Changeset 30006 in osm

2013-10-07T10:29:15+02:00 (11 years ago)


4 edited


  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/smed2/src/messages/msg/

    r29997 r30006  
    1 UNKOBJ=Unknown object
    22ADMARE=Administrative area
    177177LITMIN=Minor light
    179 UNKATT=Unknown attribute
    181181BCNSHP=Beacon shape
     430BOY_ICE=Ice buoy
     435AIR_MILH=Military heliport
     436AIR_CIVH=Civil heliport
     438AIR_SMLP=Small planes
     443ACH_DEEP=Deep water
     448ACH_SMCF=Small craft
     449ACH_SMCM=Small craft mooring
     450ACH_H24P=24 hour limit
     451ACH_LTPD=Limited period
     452ACH_NPSH=Non-pushing vessels
     453ACH_DRYC=Dry cargo vessels
     457BRG_FIXD=Fixed bridge
     458BRG_OPEN=Opening bridge
     459BRG_SWNG=Swing bridge
     460BRG_LIFT=Lifting bridge
     461BRG_BASC=Bascule bridge
     462BRG_PONT=Pontoon bridge
     464BRG_TRNS=Transporter bridge
     468BRG_SUSP=Suspension bridge
     476BUA_HOLV=Holiday village
     521CTR_HORM=Horizontal, main
     522CTR_HORS=Horizontal, secondary
     538DAM_FLDB=Flood barrage
     541DIS_NONI=Not installed
     544DIS_UKSH=Unknown shape
     568FRY_SWWR=Swinging-wire ferry
     593FOR_MTWR=Martello tower
     598GAT_FLBG=Flood barrage
     616HAF_STCR=Straddle carrier
     619HAF_REPR=Service & repair
     623HAF_OFFS=Offshore support
     624HAF_OFFS=Port support base
     625HAF_MANF=Marina, no facilities
     628HLK_REST=Floating restaurant
     632HLK_BWTR=Floating breakwater
     633HLK_CSNO=Casino boat
     664LND_SLTP=Salt pan
     668LND_PINCL=Rock pinnacle
     675LMK_DISH=Dish aerial
     677LMK_FLAR=Flare stack
     687LMK_RADR=Radar scanner
     694LMK_WTRT=Water tower
     697LAM_PORT=Port hand
     698LAM_STBD=Starboard hand
     699LAM_PCST=Preferred channel to starboard
     700LAM_PCPT=Preferred channel to port
     701LAM_WWLT=Waterway left bank
     702LAM_WWRT=Waterway right bank
     703LAM_CHLT=Channel left bank
     704LAM_CHRT=Channel right bank
     705LAM_WWSN=Waterway bifurcation
     706LAM_CHSN=Channel bifurcation
     707LAM_CHRB=Channel close to right bank
     708LAM_CHLB=Channel close to left bank
     709LAM_CRRT=Channel crosses over to right
     710LAM_CRLT=Channel crosses over to left
     711LAM_DRLT=Obstacles by right bank
     712LAM_DRRT=Obstacles by left bank
     713LAM_TOLT=Turnoff on right
     714LAM_TPRT=Turnoff on left
     715LAM_JBRT=Junction to right
     716LAM_JNLT=Junction to left
     717LAM_HBRT=Harbour to right
     718LAM_HBLT=Harbour to left
     719LAM_BRGP=Bridge pier mark
     725LIT_AIR=Air obstruction
     726LIT_FOG=Fog detector
     728LIT_STRP=Strip light
     738LIT_HORI=Horizontally disposed
     739LIT_VERT=Vertically disposed
     746MFA_PRLC=Pearl culture
     754MPA_SMLA=Small arms
     758MOR_DDPN=Deviation dolphin
     764MOR_SHRP=Shore ropes
     780OBS_FHVN=Fish haven
     781OBS_FLAR=Foul area
     782OBS_FLGD=Foul ground
     783OBS_ICEB=Ice boom
     784OBS_GTKL=Ground tackle
     793OFP_MOOR=Mooring tower
     794OFP_AISL=Artificial island
     810PIL_CVSL=Cruising vessel
     812PIL_SHOR=From shore
     825PRA_PSTN=Power station
     827PRA_TYRD=Timber yard
     829PRA_TFRM=Tank farm
     830PRA_WFRM=Wind farm
     832PRA_CURF=Current farm
     835PRA_WAVE=Wave energy
     842PYL_PIER=Bridge pier
     856ROS_ROTP=Rotating pattern
     868ROS_PCOM=Public communication
     869ROS_COMB=Commercial broadcast
     871ROS_TIME=Time signal
     872ROS_PAIS=Physical AIS
     873ROS_SAIS=Synthetic AIS
     874ROS_VAIS=Virtual AIS
     875ROS_VANC=Virtual AIS, North cardinal
     876ROS_VASC=Virtual AIS, South cardinal
     877ROS_VAEC=Virtual AIS, East cardinal
     878ROS_VAWC=Virtual AIS, West cardinal
     879ROS_VAPL=Virtual AIS, Port lateral
     880ROS_VASL=Virtual AIS, Starboard lateral
     881ROS_VAID=Virtual AIS, Isolated danger
     882ROS_VASW=Virtual AIS, Safe water
     883ROS_VASP=Virtual AIS, Special purpose
     884ROS_VAWK=Virtual AIS, Wreck
     889RSC_LBRK=Lifeboat rocket
     890RSC_RFSW=Refuge, shipwrecked
     891RSC_RFIT=Refuge, intertidal
     892RSC_LBOM=Lifeboat on mooring
     894RSC_FSTA=First aid
     901REA_NANC=No anchoring
     902REA_NFSH=No fishing
     903REA_NATR=Nature reserve
     904REA_BRDS=Bird sanctuary
     905REA_GRSV=Game reserve
     906REA_SEAL=Seal sanctuary
     907REA_DEGR=Degaussing range
     909REA_HIST=Historic wreck
     910REA_INST=Inshore traffic
     911REA_NASF=Navigational aid safety
     912REA_STRD=Stranding danger
     914REA_NDIV=No diving
     915REA_TBAV=To be avoided
     921REA_FSNC=Fish sanctuary
     922REA_ERES=Ecological reserve
     923REA_NWAK=No wake
     925REA_WSKI=Water skiing
     926REA_ESSA=Environmentally sensitive
     927REA_PSSA=Particularly sensitive
     931ROD_MAJR=Major road
     932ROD_MINR=Minor road
     934ROD_MAJS=Major street
     935ROD_MINS=Minor street
     961SEA_APLN=Abyssal plain
     967SEA_AHLL=Abyssal hills
     969SEA_AAPN=Archipelagic apron
     971SEA_CMGN=Continental margin
     972SEA_CRIS=Continental rise
     975SEA_FZON=Fracture zone
     981SEA_MVLY=Median valley
     987SEA_SCNL=Sea channel
     988SEA_SCHN=Seamount chain
     1004SLC_PPER=Promenade pier
     1006SLC_TWAL=Training wall
     1007SLC_RPRP=Rip rap
     1009SLC_SWAL=Sea wall
     1010SLC_LSTP=Landing steps
     1014SLC_SFWF=Solid face wharf
     1015SLC_OFWF=Open face wharf
     1016SLC_LRMP=Log ramp
     1017SLC_LWAL=Lock wall
     1018SLC_ICEB=Ice breaker
     1021SIT_PRTC=Port control
     1022SIT_PRTE=Port entry & departure
     1027SIT_FLDB=Flood barrage
     1028SIT_BRDG=Bridge passage
     1030SIT_TCLT=Traffic control
     1033SIT_ONCT=Oncoming traffic
     1037SIW_OBST=Maritime obstruction
     1046SIW_TSTR=Tidal stream
     1047SIW_TIDG=Tide gauge
     1048SIW_TIDS=Tide scale
     1050SIW_WTLG=Water level gauge
     1051SIW_VRCL=Vertical clearance
     1052SIW_HIWM=High water
     1059SIL_GRNE=Grain elevator
     1060SIL_WTRT=Wwater tower
     1072SCF_VBTH=Visitor berth
     1073SCF_CLUB=Nautical club
     1074SCF_BHST=Boat hoist
     1077SCF_INN=Public inn
     1083SCF_WTRT=Water tap
     1084SCF_FUEL=Fuel station
     1086SCF_BGAS=Bottle gas
     1092SCF_REFB=Refuse bin
     1093SCF_CARP=Car park
     1094SCF_BTPK=Boat trailers park
     1095SCF_CRVN=Caravan site
     1096SCF_CAMP=Camping site
     1098SCF_EMRT=Emergency telephone
     1100SCF_VMOR=Visitors mooring
     1101SCF_SCRB=Scrubbing berth
     1102SCF_PCNC=Picnic area
     1103SCF_MECH=Mechanics workshop
     1104SCF_SECS=Security service
     1107SPM_FDGA=Firing danger area
     1109SPM_MSHP=Marker ship
     1110SPM_DGRG=Degaussing range
     1113SPM_SPLG=Spoil ground
     1117SPM_SPLA=Seaplane anchorage
     1118SPM_RCZN=Recreation zone
     1123SPM_MDST=Measured distance
     1126SPM_NANC=No anchoring
     1127SPM_NBRT=No berthing
     1128SPM_NOTK=No overtaking
     1129SPM_NTWT=No two-way traffic
     1130SPM_RWAK=Reduced wake
     1131SPM_SPDL=Speed limit
     1134SPM_SSSN=Sound ship siren
     1135SPM_RVCL=Restricted vertical clearance
     1136SPM_MVDT=Maximum vessel draught
     1137SPM_RHCL=Restricted horizontal clearance
     1138SPM_SCNT=Strong current
     1140SPM_OHPC=Overhead power cable
     1141SPM_CHEG=Channel edge gradient
     1143SPM_FCRS=Ferry crossing
     1144SPM_MTRL=Marine traffic lights
     1150SPM_RBCN=Refuge beacon
     1151SPM_FGND=Foul ground
     1155SPM_SLDG=Seaplane landing
     1156SPM_NENT=No entry
     1157SPM_WRKP=Work in progress
     1158SPM_UKPP=Unknown purpose
     1160SPM_CHSP=Channel separation
     1161SPM_MFRM=Marine farm
     1162SPM_AREF=Artificial reef
     1165TRK_FIXM=Fixed marks
     1166TRK_NFXM=No fixed marks
     1169TSS_IMOA=IMO adopted
     1170TSS_NIMO=Not IMO adopted
     1176VEG_DCDW=Deciduous wood
     1177VEG_CONW=Coniferous wood
     1182VEG_MCRP=Mixed crops
     1186VEG_EVGT=Evergreen tree
     1187VEG_CONT=Coniferous tree
     1188VEG_PLMT=Palm tree
     1189VEG_NPMT=Nipa palm tree
     1190VEG_CSAT=Casuarina tree
     1191VEG_EUCT=Eucalypt tree
     1192VEG_DCDT=Deciduous tree
     1193VEG_MRVT=Mangrove tree
     1194VEG_FLOT=Filao tree
     1200WAT_TDRP=Tide rips
     1205WED_SWED=Sea weed
     1206WED_SGRS=Sea grass
     1212WRK_DREM=Distributed remains
     1213WRK_MSTS=Mast showing
     1214WRK_HULS=Hull showing
     1240PAT_HORI=Horizontal stripe
     1241PAT_VERT=Vertical stripe
     1242PAT_DIAG=Diagonal stripe
     1250CND_UCNS=Under construction
     1252CND_URCL=Under reclamation
     1254CND_PCNS=Planned construction
     1258RAD_NCSP=Not conspicuous
     1259RAD_REFL=Radar reflector
     1263VIS_NCSP=Not conspicuous
     1267DPU_FTFT=Fathoms & feet
     1269DPU_FTFR=Fathoms & fractions
     1272EXH_24H=24 hours
     1285FNC_HBRM=Harbour master
     1289FNC_POST=Post office
     1291FNC_RAIL=Railway station
     1292FNC_POLC=Police station
     1293FNC_WPOL=Water-police station
     1294FNC_PILO=Pilot office
     1295FNC_PILL=Pilot lookout
     1297FNC_DIST=District control
     1298FNC_TRNS=Transit shed
     1300FNC_POWR=Power station
     1307FNC_SHSH=Shinto shrine
     1308FNC_BTMP=Buddhist temple
     1316FNC_LGHT=Light support
     1320FNC_TMBL=Time ball
     1323FNC_ASHM=Airship mooring
     1325FNC_BUSS=Bus station
     1332HLU_SMIL=Statute miles
     1333HLU_NMIL=Nautical miles
     1338JRS_NSD=National sub-division
     1343CHR_LFL=Long flashing
     1344CHR_Q=Quick flashing
     1345CHR_VQ=Very quick flashing
     1346CHR_UQ=Ultra quick flashing
     1349CHR_IQ=Interrupted quick flashing
     1350CHR_IVQ=Interrupted very quick flashing
     1351CHR_IUQ=Interrupted ultra quick flashing
     1354CHR_FLLFL=Flash/long flash
     1356CHR_FLFL=Fixed/long flash
     1357CHR_ALOC=Occulting alternating
     1358CHR_ALLFL=Long flash alternating
     1359CHR_ALFL=Flash alternating
     1360CHR_ALGR=Group alternating
     1361CHR_QLFL=Quick flash plus long flash
     1362CHR_VQLFL=Very quick flash plus long flash
     1363CHR_UQLFL=Ultra quick flash plus long flash
     1365CHR_ALFFL=Fixed and alternating flashing
     1375LIT_POBS=Part obscured
     1384SYS_BWR2=BNIWR 2 sides
     1385SYS_BNWR=BNIR side independant
     1391CON_BDRS=Loose boulders
     1435PRD_DWTR=Drinking water
     1439PRD_IIGS=Iron ingots
     1456SOU_NBFD=No bottom found
     1457SOU_LKWN=Least known
     1458SOU_LUKN=Least unknown
     1459SOU_NSRV=Not surveyed
     1460SOU_NCNF=Not confirmed
     1462SOU_NMNT=Not maintained
     1465RST_NANC=No anchoring
     1466RST_RANC=Restricted anchoring
     1467RST_NFSH=No fishing
     1468RST_RFSH=Restricted fishing
     1469RST_NTRL=No trawling
     1470RST_RTRL=Restricted trawling
     1471RST_NENT=No entry
     1472RST_RENT=Restricted entry
     1473RST_NDRG=No dredging
     1474RST_RDRG=Restricted dredging
     1475RST_NDVG=No diving
     1477RST_NWAK=No wake
     1478RST_TBAV=To be avoided
     1479RST_NCST=No construction
     1480RST_NDSC=No discharging
     1481RST_RDSC=Restricted discharging
     1482RST_NEXD=No exploration/development
     1483RST_REXD=Restricted exploration/development
     1484RST_NDRL=No drilling
     1485RST_RDRL=Restricted drilling
     1486RST_NHAR=No historical artifacts removal
     1487RST_NLTG=No lightering
     1488RST_NDRA=No dragging
     1489RST_NSTP=No stopping
     1490RST_NLND=No landing
     1491RST_RSPD=Restricted speed
     1492RST_NOVT=No overtaking
     1493RST_NCOV=No convoy overtaking
     1494RST_NPOV=No passing or overtaking
     1495RST_NBRT=No berthing
     1496RST_RBRT=Restricted berthing
     1497RST_NMFT=No making fast
     1498RST_RMFT=Restricted making fast
     1499RST_NTRN=No turning
     1500RST_RFWD=Restricted fairway depth
     1512STS_NIUS=Not in use
     1525STS_EDBT=Existence doubtful
     1526STS_OREQ=On request
     1527STS_DPAW=Drop away
     1545SOU_FSSN=Side-scan sonar
     1551SOU_VACC=Vertical acoustic
     1556SOU_SSSN=Side-scan sonar swept
     1560TOP_CONE=Cone, point up
     1561TOP_ICONE=Cone, point down
     1563TOP_ISD=2 spheres
     1568TOP_CUBE=Cube, point up
     1569TOP_WEST=Cones point together
     1570TOP_EAST=2 cones base together
     1572TOP_NORTH=2 cones up
     1573TOP_SOUTH=2 cones down
     1574TOP_BESM=Besom, point up
     1575TOP_IBESM=Besom, point down
     1577TOP_SPRH=Sphere over rhombus
     1579TOP_HRECT=Rectangle, horizontal
     1580TOP_VRECT=Rectangle, vertical
     1581TOP_TRAP=Trapezium, up
     1582TOP_ITRAP=Trapezium, down
     1583TOP_TRI=Ttriangle, point up
     1584TOP_ITRI=Triangle, point down
     1586TOP_CRSS=2 upright crosses
     1588TOP_TRCL=Triangle, point up over circle
     1589TOP_CRCL=Upright cross over circle
     1590TOP_RHCL=Rhombus over circle
     1591TOP_CLTR=Circle over triangle, point up
     1608LEV_AMWL=Above MWL
     1609LEV_BMWL=Below MWL
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/smed2/src/messages/msg/

    r29997 r30006  
    1 UNKOBJ=Unknown object
    2 ADMARE=Administrative area
    3 AIRARE=Airfield
    4 ACHBRT=Anchor berth
    5 ACHARE=Anchorage
    6 BCNCAR=Cardinal beacon
    7 BCNISD=Isolated danger beacon
    8 BCNLAT=Lateral beacon
    9 BCNSAW=Safe water beacon
    10 BCNSPP=Special purpose beacon
    11 BERTHS=Berth
    12 BRIDGE=Bridge
    13 BUISGL=Building
    14 BUAARE=Built-up area
    15 BOYCAR=Cardinal buoy
    16 BOYINB=Installation buoy
    17 BOYISD=Isolated danger buoy
    18 BOYLAT=Lateral buoy
    19 BOYSAW=Safe water buoy
    20 BOYSPP=Special purpose buoy
    21 CBLARE=Cable area
    22 CBLOHD=Overhead cable
    23 CBLSUB=Submarine cable
    24 CANALS=Canal
    25 CANBNK=Canal bank
    26 CTSARE=Cargo area
    27 CAUSWY=Causeway
    28 CTNARE=Caution area
    29 CHKPNT=Checkpoint
    30 CGUSTA=Coastguard station
    31 COALNE=Coastline
    32 CONZNE=Contiguous zone
    33 COSARE=Continental shelf
    34 CTRPNT=Control point
    35 CONVYR=Conveyor
    36 CRANES=Crane
    37 CURENT=Current
    38 CUSZNE=Custom zone
    39 DAMCON=Dam
    40 DAYMAR=Daymark
    41 DWRTCL=Deep water route centreline
    42 DWRTPT=Deep water route
    43 DEPARE=Depth area
    44 DEPCNT=Depth contour
    45 DISMAR=Distance mark
    46 DOCARE=Dock
    47 DRGARE=Dredged area
    48 DRYDOC=Dry dock
    49 DMPGRD=Dumping ground
    50 DYKCON=Dyke
    51 EXEZNE=Exclusive economic zone
    52 FAIRWY=Fairway
    53 FNCLNE=Fenceline/Wall
    54 FERYRT=Ferry route
    55 FSHZNE=Fishery zone
    56 FSHFAC=Fishing facility
    57 FSHGRD=Fishing ground
    58 FLODOC=Floating dock
    59 FOGSIG=Fog signal
    60 FORSTC=Fortified structure
    61 FRPARE=Free port area
    62 GATCON=Gate
    63 GRIDRN=Gridiron
    64 HRBARE=Harbour area
    65 HRBFAC=Harbour
    66 HULKES=Hulk
    67 ICEARE=Ice area
    68 ICNARE=Incineration zone
    69 ISTZNE=Inshore traffic zone
    70 LAKARE=Lake
    71 LAKSHR=Lake shore
    72 LNDARE=Land area
    73 LNDELV=Land elevation
    74 LNDRGN=Land region
    75 LNDMRK=Landmark
    76 LIGHTS=Light
    77 LITFLT=Light float
    78 LITVES=Light vessel
    79 LOCMAG=Local magnetic anomaly
    80 LOKBSN=Lock basin
    81 LOGPON=Log pond
    82 MAGVAR=Magnetic variation
    83 MARCUL=Marine farm
    84 MIPARE=Military practice area
    85 MORFAC=Mooring
    86 NAVLNE=Navigation line
    87 OBSTRN=Obstruction
    88 OFSPLF=Offshore platform
    89 OSPARE=Offshore production area
    90 OILBAR=Oil barrier
    91 PILPNT=Pile
    92 PILBOP=Pilot boarding place
    93 PIPARE=Pipeline area
    94 PIPOHD=Overhead pipeline
    95 PIPSOL=Submarine pipeline
    96 PONTON=Pontoon
    97 PRCARE=Precautionary area
    98 PRDARE=Land production area
    99 PYLONS=Pylon
    100 RADLNE=Radar line
    101 RADRNG=Radar range
    102 RADRFL=Radar reflector
    103 RADSTA=Radar station
    104 RTPBCN=Radar transponder
    105 RDOCAL=Calling-in point
    106 RDOSTA=Radio station
    107 RAILWY=Railway
    108 RAPIDS=Rapids
    109 RCRTCL=Recommended route centreline
    110 RECTRC=Recommended track
    111 RCTLPT=Recommended traffic lane
    112 RSCSTA=Rescue station
    113 RESARE=Restricted area
    114 RETRFL=Retro reflector
    115 RIVERS=River
    116 RIVBNK=River bank
    117 ROADWY=Road
    118 RUNWAY=Runway
    119 SNDWAV=Sand waves
    120 SEAARE=Sea area
    121 SPLARE=Seaplane landing area
    122 SBDARE=Seabed area
    123 SLCONS=Shoreline construction
    124 SISTAT=Traffic signal station
    125 SISTAW=Warning signal station
    126 SILTNK=Tank/Silo
    127 SLOTOP=Slope topline
    128 SLOGRD=Sloping ground
    129 SMCFAC=Small craft facility
    130 SOUNDG=Sounding
    131 SPRING=Spring
    132 SQUARE=Square
    133 STSLNE=Territorial baseline
    134 SUBTLN=Submarine transit lane
    135 SWPARE=Swept area
    136 TESARE=Territorial area
    137 TIDEWY=Tideway
    138 TOPMAR=Topmark
    139 TSELNE=Separation line
    140 TSSBND=Separation boundary
    141 TSSCRS=Separation crossing
    142 TSSLPT=Separation lane
    143 TSSRON=Separation roundabout
    144 TSEZNE=Separation zone
    145 TUNNEL=Tunnel
    146 TWRTPT=Two-way route
    147 UWTROC=Rock
    148 UNSARE=Unsurveyed area
    149 VEGATN=Vegetation
    150 WATTUR=Water turbulence
    151 WATFAL=Waterfall
    152 WEDKLP=Weed
    153 WRECKS=Wreck
    154 TS_FEB=Tidal stream
    155 NOTMRK=Notice
    156 WTWAXS=Waterway axis
    157 WTWPRF=Waterway profile
    158 BRGARE=Bridge area
    159 BUNSTA=Bunker station
    160 COMARE=Communication area
    161 HRBBSN=Harbour basin
    162 LOKARE=Lock area
    163 LKBSPT=Lock basin part
    164 PRTARE=Port area
    165 BCNWTW=Waterway beacon
    166 BOYWTW=Waterway buoy
    167 REFDMP=Refuse dump
    168 RTPLPT=Route planning point
    169 TERMNL=Terminal
    170 TRNBSN=Turning basin
    171 WTWARE=Waterway area
    172 WTWGAG=Waterway gauge
    173 TISDGE=Time schedule
    174 VEHTRF=Vehicle transfer
    175 EXCNST=Exceptional structure
    176 LITMAJ=Major light
    177 LITMIN=Minor light
    179 UNKATT=Unknown attribute
    180 AGENCY=Agency
    181 BCNSHP=Beacon shape
    182 BUISHP=Building shape
    183 BOYSHP=Buoy shape
    184 BURDEP=Buried depth
    185 CALSGN=Callsign
    186 CATAIR=Airfield category
    187 CATACH=Anchorage category
    188 CATBRG=Bridge category
    189 CATBUA=Built-up area category
    190 CATCBL=Cable category
    191 CATCAN=Canal category
    192 CATCAM=Cardinal mark category
    193 CATCHP=Checkpoint category
    194 CATCOA=Coastline category
    195 CATCTR=Control point category
    196 CATCON=Conveyor category
    197 CATCRN=Crane category
    198 CATDAM=Dam category
    199 CATDIS=Distance mark category
    200 CATDOC=Dock category
    201 CATDPG=Dumping ground category
    202 CATFNC=Fenceline category
    203 CATFRY=Ferry category
    204 CATFIF=Fishing facility category
    205 CATFOG=Fog signal category
    206 CATFOR=Fortified structure category
    207 CATGAT=Gate category
    208 CATHAF=Harbour category
    209 CATHLK=Hulk category
    210 CATICE=Ice category
    211 CATINB=Installation buoy category
    212 CATLND=Land region category
    213 CATLMK=Landmark category
    214 CATLAM=Lateral mark category
    215 CATLIT=Light category
    216 CATMFA=Marine farm category
    217 CATMPA=Military practice area category
    218 CATMOR=Morring category
    219 CATNAV=Navigation line category
    220 CATOBS=Obstruction category
    221 CATOFP=Offshore platform category
    222 CATOLB=Oil barrier category
    223 CATPLE=Pile category
    224 CATPIL=Pilot boarding category
    225 CATPIP=Pipeline category
    226 CATPRA=Production area category
    227 CATPYL=Pylon category
    228 CATRAS=Radar station category
    229 CATRTB=Radar transponder category
    230 CATROS=Radio station category
    231 CATTRK=Recommended track category
    232 CATRSC=Rescue station category
    233 CATREA=Restricted area category
    234 CATROD=Road category
    235 CATRUN=Runway category
    236 CATSEA=Sea area category
    237 CATSLC=Shoreline construction category
    238 CATSIT=Traffic signal station category
    239 CATSIW=Warning signal station category
    240 CATSIL=Silo/tank category
    241 CATSLO=Slope category
    242 CATSCF=Small craft facility category
    243 CATSPM=Special purpose mark category
    244 CATTSS=Traffic separation scheme category
    245 CATVEG=Vegetation category
    246 CATWAT=Water turbulence category
    247 CATWED=Weed category
    248 CATWRK=Wreck category
    249 CATZOC=Zone of confidence category
    250 COLOUR=Colour
    251 COLPAT=Colour pattern
    252 COMCHA=VHF channel
    253 CONDTN=Condition
    254 CONRAD=Radar reflectivity
    255 CONVIS=Visual conspicuity
    256 CURVEL=Current velocity
    257 DATEND=End date
    258 DATSTA=Start date
    259 DRVAL1=Minimum depth
    260 DRVAL2=Maximum depth
    261 DUNITS=Depth units
    262 ELEVAT=Elevation
    263 ESTRNG=Estimated range
    264 EXCLIT=Light exhibition
    265 EXPSOU=Light exposition
    266 FUNCTN=Function
    267 HEIGHT=Height
    268 HUNITS=Height/length units
    269 HORACC=Horizontal accuracy
    270 HORCLR=Horizontal clearance
    271 HORLEN=Horizontal length
    272 HORWID=Horizontal width
    273 ICEFAC=Ice factor
    274 INFORM=Information
    275 JRSDTN=Jurisdiction
    276 LIFCAP=Maximum load
    277 LITCHR=Light character
    278 LITVIS=Light visibility
    279 MARSYS=Buoyage system
    280 MLTYLT=Multiplicity of lights
    281 NATION=Nationality
    282 NATCON=Nature of construction
    283 NATSUR=Nature of surface
    284 NATQUA=Nature of surface qualification
    285 NMDATE=Notice to mariners date
    286 OBJNAM=Object name
    287 ORIENT=Orientation
    288 PEREND=End date
    289 PERSTA=Start date
    290 PICREP=Pictorial representation
    291 PILDST=Pilot district
    292 PRCTRY=Producing country
    293 PRODCT=Product
    294 PUBREF=Publication reference
    295 QUASOU=Quality of sounding
    296 RADWAL=Radar wavelength
    297 RADIUS=Radius
    298 RECDAT=Recording date
    299 RECIND=Recording indication
    300 RYRMGV=Magnetic variation reference year
    301 RESTRN=Restriction
    302 SECTR1=First sector limit
    303 SECTR2=Second sector limit
    304 SHIPAM=Shift parameters
    305 SIGFRQ=Signal frequency
    306 SIGGEN=Signal generation
    307 SIGGRP=Signal group
    308 SIGPER=Signal period
    309 SIGSEQ=Signal sequence
    310 SOUACC=Sounding accuracy
    311 SDISMX=Maximum sounding distance
    312 SDISMN=Minimum sounding distance
    313 SORDAT=Source date
    314 SORIND=Source
    315 STATUS=Status
    316 SURATH=Survey authority
    317 SUREND=Survey end date
    318 SURSTA=Survey start date
    319 SURTYP=Survey type
    320 TECSOU=Sounding technique
    321 TXTDSC=Textual description
    322 TIMEND=End time
    323 TIMSTA=Start time
    324 TOPSHP=Topmark/daymark shape
    325 TRAFIC=Traffic flow
    326 VALACM=Magnetic variation annual change
    327 VALDCO=Value of depth contour
    328 VALLMA=Value of local magnetic anomaly
    329 VALMAG=Value of magnetic variation
    330 VALMXR=Maximum range
    331 VALNMR=Nominal range
    332 VALSOU=Value of sounding
    333 VERACC=Vertical accuracy
    334 VERCLR=Vertical clearance
    335 VERCCL=Vertical clearance, closed
    336 VERCOP=Vertical clearance, open
    337 VERCSA=Vertical clearance, safe
    338 VERDAT=Vertical datum
    339 VERLEN=Vertical length
    340 WATLEV=Water level effect
    341 CAT_TS=Tidal stream category
    342 PUNITS=Positional units
    343 NINFOM=National information
    344 NOBJNM=National name
    345 NPLDST=National pilot district
    346 NTXTDS=National textual description
    347 HORDAT=Horizontal datum
    348 POSACC=Positional accuracy
    349 QUAPOS=Quality of position
    350 ADDMRK=Notice mark addition
    351 BNKWTW=Side of Waterway
    352 CATBNK=Waterway bank category
    353 CATNMK=Notice mark category
    354 CLSDNG=Dangerous cargo class
    355 DIRIMP=Direction of impact
    356 DISBK1=First distance from notice
    357 DISBK2=Second distance from notice
    358 DISIPU=Upstream distance of impact
    359 DISIPD=Downstream distance of impact
    360 ELEVA1=Minimum elevation
    361 ELEVA2=Maximum elevation
    362 FNCTNM=Notice mark function
    363 WTWDIS=Waterway distance
    364 BUNVES=Bunker vessel availability
    365 CATBRT=Berth category
    366 CATBUN=Bunker station category
    367 CATCCL=CEMT class category
    368 CATHBR=Harbour area category
    369 CATRFD=Refuse dump category
    370 CATTML=Terminal category
    371 COMCTN=Communication
    372 HORCLL=Horizontal clearance length
    373 HORCLW=Horizontal clearance width
    374 TRSHGD=Transshipping goods
    375 UNLOCD=UN location code
    376 CATGAG=Waterway gauge category
    377 HIGWAT=Value at high water
    378 HIGNAM=Name of high water level
    379 LOWWAT=Value at low water
    380 LOWNAM=Name of lowwater level
    381 MEAWAT=Value at mean water level
    382 MEANAM=Name of mean water level
    383 OTHWAT=Value at local water level
    384 OTHNAM=Name of local water level
    385 REFLEV=Reference gravitational level
    386 SDRLEV=Name of sounding reference level
    387 VCRLEV=Name of vertical datum level
    388 CATVTR=Vehicle transfer category
    389 CATTAB=Time and behaviour category
    390 SCHREF=Time schedule reference
    391 USESHP=Use of ship
    392 CURVHW=high water current velocity
    393 CURVLW=low water current velocity
    394 CURVMW=mean level current velocity
    395 CURVOW=local level current velocity
    396 APTREF=Average passing time reference
    397 CATEXS=Exceptional structure category
    398 CATWWM=Waterway mark category
    399 SHPTYP=Ship type
    400 UPDMSG=Update message
    401 LITRAD=Light sector radius
    403 BCN_UNKN=
    404 BCN_STAK=Stake
    405 BCN_WTHY=Withy
    406 BCN_TOWR=Tower
    407 BCN_LATT=Lattice
    408 BCN_PILE=Pile
    409 BCN_CARN=Cairn
    410 BCN_BUOY=Buoyant
    411 BCN_POLE=Pole
    412 BCN_PRCH=Perch
    413 BCN_POST=Post
    415 COL_UNK=
    416 COL_WHT=White
    417 COL_BLK=Black
    418 COL_RED=Red
    419 COL_GRN=Green
    420 COL_BLU=Blue
    421 COL_YEL=Yellow
    422 COL_GRY=Grey
    423 COL_BRN=Brown
    424 COL_AMB=Amber
    425 COL_VIO=Violet
    426 COL_ORG=Orange
    427 COL_MAG=Magenta
    428 COL_PNK=Pink
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/smed2/src/panels/

    r29997 r30006  
    55import java.awt.Color;
    66import java.awt.Dimension;
    7 import java.awt.Rectangle;
    87import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    98import java.util.ArrayList;
    2322public class PanelMain extends JPanel {
     24        /**
     25         *
     26         */
     27        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    2528        public static JTextArea decode = null;
    2629        public static JTextField messageBar = null;
    107110                                                switch (item.conv) {
    108111                                                case E:
    109                                                         decode.append("\t\t\t" + Messages.getString( + ": " + Messages.getString(((Enum)item.val).name()) + "\n");
     112                                                        decode.append("\t\t\t" + Messages.getString( + ": " + Messages.getString(((Enum<?>)item.val).name()) + "\n");
    110113                                                        break;
    111114                                                case L:
    112115                                                        decode.append("\t\t\t" + Messages.getString( + ": ");
    113                                                         Iterator it = ((ArrayList)item.val).iterator();
     116                                                        Iterator<?> it = ((ArrayList<?>)item.val).iterator();
    114117                                                        while (it.hasNext()) {
    115118                                                                Object val =;
    116                                                                 decode.append(Messages.getString(((Enum)val).name()));
     119                                                                decode.append(Messages.getString(((Enum<?>)val).name()));
    117120                                                                if (it.hasNext()) {
    118121                                                                        decode.append(", ");
    134137        }
    136         private JRadioButton getButton(JRadioButton button, int x, int y, int w, int h, String title) {
    137                 button.setBounds(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h));
    138                 button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder());
    139                 button.setText(title);
    140                 return button;
    141         }
  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/smed2/src/s57/

    r29940 r30006  
    331331                Catros.put(CatROS.ROS_VAID, new S57enum(28, "v-ais_isolated_danger")); Catros.put(CatROS.ROS_VASW, new S57enum(29, "v-ais_safe_water"));
    332332                Catros.put(CatROS.ROS_VASP, new S57enum(30, "v-ais_special_purpose")); Catros.put(CatROS.ROS_VAWK, new S57enum(31, "v-ais_wreck"));
    333         }
    334         public enum CatTRK { TRK_UNKN, TRK_FIXM, TRK_NFXM }
    335         private static final EnumMap<CatTRK, S57enum> Cattrk = new EnumMap<CatTRK, S57enum>(CatTRK.class); static { Cattrk.put(CatTRK.TRK_UNKN, new S57enum(0, ""));
    336                 Cattrk.put(CatTRK.TRK_FIXM, new S57enum(1, "fixed_marks")); Cattrk.put(CatTRK.TRK_NFXM, new S57enum(2, "no_fixed_marks"));
    337333        }
    471467          Catspm.put(CatSPM.SPM_WELH, new S57enum(53, "wellhead")); Catspm.put(CatSPM.SPM_CHSP, new S57enum(54, "channel_separation")); Catspm.put(CatSPM.SPM_MFRM, new S57enum(55, "marine_farm"));
    472468          Catspm.put(CatSPM.SPM_AREF, new S57enum(56, "artificial_reef"));
     469        }
     470        public enum CatTRK { TRK_UNKN, TRK_FIXM, TRK_NFXM }
     471        private static final EnumMap<CatTRK, S57enum> Cattrk = new EnumMap<CatTRK, S57enum>(CatTRK.class); static { Cattrk.put(CatTRK.TRK_UNKN, new S57enum(0, ""));
     472                Cattrk.put(CatTRK.TRK_FIXM, new S57enum(1, "fixed_marks")); Cattrk.put(CatTRK.TRK_NFXM, new S57enum(2, "no_fixed_marks"));
    473473        }
    474474        public enum CatTSS { TSS_UNKN, TSS_IMOA, TSS_NIMO }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.