the user (!= null required)
     70     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     71     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    7272     * @param checkHistoricParams if true, checks values of {@code changesetId} and {@code timestamp}
    7373     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/history/

    r6317 r6830  
    2626     * constructor
    2727     *
    28      * @param id the id (>0 required)
    29      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     28     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     29     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    3030     * @param visible whether the primitive is still visible
    31      * @param user  the user (! null required)
    32      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required)
    33      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required)
     31     * @param user  the user (!= null required)
     32     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required)
     33     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required)
    3434     *
    3535     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated
    4242     * constructor
    4343     *
    44      * @param id the id (>0 required)
    45      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     44     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     45     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    4646     * @param visible whether the primitive is still visible
    47      * @param user  the user (! null required)
    48      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    49      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     47     * @param user  the user (!= null required)
     48     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     49     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    5050     * @param checkHistoricParams If true, checks values of {@code changesetId} and {@code timestamp}
    5151     *
    6060     * constructor
    6161     *
    62      * @param id the id (>0 required)
    63      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     62     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     63     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    6464     * @param visible whether the primitive is still visible
    65      * @param user  the user (! null required)
    66      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required)
    67      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required)
     65     * @param user  the user (!= null required)
     66     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required)
     67     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required)
    6868     * @param members list of members for this relation
    6969     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/history/

    r6317 r6830  
    2626     * Constructs a new {@code HistoryWay}.
    2727     *
    28      * @param id the id (> 0 required)
    29      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     28     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     29     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    3030     * @param visible whether the node is still visible
    31      * @param user the user (! null required)
    32      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    33      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     31     * @param user the user (!= null required)
     32     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     33     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    3434     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated
    3535     */
    4242     * This is needed to build virtual HistoryWays for modified ways, which do not have a timestamp and a changeset id.
    4343     *
    44      * @param id the id (> 0 required)
    45      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     44     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     45     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    4646     * @param visible whether the node is still visible
    47      * @param user the user (! null required)
    48      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    49      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     47     * @param user the user (!= null required)
     48     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     49     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    5050     * @param checkHistoricParams if true, checks values of {@code changesetId} and {@code timestamp}
    5151     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated
    5959     * Constructs a new {@code HistoryWay} with a given list of node ids.
    6060     *
    61      * @param id the id (> 0 required)
    62      * @param version the version (> 0 required)
     61     * @param id the id (&gt; 0 required)
     62     * @param version the version (&gt; 0 required)
    6363     * @param visible whether the node is still visible
    64      * @param user the user (! null required)
    65      * @param changesetId the changeset id (> 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    66      * @param timestamp the timestamp (! null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
    67      * @param nodeIdList the node ids (! null required)
     64     * @param user the user (!= null required)
     65     * @param changesetId the changeset id (&gt; 0 required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     66     * @param timestamp the timestamp (!= null required if {@code checkHistoricParams} is true)
     67     * @param nodeIdList the node ids (!= null required)
    6868     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preconditions are violated
    6969     */
    9595     * @param idx the index
    9696     * @return the idx-th node id
    97      * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown, if  idx <0 || idx >= {#see {@link #getNumNodes()}
     97     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown, if  idx &lt; 0 || idx &gt;= {#see {@link #getNumNodes()}
    9898     */
    9999    public long getNodeId(int idx) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/osm/visitor/paint/

    r6380 r6830  
    281281     * With this bug, <code>gv.setGlyphTransform(i, trfm)</code> has a different
    282282     * effect than on most other systems, namely the translation components
    283      * ("m02" & "m12", {@link AffineTransform}) appear to be twice as large, as
    284      * they actually are. The rotation is unaffected (scale & shear not tested
     283     * ("m02" &amp; "m12", {@link AffineTransform}) appear to be twice as large, as
     284     * they actually are. The rotation is unaffected (scale &amp; shear not tested
    285285     * so far).
    286286     *
    445445    /**
    446446     * Displays text at specified position including its halo, if applicable.
    447      * 
     447     *
    448448     * @param gv Text's glyphs to display. If {@code null}, use text from {@code s} instead.
    449449     * @param s text to display if {@code gv} is {@code null}
    484484        }
    485485    }
    487487    protected void drawArea(OsmPrimitive osm, Path2D.Double path, Color color, MapImage fillImage, TextElement text) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/

    r6463 r6830  
    185185    /**
    186      *  Returns the <i>radius of curvature in the meridian<i>
     186     *  Returns the <i>radius of curvature in the meridian</i>
    187187     *  for this reference ellipsoid at the specified latitude.
    188188     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/projection/datum/

    r6822 r6830  
    200200     * @param gs A GridShift object containing the coordinate to shift
    201201     * @return True if the coordinate is within a Sub Grid, false if not
    202      * @throws IOException
    203202     */
    204203    public boolean gridShiftForward(NTV2GridShift gs) {
    223222     * @param gs A GridShift object containing the coordinate to shift
    224223     * @return True if the coordinate is within a Sub Grid, false if not
    225      * @throws IOException
    226224     */
    227225    public boolean gridShiftReverse(NTV2GridShift gs) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/

    r6781 r6830  
    6363 * A OSM data validator.
    6464 *
    65  * @author Francisco R. Santos <>
     65 * @author Francisco R. Santos &lt;;
    6666 */
    6767public class OsmValidator implements LayerChangeListener {
    119119        ConditionalKeys.class, // 3200 .. 3299
    120120    };
    122122    private static Map<String, Test> allTestsMap;
    123123    static {
    226226        return new TreeMap<String, Test>(allTestsMap);
    227227    }
    229229    /**
    230230     * Returns the instance of the given test class.
    281281    /**
    282282     * Initialize grid details based on current projection system. Values based on
    283      * the original value fixed for EPSG:4326 (10000) using heuristics (that is, test&error
     283     * the original value fixed for EPSG:4326 (10000) using heuristics (that is, test&amp;error
    284284     * until most bugs were discovered while keeping the processing time reasonable)
    285285     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r6639 r6830  
    101101    /** The map of potential duplicates.
    102102     *
    103      * If there is exactly one node for a given pos, the map includes a pair <pos, Node>.
     103     * If there is exactly one node for a given pos, the map includes a pair &lt;pos, Node&gt;.
    104104     * If there are multiple nodes for a given pos, the map includes a pair
    105      * <pos, NodesByEqualTagsMap>
     105     * &lt;pos, NodesByEqualTagsMap&gt;
    106106     */
    107107    private Storage<Object> potentialDuplicates;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r6659 r6830  
    31  * Checks for nodes in power lines/minor_lines that do not have a power=tower/pole tag.<br/>
     31 * Checks for nodes in power lines/minor_lines that do not have a power=tower/pole tag.<br>
    3232 * See #7812 for discussions about this test.
    3333 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/data/validation/tests/

    r6791 r6830  
    3434 * Tests if there are segments that crosses in the same layer.
    35  * <br/>
     35 * <br>
    3636 * This class is abstract since highway/railway/waterway/… ways must be handled separately.
    3737 * An actual implementation must override {@link #isPrimitiveUsable(OsmPrimitive)}
    5353            super(tr("Unconnected highways"));
    5454        }
    5656        @Override
    5757        public boolean isPrimitiveUsable(OsmPrimitive p) {
    7171            super(tr("Unconnected railways"));
    7272        }
    7474        @Override
    7575        public boolean isPrimitiveUsable(OsmPrimitive p) {
    8989            super(tr("Unconnected waterways"));
    9090        }
    9292        @Override
    9393        public boolean isPrimitiveUsable(OsmPrimitive p) {
    107107            super(tr("Unconnected natural lands and landuses"));
    108108        }
    110110        @Override
    111111        public boolean isPrimitiveUsable(OsmPrimitive p) {
    125125            super(tr("Unconnected power ways"));
    126126        }
    128128        @Override
    129129        public boolean isPrimitiveUsable(OsmPrimitive p) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r6623 r6830  
    3535    public static final int DIALOG_DISABLED_OPTION = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    37     /** (preference key => return value) mappings valid for the current operation (no, those two maps cannot be combined) */
     37    /** (preference key =&gt; return value) mappings valid for the current operation (no, those two maps cannot be combined) */
    3838    protected static final Map<String, Integer> sessionChoices = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    39     /** (preference key => return value) mappings valid for the current session */
     39    /** (preference key =&gt; return value) mappings valid for the current session */
    4040    protected static final Map<String, Integer> immediateChoices = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    4141    /** a set indication that (preference key) is or may be stored for the currently active bulk operation */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r6798 r6830  
    3939 * dropped onto, but only {@link javax.swing.JComponent}s will indicate
    4040 * the drop event with a changed border.
    41  * <p/>
     41 * <p>
    4242 * To use this class, construct a new <tt>FileDrop</tt> by passing
    4343 * it the target component and a <tt>Listener</tt> to receive notification
    4444 * when file(s) have been dropped. Here is an example:
    45  * <p/>
    46  * <code><pre>
     45 * <p>
     46 * <code>
    4747 *      JPanel myPanel = new JPanel();
    4848 *      new FileDrop( myPanel, new FileDrop.Listener()
    5353 *          }   // end filesDropped
    5454 *      }); // end FileDrop.Listener
    55  * </pre></code>
    56  * <p/>
     55 * </code>
     56 * <p>
    5757 * You can specify the border that will appear when files are being dragged by
    5858 * calling the constructor with a {@link javax.swing.border.Border}. Only
    5959 * <tt>JComponent</tt>s will show any indication with a border.
    60  * <p/>
     60 * <p>
    6161 * You can turn on some debugging features by passing a <tt>PrintStream</tt>
    6262 * object (such as <tt>System.out</tt>) into the full constructor. A <tt>null</tt>
    6363 * value will result in no extra debugging information being output.
    64  * <p/>
     64 * <p>
    6565 *
    6666 * <p>I'm releasing this code into the Public Domain. Enjoy.
    449449     * Implement this inner interface to listen for when files are dropped. For example
    450450     * your class declaration may begin like this:
    451      * <code><pre>
     451     * <code>
    452452     *      public class MyClass implements FileDrop.Listener
    453453     *      ...
    457457     *      }   // end filesDropped
    458458     *      ...
    459      * </pre></code>
     459     * </code>
    460460     */
    461461    public static interface Listener {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r6806 r6830  
    152152        /** --debug                                   Print debugging messages to console */
    153153        DEBUG(false),
    154         /** --language=<language>                     Set the language */
     154        /** --language=&lt;language&gt;               Set the language */
    155155        LANGUAGE(true),
    156156        /** --reset-preferences                       Reset the preferences to default */
    157157        RESET_PREFERENCES(false),
    158         /** --load-preferences=<url-to-xml>           Changes preferences according to the XML file */
     158        /** --load-preferences=&lt;url-to-xml&gt;     Changes preferences according to the XML file */
    159159        LOAD_PREFERENCES(true),
    160         /** --set=<key>=<value>                       Set preference key to value */
     160        /** --set=&lt;key&gt;=&lt;value&gt;           Set preference key to value */
    161161        SET(true),
    162162        /** --geometry=widthxheight(+|-)x(+|-)y       Standard unix geometry argument */
    167167        MAXIMIZE(false),
    168168        /** --download=minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon    Download the bounding box <br>
    169          *  --download=<URL>                          Download the location at the URL (with lat=x&lon=y&zoom=z) <br>
    170          *  --download=<filename>                     Open a file (any file type that can be opened with File/Open) */
     169         *  --download=&lt;URL&gt;                    Download the location at the URL (with lat=x&amp;lon=y&amp;zoom=z) <br>
     170         *  --download=&lt;filename&gt;               Open a file (any file type that can be opened with File/Open) */
    171171        DOWNLOAD(true),
    172172        /** --downloadgps=minlat,minlon,maxlat,maxlon Download the bounding box as raw GPS <br>
    173          *  --downloadgps=<URL>                       Download the location at the URL (with lat=x&lon=y&zoom=z) as raw GPS */
     173         *  --downloadgps=&lt;URL&gt;                 Download the location at the URL (with lat=x&amp;lon=y&amp;zoom=z) as raw GPS */
    174174        DOWNLOADGPS(true),
    175         /** --selection=<searchstring>                Select with the given search */
     175        /** --selection=&lt;searchstring&gt;          Select with the given search */
    176176        SELECTION(true);
    275275            System.exit(1);
    276276        }
    278278        final boolean languageGiven = args.containsKey(Option.LANGUAGE);
    314314        Main.commandLineArgs = Utils.copyArray(argArray);
    316316        if (args.containsKey(Option.VERSION)) {
    317317            System.out.println(Version.getInstance().getAgentString());
    428428            RemoteControl.start();
    429429        }
    431431        if (MessageNotifier.PROP_NOTIFIER_ENABLED.get()) {
    432432            MessageNotifier.start();
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r6738 r6830  
    130130    /* File menu */
    131     /** File -> New Layer **/
     131    /** File / New Layer **/
    132132    public final NewAction newAction = new NewAction();
    133     /** File -> Open... **/
     133    /** File / Open... **/
    134134    public final OpenFileAction openFile = new OpenFileAction();
    135     /** File -> Open Recent > **/
     135    /** File / Open Recent &gt; **/
    136136    public final RecentlyOpenedFilesMenu recentlyOpened = new RecentlyOpenedFilesMenu();
    137     /** File -> Open Location... **/
     137    /** File / Open Location... **/
    138138    public final OpenLocationAction openLocation = new OpenLocationAction();
    139     /** File -> Save **/
     139    /** File / Save **/
    140140    public final SaveAction save = SaveAction.getInstance();
    141     /** File -> Save As... **/
     141    /** File / Save As... **/
    142142    public final SaveAsAction saveAs = SaveAsAction.getInstance();
    143     /** File -> Session > Load Session **/
     143    /** File / Session &gt; Load Session **/
    144144    public SessionLoadAction sessionLoad;
    145     /** File -> Session > Save Session As... **/
     145    /** File / Session &gt; Save Session As... **/
    146146    public SessionSaveAsAction sessionSaveAs;
    147     /** File -> Export to GPX... **/
     147    /** File / Export to GPX... **/
    148148    public final GpxExportAction gpxExport = new GpxExportAction();
    149     /** File -> Download from OSM... **/
     149    /** File / Download from OSM... **/
    150150    public final DownloadAction download = new DownloadAction();
    151     /** File -> Download object... **/
     151    /** File / Download object... **/
    152152    public final DownloadPrimitiveAction downloadPrimitive = new DownloadPrimitiveAction();
    153     /** File -> Download parent ways/relations... **/
     153    /** File / Download parent ways/relations... **/
    154154    public final DownloadReferrersAction downloadReferrers = new DownloadReferrersAction();
    155     /** File -> Close open changesets... **/
     155    /** File / Close open changesets... **/
    156156    public final CloseChangesetAction closeChangesetAction = new CloseChangesetAction();
    157     /** File -> Update data **/
     157    /** File / Update data **/
    158158    public final JosmAction update = new UpdateDataAction();
    159     /** File -> Update selection **/
     159    /** File / Update selection **/
    160160    public final JosmAction updateSelection = new UpdateSelectionAction();
    161     /** File -> Update modified **/
     161    /** File / Update modified **/
    162162    public final JosmAction updateModified = new UpdateModifiedAction();
    163     /** File -> Upload data **/
     163    /** File / Upload data **/
    164164    public final JosmAction upload = new UploadAction();
    165     /** File -> Upload selection **/
     165    /** File / Upload selection **/
    166166    public final JosmAction uploadSelection = new UploadSelectionAction();
    167     /** File -> Restart **/
     167    /** File / Restart **/
    168168    public final RestartAction restart = new RestartAction();
    169     /** File -> Exit **/
     169    /** File / Exit **/
    170170    public final ExitAction exit = new ExitAction();
    172172    /* Edit menu */
    173     /** Edit -> Undo... */
     173    /** Edit / Undo... */
    174174    public final UndoAction undo = new UndoAction();
    175     /** Edit -> Redo */
     175    /** Edit / Redo */
    176176    public final RedoAction redo = new RedoAction();
    177     /** Edit -> Copy */
     177    /** Edit / Copy */
    178178    public final CopyAction copy = new CopyAction();
    179     /** Edit -> Copy Coordinates */
     179    /** Edit / Copy Coordinates */
    180180    public final JosmAction copyCoordinates = new CopyCoordinatesAction();
    181     /** Edit -> Paste */
     181    /** Edit / Paste */
    182182    public final PasteAction paste = new PasteAction();
    183     /** Edit -> Paste Tags */
     183    /** Edit / Paste Tags */
    184184    public final PasteTagsAction pasteTags = new PasteTagsAction();
    185     /** Edit -> Duplicate */
     185    /** Edit / Duplicate */
    186186    public final DuplicateAction duplicate = new DuplicateAction();
    187     /** Edit -> Delete */
     187    /** Edit / Delete */
    188188    public final DeleteAction delete = new DeleteAction();
    189     /** Edit -> Purge... */
     189    /** Edit / Purge... */
    190190    public final JosmAction purge = new PurgeAction();
    191     /** Edit -> Merge layer */
     191    /** Edit / Merge layer */
    192192    public final MergeLayerAction merge = new MergeLayerAction();
    193     /** Edit -> Merge selection */
     193    /** Edit / Merge selection */
    194194    public final MergeSelectionAction mergeSelected = new MergeSelectionAction();
    195     /** Edit -> Search... */
     195    /** Edit / Search... */
    196196    public final SearchAction search = new SearchAction();
    197     /** Edit -> Preferences */
     197    /** Edit / Preferences */
    198198    public final PreferencesAction preferences = new PreferencesAction();
    200200    /* View menu */
    201     /** View -> Wireframe View */
     201    /** View / Wireframe View */
    202202    public final WireframeToggleAction wireFrameToggleAction = new WireframeToggleAction();
    203203    public final JosmAction toggleGPXLines = new ToggleGPXLinesAction();
    204     /** View -> Advanced info */
     204    /** View / Advanced info */
    205205    public final InfoAction info = new InfoAction();
    206     /** View -> Advanced info (web) */
     206    /** View / Advanced info (web) */
    207207    public final InfoWebAction infoweb = new InfoWebAction();
    208     /** View -> History */
     208    /** View / History */
    209209    public final HistoryInfoAction historyinfo = new HistoryInfoAction();
    210     /** View -> History (web) */
     210    /** View / History (web) */
    211211    public final HistoryInfoWebAction historyinfoweb = new HistoryInfoWebAction();
    212     /** View -> "Zoom to"... actions */
     212    /** View / "Zoom to"... actions */
    213213    public final Map<String, AutoScaleAction> autoScaleActions = new HashMap<String, AutoScaleAction>();
    214     /** View -> Jump to position */
     214    /** View / Jump to position */
    215215    public final JumpToAction jumpToAct = new JumpToAction();
    217217    /* Tools menu */
    218     /** Tools -> Split Way */
     218    /** Tools / Split Way */
    219219    public final SplitWayAction splitWay = new SplitWayAction();
    220     /** Tools -> Combine Way */
     220    /** Tools / Combine Way */
    221221    public final CombineWayAction combineWay = new CombineWayAction();
    222     /** Tools -> Reverse Ways */
     222    /** Tools / Reverse Ways */
    223223    public final ReverseWayAction reverseWay = new ReverseWayAction();
    224     /** Tools -> Simplify Way */
     224    /** Tools / Simplify Way */
    225225    public final SimplifyWayAction simplifyWay = new SimplifyWayAction();
    226     /** Tools -> Align Nodes in Circle */
     226    /** Tools / Align Nodes in Circle */
    227227    public final AlignInCircleAction alignInCircle = new AlignInCircleAction();
    228     /** Tools -> Align Nodes in Line */
     228    /** Tools / Align Nodes in Line */
    229229    public final AlignInLineAction alignInLine = new AlignInLineAction();
    230     /** Tools -> Distribute Nodes */
     230    /** Tools / Distribute Nodes */
    231231    public final DistributeAction distribute = new DistributeAction();
    232     /** Tools -> Orthogonalize Shape */
     232    /** Tools / Orthogonalize Shape */
    233233    public final OrthogonalizeAction ortho = new OrthogonalizeAction();
    234234    /** Orthogonalize undo. Action is not shown in the menu. Only triggered by shortcut */
    235235    public final Undo orthoUndo = new Undo();
    236     /** Tools -> Mirror */
     236    /** Tools / Mirror */
    237237    public final MirrorAction mirror = new MirrorAction();
    238     /** Tools -> Follow line */
     238    /** Tools / Follow line */
    239239    public final FollowLineAction followLine = new FollowLineAction();
    240     /** Tools -> Add Node... */
     240    /** Tools / Add Node... */
    241241    public final AddNodeAction addNode = new AddNodeAction();
    242     /** Tools -> Move Node... */
     242    /** Tools / Move Node... */
    243243    public final MoveNodeAction moveNode = new MoveNodeAction();
    244     /** Tools -> Create Circle */
     244    /** Tools / Create Circle */
    245245    public final CreateCircleAction createCircle = new CreateCircleAction();
    246     /** Tools -> Merge Nodes */
     246    /** Tools / Merge Nodes */
    247247    public final MergeNodesAction mergeNodes = new MergeNodesAction();
    248     /** Tools -> Join Node to Way */
     248    /** Tools / Join Node to Way */
    249249    public final JoinNodeWayAction joinNodeWay = new JoinNodeWayAction();
    250     /** Tools -> Disconnect Node from Way */
     250    /** Tools / Disconnect Node from Way */
    251251    public final UnJoinNodeWayAction unJoinNodeWay = new UnJoinNodeWayAction();
    252     /** Tools -> Unglue Ways */
     252    /** Tools / Unglue Ways */
    253253    public final UnGlueAction unglueNodes = new UnGlueAction();
    254     /** Tools -> Join overlapping Areas */
     254    /** Tools / Join overlapping Areas */
    255255    public final JoinAreasAction joinAreas = new JoinAreasAction();
    256     /** Tools -> Create multipolygon */
     256    /** Tools / Create multipolygon */
    257257    public final CreateMultipolygonAction createMultipolygon = new CreateMultipolygonAction(false);
    258     /** Tools -> Update multipolygon */
     258    /** Tools / Update multipolygon */
    259259    public final CreateMultipolygonAction updateMultipolygon = new CreateMultipolygonAction(true);
    261261    /* Selection menu */
    262     /** Selection -> Select All */
     262    /** Selection / Select All */
    263263    public final SelectAllAction selectAll = new SelectAllAction();
    264     /** Selection -> Unselect All */
     264    /** Selection / Unselect All */
    265265    public final UnselectAllAction unselectAll = new UnselectAllAction();
    266     /** Selection -> Non-branching way sequences */
     266    /** Selection / Non-branching way sequences */
    267267    public final SelectNonBranchingWaySequencesAction nonBranchingWaySequences = new SelectNonBranchingWaySequencesAction();
    269269    /* Audio menu */
    270     /** Audio -> Play/Pause */
     270    /** Audio / Play/Pause */
    271271    public final JosmAction audioPlayPause = new AudioPlayPauseAction();
    272     /** Audio -> Next marker */
     272    /** Audio / Next marker */
    273273    public final JosmAction audioNext = new AudioNextAction();
    274     /** Audio -> Previous Marker */
     274    /** Audio / Previous Marker */
    275275    public final JosmAction audioPrev = new AudioPrevAction();
    276     /** Audio -> Forward */
     276    /** Audio / Forward */
    277277    public final JosmAction audioFwd = new AudioFwdAction();
    278     /** Audio -> Back */
     278    /** Audio / Back */
    279279    public final JosmAction audioBack = new AudioBackAction();
    280     /** Audio -> Faster */
     280    /** Audio / Faster */
    281281    public final JosmAction audioFaster = new AudioFasterAction();
    282     /** Audio -> Slower */
     282    /** Audio / Slower */
    283283    public final JosmAction audioSlower = new AudioSlowerAction();
    285285    /* Windows Menu */
    286     /** Windows -> Changeset Manager */
     286    /** Windows / Changeset Manager */
    287287    public final ChangesetManagerToggleAction changesetManager = new ChangesetManagerToggleAction();
    289289    /* Help menu */
    290     /** Help -> Help */
     290    /** Help / Help */
    291291    public final HelpAction help = new HelpAction();
    292     /** Help -> About */
     292    /** Help / About */
    293293    public final AboutAction about = new AboutAction();
    294     /** Help -> Show Status Report */
     294    /** Help / Show Status Report */
    295295    public final ShowStatusReportAction statusreport = new ShowStatusReportAction();
    324324     * dataMenu contains plugin actions that are related to certain tagging schemes (addressing opening hours),
    325325     * importing external data and using external web APIs
    326      * @since 6082 
    327      */   
     326     * @since 6082
     327     */
    328328    public final JMenu dataMenu = addMenu(marktr("Data"), KeyEvent.VK_D, 5, ht("/Menu/Data"));
    329329    /**
    337337    public final JMenu presetsMenu = addMenu(marktr("Presets"), KeyEvent.VK_P, 7, ht("/Menu/Presets"));
    338338    /**
    339      * submenu in Imagery menu that contains plugin-managed additional imagery layers 
     339     * submenu in Imagery menu that contains plugin-managed additional imagery layers
    340340     * @since 6097
    341341     */
    348348     * gpsMenu contains all plugin actions that are related
    349349     * to using GPS data, including opening, uploading and real-time tracking
    350      * @since 6082 
     350     * @since 6082
    351351     */
    352352    public final JMenu gpsMenu = addMenu(marktr("GPS"), KeyEvent.VK_G, 9, ht("/Menu/GPS"));
    408408        }
    409409    };
    411411    /**
    412412     * @since 6088
    413413     * @return the default position of tnew top-level menus
    414414     */
    415     public int getDefaultMenuPos() { 
    416          return defaultMenuPos; 
     415    public int getDefaultMenuPos() {
     416         return defaultMenuPos;
    417417    }
    586586    public MainMenu() {
    587587        JMenuItem current;
    589589        moreToolsMenu.setVisible(false);
    590590        dataMenu.setVisible(false);
    591591        gpsMenu.setVisible(false);
    593593        add(fileMenu, newAction);
    594594        add(fileMenu, openFile);
    710710        add(imageryMenu, PreferencesAction.forPreferenceTab(tr("Imagery preferences"),
    711711                tr("Click to open the imagery tab in the preferences"), ImageryPreference.class));
    713713        add(selectionMenu, selectAll);
    714714        add(selectionMenu, unselectAll);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r6654 r6830  
    6969 * This is a component used in the {@link MapFrame} for browsing the map. It use is to
    70  * provide the MapMode's enough capabilities to operate.<br/><br/>
     70 * provide the MapMode's enough capabilities to operate.<br><br>
    7171 *
    7272 * {@code MapView} holds meta-data about the data set currently displayed, as scale level,
    7373 * center point viewed, what scrolling mode or editing mode is selected or with
    74  * what projection the map is viewed etc..<br/><br/>
     74 * what projection the map is viewed etc..<br><br>
    7575 *
    7676 * {@code MapView} is able to administrate several layers.
    732732     * Example:
    733733     * <pre>
    734      *     List<WMSLayer> wmsLayers = getLayersOfType(WMSLayer.class);
     734     *     List&lt;WMSLayer&gt; wmsLayers = getLayersOfType(WMSLayer.class);
    735735     * </pre>
    736736     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r6380 r6830  
    2424 *
    2525 * @author imi
    26  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     26 * @author Frederik Ramm
    2727 */
    2828public class OsmPrimitivRenderer implements ListCellRenderer, TableCellRenderer {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/

    r6380 r6830  
    181181    /**
    182      * Task can run in background if returned value <> null. Note that it's tasks responsibility
     182     * Task can run in background if returned value != null. Note that it's tasks responsibility
    183183     * to ensure proper synchronization, PleaseWaitRunnable doesn't with it.
    184      * @return If returned value is <> null then task can run in background. TaskId could be used in future for "Always run in background" checkbox
     184     * @return If returned value is != null then task can run in background. TaskId could be used in future for "Always run in background" checkbox
    185185     */
    186186    public ProgressTaskId canRunInBackground() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/conflict/pair/

    r6822 r6830  
    5050 * <ol>
    5151 *   <li>the table model and the list selection for for a  {@link JTable} which shows my entries.
    52  *    See {@link #getMyTableModel()}</li> and {@link ListMergeModel#getMySelectionModel()}</li>
     52 *    See {@link #getMyTableModel()} and {@link ListMergeModel#getMySelectionModel()}</li>
    5353 *   <li>dito for their entries and merged entries</li>
    5454 * </ol>
    410410     * @param rows the indices
    411411     * @param current the row index before which the nodes are inserted
    412      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current < 0 or >= #nodes in list of merged nodes
     412     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current &lt; 0 or &gt;= #nodes in list of merged nodes
    413413     *
    414414     */
    424424     * @param rows the indices
    425425     * @param current the row index before which the nodes are inserted
    426      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current < 0 or >= #nodes in list of merged nodes
     426     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current &lt; 0 or &gt;= #nodes in list of merged nodes
    427427     *
    428428     */
    437437     * @param rows the indices
    438438     * @param current the row index before which the nodes are inserted
    439      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current < 0 or >= #nodes in list of merged nodes
     439     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current &lt; 0 or &gt;= #nodes in list of merged nodes
    440440     *
    441441     */
    451451     * @param rows the indices
    452452     * @param current the row index after which the nodes are inserted
    453      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current < 0 or >= #nodes in list of merged nodes
     453     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current &lt; 0 or &gt;= #nodes in list of merged nodes
    454454     *
    455455     */
    466466     * @param rows the indices
    467467     * @param current the row index after which the nodes are inserted
    468      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current < 0 or >= #nodes in list of merged nodes
     468     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current &lt; 0 or &gt;= #nodes in list of merged nodes
    469469     *
    470470     */
    479479     * @param rows the indices
    480480     * @param current the row index after which the nodes are inserted
    481      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current < 0 or >= #nodes in list of merged nodes
     481     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown, if current &lt; 0 or &gt;= #nodes in list of merged nodes
    482482     *
    483483     */
    633633         * participates in the current {@link ComparePairType}
    634634         *
    635          * @see ComparePairListModel#getSelectedComparePair()
     635         * @see ListMergeModel.ComparePairListModel#getSelectedComparePair()
    636636         */
    637637        public boolean isParticipatingInCurrentComparePair() {
    831831        private final List<ComparePairType> compareModes;
     833        /**
     834         * Constructs a new {@code ComparePairListModel}.
     835         */
    833836        public ComparePairListModel() {
    834837            this.compareModes = new ArrayList<ComparePairType>();
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/changeset/

    r6084 r6830  
    6363     * Creates a download task for a single changeset
    6464     *
    65      * @param changesetId the changeset id. >0 required.
    66      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if changesetId <= 0
     65     * @param changesetId the changeset id. &gt; 0 required.
     66     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if changesetId &lt;= 0
    6767     */
    6868    public ChangesetContentDownloadTask(int changesetId) throws IllegalArgumentException{
    7575    /**
    76      * Creates a download task for a collection of changesets. null values and id <=0 in
     76     * Creates a download task for a collection of changesets. null values and id &lt;=0 in
    7777     * the collection are sillently discarded.
    7878     *
    101101    /**
    102      * Creates a download task for a collection of changesets. null values and id <=0 in
     102     * Creates a download task for a collection of changesets. null values and id &lt;=0 in
    103103     * the collection are sillently discarded.
    104104     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/changeset/

    r6313 r6830  
    104104     * whose parent is {@link Main#parent}.
    105105     *
    106      * Null ids or or ids <= 0 in the id collection are ignored.
     106     * Null ids or or ids &lt;= 0 in the id collection are ignored.
    107107     *
    108108     * @param ids the collection of ids. Empty collection assumed if null.
    118118     * whose parent is the parent window of <code>dialogParent</code>.
    119119     *
    120      * Null ids or or ids <= 0 in the id collection are ignored.
     120     * Null ids or or ids &lt;= 0 in the id collection are ignored.
    121121     *
    122122     * @param dialogParent the parent reference component for the {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.PleaseWaitDialog}. Must not be null.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/relation/

    r6361 r6830  
    4141 *              if (task.isCanceled() || task.hasError())
    4242 *                  return;
    43  *              List<Relation> parents = task.getParents();
     43 *              List&lt;Relation&gt; parents = task.getParents();
    4444 *              // do something with the parent relations
    4545 *       }
    6464     * Creates a new task for asynchronously downloading the parents of a child relation.
    6565     *
    66      * @param child the child relation. Must not be null. Must have an id > 0.
     66     * @param child the child relation. Must not be null. Must have an id &gt; 0.
    6767     * @param layer  the OSM data layer. Must not be null.
    6868     * @param full if true, parent relations are fully downloaded (i.e. with their members)
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/relation/

    r6084 r6830  
    1616 * This is a {@link TreeModel} which provides the hierarchical structure of {@link Relation}s
    17  * to a {@link javax.swing.tree.JTree}.
     17 * to a {@link javax.swing.JTree}.
    1818 *
    1919 * The model is initialized with a root relation or with a list of {@link RelationMember}s, see
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/relation/sort/

    r6792 r6830  
    2626 * (that are shared by other members).
    2727 *
    28  * @author Christiaan Welvaart <>
     28 * @author Christiaan Welvaart &lt;;
    2929 *
    3030 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/

    r6380 r6830  
    3737 * Provides max/min lat/lon input fields as well as the "URL from" text field.
    3838 *
    39  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     39 * @author Frederik Ramm
    4040 *
    4141 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/download/

    r6084 r6830  
    1515 * Provides a tile coordinate input field.
    1616 *
    17  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     17 * @author Frederik Ramm
    1818 *
    1919 */
    2727    }
     29    /**
     30     * Constructs a new {@code TileSelection}.
     31     */
    2932    public TileSelection() {
    3033        build();
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/history/

    r6440 r6830  
    1010import java.util.Collection;
    1111import java.util.HashSet;
    12 import java.util.List;
    1312import java.util.Set;
    5756    private OsmServerHistoryReader reader = null;
     58    /**
     59     * Constructs a new {@code HistoryLoadTask}.
     60     */
    5961    public HistoryLoadTask() {
    6062        super(tr("Load history"), true);
    6466    /**
    65      * Creates a new task
     67     * Constructs a new {@code HistoryLoadTask}.
    6668     *
    6769     * @param parent the component to be used as reference to find the
    9597     * Adds an object whose history is to be loaded.
    9698     *
    97      * @param pid  the primitive id. Must not be null. Id > 0 required.
     99     * @param pid  the primitive id. Must not be null. Id &gt; 0 required.
    98100     * @return this task
    99101     */
    133135     * Adds an object to be loaded, the object is specified by an OSM primitive.
    134136     *
    135      * @param primitive the OSM primitive. Must not be null. primitive.getId() > 0 required.
     137     * @param primitive the OSM primitive. Must not be null. primitive.getId() &gt; 0 required.
    136138     * @return this task
    137139     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the primitive is null
    138      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if primitive.getId() <= 0
     140     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if primitive.getId() &lt;= 0
    139141     */
    140142    public HistoryLoadTask add(OsmPrimitive primitive) {
    148150     *
    149151     * @param primitives the OSM primitives. Must not be <code>null</code>.
    150      * <code>primitive.getId() > 0</code> required.
     152     * <code>primitive.getId() &gt; 0</code> required.
    151153     * @return this task
    152154     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if primitives is <code>null</code>
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r6316 r6830  
    3131    /**
    3232     * Closes all changesets in <code>changesets</code> if they are not null, if they
    33      * are still open and if they have an id > 0. Other changesets in the collection
     33     * are still open and if they have an id &gt; 0. Other changesets in the collection
    3434     * are ignored.
    3535     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r6643 r6830  
    1717 *     ExecutorService executorService = ...
    1818 *     SaveLayerTask task = new SaveLayerTask(layer, monitor);
    19  *     Future<?> taskFuture = executorServce.submit(task)
     19 *     Future&lt;?&gt; taskFuture = executorServce.submit(task)
    2020 *     try {
    2121 *        // wait for the task to complete
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/io/

    r6316 r6830  
    3131 *     ExecutorService executorService = ...
    3232 *     UploadLayerTask task = new UploadLayerTask(layer, monitor);
    33  *     Future<?> taskFuture = executorServce.submit(task)
     33 *     Future&lt;?&gt; taskFuture = executorServce.submit(task)
    3434 *     try {
    3535 *        // wait for the task to complete
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r6775 r6830  
    231231        return sp;
    232232    }
    234234    @Override
    235235    public boolean isInfoResizable() {
    393393    /**
    394394     * transition function:
    395      *  w(0)=1, w(1)=0, 0<=w(x)<=1
    396      * @param x number: 0<=x<=1
     395     *  w(0)=1, w(1)=0, 0&lt;=w(x)&lt;=1
     396     * @param x number: 0&lt;=x&lt;=1
    397397     * @return the weighted value
    398398     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r6708 r6830  
    451451    /**
    452      * Replies the savable state of this layer (i.e if it can be saved through a "File->Save" dialog).
     452     * Replies the savable state of this layer (i.e if it can be saved through a "File-&gt;Save" dialog).
    453453     * @return true if this layer can be saved to a file
    454454     * @since 5459
    469469    /**
    470      * Creates a new "Save" dialog for this layer and makes it visible.<br/>
     470     * Creates a new "Save" dialog for this layer and makes it visible.<br>
    471471     * When the user has chosen a file, checks the file extension, and confirms overwrite if needed.
    472472     * @return The output {@code File}
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r6798 r6830  
    8787 * Class that displays a slippy map layer.
    8888 *
    89  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
    90  * @author LuVar <>
    91  * @author Dave Hansen <>
    92  * @author Upliner <>
     89 * @author Frederik Ramm
     90 * @author LuVar &lt;;
     91 * @author Dave Hansen &lt;;
     92 * @author Upliner &lt;;
    9393 *
    9494 */
    736736     * Check if zooming out is allowed
    737737     *
    738      * @return    true, if zooming out is allowed (currentZoomLevel > minZoomLevel)
     738     * @return    true, if zooming out is allowed (currentZoomLevel &gt; minZoomLevel)
    739739     */
    740740    public boolean zoomDecreaseAllowed() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/

    r6497 r6830  
    514514     *
    515515     * @param request
    516      * @return -1 if request is no longer needed, otherwise priority of request (lower number <=> more important request)
     516     * @return -1 if request is no longer needed, otherwise priority of request (lower number &lt;=&gt; more important request)
    517517     */
    518518    private int getRequestPriority(WMSRequest request) {
    739739    public static class ChangeResolutionAction extends AbstractAction implements LayerAction {
    741741        /**
    742742         * Constructs a new {@code ChangeResolutionAction}
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r6380 r6830  
    1717 * Marker class with audio playback capability.
    1818 *
    19  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     19 * @author Frederik Ramm
    2020 *
    2121 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r6380 r6830  
    1919 * Marker class with button look-and-feel.
    2020 *
    21  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     21 * @author Frederik Ramm
    2222 *
    2323 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r6380 r6830  
    3131 * displays an image view dialog. Re-uses some code from GeoImageLayer.
    3232 *
    33  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     33 * @author Frederik Ramm
    3434 *
    3535 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r6615 r6830  
    6060 * will create AudioMarkers for .wav files, ImageMarkers for .png/.jpg/.jpeg
    6161 * files, and WebMarkers for everything else. (The creation of a WebMarker will
    62  * fail if there's no valid URL in the <link> tag, so it might still make sense
     62 * fail if there's no valid URL in the &lt;link&gt; tag, so it might still make sense
    6363 * to add Makers for such waypoints at the end of the list.)
    6464 *
    65  * The default implementation only looks at the value of the <link> tag inside
    66  * the <wpt> tag of the GPX file.
     65 * The default implementation only looks at the value of the &lt;link&gt; tag inside
     66 * the &lt;wpt&gt; tag of the GPX file.
    6767 *
    6868 * <h2>HowTo implement a new Marker</h2>
    7878 * </ul>
    7979 *
    80  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     80 * @author Frederik Ramm
    8181 */
    8282public class Marker implements TemplateEngineDataProvider {
    288288    public double time;
    289289    /** Time offset in seconds from the gpx point from which it was derived, may be adjusted later to sync with other data, so not final */
    290     public double offset; 
     290    public double offset;
    292292    private String cachedText;
    293293    private int textVersion = -1;
    294294    private CachedLatLon coor;
    296296    private boolean erroneous = false;
    416416        }
    417417    }
    419419    protected void paintIcon(MapView mv, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
    420420        if (!erroneous) {
    424424                int width = symbol.getIconWidth();
    425425                int height = symbol.getIconHeight();
    427427                redSymbol = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    428428                Graphics2D gbi = redSymbol.createGraphics();
    501501        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    502502    }
    504504    /**
    505505     * Determines if this marker is erroneous.
    510510        return erroneous;
    511511    }
    513513    /**
    514514     * Sets this marker erroneous or not.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r6380 r6830  
    1212 * the Marker are consecutively called until one returns a Marker object.
    1313 *
    14  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     14 * @author Frederik Ramm
    1515 */
    1616public interface MarkerProducers {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r6362 r6830  
    3131 * Singleton marker class to track position of audio.
    3232 *
    33  * @author David Earl<>
     33 * @author David Earl &lt;;
    3434 * @since 572
    3535 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/markerlayer/

    r6380 r6830  
    2323 * Marker class with Web URL activation.
    2424 *
    25  * @author Frederik Ramm <>
     25 * @author Frederik Ramm
    2626 *
    2727 */
    4141            setErroneous(true);
    4242            new Notification(
    43                     "<b>" + tr("There was an error while trying to display the URL for this marker") + "</b><br>" + 
     43                    "<b>" + tr("There was an error while trying to display the URL for this marker") + "</b><br>" +
    4444                                  tr("(URL was: ") + webUrl.toString() + ")" + "<br>" + error)
    4545                    .setIcon(JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE)
    5959        return wpt;
    6060    }
    6262    private final void updateErroneous() {
    6363        if ("file".equals(webUrl.getProtocol())) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r6792 r6830  
    294294     *
    295295     * @param osm the primitive to create styles for
    296      * @param scale the scale (in meters per 100 px), must be > 0
     296     * @param scale the scale (in meters per 100 px), must be &gt; 0
    297297     * @param multipolyOuterWay support for a very old multipolygon tagging style
    298298     * where you add the tags both to the outer and the inner way.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r6623 r6830  
    3131 *   options <tt>mappaint.nameOrder</tt> and <tt>mappaint.nameComplementOrder</tt>.</li>
    3232 * </ul>
    33  * </p>
    3433 *
    3534 */
    202201            return result;
    203202        }
    205204        /**
    206205         * Sets the name tags to be looked up in order to build up the label.
    221220            this.nameComplementTags = buildNameTags(nameComplementTags);
    222221        }
    224223        /**
    225224         * Replies an unmodifiable list of the name tags used to compose the label.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r6426 r6830  
    24  * The View -> Map Paint Styles menu
     24 * The View -&gt; Map Paint Styles menu
    2525 * @since 5086
    2626 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r6670 r6830  
    4949        return styles;
    5050    }
    5252    private MapPaintStyles() {
    5353        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    389389    /***********************************
    390      * MapPaintSylesUpdateListener & related code
     390     * MapPaintSylesUpdateListener &amp; related code
    391391     *  (get informed when the list of MapPaint StyleSources changes)
    392392     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r6561 r6830  
    5  * An interval of the form "lower < x <= upper" where 0 <= lower < upper.
     5 * An interval of the form "lower &lt; x &lt;= upper" where 0 &lt;= lower &lt; upper.
    66 * (upper can be Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
    77 * immutable class
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/

    r6362 r6830  
    1616 * Splits the range of possible scale values (0 &lt; scale &lt; +Infinity) into multiple
    1717 * subranges, for each scale range it keeps a list of styles.
    18  * Immutable class, equals & hashCode is required (the same for StyleList, ElemStyle
     18 * Immutable class, equals &amp; hashCode is required (the same for StyleList, ElemStyle
    1919 * and its subclasses).
    2020 */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/

    r6687 r6830  
    139139        /**
    140          * link between primitives, e.g. relation >[role=outer] way
     140         * link between primitives, e.g. relation &gt;[role=outer] way
    141141         */
    142142        LINK
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/

    r6809 r6830  
    8888        }
    8989    }
    9191    private ExpressionFactory() {
    9292        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    531531         * Percent-encode a string. (See
    532532         * This is especially useful for data urls, e.g.
    533          * <code>icon-image: concat("data:image/svg+xml,", URL_encode("<svg>...</svg>"));</code>
     533         * <code>icon-image: concat("data:image/svg+xml,", URL_encode("&lt;svg&gt;...&lt;/svg&gt;"));</code>
    534534         * @param s arbitrary string
    535535         * @return the encoded string
    546546         * XML-encode a string.
    547547         *
    548          * Escapes special characters in xml. Alternative to using <![CDATA[ ... ]]>
    549          * blocks.
     548         * Escapes special characters in xml. Alternative to using &lt;![CDATA[ ... ]]&gt; blocks.
    550549         * @param s arbitrary string
    551550         * @return the encoded string
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/MapCSSParser.jj

    r6774 r6830  
    207  * comma delimited list of floats (at least 2, all >= 0)
     207 * comma delimited list of floats (at least 2, all &gt;= 0)
    208208 */
    209209List<Float> float_array() :
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/mapcss/

    r6825 r6830  
    4848     * an "inverse" notation:</p>
    4949     * <pre>
    50      *    selector_a > selector_b { ... }       // the standard notation (child selector)
    51      *    relation[type=route] > way { ... }    // example (all ways of a route)
     50     *    selector_a &gt; selector_b { ... }       // the standard notation (child selector)
     51     *    relation[type=route] &gt; way { ... }    // example (all ways of a route)
    5252     *
    53      *    selector_a < selector_b { ... }       // the inverse notation (parent selector)
    54      *    node[traffic_calming] < way { ... }   // example (way that has a traffic calming node)
     53     *    selector_a &lt; selector_b { ... }       // the inverse notation (parent selector)
     54     *    node[traffic_calming] &lt; way { ... }   // example (way that has a traffic calming node)
    5555     * </pre>
    5656     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/oauth/

    r6084 r6830  
    2121import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.HelpAwareOptionPane.ButtonSpec;
     23import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.JosmTextField;
    2324import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.SelectAllOnFocusGainedDecorator;
    2425import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.VerticallyScrollablePanel;
    27 import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.JosmTextField;
    3030 * Panel allowing the user to setup advanced OAuth parameters:
     31 * <ul>
    3132 * <li>Consumer key</li>
    3233 * <li>Consumer secret</li>
    3435 * <li>Access token URL</li>
    3536 * <li>Authorize URL</li>
     37 * </ul>
    3638 *
    3739 * @see OAuthParameters
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/preferences/

    r6670 r6830  
    120120    /**
    121121     * extract file part from url, e.g.:
    122      *  --> file.xml
     122     * --&gt; file.xml
    123123     */
    124124    public String getFileNamePart() {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/

    r6792 r6830  
    194194     * adds a tag given by a name/value pair to the tag editor model.
    195195     *
    196      * If there is no tag with name <code>name</name> yet, a new {@link TagModel} is created
     196     * If there is no tag with name <code>name</code> yet, a new {@link TagModel} is created
    197197     * and append to this model.
    198198     *
    199      * If there is a tag with name <code>name</name>, <code>value</code> is merged to the list
     199     * If there is a tag with name <code>name</code>, <code>value</code> is merged to the list
    200200     * of values for this tag.
    201201     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/

    r6824 r6830  
    241241    /**
    242      * Enum denoting how a match (see {@link Item#matches}) is performed.
     242     * Enum denoting how a match (see {@link TaggingPresetItem#matches}) is performed.
    243243     */
    244244    public static enum MatchType {
    13791379    /**
    13801380     * allow escaped comma in comma separated list:
    1381      * "A\, B\, C,one\, two" --> ["A, B, C", "one, two"]
     1381     * "A\, B\, C,one\, two" --&gt; ["A, B, C", "one, two"]
    13821382     * @param delimiter the delimiter, e.g. a comma. separates the entries and
    13831383     *      must be escaped within one entry
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/ac/

    r6437 r6830  
    7979    /**
    8080     * Merges two priorities.
    81      * The resulting priority is always >= the original ones.
     81     * The resulting priority is always &gt;= the original ones.
    8282     */
    8383    public AutoCompletionItemPriority mergeWith(AutoCompletionItemPriority other) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/tagging/ac/

    r6437 r6830  
    247247    /**
    248248     * replies the idx-th item from the list of filtered items
    249      * @param idx the index; must be in the range 0<= idx < {@link #getFilteredSize()}
     249     * @param idx the index; must be in the range 0 &lt;= idx &lt; {@link #getFilteredSize()}
    250250     * @return the item
    251251     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/util/

    r6316 r6830  
    23  * Synchronizes scrollbar adjustments between a set of {@link Adjustable}s. 
    24  * Whenever the adjustment of one of the registered Adjustables is updated 
     23 * Synchronizes scrollbar adjustments between a set of {@link Adjustable}s.
     24 * Whenever the adjustment of one of the registered Adjustables is updated
    2525 * the adjustment of the other registered Adjustables is adjusted too.
    2626 * @since 6147
    101101    /**
    102102     * Wires a {@link JCheckBox} to  the adjustment synchronizer, in such a way that:
    103      * <li>
    104      *   <ol>state changes in the checkbox control whether the adjustable participates
    105      *      in synchronized adjustment</ol>
    106      *   <ol>state changes in this {@link AdjustmentSynchronizer} are reflected in the
    107      *      {@link JCheckBox}</ol>
    108      * </li>
     103     * <ol>
     104     *   <li>state changes in the checkbox control whether the adjustable participates
     105     *      in synchronized adjustment</li>
     106     *   <li>state changes in this {@link AdjustmentSynchronizer} are reflected in the
     107     *      {@link JCheckBox}</li>
     108     * </ol>
    109109     *
    110110     * @param view  the checkbox to control whether an adjustable participates in synchronized adjustment
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/util/

    r6666 r6830  
    3939 */
    4040public final class GuiHelper {
    4242    private GuiHelper() {
    4343        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    4444    }
    4646    /**
    4747     * disable / enable a component and all its child components
    180180    /**
    181181     * Return s new BasicStroke object with given thickness and style
    182      * @param code = 3.5 -> thickness=3.5px; 3.5 10 5 -> thickness=3.5px, dashed: 10px filled + 5px empty
     182     * @param code = 3.5 -&gt; thickness=3.5px; 3.5 10 5 -&gt; thickness=3.5px, dashed: 10px filled + 5px empty
    183183     * @return stroke for drawing
    184184     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/util/

    r6473 r6830  
    7171    /**
    7272     * Highlight and remember given primitive
    73      * @param prims - primitives to highlight/unhighlight
     73     * @param p - primitive to highlight/unhighlight
    7474     * @param flag - true to highlight
    7575     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r5927 r6830  
    5656     * <code>null</code>.
    5757     *
    58      * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate 
     58     * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate
    5959     *   the preferred width; if columns is set to zero, the
    6060     *   preferred width will be whatever naturally results from
    6161     *   the component implementation
    62      */ 
     62     */
    6363    public DisableShortcutsOnFocusGainedTextField(int columns) {
    6464        super(columns);
    7171     *
    7272     * @param text the text to be displayed, or <code>null</code>
    73      * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate 
     73     * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate
    7474     *   the preferred width; if columns is set to zero, the
    7575     *   preferred width will be whatever naturally results from
    9191     *      <code>createDefaultModel</code> method
    9292     * @param text  the initial string to display, or <code>null</code>
    93      * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate 
    94      *   the preferred width >= 0; if <code>columns</code>
     93     * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate
     94     *   the preferred width &gt;= 0; if <code>columns</code>
    9595     *   is set to zero, the preferred width will be whatever
    9696     *   naturally results from the component implementation
    97      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>columns</code> < 0
     97     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>columns</code> &lt; 0
    9898     */
    9999    public DisableShortcutsOnFocusGainedTextField(Document doc, String text, int columns) {
    108108        addFocusListener(this);
    109109    }
    111111    @Override
    112112    public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
    120120        restoreMenuActions();
    121121    }
    123123    /**
    124124     * Disables all relevant menu actions.
    149149        }
    150150    }
    152152    /**
    153153     * Unregisters all relevant action shortcuts.
    156156    protected void unregisterActionShortcuts() {
    157157        unregisteredActionShortcuts.clear();
    158         // Unregister all actions without modifiers to avoid them to be triggered by typing in this text field 
     158        // Unregister all actions without modifiers to avoid them to be triggered by typing in this text field
    159159        for (Shortcut shortcut : Shortcut.listAll()) {
    160160            KeyStroke ks = shortcut.getKeyStroke();
    168168        }
    169169    }
    171171    /**
    172172     * Returns true if the given shortcut has no modifier and is not an actions key.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r5927 r6830  
    18  * A chained utility class used to create and open {@link JFileChooser} dialogs.<br/>
    19  * Use only this class if you need to control specifically your JFileChooser dialog.<br/>
     18 * A chained utility class used to create and open {@link JFileChooser} dialogs.<br>
     19 * Use only this class if you need to control specifically your JFileChooser dialog.<br>
    2020 * <p>
    2121 * A simpler usage is to call the {@link DiskAccessAction#createAndOpenFileChooser} methods.
    22  * 
     22 *
    2323 * @since 5438
    2424 */
    2727    private final String lastDirProperty;
    2828    private final String curDir;
    3030    private JFileChooser fc;
    3838        this(open, null);
    3939    }
    4141    /**
    4242     * Creates a new {@code JFileChooserManager}.
    4343     * @param open If true, "Open File" dialogs will be created. If false, "Save File" dialogs will be created.
    44      * @param lastDirProperty The name of the property used to get the last directory. This directory is used to initialize the JFileChooser. 
     44     * @param lastDirProperty The name of the property used to get the last directory. This directory is used to initialize the JFileChooser.
    4545     *                        Then, if the user effectively chooses a file or a directory, this property will be updated to the directory path.
    4646     * @see #createFileChooser
    5353     * Creates a new {@code JFileChooserManager}.
    5454     * @param open If true, "Open File" dialogs will be created. If false, "Save File" dialogs will be created.
    55      * @param lastDirProperty The name of the property used to get the last directory. This directory is used to initialize the JFileChooser. 
     55     * @param lastDirProperty The name of the property used to get the last directory. This directory is used to initialize the JFileChooser.
    5656     *                        Then, if the user effectively chooses a file or a directory, this property will be updated to the directory path.
    57      * @param defaultDir The default directory used to initialize the JFileChooser if the {@code lastDirProperty} property value is missing. 
     57     * @param defaultDir The default directory used to initialize the JFileChooser if the {@code lastDirProperty} property value is missing.
    5858     * @see #createFileChooser
    5959     */
    6161 = open;
    6262        this.lastDirProperty = lastDirProperty == null || lastDirProperty.isEmpty() ? "lastDirectory" : lastDirProperty;
    63         this.curDir = Main.pref.get(this.lastDirProperty).isEmpty() ? 
    64                 (defaultDir == null || defaultDir.isEmpty() ? "." : defaultDir) 
     63        this.curDir = Main.pref.get(this.lastDirProperty).isEmpty() ?
     64                (defaultDir == null || defaultDir.isEmpty() ? "." : defaultDir)
    6565                : Main.pref.get(this.lastDirProperty);
    6666    }
    6868    /**
    6969     * Replies the {@code JFileChooser} that has been previously created.
    70      * @return The {@code JFileChooser} that has been previously created, or {@code null} if it has not been created yet. 
     70     * @return The {@code JFileChooser} that has been previously created, or {@code null} if it has not been created yet.
    7171     * @see #createFileChooser
    7272     */
    9090        return doCreateFileChooser(false, null, null, null, null, JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY, false);
    9191    }
    9393    /**
    9494     * Creates a new {@link JFileChooser} with given settings for a single {@code FileFilter}.
    95      * 
     95     *
    9696     * @param multiple If true, makes the dialog allow multiple file selections
    9797     * @param title The string that goes in the dialog window's title bar
    9898     * @param filter The only file filter that will be proposed by the dialog
    99      * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br/>
    100      *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li> 
    101      *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li> 
    102      *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li>
     99     * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br><ul>
     100     *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li>
     101     *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li>
     102     *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li></ul>
    103103     * @return this
    104104     * @see DiskAccessAction#createAndOpenFileChooser(boolean, boolean, String, FileFilter, int, String)
    109109        return this;
    110110    }
    112112    /**
    113113     * Creates a new {@link JFileChooser} with given settings for a collection of {@code FileFilter}s.
    114      * 
     114     *
    115115     * @param multiple If true, makes the dialog allow multiple file selections
    116116     * @param title The string that goes in the dialog window's title bar
    117117     * @param filters The file filters that will be proposed by the dialog
    118118     * @param defaultFilter The file filter that will be selected by default
    119      * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br/>
    120      *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li> 
    121      *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li> 
    122      *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li>
     119     * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br><ul>
     120     *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li>
     121     *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li>
     122     *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li></ul>
    123123     * @return this
    124124     * @see DiskAccessAction#createAndOpenFileChooser(boolean, boolean, String, Collection, FileFilter, int, String)
    130130    /**
    131131     * Creates a new {@link JFileChooser} with given settings for a file extension.
    132      * 
     132     *
    133133     * @param multiple If true, makes the dialog allow multiple file selections
    134134     * @param title The string that goes in the dialog window's title bar
    135135     * @param extension The file extension that will be selected as the default file filter
    136      * @param allTypes If true, all the files types known by JOSM will be proposed in the "file type" combobox. 
     136     * @param allTypes If true, all the files types known by JOSM will be proposed in the "file type" combobox.
    137137     *                 If false, only the file filters that include {@code extension} will be proposed
    138      * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br/>
    139      *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li> 
    140      *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li> 
    141      *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li>
     138     * @param selectionMode The selection mode that allows the user to:<br><ul>
     139     *                      <li>just select files ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY})</li>
     140     *                      <li>just select directories ({@code JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY})</li>
     141     *                      <li>select both files and directories ({@code JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES})</li></ul>
    142142     * @return this
    143143     * @see DiskAccessAction#createAndOpenFileChooser(boolean, boolean, String, FileFilter, int, String)
    156156        fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(multiple);
    157157        fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false);
    159159        if (filters != null) {
    160160            for (FileFilter filter : filters) {
    174174    /**
    175175     * Opens the {@code JFileChooser} that has been created. Nothing happens if it has not been created yet.
    176      * @return the {@code JFileChooser} if the user effectively choses a file or directory. {@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog. 
     176     * @return the {@code JFileChooser} if the user effectively choses a file or directory. {@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog.
    177177     */
    178178    public final JFileChooser openFileChooser() {
    182182    /**
    183      * Opens the {@code JFileChooser} that has been created and waits for the user to choose a file/directory, or cancel the dialog.<br/>
    184      * Nothing happens if the dialog has not been created yet.<br/>
     183     * Opens the {@code JFileChooser} that has been created and waits for the user to choose a file/directory, or cancel the dialog.<br>
     184     * Nothing happens if the dialog has not been created yet.<br>
    185185     * When the user choses a file or directory, the {@code lastDirProperty} is updated to the chosen directory path.
    186      * 
     186     *
    187187     * @param parent The Component used as the parent of the JFileChooser. If null, uses {@code Main.parent}.
    188      * @return the {@code JFileChooser} if the user effectively choses a file or directory. {@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog. 
     188     * @return the {@code JFileChooser} if the user effectively choses a file or directory. {@code null} if the user cancelled the dialog.
    189189     */
    190190    public JFileChooser openFileChooser(Component parent) {
    193193                parent = Main.parent;
    194194            }
    196196            int answer = open ? fc.showOpenDialog(parent) : fc.showSaveDialog(parent);
    197197            if (answer != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r6316 r6830  
    26  * Class overriding each {@link JComboBox} in JOSM to control consistently the number of displayed items at once.<br/>
     26 * Class overriding each {@link JComboBox} in JOSM to control consistently the number of displayed items at once.<br>
    2727 * This is needed because of the default Java behaviour that may display the top-down list off the screen (see #7917).
    28  * 
     28 *
    2929 * @since 5429
    3030 */
    3333    /**
    34      * The default prototype value used to compute the maximum number of elements to be displayed at once before 
     34     * The default prototype value used to compute the maximum number of elements to be displayed at once before
    3535     * displaying a scroll bar
    3636     */
    3737    public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOTYPE_DISPLAY_VALUE = "Prototype display value";
    3939    /**
    4040     * Creates a <code>JosmComboBox</code> with a default data model.
    5555     * Use <code>addItem</code> to add items. By default the first item
    5656     * in the data model becomes selected.
    57      * 
    58      * @param prototypeDisplayValue the <code>Object</code> used to compute 
    59      *      the maximum number of elements to be displayed at once before 
     57     *
     58     * @param prototypeDisplayValue the <code>Object</code> used to compute
     59     *      the maximum number of elements to be displayed at once before
    6060     *      displaying a scroll bar
    6161     *
    7575     * may impact how the insert, remove and add methods behave.
    7676     *
    77      * @param aModel the <code>ComboBoxModel</code> that provides the 
     77     * @param aModel the <code>ComboBoxModel</code> that provides the
    7878     *      displayed list of items
    7979     * @see DefaultComboBoxModel
    8888    }
    90     /** 
     90    /**
    9191     * Creates a <code>JosmComboBox</code> that contains the elements
    9292     * in the specified array. By default the first item in the array
    100100        init(findPrototypeDisplayValue(Arrays.asList(items)));
    101101    }
    103103    /**
    104104     * Finds the prototype display value to use among the given possible candidates.
    113113            // Remind old prototype to restore it later
    114114            Object oldPrototype = getPrototypeDisplayValue();
    115             // Get internal JList to directly call the renderer 
     115            // Get internal JList to directly call the renderer
    116116            JList list = getList();
    117117            try {
    120120                for (Object value : possibleValues) {
    121121                    if (value != null) {
    122                         // With a "classic" renderer, we could call setPrototypeDisplayValue(value) + getPreferredSize() 
     122                        // With a "classic" renderer, we could call setPrototypeDisplayValue(value) + getPreferredSize()
    123123                        // but not with TaggingPreset custom renderer that return a dummy height if index is equal to -1
    124124                        // So we explicitely call the renderer by simulating a correct index for the current value
    143143        return result;
    144144    }
    146146    protected final JList getList() {
    147147        for (int i = 0; i < getUI().getAccessibleChildrenCount(this); i++) {
    153153        return null;
    154154    }
    156156    protected void init(Object prototype) {
    157157        if (prototype != null) {
    158158            setPrototypeDisplayValue(prototype);
    159159            int screenHeight = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height;
    160             // Compute maximum number of visible items based on the preferred size of the combo box. 
     160            // Compute maximum number of visible items based on the preferred size of the combo box.
    161161            // This assumes that items have the same height as the combo box, which is not granted by the look and feel
    162162            int maxsize = (screenHeight/getPreferredSize().height) / 2;
    180180        addPropertyChangeListener("editor", handler);
    181181    }
    183183    protected class ContextMenuHandler extends MouseAdapter implements PropertyChangeListener {
    185185        private JTextComponent component;
    186186        private PopupMenuLauncher launcher;
    188188        @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
    189189            if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("editable")) {
    200200            }
    201201        }
    203203        private void enableMenu() {
    204204            if (launcher == null) {
    223223            }
    224224        }
    226226        @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { processEvent(e); }
    227227        @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { processEvent(e); }
    228228        @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { processEvent(e); }
    230230        private void processEvent(MouseEvent e) {
    231231            if (launcher != null && !e.isPopupTrigger()) {
    236236        }
    237237    }
    239239    /**
    240240     * Reinitializes this {@link JosmComboBox} to the specified values. This may needed if a custom renderer is used.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r6617 r6830  
    16  * A subclass of {@link JPasswordField} to implement a workaround to 
     16 * A subclass of {@link JPasswordField} to implement a workaround to
    1717 * <a href="">JDK bug 6322854</a>.
    1818 * This class can be deleted after Oracle decides to fix this bug...
    19  * 
     19 *
    2020 * @since 5752
    2121 * @see <a href=""></a>
    3535    /**
    3636     * Constructs a new <code>JosmPasswordField</code> that uses the
    37      * given text storage model and the given number of columns. 
     37     * given text storage model and the given number of columns.
    3838     * This is the constructor through which the other constructors feed.
    3939     * The echo character is set to '*', but may be changed by the current
    4343     * @param doc  the text storage to use
    4444     * @param txt the text to be displayed, <code>null</code> if none
    45      * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate 
    46      *   the preferred width >= 0; if columns is set to zero, the
     45     * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate
     46     *   the preferred width &gt;= 0; if columns is set to zero, the
    4747     *   preferred width will be whatever naturally results from
    4848     *   the component implementation
    5858     * is set to <code>null</code>.
    5959     *
    60      * @param columns the number of columns >= 0
    61      */ 
     60     * @param columns the number of columns &gt;= 0
     61     */
    6262    public JosmPasswordField(int columns) {
    6363        super(columns);
    7171     *
    7272     * @param text the text to be displayed, <code>null</code> if none
    73      * @param columns the number of columns >= 0
     73     * @param columns the number of columns &gt;= 0
    7474     */
    7575    public JosmPasswordField(String text, int columns) {
    8989        workaroundJdkBug6322854(this);
    9090    }
    9292    /**
    9393     * Implements a workaround to <a href="">JDK bug 6322854</a>.
    9797        if (text != null) {
    9898            text.getActionMap().put("paste", new Action() {
    100100                private final Action pasteAction = TransferHandler.getPasteAction();
    102102                @Override
    103103                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    110110                    }
    111111                }
    113113                @Override
    114114                public void setEnabled(boolean b) {
    115115                    pasteAction.setEnabled(b);
    116116                }
    118118                @Override
    119119                public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
    120120                    pasteAction.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
    121121                }
    123123                @Override
    124124                public void putValue(String key, Object value) {
    125125                    pasteAction.putValue(key, value);
    126126                }
    128128                @Override
    129129                public boolean isEnabled() {
    130130                    return pasteAction.isEnabled();
    131131                }
    133133                @Override
    134134                public Object getValue(String key) {
    135135                    return pasteAction.getValue(key);
    136136                }
    138138                @Override
    139139                public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r5887 r6830  
    4444     * string is null.
    4545     *
    46      * @param rows the number of rows >= 0
    47      * @param columns the number of columns >= 0
     46     * @param rows the number of rows &gt;= 0
     47     * @param columns the number of columns &gt;= 0
    4848     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the rows or columns
    4949     *  arguments are negative.
    5858     *
    5959     * @param text the text to be displayed, or null
    60      * @param rows the number of rows >= 0
    61      * @param columns the number of columns >= 0
     60     * @param rows the number of rows &gt;= 0
     61     * @param columns the number of columns &gt;= 0
    6262     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the rows or columns
    6363     *  arguments are negative.
    7474     * @param doc the model to use, or create a default one if null
    7575     * @param text the text to be displayed, null if none
    76      * @param rows the number of rows >= 0
    77      * @param columns the number of columns >= 0
     76     * @param rows the number of rows &gt;= 0
     77     * @param columns the number of columns &gt;= 0
    7878     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the rows or columns
    7979     *  arguments are negative.
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    r6070 r6830  
    2222     * @param text  the initial string to display, or <code>null</code>
    2323     * @param columns  the number of columns to use to calculate
    24      *   the preferred width >= 0; if <code>columns</code>
     24     *   the preferred width &gt;= 0; if <code>columns</code>
    2525     *   is set to zero, the preferred width will be whatever
    2626     *   naturally results from the component implementation
    27      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>columns</code> < 0
     27     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>columns</code> &lt; 0
    2828     */
    2929    public JosmTextField(Document doc, String text, int columns) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/widgets/

    r6783 r6830  
    163163     *
    164164     * @param dividerSize the size of dividers (pixels)
    165      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if dividerSize < 0
     165     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if dividerSize &lt; 0
    166166     * @see #getDividerSize
    167167     */
    10291029        /**
    10301030         * Convenience method that returns the last child whose weight
    1031          * is > 0.0.
    1032          *
    1033          * @return the last child whose weight is > 0.0.
     1031         * is &gt; 0.0.
     1032         *
     1033         * @return the last child whose weight is &gt; 0.0.
    10341034         * @see #getChildren
    10351035         * @see Node#getWeight
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6317 r6830  
    1616 *
    1717 * Example capabilites document:
    18  *
    19  * <osm version="0.6" generator="OpenStreetMap server">
    20  *   <api>
    21  *     <version minimum="0.6" maximum="0.6"/>
    22  *     <area maximum="0.25"/>
    23  *     <tracepoints per_page="5000"/>
    24  *     <waynodes maximum="2000"/>
    25  *     <changesets maximum_elements="50000"/>
    26  *     <timeout seconds="300"/>
    27  *   </api>
    28  *   <policy>
    29  *     <imagery>
    30  *       <blacklist regex=".*\.google\.com/.*"/>
    31  *       <blacklist regex=".*209\.85\.2\d\d.*"/>
    32  *       <blacklist regex=".*209\.85\.1[3-9]\d.*"/>
    33  *       <blacklist regex=".*209\.85\.12[89].*"/>
    34  *     </imagery>
    35  *   </policy>
    36  * </osm>
    37  *
     18 * <pre>
     19 * &lt;osm version="0.6" generator="OpenStreetMap server"&gt;
     20 *   &lt;api&gt;
     21 *     &lt;version minimum="0.6" maximum="0.6"/&gt;
     22 *     &lt;area maximum="0.25"/&gt;
     23 *     &lt;tracepoints per_page="5000"/&gt;
     24 *     &lt;waynodes maximum="2000"/&gt;
     25 *     &lt;changesets maximum_elements="50000"/&gt;
     26 *     &lt;timeout seconds="300"/&gt;
     27 *   &lt;/api&gt;
     28 *   &lt;policy&gt;
     29 *     &lt;imagery&gt;
     30 *       &lt;blacklist regex=".*\.google\.com/.*"/&gt;
     31 *       &lt;blacklist regex=".*209\.85\.2\d\d.*"/&gt;
     32 *       &lt;blacklist regex=".*209\.85\.1[3-9]\d.*"/&gt;
     33 *       &lt;blacklist regex=".*209\.85\.12[89].*"/&gt;
     34 *     &lt;/imagery&gt;
     35 *   &lt;/policy&gt;
     36 * &lt;/osm&gt;
     37 * </pre>
    3838 * This class is used in conjunction with a very primitive parser
    3939 * and simply stuffs the each tag and its attributes into a hash
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6822 r6830  
    5656    private Collection<Long> changesetIds = null;
    58     public ChangesetQuery() {}
     58    /**
     59     * Constructs a new {@code ChangesetQuery}.
     60     */
     61    public ChangesetQuery() {
     63    }
    6065    /**
    6166     * Restricts the query to changesets owned by the user with id <code>uid</code>.
    6267     *
    63      * @param uid the uid of the user. >0 expected.
     68     * @param uid the uid of the user. &gt; 0 expected.
    6469     * @return the query object with the applied restriction
    65      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if uid <= 0
     70     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if uid &lt;= 0
    6671     * @see #forUser(String)
    6772     */
    463468        /**
    464          * Parses the changeset query given as URL query parameters and replies a
    465          * {@link ChangesetQuery}
     469         * Parses the changeset query given as URL query parameters and replies a {@link ChangesetQuery}.
    466470         *
    467471         * <code>query</code> is the query part of a API url for querying changesets,
    470474         * Example for an query string:<br>
    471475         * <pre>
    472          *    uid=1234&open=true
     476         *    uid=1234&amp;open=true
    473477         * </pre>
    474478         *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6815 r6830  
    3737    /**
    38      * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File->Save" dialogs.
     38     * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Save" dialogs.
    3939     * @return true if this {@code FileExporter} is enabled
    4040     * @since 5459
    4646    /**
    47      * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File->Save" dialogs.
     47     * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileExporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Save" dialogs.
    4848     * @param enabled true to enable this {@code FileExporter}, false to disable it
    4949     * @since 5459
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6643 r6830  
    8181        }
    8282    }
    8484    private static void displayError(File f, Exception e) {
    8585        Main.error(e);
    9191        );
    9292    }
    9494    private static void displayCancel(final Throwable t) {
    9595        GuiHelper.runInEDTAndWait(new Runnable() {
    103103        });
    104104    }
    106106    public boolean importDataHandleExceptions(List<File> files, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
    107107        try {
    158158    /**
    159      * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File->Open" dialog.
     159     * Returns the enabled state of this {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Open" dialog.
    160160     * @return true if this {@code FileImporter} is enabled
    161161     * @since 5459
    167167    /**
    168      * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File->Open" dialog.
     168     * Sets the enabled state of the {@code FileImporter}. When enabled, it is listed and usable in "File-&gt;Open" dialog.
    169169     * @param enabled true to enable this {@code FileImporter}, false to disable it
    170170     * @since 5459
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6650 r6830  
    398398        /**
    399          * convert url/urlname to link element (GPX 1.0 -> GPX 1.1).
     399         * convert url/urlname to link element (GPX 1.0 -&gt; GPX 1.1).
    400400         */
    401401        private void convertUrlToLink(Map<String, Object> attr) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6792 r6830  
    104104     * later we fetched as part of a Multi Get request.
    105105     *
    106      * Ignore the id if it id <= 0.
     106     * Ignore the id if it id &lt;= 0.
    107107     *
    108108     * @param ds  the dataset (must not be null)
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6822 r6830  
    48  * Class that encapsulates the communications with the <a href="">OSM API</a>.<br/><br/>
     48 * Class that encapsulates the communications with the <a href="">OSM API</a>.<br><br>
    4949 *
    50  * All interaction with the server-side OSM API should go through this class.<br/><br/>
     50 * All interaction with the server-side OSM API should go through this class.<br><br>
    5151 *
    5252 * It is conceivable to extract this into an interface later and create various
    426426    /**
    427427     * Updates a changeset with the keys in  <code>changesetUpdate</code>. The changeset must not
    428      * be null and id > 0 must be true.
     428     * be null and id &gt; 0 must be true.
    429429     *
    430430     * @param changeset the changeset to update. Must not be null.
    433433     * @throws OsmTransferException if something goes wrong.
    434434     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if changeset is null
    435      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if changeset.getId() <= 0
     435     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if changeset.getId() &lt;= 0
    436436     *
    437437     */
    467467    /**
    468      * Closes a changeset on the server. Sets changeset.setOpen(false) if this operation
    469      * succeeds.
    470      *
    471      * @param changeset the changeset to be closed. Must not be null. changeset.getId() > 0 required.
     468     * Closes a changeset on the server. Sets changeset.setOpen(false) if this operation succeeds.
     469     *
     470     * @param changeset the changeset to be closed. Must not be null. changeset.getId() &gt; 0 required.
    472471     * @param monitor the progress monitor. If null, uses {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE}
    473472     *
    474473     * @throws OsmTransferException if something goes wrong.
    475474     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if changeset is null
    476      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if changeset.getId() <= 0
     475     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if changeset.getId() &lt;= 0
    477476     */
    478477    public void closeChangeset(Changeset changeset, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws OsmTransferException {
    767766    /**
    768767     * Sets the changesets to which further data uploads are directed. The changeset
    769      * can be null. If it isn't null it must have been created, i.e. id > 0 is required. Furthermore,
     768     * can be null. If it isn't null it must have been created, i.e. id &gt; 0 is required. Furthermore,
    770769     * it must be open.
    771770     *
    772771     * @param changeset the changeset
    773      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if changeset.getId() <= 0
     772     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if changeset.getId() &lt;= 0
    774773     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if !changeset.isOpen()
    775774     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6822 r6830  
    4747     * constructor
    4848     *
    49      * @param primitive  the primitive to be read. Must not be null. > 0 expected
     49     * @param primitive  the primitive to be read. Must not be null. &gt; 0 expected
    5050     *
    5151     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if primitive is null
    52      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if <= 0
     52     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if &lt;= 0
    5353     */
    5454    public OsmServerBackreferenceReader(OsmPrimitive primitive) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    6262     * constructor
    6363     *
    64      * @param id  the id of the primitive. > 0 expected
     64     * @param id  the id of the primitive. &gt; 0 expected
    6565     * @param type the type of the primitive. Must not be null.
    6666     *
    67      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     67     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    6868     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if type is null
    6969     *
    9797     * @param readFull true, if referers should be read fully (i.e. including their immediate children)
    9898     *
    99      * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     99     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    100100     * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if type is null
    101101     *
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6822 r6830  
    7676     * Reads the changeset with id <code>id</code> from the server
    7777     *
    78      * @param id  the changeset id. id > 0 required.
     78     * @param id  the changeset id. id &gt; 0 required.
    7979     * @param monitor the progress monitor. Set to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null
    8080     * @return the changeset read
    8181     * @throws OsmTransferException thrown if something goes wrong
    82      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id <= 0
     82     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id &lt;= 0
    8383     */
    8484    public Changeset readChangeset(long id, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws OsmTransferException {
    112112     * Reads the changeset with id <code>id</code> from the server
    113113     *
    114      * @param ids  the list of ids. Ignored if null. Only load changesets for ids > 0.
     114     * @param ids  the list of ids. Ignored if null. Only load changesets for ids &gt; 0.
    115115     * @param monitor the progress monitor. Set to {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} if null
    116116     * @return the changeset read
    117117     * @throws OsmTransferException thrown if something goes wrong
    118      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id <= 0
     118     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id &lt;= 0
    119119     */
    120120    public List<Changeset> readChangesets(Collection<Integer> ids, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws OsmTransferException {
    160160     * Downloads the content of a changeset
    161161     *
    162      * @param id the changeset id. >0 required.
     162     * @param id the changeset id. &gt; 0 required.
    163163     * @param monitor the progress monitor. {@link NullProgressMonitor#INSTANCE} assumed if null.
    164164     * @return the changeset content
    165      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     165     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    166166     * @throws OsmTransferException thrown if something went wrong
    167167     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6822 r6830  
    3737     * Creates a new server object reader for a given id and a primitive type.
    3838     *
    39      * @param id the object id. > 0 required.
     39     * @param id the object id. &gt; 0 required.
    4040     * @param type the type. Must not be null.
    4141     * @param full true, if a full download is requested (i.e. a download including
    4242     * immediate children); false, otherwise
    43      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     43     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    4444     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if type is null
    4545     */
    5151     * Creates a new server object reader for a given id and a primitive type.
    5252     *
    53      * @param id the object id. > 0 required.
     53     * @param id the object id. &gt; 0 required.
    5454     * @param type the type. Must not be null.
    5555     * @param version the specific version number, if required; -1, otherwise
    56      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id <= 0
     56     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id &lt;= 0
    5757     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if type is null
    5858     */
    7373     * Creates a new server object reader for an object with the given <code>id</code>
    7474     *
    75      * @param id the object id. Must not be null. Unique id > 0 required.
     75     * @param id the object id. Must not be null. Unique id &gt; 0 required.
    7676     * @param full true, if a full download is requested (i.e. a download including
    7777     * immediate children); false, otherwise
    7878     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id is null
    79      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id.getUniqueId() <= 0
     79     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id.getUniqueId() &lt;= 0
    8080     */
    8181    public OsmServerObjectReader(PrimitiveId id, boolean full) {
    8686     * Creates a new server object reader for an object with the given <code>id</code>
    8787     *
    88      * @param id the object id. Must not be null. Unique id > 0 required.
     88     * @param id the object id. Must not be null. Unique id &gt; 0 required.
    8989     * @param version the specific version number, if required; -1, otherwise
    9090     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id is null
    91      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id.getUniqueId() <= 0
     91     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if id.getUniqueId() &lt;= 0
    9292     */
    9393    public OsmServerObjectReader(PrimitiveId id, int version) {
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6380 r6830  
    143143     * @param primitives the collection of primitives to upload
    144144     * @param progressMonitor  the progress monitor
    145      * @param chunkSize the size of the individual upload chunks. > 0 required.
    146      * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if chunkSize <= 0
     145     * @param chunkSize the size of the individual upload chunks. &gt; 0 required.
     146     * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if chunkSize &lt;= 0
    147147     * @throws OsmTransferException thrown if an exception occurs
    148148     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/

    r6380 r6830  
    4141     * @param keepApos true if apostrophe sign should stay as it is (in order to work around
    4242     * a Java bug that renders
    43      *     new JLabel("<html>&apos;</html>")
     43     *     new JLabel("&lt;html&gt;&amp;apos;&lt;/html&gt;")
    4444     * literally as 6 character string, see #7558)
    4545     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/io/auth/

    r5836 r6830  
    44import java.awt.Component;
    6 import;
    3939     * @param host the hostname for these credentials
    4040     * @param credentials the credentials
    41      * @throws CredentialsManagerException thrown if a problem occurs in a implementation of this interface
     41     * @throws CredentialsAgentException thrown if a problem occurs in a implementation of this interface
    4242     */
    4343    void store(RequestorType requestorType, String host, PasswordAuthentication credentials) throws CredentialsAgentException;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/

    r6792 r6830  
    331331    }
    335333    /**
    336334     * Try to find a plugin after some criterias. Extract the plugin-information
    337335     * from the plugin and return it. The plugin is searched in the following way:
    338      *
    339      *<li>first look after an MANIFEST.MF in the package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.<plugin name>
     336     *<ol>
     337     *<li>first look after an MANIFEST.MF in the package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.&lt;plugin name&gt;
    340338     *    (After removing all fancy characters from the plugin name).
    341      *    If found, the plugin is loaded using the bootstrap classloader.
     339     *    If found, the plugin is loaded using the bootstrap classloader.</li>
    342340     *<li>If not found, look for a jar file in the user specific plugin directory
    343      *    (~/.josm/plugins/<plugin name>.jar)
    344      *<li>If not found and the environment variable JOSM_RESOURCES + "/plugins/" exist, look there.
    345      *<li>Try for the java property josm.resources + "/plugins/" (set via java -Djosm.plugins.path=...)
     341     *    (~/.josm/plugins/&lt;plugin name&gt;.jar)</li>
     342     *<li>If not found and the environment variable JOSM_RESOURCES + "/plugins/" exist, look there.</li>
     343     *<li>Try for the java property josm.resources + "/plugins/" (set via java -Djosm.plugins.path=...)</li>
    346344     *<li>If the environment variable ALLUSERSPROFILE and APPDATA exist, look in
    347      *    ALLUSERSPROFILE/<the last stuff from APPDATA>/JOSM/plugins.
     345     *    ALLUSERSPROFILE/&lt;the last stuff from APPDATA&gt;/JOSM/plugins.
    348346     *    (*sic* There is no easy way under Windows to get the All User's application
    349      *    directory)
     347     *    directory)</li>
    350348     *<li>Finally, look in some typical unix paths:<ul>
    351      *    <li>/usr/local/share/josm/plugins/
    352      *    <li>/usr/local/lib/josm/plugins/
    353      *    <li>/usr/share/josm/plugins/
    354      *    <li>/usr/lib/josm/plugins/
    355      *
     349     *    <li>/usr/local/share/josm/plugins/</li>
     350     *    <li>/usr/local/lib/josm/plugins/</li>
     351     *    <li>/usr/share/josm/plugins/</li>
     352     *    <li>/usr/lib/josm/plugins/</li></ul></li>
     353     *</ol>
    356354     * If a plugin class or jar file is found earlier in the list but seem not to
    357355     * be working, an PluginException is thrown rather than continuing the search.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6380 r6830  
    1919 * Creates and controls a separate audio player thread.
    2020 *
    21  * @author David Earl <>
     21 * @author David Earl &lt;;
    2222 * @since 547
    2323 */
    124124     * @param url The resource to play, which must be a WAV file or stream
    125125     * @param seconds The number of seconds into the audio to start playing
    126      * @param speed Rate at which audio playes (1.0 = real time, > 1 is faster)
     126     * @param speed Rate at which audio playes (1.0 = real time, &gt; 1 is faster)
    127127     * @throws Exception audio fault exception, e.g. can't open stream,  unhandleable audio format
    128128     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6380 r6830  
    1414 * Utils functions for audio.
    1515 *
    16  * @author David Earl <>
     16 * @author David Earl &lt;;
    1717 * @since 1462
    1818 */
    2222        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    2323    }
    2525    /**
    2626     * Returns calibrated length of recording in seconds.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6740 r6830  
    7  * Helper to convert from color to html string and back
     7 * Helper to convert from color to HTML string and back.
    88 */
    99public final class ColorHelper {
    1212        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    1313    }
    1515    /**
    1616     * Returns the {@code Color} for the given HTML code.
    5555     * Returns the HTML color code (6 or 8 digit).
    5656     * @param col The color to convert
    57      * @param withAlpha if {@code true} and alpha value < 255, return 8-digit color code, else always 6-digit
     57     * @param withAlpha if {@code true} and alpha value &lt; 255, return 8-digit color code, else always 6-digit
    5858     * @return the HTML color code (6 or 8 digit)
    5959     * @since 6655
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    r6296 r6830  
    5757    and <code>hashcode</code> methods for the objects compared.
    59    The basic algorithm is described in: </br>
     59   The basic algorithm is described in: <br>
    6060   "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations", Eugene Myers,
    6161   Algorithmica Vol. 1 No. 2, 1986, p 251.
    589589        }
     591        @Override
    591592        public String toString() {
    592593            String s = String.format("%d -%d +%d %d",line0,deleted,inserted,line1);
    830831            realindexes = new int[buffered_lines];
    831832        }
    833834        FileData(Object[] data, Map<Object,Integer> h) {
    834835            this(data.length);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6643 r6830  
    3939public final class ExceptionUtil {
    4141    private ExceptionUtil() {
    4242        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    698698    /**
    699      * Replaces some HTML reserved characters (<, > and &) by their equivalent entity (&lt;, &gt; and &amp;);
     699     * Replaces some HTML reserved characters (&lt;, &gt; and &amp;) by their equivalent entity (&amp;lt;, &amp;gt; and &amp;amp;);
    700700     * @param s The unescaped string
    701701     * @return The escaped string
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6643 r6830  
    3131        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    3232    }
    3434    /**
    3535     * Returns the date/time from the given JPEG file.
    7070     * Returns the image orientation of the given JPEG file.
    7171     * @param filename The JPEG file to read
    72      * @return The image orientation as an {@code int}. Default value is 1. Possible values are listed in EXIF spec as follows:<br>
    73      * <ul>1. The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.</ul>
    74      * <ul>2. The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.</ul>
    75      * <ul>3. The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.</ul>
    76      * <ul>4. The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.</ul>
    77      * <ul>5. The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.</ul>
    78      * <ul>6. The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.</ul>
    79      * <ul>7. The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.</ul>
    80      * <ul>8. The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.</ul>
     72     * @return The image orientation as an {@code int}. Default value is 1. Possible values are listed in EXIF spec as follows:<br><ol>
     73     * <li>The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.</li>
     74     * <li>The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.</li>
     75     * <li>The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.</li>
     76     * <li>The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.</li>
     77     * <li>The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.</li>
     78     * <li>The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.</li>
     79     * <li>The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.</li>
     80     * <li>The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.</li></ol>
    8181     * @see <a href=""></a>
    8282     * @see <a href=""></a>
    133133        return null;
    134134    }
    136136    /**
    137137     * Returns the direction of the given JPEG file.
    152152        return null;
    153153    }
    155155    /**
    156156     * Returns the direction of the given EXIF GPS directory.
    176176            double min = components[1].doubleValue();
    177177            double sec = components[2].doubleValue();
    179179            if (Double.isNaN(deg) && Double.isNaN(min) && Double.isNaN(sec))
    180180                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    182182            value = (Double.isNaN(deg) ? 0 : deg + (Double.isNaN(min) ? 0 : (min / 60)) + (Double.isNaN(sec) ? 0 : (sec / 3600)));
    184184            if (dirGps.getString(gpsTagRef).charAt(0) == cRef) {
    185185                value = -value;
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6607 r6830  
    3737 */
    3838public final class Geometry {
    4040    private Geometry() {
    4141        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    4242    }
    4444    public enum PolygonIntersection {FIRST_INSIDE_SECOND, SECOND_INSIDE_FIRST, OUTSIDE, CROSSING}
    771771     * Tests if the polygon formed by {@code nodes} is inside the multipolygon {@code multiPolygon}. The nullable argument
    772772     * {@code isOuterWayAMatch} allows to decide if the immediate {@code outer} way of the multipolygon is a match.
    773      * <p/>
     773     * <p>
    774774     * If {@code nodes} contains exactly one element, then it is checked whether that one node is inside the multipolygon.
    775775     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6796 r6830  
    3232 */
    3333public final class I18n {
    3535    private I18n() {
    3636        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    3737    }
    3939    private enum PluralMode { MODE_NOTONE, MODE_NONE, MODE_GREATERONE,
    4040        MODE_CS/*, MODE_AR*/, MODE_PL/*, MODE_RO*/, MODE_RU, MODE_SK/*, MODE_SL*/}
    135135     * These strings are collected by a script that runs on the source code files.
    136136     * After translation, the localizations are distributed with the main program.
    137      * <br/>
     137     * <br>
    138138     * For example, {@code tr("JOSM''s default value is ''{0}''.", val)}.
    139      * <br/>
     139     * <br>
    140140     * Use {@link #trn} for distinguishing singular from plural text, i.e.,
    141141     * do not use {@code tr(size == 1 ? "singular" : "plural")} nor
    207207     * Translates some text for the current locale and distinguishes between
    208208     * {@code singularText} and {@code pluralText} depending on {@code n}.
    209      * <br/>
     209     * <br>
    210210     * For instance, {@code trn("There was an error!", "There were errors!", i)} or
    211211     * {@code trn("Found {0} error in {1}!", "Found {0} errors in {1}!", i, Integer.toString(i), url)}.
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6643 r6830  
    8585     * changed it's URL scheme in August 2013, which breaks the URL parsing.
    8686     * The following function, called by the old parse function if necessary, provides parsing new URLs
    87      * the new URLs follow the scheme
     87     * the new URLs follow the scheme;layers=CN
    8888     * @param url string for parsing
    8989     * @return Bounds if hashurl, {@code null} otherwise
    294294     * @param zoom zoom depth of display
    295295     * @return link to display that area in OSM map
    296      * 
     296     *
    297297     * @since 6453
    298298     */
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6443 r6830  
    1111 */
    1212public interface PlatformHook {
    1414    /**
    1515      * The preStartupHook will be called extremly early. It is
    4747      * shortuts from this hook, but only "systemCuts"!
    4848      *
    49       * BTW: SystemCuts should be named "system:<whatever>",
     49      * BTW: SystemCuts should be named "system:&lt;whatever&gt;",
    5050      * and it'd be best if sou'd recycle the names already used
    5151      * by the Windows and OSX hooks. Especially the later has
    6969      * Another reason not to use the implementation in the *nix
    7070      * hook are LAFs that don't understand HTML, such as the OSX LAFs.
    71       * 
    72      * @param name Tooltip text to display 
     71      *
     72     * @param name Tooltip text to display
    7373     * @param sc Shortcut associated (to display accelerator between parenthesis)
    7474     * @return Full tooltip text (name + accelerator)
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6362 r6830  
    2828 */
    2929public final class TextTagParser {
    3131    // properties need JOSM restart to apply, modified rarely enough
    3232    protected static final int MAX_KEY_LENGTH = Main.pref.getInteger("tags.paste.max-key-length", 50);
    3434    protected static final String KEY_PATTERN = Main.pref.get("tags.paste.tag-pattern", "[0-9a-zA-Z:_]*");
    3535    protected static final int MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 255;
    3737    private TextTagParser() {
    3838        // Hide default constructor for utils classes
    3939    }
    4141    public static class TextAnalyzer {
    4242        boolean quotesStarted = false;
    5252            n = data.length();
    5353        }
    5555        /**
    5656         * Read tags from "Free format"
    7272            return tags;
    7373        }
    7575        private String parseString(String stopChars) {
    7676            char[] stop = stopChars.toCharArray();
    9595                    pos++;
    9696                    break;
    97                 } else if (!quotesStarted && (Arrays.binarySearch(stop, c)>=0)) { 
     97                } else if (!quotesStarted && (Arrays.binarySearch(stop, c)>=0)) {
    9898                    // stop-symbol found
    9999                    pos++;
    110110            return res.trim();
    111111        }
    113113        private void skipSign() {
    114114            char c;
    156156    /**
    157      * Try to find tag-value pairs in given text 
     157     * Try to find tag-value pairs in given text
    158158     * @param text - text in which tags are looked for
    159159     * @param splitRegex - text is splitted into parts with this delimiter
    175175                     v = unescape(v);
    176176                     if (k==null || v==null) return null;
    177                  } 
     177                 }
    178178                 tags.put(k,v);
    179179            } else {
    185185         }  else {
    186186            return null;
    187          }   
    188     }
     187         }
     188    }
    190190    public static Map<String,String> getValidatedTagsFromText(String buf) {
    191191        Map<String,String> tags = readTagsFromText(buf);
    192192        return validateTags(tags) ? tags : null;
    193193    }
    195195    /**
    196196     * Apply different methods to extract tag-value pairs from arbitrary text
    198198     * @return null if no format is suitable
    199199     */
    201201    public static Map<String,String> readTagsFromText(String buf) {
    202202        Map<String,String> tags;
    204204        // Format
    205205        // tag1\tval1\ntag2\tval2\n
    210210        // Format
    211         // a=b \n c=d \n "a b"=hello 
     211        // a=b \n c=d \n "a b"=hello
    212212        // SORRY: "a=b" = c is not supported fror now, only first = will be considered
    213213        // a = "b=c" is OK
    216216                // try format  t1=v1\n t2=v2\n ...
    217217        if (tags!=null) return tags;
    219219        // JSON-format
    220220        String bufJson = buf.trim();
    221221        // trim { }, if there are any
    222222        if (bufJson.startsWith("{") && bufJson.endsWith("}") ) bufJson = bufJson.substring(1,bufJson.length()-1);
    223         tags = readTagsByRegexp(bufJson, "[\\s]*,[\\s]*", 
     223        tags = readTagsByRegexp(bufJson, "[\\s]*,[\\s]*",
    224224                "[\\s]*(\\\".*?[^\\\\]\\\")"+"[\\s]*:[\\s]*"+"(\\\".*?[^\\\\]\\\")[\\s]*", true);
    225225        if (tags!=null) return tags;
    227         // Free format 
     227        // Free format
    228228        // a 1 "b" 2 c=3 d 4 e "5"
    229229        TextAnalyzer parser = new TextAnalyzer(buf);
    234234    /**
    235235     * Check tags for correctness and display warnings if needed
    236      * @param tags - map key->value to check
     236     * @param tags - map key-&gt;value to check
    237237     * @return true if the tags should be pasted
    238238     */
    265265        return true;
    266266    }
    268268    private static int warning(String text, String data, String code) {
    269269        ExtendedDialog ed = new ExtendedDialog(
    304304                    tr("Warning"),
    305305                    new String[]{tr("Ok"), tr("Clear buffer")});
    307307        ed.setButtonIcons(new String[]{"ok.png", "dialogs/delete.png"});
    309309        ed.setContent(p);
    310310        ed.setDefaultButton(1);
  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/tools/

    r6823 r6830  
    262262    /**
    263      * convert float range 0 <= x <= 1 to integer range 0..255
     263     * convert float range 0 &lt;= x &lt;= 1 to integer range 0..255
    264264     * when dealing with colors and color alpha value
    265265     * @return null if val is null, the corresponding int if val is in the
    276276    /**
    277      * convert integer range 0..255 to float range 0 <= x <= 1
     277     * convert integer range 0..255 to float range 0 &lt;= x &lt;= 1
    278278     * when dealing with colors and color alpha value
    279279     */
    318318    /**
    319      * Simple file copy function that will overwrite the target file.<br/>
     319     * Simple file copy function that will overwrite the target file.<br>
    320320     * Taken from <a href="">this article</a> (CC-NC-BY-SA)
    321321     * @param in The source file
    526526     * Topological sort.
    527527     *
    528      * @param dependencies contains mappings (key -> value). In the final list of sorted objects, the key will come
     528     * @param dependencies contains mappings (key -&gt; value). In the final list of sorted objects, the key will come
    529529     * after the value. (In other words, the key depends on the value(s).)
    530530     * There must not be cyclic dependencies.
    836836     * @param elapsedTime The duration in milliseconds
    837837     * @return A human readable string for the given duration
    838      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if elapsedTime is < 0
     838     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if elapsedTime is &lt; 0
    839839     * @since 6354
    840840     */
    867867    /**
    868868     * Returns a human readable representation of a list of positions.
    869      * <p/>
     869     * <p>
    870870     * For instance, {@code [1,5,2,6,7} yields "1-2,5-7
    871871     * @param positionList a list of positions
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.