Changeset 36316 in osm for applications/editors
- Timestamp:
- 2024-08-21T21:10:21+02:00 (7 months ago)
- Location:
- applications/editors/josm/plugins/roadsigns
- Files:
- 59 added
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r35417 r36316 4 4 <property name="commit.message" value=""/> 5 5 <!-- enter the *lowest* JOSM version this plugin is currently compatible with --> 6 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="1 4153"/>6 <property name="plugin.main.version" value="19044"/> 7 7 8 8 <property name="" value="Paul Hartmann"/> 9 9 <property name="plugin.class" value="org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.roadsigns.RoadSignsPlugin"/> 10 <property name="plugin.description" value="Plugin for tagging of objects based on a selection of road signs. The dialog can be opened by clicking a small icon in the upper right corner of the properties window. Available country presets: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain."/> 10 <property name="plugin.description" value="Plugin for tagging of objects based on a selection of road signs. The dialog can be opened by clicking a small icon in the upper right corner of the properties window. Available country presets: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain."/> 11 11 <property name="plugin.icon" value="images/pref/roadsigns.png"/> 12 12 <property name="" value=""/> -
r36282 r36316 17 17 <properties> 18 18 <plugin.src.dir>src</plugin.src.dir> 19 <plugin.main.version>1 4153</plugin.main.version>19 <plugin.main.version>19044</plugin.main.version> 20 20 21 21 <>Paul Hartmann</> -
r35935 r36316 2 2 package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.roadsigns; 3 3 4 import static; 4 5 import static; 5 6 … … 9 10 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 10 11 import; 11 import;12 12 import; 13 13 import; 14 import; 15 import; 14 import; 15 import; 16 import; 16 17 import java.util.ArrayList; 17 18 import java.util.Arrays; … … 37 38 import; 38 39 import; 39 import;40 40 import org.xml.sax.SAXException; 41 41 42 /** 43 * The entry point for the {@link RoadSignsPlugin} 44 */ 42 45 public class RoadSignsPlugin extends Plugin { 46 private static final String SELECTION_PREFERENCE = "plugin.roadsigns.preset.selection"; 47 private static final String SOURCES_PREFERENCE = "plugin.roadsigns.sources"; 48 private static final String LAST_SOURCES_PREFERENCE = "plugin.roadsigns.sources.last"; 49 private static final String CUSTOM = marktr("custom"); 43 50 static PresetMetaData selectedPreset; 44 public static List<Sign> signs; 45 public static List<String> iconDirs; 46 47 public static RoadSignsPlugin plugin; 48 49 public static final PresetMetaData PRESET_BE = new PresetMetaData( 51 static List<Sign> signs; 52 static List<String> iconDirs; 53 54 private static RoadSignsPlugin plugin; 55 56 private static final PresetMetaData PRESET_AT = new PresetMetaData( 57 "AT", tr("Austria"), "resource://data/roadsignpresetAT.xml", "resource://images/AT/"); 58 private static final PresetMetaData PRESET_BE = new PresetMetaData( 50 59 "BE", tr("Belgium"), "resource://data/roadsignpresetBE.xml", "resource://images/BE/"); 51 p ublicstatic final PresetMetaData PRESET_CZ = new PresetMetaData(60 private static final PresetMetaData PRESET_CZ = new PresetMetaData( 52 61 "CZ", tr("Czech Republic"), "resource://data/roadsignpresetCZ.xml", "resource://images/CZ/"); 53 p ublicstatic final PresetMetaData PRESET_ES = new PresetMetaData(62 private static final PresetMetaData PRESET_ES = new PresetMetaData( 54 63 "ES", tr("Spain"), "resource://data/roadsignpresetES.xml", "resource://images/ES/"); 55 p ublicstatic final PresetMetaData PRESET_DE = new PresetMetaData(64 private static final PresetMetaData PRESET_DE = new PresetMetaData( 56 65 "DE", tr("Germany"), "resource://data/roadsignpresetDE.xml", "resource://images/DE/"); 57 p ublicstatic final PresetMetaData PRESET_PL = new PresetMetaData(66 private static final PresetMetaData PRESET_PL = new PresetMetaData( 58 67 "PL", tr("Poland"), "resource://data/roadsignpresetPL.xml", "resource://images/PL/"); 59 p ublicstatic final PresetMetaData PRESET_SK = new PresetMetaData(68 private static final PresetMetaData PRESET_SK = new PresetMetaData( 60 69 "SK", tr("Slovakia"), "resource://data/roadsignpresetSK.xml", "resource://images/SK/"); 61 public static final Collection<PresetMetaData> DEFAULT_PRESETS = Arrays.asList( 62 PRESET_BE, PRESET_CZ, PRESET_ES, PRESET_DE, PRESET_PL, PRESET_SK); 63 70 private static final Collection<PresetMetaData> DEFAULT_PRESETS = Arrays.asList( 71 PRESET_AT, PRESET_BE, PRESET_CZ, PRESET_ES, PRESET_DE, PRESET_PL, PRESET_SK); 72 73 private static void setPluginInstance(RoadSignsPlugin plugin) { 74 RoadSignsPlugin.plugin = plugin; 75 } 76 77 /** 78 * Create a new plugin instance 79 * @param info The info to use when creating this instance 80 */ 64 81 public RoadSignsPlugin(PluginInformation info) { 65 82 super(info); 66 plugin = this;83 setPluginInstance(this); 67 84 registerAction(); 68 85 } 69 86 70 public static File pluginDir() { 87 /** 88 * Get the plugin directory 89 * @return The plugin directory 90 */ 91 static File pluginDir() { 71 92 File dir = plugin.getPluginDirs().getUserDataDirectory(false); 72 if (!dir.exists()) { 73 dir.mkdirs();93 if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) { 94 throw new UncheckedIOException(new IOException("Could not create directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath())); 74 95 } 75 96 return dir; 76 97 } 77 98 78 private void registerAction() { 99 private static void registerAction() { 79 100 JButton btn = new JButton(new RoadSignAction()); 80 101 btn.setText(null); … … 95 116 @Override 96 117 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 97 String code = Config.getPref().get( "plugin.roadsigns.preset.selection", null);118 String code = Config.getPref().get(SELECTION_PREFERENCE, null); 98 119 if (code == null) { 99 120 ExtendedDialog ed = new ExtendedDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), tr("Settings"), tr("Ok"), tr("Cancel")); … … 106 127 settings.apply(); 107 128 } catch (IOException ex) { 129 Logging.trace(ex); 108 130 return; 109 131 } … … 112 134 loadSignPreset(); 113 135 } catch (IOException ex) { 136 Logging.trace(ex); 114 137 return; 115 138 } … … 120 143 } 121 144 145 /** 146 * A struct class for storing metadata 147 */ 122 148 public static class PresetMetaData { 149 /** The country code */ 123 150 @StructEntry public String code; 151 /** The display name */ 124 152 @StructEntry public String display_name; 153 /** The path to the preset */ 125 154 @StructEntry public String preset_path; 155 /** The path to the icons */ 126 156 @StructEntry public String icon_path; 127 157 … … 129 159 } 130 160 131 public PresetMetaData(String country_code, String display_name, String preset_path, String icons_path) { 132 this.code = country_code; 133 this.display_name = display_name; 134 this.preset_path = preset_path; 135 this.icon_path = icons_path; 161 /** 162 * Create a new record with the specified data 163 * @param countryCode The country code to use 164 * @param displayName The display name 165 * @param presetPath The path to the preset 166 * @param iconsPath The path to the icons 167 */ 168 public PresetMetaData(String countryCode, String displayName, String presetPath, String iconsPath) { 169 this.code = countryCode; 170 this.display_name = displayName; 171 this.preset_path = presetPath; 172 this.icon_path = iconsPath; 136 173 } 137 174 … … 143 180 144 181 public static void setSelectedPreset(PresetMetaData preset) throws IOException { 145 Config.getPref().put( "plugin.roadsigns.preset.selection", preset.code);182 Config.getPref().put(SELECTION_PREFERENCE, preset.code); 146 183 loadSignPreset(); 147 184 } 148 185 149 186 public static List<PresetMetaData> getAvailablePresetsMetaData() { 150 151 List<PresetMetaData> presetsData = StructUtils.getListOfStructs( 152 Config.getPref(), "plugin.roadsigns.presets", DEFAULT_PRESETS, PresetMetaData.class); 153 154 String customFile = Config.getPref().get("plugin.roadsigns.sources", null); 187 List<PresetMetaData> presetsData = Objects.requireNonNull(StructUtils.getListOfStructs( 188 Config.getPref(), "plugin.roadsigns.presets", DEFAULT_PRESETS, PresetMetaData.class)); 189 190 String customFile = Config.getPref().get(SOURCES_PREFERENCE, null); 155 191 if (customFile == null) { 156 192 // for legacy reasons, try both string and collection preference type 157 List<String> customFiles = Config.getPref().getList( "plugin.roadsigns.sources", null);193 List<String> customFiles = Config.getPref().getList(SOURCES_PREFERENCE, null); 158 194 if (customFiles != null && !customFiles.isEmpty()) { 159 195 customFile = customFiles.iterator().next(); … … 162 198 163 199 if (customFile != null) { 164 // first check, if custom file preference has changed. If yes, 165 // change the current preset selection to custom directly 166 String lastCustomFile = Config.getPref().get("plugin.roadsigns.sources.last", null); 167 if (!Objects.equals(customFile, lastCustomFile)) { 168 Config.getPref().put("plugin.roadsigns.sources.last", customFile); 169 Config.getPref().put("plugin.roadsigns.preset.selection", "custom"); 170 } 171 172 String customIconDirsStr = Config.getPref().get("plugin.roadsigns.icon.sources", null); 173 List<String> customIconDirs = null; 174 if (customIconDirsStr != null) { 175 customIconDirs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(customIconDirsStr.split(","))); 176 } else { 177 customIconDirs = Config.getPref().getList("plugin.roadsigns.icon.sources", null); 178 } 179 if (customIconDirs != null) { 180 customIconDirs = new ArrayList<>(customIconDirs); 181 } else { 182 customIconDirs = new ArrayList<>(); 183 } 184 // add icon directory relative to preset file 185 if (!customFile.startsWith("resource:")) { 186 String parentDir = null; 187 try { 188 URL url = new URL(customFile); 189 parentDir = url.getPath(); 190 } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { 191 File f = new File(customFile); 192 parentDir = f.getParent(); 193 } 194 if (parentDir != null && !parentDir.isEmpty()) { 195 customIconDirs.add(parentDir); 196 } 197 } 198 if (Config.getPref().getBoolean("plugin.roadsigns.use_default_icon_source", true)) { 199 customIconDirs.add("resource://images/"); 200 } 201 presetsData.add(new PresetMetaData("custom", tr("custom"), customFile, 202 String.join(",", customIconDirs))); 200 presetsData.add(readCustomFile(customFile)); 203 201 } else { 204 Config.getPref().put( "plugin.roadsigns.sources.last", null);202 Config.getPref().put(LAST_SOURCES_PREFERENCE, null); 205 203 } 206 204 207 205 return presetsData; 206 } 207 208 /** 209 * Read the custom preset file 210 * @param customFile The file to read 211 * @return The metadata for that custom file 212 */ 213 private static PresetMetaData readCustomFile(String customFile) { 214 // first check, if custom file preference has changed. If yes, 215 // change the current preset selection to custom directly 216 String lastCustomFile = Config.getPref().get(LAST_SOURCES_PREFERENCE, null); 217 if (!Objects.equals(customFile, lastCustomFile)) { 218 Config.getPref().put(LAST_SOURCES_PREFERENCE, customFile); 219 Config.getPref().put(SELECTION_PREFERENCE, CUSTOM); 220 } 221 222 String customIconDirsStr = Config.getPref().get("plugin.roadsigns.icon.sources", null); 223 List<String> customIconDirs = null; 224 if (customIconDirsStr != null) { 225 customIconDirs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(customIconDirsStr.split(","))); 226 } else { 227 customIconDirs = Config.getPref().getList("plugin.roadsigns.icon.sources", null); 228 } 229 if (customIconDirs != null) { 230 customIconDirs = new ArrayList<>(customIconDirs); 231 } else { 232 customIconDirs = new ArrayList<>(); 233 } 234 // add icon directory relative to preset file 235 if (!customFile.startsWith("resource:")) { 236 String parentDir; 237 try { 238 parentDir = new URI(customFile).getPath(); 239 } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { 240 Logging.trace(ex); 241 File f = new File(customFile); 242 parentDir = f.getParent(); 243 } 244 if (parentDir != null && !parentDir.isEmpty()) { 245 customIconDirs.add(parentDir); 246 } 247 } 248 if (Config.getPref().getBoolean("plugin.roadsigns.use_default_icon_source", true)) { 249 customIconDirs.add("resource://images/"); 250 } 251 return new PresetMetaData(CUSTOM, tr(CUSTOM), customFile, 252 String.join(",", customIconDirs)); 208 253 } 209 254 210 255 protected static void loadSignPreset() throws IOException { 211 256 List<PresetMetaData> presetsData = getAvailablePresetsMetaData(); 212 String code = Config.getPref().get( "plugin.roadsigns.preset.selection", null);257 String code = Config.getPref().get(SELECTION_PREFERENCE, null); 213 258 214 259 for (PresetMetaData data : presetsData) { … … 228 273 String source = selectedPreset.preset_path; 229 274 230 try {231 InputStream in = getInputStream( source);275 try (CachedFile cachedFile = new CachedFile(source); 276 InputStream in = cachedFile.getInputStream()) { 232 277 RoadSignsReader reader = new RoadSignsReader(in); 233 278 signs = reader.parse(); 234 235 279 } catch (IOException ex) { 236 280 Logging.error(ex); … … 253 297 } 254 298 } 255 256 /**257 * Returns an inputstream from urls, files and classloaders, depending on the name.258 */259 @SuppressWarnings("resource")260 public static InputStream getInputStream(String source) throws IOException {261 InputStream in = null;262 if (source.startsWith("http://") || source.startsWith("https://") || source.startsWith("ftp://")) {263 in = new CachedFile(source).getInputStream();264 } else if (source.startsWith("file:")) {265 in = new URL(source).openStream();266 } else if (source.startsWith("resource://")) {267 in = RoadSignsPlugin.class.getResourceAsStream(source.substring("resource:/".length()));268 } else {269 in = new FileInputStream(source);270 }271 return in;272 }273 299 }
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for help on using the changeset viewer.