2 | ADMARE=Administrative area
3 | AIRARE=Airfield
4 | ACHBRT=Anchor berth
5 | ACHARE=Anchorage
6 | BCNCAR=Cardinal beacon
7 | BCNISD=Isolated danger beacon
8 | BCNLAT=Lateral beacon
9 | BCNSAW=Safe water beacon
10 | BCNSPP=Special purpose beacon
11 | BERTHS=Berth
12 | BRIDGE=Bridge
13 | BUISGL=Building
14 | BUAARE=Built-up area
15 | BOYCAR=Cardinal buoy
16 | BOYINB=Installation buoy
17 | BOYISD=Isolated danger buoy
18 | BOYLAT=Lateral buoy
19 | BOYSAW=Safe water buoy
20 | BOYSPP=Special purpose buoy
21 | CBLARE=Cable area
22 | CBLOHD=Overhead cable
23 | CBLSUB=Submarine cable
24 | CANALS=Canal
25 | CANBNK=Canal bank
26 | CTSARE=Cargo area
27 | CAUSWY=Causeway
28 | CTNARE=Caution area
29 | CHKPNT=Checkpoint
30 | CGUSTA=Coastguard station
31 | COALNE=Coastline
32 | CONZNE=Contiguous zone
33 | COSARE=Continental shelf
34 | CTRPNT=Control point
35 | CONVYR=Conveyor
36 | CRANES=Crane
37 | CURENT=Current
38 | CUSZNE=Custom zone
39 | DAMCON=Dam
40 | DAYMAR=Daymark
41 | DWRTCL=Deep water route centreline
42 | DWRTPT=Deep water route
43 | DEPARE=Depth area
44 | DEPCNT=Depth contour
45 | DISMAR=Distance mark
46 | DOCARE=Dock
47 | DRGARE=Dredged area
48 | DRYDOC=Dry dock
49 | DMPGRD=Dumping ground
50 | DYKCON=Dyke
51 | EXEZNE=Exclusive economic zone
52 | FAIRWY=Fairway
53 | FNCLNE=Fenceline/Wall
54 | FERYRT=Ferry route
55 | FSHZNE=Fishery zone
56 | FSHFAC=Fishing facility
57 | FSHGRD=Fishing ground
58 | FLODOC=Floating dock
59 | FOGSIG=Fog signal
60 | FORSTC=Fortified structure
61 | FRPARE=Free port area
62 | GATCON=Gate
63 | GRIDRN=Gridiron
64 | HRBARE=Harbour area
65 | HRBFAC=Harbour
66 | HULKES=Hulk
67 | ICEARE=Ice area
68 | ICNARE=Incineration zone
69 | ISTZNE=Inshore traffic zone
70 | LAKARE=Lake
71 | LAKSHR=Lake shore
72 | LNDARE=Land area
73 | LNDELV=Land elevation
74 | LNDRGN=Land region
75 | LNDMRK=Landmark
76 | LIGHTS=Light
77 | LITFLT=Light float
78 | LITVES=Light vessel
79 | LOCMAG=Local magnetic anomaly
80 | LOKBSN=Lock basin
81 | LOGPON=Log pond
82 | MAGVAR=Magnetic variation
83 | MARCUL=Marine farm
84 | MIPARE=Military practice area
85 | MORFAC=Mooring
86 | NAVLNE=Navigation line
87 | OBSTRN=Obstruction
88 | OFSPLF=Offshore platform
89 | OSPARE=Offshore production area
90 | OILBAR=Oil barrier
91 | PILPNT=Pile
92 | PILBOP=Pilot boarding place
93 | PIPARE=Pipeline area
94 | PIPOHD=Overhead pipeline
95 | PIPSOL=Submarine pipeline
96 | PONTON=Pontoon
97 | PRCARE=Precautionary area
98 | PRDARE=Land production area
99 | PYLONS=Pylon
100 | RADLNE=Radar line
101 | RADRNG=Radar range
102 | RADRFL=Radar reflector
103 | RADSTA=Radar station
104 | RTPBCN=Radar transponder
105 | RDOCAL=Calling-in point
106 | RDOSTA=Radio station
107 | RAILWY=Railway
108 | RAPIDS=Rapids
109 | RCRTCL=Recommended route centreline
110 | RECTRC=Recommended track
111 | RCTLPT=Recommended traffic lane
112 | RSCSTA=Rescue station
113 | RESARE=Restricted area
114 | RETRFL=Retro reflector
115 | RIVERS=River
116 | RIVBNK=River bank
117 | ROADWY=Road
118 | RUNWAY=Runway
119 | SNDWAV=Sand waves
120 | SEAARE=Sea area
121 | SPLARE=Seaplane landing area
122 | SBDARE=Seabed area
123 | SLCONS=Shoreline construction
124 | SISTAT=Traffic signal station
125 | SISTAW=Warning signal station
126 | SILTNK=Tank/Silo
127 | SLOTOP=Slope topline
128 | SLOGRD=Sloping ground
129 | SMCFAC=Small craft facility
130 | SOUNDG=Sounding
131 | SPRING=Spring
132 | SQUARE=Square
133 | STSLNE=Territorial baseline
134 | SUBTLN=Submarine transit lane
135 | SWPARE=Swept area
136 | TESARE=Territorial area
137 | TIDEWY=Tideway
138 | TOPMAR=Topmark
139 | TSELNE=Separation line
140 | TSSBND=Separation boundary
141 | TSSCRS=Separation crossing
142 | TSSLPT=Separation lane
143 | TSSRON=Separation roundabout
144 | TSEZNE=Separation zone
145 | TUNNEL=Tunnel
146 | TWRTPT=Two-way route
147 | UWTROC=Rock
148 | UNSARE=Unsurveyed area
149 | VEGATN=Vegetation
150 | WATTUR=Water turbulence
151 | WATFAL=Waterfall
152 | WEDKLP=Weed
153 | WRECKS=Wreck
154 | TS_FEB=Tidal stream
155 | NOTMRK=Notice
156 | WTWAXS=Waterway axis
157 | WTWPRF=Waterway profile
158 | BRGARE=Bridge area
159 | BUNSTA=Bunker station
160 | COMARE=Communication area
161 | HRBBSN=Harbour basin
162 | LOKARE=Lock area
163 | LKBSPT=Lock basin part
164 | PRTARE=Port area
165 | BCNWTW=Waterway beacon
166 | BOYWTW=Waterway buoy
167 | REFDMP=Refuse dump
168 | RTPLPT=Route planning point
169 | TERMNL=Terminal
170 | TRNBSN=Turning basin
171 | WTWARE=Waterway area
172 | WTWGAG=Waterway gauge
173 | TISDGE=Time schedule
174 | VEHTRF=Vehicle transfer
175 | EXCNST=Exceptional structure
176 | LITMAJ=Major light
177 | LITMIN=Minor light
178 |
179 | UNKATT=
180 | AGENCY=Agency
181 | BCNSHP=Beacon shape
182 | BUISHP=Building shape
183 | BOYSHP=Buoy shape
184 | BURDEP=Buried depth
185 | CALSGN=Callsign
186 | CATAIR=Airfield category
187 | CATACH=Anchorage category
188 | CATBRG=Bridge category
189 | CATBUA=Built-up area category
190 | CATCBL=Cable category
191 | CATCAN=Canal category
192 | CATCAM=Cardinal mark category
193 | CATCHP=Checkpoint category
194 | CATCOA=Coastline category
195 | CATCTR=Control point category
196 | CATCON=Conveyor category
197 | CATCRN=Crane category
198 | CATDAM=Dam category
199 | CATDIS=Distance mark category
200 | CATDOC=Dock category
201 | CATDPG=Dumping ground category
202 | CATFNC=Fenceline category
203 | CATFRY=Ferry category
204 | CATFIF=Fishing facility category
205 | CATFOG=Fog signal category
206 | CATFOR=Fortified structure category
207 | CATGAT=Gate category
208 | CATHAF=Harbour category
209 | CATHLK=Hulk category
210 | CATICE=Ice category
211 | CATINB=Installation buoy category
212 | CATLND=Land region category
213 | CATLMK=Landmark category
214 | CATLAM=Lateral mark category
215 | CATLIT=Light category
216 | CATMFA=Marine farm category
217 | CATMPA=Military practice area category
218 | CATMOR=Morring category
219 | CATNAV=Navigation line category
220 | CATOBS=Obstruction category
221 | CATOFP=Offshore platform category
222 | CATOLB=Oil barrier category
223 | CATPLE=Pile category
224 | CATPIL=Pilot boarding category
225 | CATPIP=Pipeline category
226 | CATPRA=Production area category
227 | CATPYL=Pylon category
228 | CATRAS=Radar station category
229 | CATRTB=Radar transponder category
230 | CATROS=Radio station category
231 | CATTRK=Recommended track category
232 | CATRSC=Rescue station category
233 | CATREA=Restricted area category
234 | CATROD=Road category
235 | CATRUN=Runway category
236 | CATSEA=Sea area category
237 | CATSLC=Shoreline construction category
238 | CATSIT=Traffic signal station category
239 | CATSIW=Warning signal station category
240 | CATSIL=Silo/tank category
241 | CATSLO=Slope category
242 | CATSCF=Small craft facility category
243 | CATSPM=Special purpose mark category
244 | CATTSS=Traffic separation scheme category
245 | CATVEG=Vegetation category
246 | CATWAT=Water turbulence category
247 | CATWED=Weed category
248 | CATWRK=Wreck category
249 | CATZOC=Zone of confidence category
250 | COLOUR=Colour
251 | COLPAT=Colour pattern
252 | COMCHA=VHF channel
253 | CONDTN=Condition
254 | CONRAD=Radar reflectivity
255 | CONVIS=Visual conspicuity
256 | CURVEL=Current velocity
257 | DATEND=End date
258 | DATSTA=Start date
259 | DRVAL1=Minimum depth
260 | DRVAL2=Maximum depth
261 | DUNITS=Depth units
262 | ELEVAT=Elevation
263 | ESTRNG=Estimated range
264 | EXCLIT=Light exhibition
265 | EXPSOU=Light exposition
266 | FUNCTN=Function
267 | HEIGHT=Height
268 | HUNITS=Height/length units
269 | HORACC=Horizontal accuracy
270 | HORCLR=Horizontal clearance
271 | HORLEN=Horizontal length
272 | HORWID=Horizontal width
273 | ICEFAC=Ice factor
274 | INFORM=Information
275 | JRSDTN=Jurisdiction
276 | LIFCAP=Maximum load
277 | LITCHR=Light character
278 | LITVIS=Light visibility
279 | MARSYS=Buoyage system
280 | MLTYLT=Multiplicity of lights
281 | NATION=Nationality
282 | NATCON=Nature of construction
283 | NATSUR=Nature of surface
284 | NATQUA=Nature of surface qualification
285 | NMDATE=Notice to mariners date
286 | OBJNAM=Object name
287 | ORIENT=Orientation
288 | PEREND=End date
289 | PERSTA=Start date
290 | PICREP=Pictorial representation
291 | PILDST=Pilot district
292 | PRCTRY=Producing country
293 | PRODCT=Product
294 | PUBREF=Publication reference
295 | QUASOU=Quality of sounding
296 | RADWAL=Radar wavelength
297 | RADIUS=Radius
298 | RECDAT=Recording date
299 | RECIND=Recording indication
300 | RYRMGV=Magnetic variation reference year
301 | RESTRN=Restriction
302 | SECTR1=First sector limit
303 | SECTR2=Second sector limit
304 | SHIPAM=Shift parameters
305 | SIGFRQ=Signal frequency
306 | SIGGEN=Signal generation
307 | SIGGRP=Signal group
308 | SIGPER=Signal period
309 | SIGSEQ=Signal sequence
310 | SOUACC=Sounding accuracy
311 | SDISMX=Maximum sounding distance
312 | SDISMN=Minimum sounding distance
313 | SORDAT=Source date
314 | SORIND=Source
315 | STATUS=Status
316 | SURATH=Survey authority
317 | SUREND=Survey end date
318 | SURSTA=Survey start date
319 | SURTYP=Survey type
320 | TECSOU=Sounding technique
321 | TXTDSC=Textual description
322 | TIMEND=End time
323 | TIMSTA=Start time
324 | TOPSHP=Topmark/daymark shape
325 | TRAFIC=Traffic flow
326 | VALACM=Magnetic variation annual change
327 | VALDCO=Value of depth contour
328 | VALLMA=Value of local magnetic anomaly
329 | VALMAG=Value of magnetic variation
330 | VALMXR=Maximum range
331 | VALNMR=Nominal range
332 | VALSOU=Value of sounding
333 | VERACC=Vertical accuracy
334 | VERCLR=Vertical clearance
335 | VERCCL=Vertical clearance, closed
336 | VERCOP=Vertical clearance, open
337 | VERCSA=Vertical clearance, safe
338 | VERDAT=Vertical datum
339 | VERLEN=Vertical length
340 | WATLEV=Water level effect
341 | CAT_TS=Tidal stream category
342 | PUNITS=Positional units
343 | NINFOM=National information
344 | NOBJNM=National name
345 | NPLDST=National pilot district
346 | NTXTDS=National textual description
347 | HORDAT=Horizontal datum
348 | POSACC=Positional accuracy
349 | QUAPOS=Quality of position
350 | ADDMRK=Notice mark addition
351 | BNKWTW=Side of Waterway
352 | CATBNK=Waterway bank category
353 | CATNMK=Notice mark category
354 | CLSDNG=Dangerous cargo class
355 | DIRIMP=Direction of impact
356 | DISBK1=First distance from notice
357 | DISBK2=Second distance from notice
358 | DISIPU=Upstream distance of impact
359 | DISIPD=Downstream distance of impact
360 | ELEVA1=Minimum elevation
361 | ELEVA2=Maximum elevation
362 | FNCTNM=Notice mark function
363 | WTWDIS=Waterway distance
364 | BUNVES=Bunker vessel availability
365 | CATBRT=Berth category
366 | CATBUN=Bunker station category
367 | CATCCL=CEMT class category
368 | CATHBR=Harbour area category
369 | CATRFD=Refuse dump category
370 | CATTML=Terminal category
371 | COMCTN=Communication
372 | HORCLL=Horizontal clearance length
373 | HORCLW=Horizontal clearance width
374 | TRSHGD=Transshipping goods
375 | UNLOCD=UN location code
376 | CATGAG=Waterway gauge category
377 | HIGWAT=Value at high water
378 | HIGNAM=Name of high water level
379 | LOWWAT=Value at low water
380 | LOWNAM=Name of lowwater level
381 | MEAWAT=Value at mean water level
382 | MEANAM=Name of mean water level
383 | OTHWAT=Value at local water level
384 | OTHNAM=Name of local water level
385 | REFLEV=Reference gravitational level
386 | SDRLEV=Name of sounding reference level
387 | VCRLEV=Name of vertical datum level
388 | CATVTR=Vehicle transfer category
389 | CATTAB=Time and behaviour category
390 | SCHREF=Time schedule reference
391 | USESHP=Use of ship
392 | CURVHW=high water current velocity
393 | CURVLW=low water current velocity
394 | CURVMW=mean level current velocity
395 | CURVOW=local level current velocity
396 | APTREF=Average passing time reference
397 | CATEXS=Exceptional structure category
398 | CATWWM=Waterway mark category
399 | SHPTYP=Ship type
400 | UPDMSG=Update message
401 | LITRAD=Light sector radius
402 |
403 | BCN_UNKN=
404 | BCN_STAK=Stake
405 | BCN_WTHY=Withy
406 | BCN_TOWR=Tower
407 | BCN_LATT=Lattice
408 | BCN_PILE=Pile
409 | BCN_CARN=Cairn
410 | BCN_BUOY=Buoyant
411 | BCN_POLE=Pole
412 | BCN_PRCH=Perch
413 | BCN_POST=Post
414 |
415 | BUI_UNKN=
416 | BUI_HIRS=High-rise
417 | BUI_PYRD=Pyramid
418 | BUI_CYLR=Cylindrical
419 | BUI_SPHR=Spherical
420 | BUI_CUBE=Cubic
421 |
422 | BOY_UNKN=
423 | BOY_CONE=Conical
424 | BOY_CAN=Can
425 | BOY_SPHR=Spherical
426 | BOY_PILR=Pillar
427 | BOY_SPAR=Spar
428 | BOY_BARL=Barrel
429 | BOY_SUPR=Super-buoy
430 | BOY_ICE=Ice buoy
431 |
432 | AIR_UNKN=
433 | AIR_MILA=Military
434 | AIR_CIVA=Civil
435 | AIR_MILH=Military heliport
436 | AIR_CIVH=Civil heliport
437 | AIR_GLDR=Glider
438 | AIR_SMLP=Small planes
439 | AIR_EMRG=Emergency
440 |
441 | ACH_UNKN=
442 | ACH_UNRD=Unrestricted
443 | ACH_DEEP=Deep water
444 | ACH_TANK=Tanker
445 | ACH_EXPL=Explosives
446 | ACH_QUAR=Quarantine
447 | ACH_SEAP=Seaplane
448 | ACH_SMCF=Small craft
449 | ACH_SMCM=Small craft mooring
450 | ACH_H24P=24 hour limit
451 | ACH_LTPD=Limited period
452 | ACH_NPSH=Non-pushing vessels
453 | ACH_DRYC=Dry cargo vessels
454 | ACH_RAFT=Rafts
455 |
456 | BRG_UNKN=
457 | BRG_FIXD=Fixed bridge
458 | BRG_OPEN=Opening bridge
459 | BRG_SWNG=Swing bridge
460 | BRG_LIFT=Lifting bridge
461 | BRG_BASC=Bascule bridge
462 | BRG_PONT=Pontoon bridge
463 | BRG_DRAW=Drawbridge
464 | BRG_TRNS=Transporter bridge
465 | BRG_FOOT=Footbridge
466 | BRG_VIAD=Viaduct
467 | BRG_AQUA=Aqueduct
468 | BRG_SUSP=Suspension bridge
469 |
470 | BUA_UNKN=
471 | BUA_URBN=Urban
472 | BUA_STTL=Settlement
473 | BUA_VLLG=Village
474 | BUA_TOWN=Town
475 | BUA_CITY=City
476 | BUA_HOLV=Holiday village
477 |
478 | CBL_UNKN=
479 | CBL_POWR=Power
480 | CBL_TRNS=Transmission
481 | CBL_TELE=Telephone
482 | CBL_TGPH=Telegraph
483 | CBL_MOOR=Mooring
484 | CBL_OPTC=Optical
485 | CBL_FERY=Ferry
486 |
487 | CAN_UNKN=
488 | CAN_TRNS=Transportation
489 | CAN_DRNG=Drainage
490 | CAN_IRGN=Irrigation
491 |
492 | CAM_UNKN=
493 | CAM_NORTH=North
494 | CAM_EAST=East
495 | CAM_SOUTH=South
496 | CAM_WEST=West
497 |
498 | CHP_UNKN=
499 | CHP_CSTM=Customs
500 | CHP_BRDR=Border
501 |
502 | COA_UNKN=
503 | COA_STEP=Steep
504 | COA_FLAT=Flat
505 | COA_SAND=Sandy
506 | COA_STON=Stony
507 | COA_SHNG=Shingly
508 | COA_GLCR=Glacial
509 | COA_MNGV=Mangrove
510 | COA_MRSH=Marshy
511 | COA_CRRF=Coral_reef
512 | COA_ICE=Ice
513 | COA_SHEL=Shelly
514 |
515 | CTR_UNKN=
516 | CTR_TRGN=Triangulation
517 | CTR_OBSV=Observation
518 | CTR_FIXD=Fixed
519 | CTR_BMRK=Benchmark
520 | CTR_BDRY=Boundary
521 | CTR_HORM=Horizontal, main
522 | CTR_HORS=Horizontal, secondary
523 |
524 | CON_UNKN=
525 | CAT_AERL=Aerial
526 | CAT_BELT=Belt
527 |
528 | CRN_UNKN=
529 | CRN_NONS=Non-specific
530 | CRN_CONT=Container
531 | CRN_SHRL=Sheerlegs
532 | CRN_TRAV=Travelling
533 | CRN_AFRM=A-frame
534 |
535 | DAM_UNKN=
536 | DAM_WEIR=Weir
537 | DAM_DAM=Dam
538 | DAM_FLDB=Flood barrage
539 |
540 | DIS_UNKN=
541 | DIS_NONI=Not installed
542 | DIS_POLE=Pole
543 | DIS_BORD=Board
544 | DIS_UKSH=Unknown shape
545 |
546 | DOC_UNKN=
547 | DOC_TIDL=Tidal
548 | DOC_NTDL=Non-tidal
549 |
550 | DPG_UNKN=
551 | DPG_GENL=General
552 | DPG_CHEM=Chemical
553 | DPG_NCLR=Nuclear
554 | DPG_EXPL=Explosives
555 | DPG_SPIL=Spoil
556 | DPG_VSSL=Vessel
557 |
558 | FNC_UNKN=
559 | FNC_FENC=Fence
560 | FNC_MUIR=Muir
561 | FNC_HEDG=Hedge
562 | FNC_WALL=Wall
563 |
564 | FRY_UNKN=
565 | FRY_FREE=Free
566 | FRY_CABL=Cable
567 | FRY_ICE=Ice
568 | FRY_SWWR=Swinging-wire ferry
569 |
570 | FIF_UNKN=
571 | FIF_STAK=Stake
572 | FIF_TRAP=Trap
573 | FIF_WEIR=Weir
574 | FIF_TUNY=Tunny
575 |
576 | FOG_UNKN=
577 | FOG_EXPL=Explosive
578 | FOG_DIA=Diaphone
579 | FOG_SIRN=Siren
580 | FOG_NAUT=Nautophone
581 | FOG_REED=Reed
582 | FOG_TYPH=Tyfon
583 | FOG_BELL=Bell
584 | FOG_WHIS=Whistle
585 | FOG_GONG=Gong
586 | FOG_HORN=Horn
587 |
588 | FOR_UNKN=
589 | FOR_CSTL=Castle
590 | FOR_FORT=Fort
591 | FOR_BTTY=Battery
592 | FOR_BKHS=Blockhouse
593 | FOR_MTWR=Martello tower
594 | FOR_RDBT=Redoubt
595 |
596 | GAT_UNKN=
597 | GAT_GNRL=General
598 | GAT_FLBG=Flood barrage
599 | GAT_CSSN=Caisson
600 | GAT_LOCK=Lock
601 | GAT_DYKE=Dyke
602 | GAT_SLUC=Sluice
603 |
604 | HAF_UNKN=
605 | HAF_RORO=Ro-Ro
606 | HAF_FERY=Ferry
607 | HAF_FISH=Fishing
608 | HAF_MRNA=Marina
609 | HAF_NAVL=Naval
610 | HAF_TNKR=Tanker
611 | HAF_PSGR=Passenger
612 | HAF_YARD=Shipyard
613 | HAF_CNTR=Container
614 | HAF_BULK=Bulk
615 | HAF_SYNC=Syncrolift
616 | HAF_STCR=Straddle carrier
617 | HAF_LUVB=Lay-up
618 | HAF_TMBR=Timber
619 | HAF_REPR=Service & repair
620 | HAF_QUAR=Quarantine
621 | HAF_SPLN=Seaplane
622 | HAF_CARG=Cargo
623 | HAF_OFFS=Offshore support
624 | HAF_OFFS=Port support base
625 | HAF_MANF=Marina, no facilities
626 |
627 | HLK_UNKN=
628 | HLK_REST=Floating restaurant
629 | HLK_HIST=Historic
630 | HLK_MUSM=Museum
631 | HLK_ACCM=Accommodation
632 | HLK_BWTR=Floating breakwater
633 | HLK_CSNO=Casino boat
634 |
635 | ICE_UNKN=
636 | ICE_FAST=Fast
637 | ICE_SEA=Sea
638 | ICE_GRLR=Growler
639 | ICE_PANK=Pancake
640 | ICE_GLAS=Glacier
641 | ICE_PEAK=Peak
642 | ICE_PACK=Pack
643 | ICE_POLR=Polar
644 |
645 | INB_UNKN=
648 |
649 | LND_UNKN=
650 | LND_FEN=Fen
651 | LND_MRSH=Marsh
652 | LND_BOG=Bog
653 | LND_HTHL=Heathland
654 | LND_MNTN=Mountain
655 | LND_LOWL=Lowlands
656 | LND_CNYN=Canyon
657 | LND_PDDY=Paddy
658 | LND_AGRI=Agricultural
659 | LND_SVNA=Savanna
660 | LND_PARK=Parkland
661 | LND_SWMP=Swamp
662 | LND_LSLD=Landslide
663 | LND_LAVA=Lava
664 | LND_SLTP=Salt pan
665 | LND_MORN=Moraine
666 | LND_CRTR=Crater
667 | LND_CAVE=Cave
668 | LND_PINCL=Rock pinnacle
669 | LND_CAY=Cay
670 |
671 | LMK_UNKN=
672 | LMK_CARN=Cairn
673 | LMK_CMTY=Cemetery
674 | LMK_CHMY=Chimney
675 | LMK_DISH=Dish aerial
676 | LMK_FLAG=Flagstaff
677 | LMK_FLAR=Flare stack
678 | LMK_MAST=Mast
679 | LMK_WNDS=Windsock
680 | LMK_MNMT=Monument
681 | LMK_CLMN=Column
682 | LMK_MEML=Memorial
683 | LMK_OBLK=Obelisk
684 | LMK_STAT=Statue
685 | LMK_CROS=Cross
686 | LMK_DOME=Dome
687 | LMK_RADR=Radar scanner
688 | LMK_TOWR=Tower
689 | LMK_WNDM=Windmill
690 | LMK_WNDG=Windmotor
691 | LMK_SPIR=Spire
692 | LMK_BLDR=Boulder
693 | LMK_MNRT=Minaret
694 | LMK_WTRT=Water tower
695 |
696 | LAM_UNKN=
697 | LAM_PORT=Port hand
698 | LAM_STBD=Starboard hand
699 | LAM_PCST=Preferred channel to starboard
700 | LAM_PCPT=Preferred channel to port
701 | LAM_WWLT=Waterway left bank
702 | LAM_WWRT=Waterway right bank
703 | LAM_CHLT=Channel left bank
704 | LAM_CHRT=Channel right bank
705 | LAM_WWSN=Waterway bifurcation
706 | LAM_CHSN=Channel bifurcation
707 | LAM_CHRB=Channel close to right bank
708 | LAM_CHLB=Channel close to left bank
709 | LAM_CRRT=Channel crosses over to right
710 | LAM_CRLT=Channel crosses over to left
711 | LAM_DRLT=Obstacles by right bank
712 | LAM_DRRT=Obstacles by left bank
713 | LAM_TOLT=Turnoff on right
714 | LAM_TPRT=Turnoff on left
715 | LAM_JBRT=Junction to right
716 | LAM_JNLT=Junction to left
717 | LAM_HBRT=Harbour to right
718 | LAM_HBLT=Harbour to left
719 | LAM_BRGP=Bridge pier mark
720 |
721 | LIT_UNKN=
722 | LIT_DIR=Directional
723 | LIT_LEAD=Leading
724 | LIT_AERO=Aero
725 | LIT_AIR=Air obstruction
726 | LIT_FOG=Fog detector
727 | LIT_FLDL=Floodlight
728 | LIT_STRP=Strip light
729 | LIT_SUBS=Subsidiary
730 | LIT_SPOT=Spotlight
731 | LIT_FRNT=Front
732 | LIT_REAR=Rear
733 | LIT_LOWR=Lower
734 | LIT_UPPR=Upper
735 | LIT_MOIR=Moire
736 | LIT_EMRG=Emergency
737 | LIT_BRNG=Bearing
738 | LIT_HORI=Horizontally disposed
739 | LIT_VERT=Vertically disposed
740 |
741 | MFA_UNKN=
742 | MFA_CRST=Crustaceans
743 | MFA_OYMS=Oysters/mussels
744 | MFA_FISH=Fish
745 | MFA_SEAW=Seaweed
746 | MFA_PRLC=Pearl culture
747 |
748 | MPA_UNKN=
749 | MPA_PRCT=Practice
750 | MPA_TRPD=Torpedo
751 | MPA_SUBM=Submarine
752 | MPA_FIRG=Firing
753 | MPA_MINL=Mine-laying
754 | MPA_SMLA=Small arms
755 |
756 | MOR_UNKN=
757 | MOR_DLPN=Dolphin
758 | MOR_DDPN=Deviation dolphin
759 | MOR_BLRD=Bollard
760 | MOR_WALL=Wall
761 | MOR_PILE=Pile
762 | MOR_CHAN=Chain
763 | MOR_BUOY=Buoy
764 | MOR_SHRP=Shore ropes
765 | MOR_AUTO=Automatic
766 | MOR_POST=Post
767 | MOR_WIRE=Wire
768 | MOR_CABL=Cable
769 |
770 | NAV_UNKN=
771 | NAV_CLRG=Clearing
772 | NAV_TRST=Transit
773 | NAV_LDNG=Leading
774 |
775 | OBS_UNKN=
776 | OBS_STMP=Stump
777 | OBS_WELH=Wellhead
778 | OBS_DIFF=Diffuser
779 | OBS_CRIB=Crib
780 | OBS_FHVN=Fish haven
781 | OBS_FLAR=Foul area
782 | OBS_FLGD=Foul ground
783 | OBS_ICEB=Ice boom
784 | OBS_GTKL=Ground tackle
785 | OBS_BOOM=Boom
786 |
787 | OFP_UNKN=
788 | OFP_OIL=Oil
789 | OFP_PROD=Production
790 | OFP_OBS=Observation
793 | OFP_MOOR=Mooring tower
794 | OFP_AISL=Artificial island
796 | OFP_ACCN=Accommodation
798 |
799 | OLB_UNKN=
800 | OLB_RETN=Retention
801 | OLB_FLTG=Floating
802 |
803 | PLE_UNKN=
804 | PLE_STAK=Stake
805 | PLE_SNAG=Snag
806 | PLE_POST=Post
807 | PLE_TRIP=Tripodal
808 |
809 | PIL_UNKN=
810 | PIL_CVSL=Cruising vessel
811 | PIL_HELI=Helicopter
812 | PIL_SHOR=From shore
813 |
814 | PIP_UNKN=
815 | PIP_OFAL=Outfall
816 | PIP_ITAK=Intake
817 | PIP_SEWR=Sewer
818 | PIP_BBLR=Bubbler
819 | PIP_SPPL=Supply
820 |
821 | PRA_UNKN=
822 | PRA_QRRY=Quarry
823 | PRA_MINE=Mine
824 | PRA_STPL=Stockpile
825 | PRA_PSTN=Power station
826 | PRA_RFNY=Refinery
827 | PRA_TYRD=Timber yard
828 | PRA_FACT=Factory
829 | PRA_TFRM=Tank farm
830 | PRA_WFRM=Wind farm
831 | PRA_SLAG=Slag_heap
832 | PRA_CURF=Current farm
833 | PRA_OILF=Oil
834 | PRA_GASF=Gas
835 | PRA_WAVE=Wave energy
836 |
837 | PYL_UNKN=
838 | PYL_POWR=Power
839 | PYL_TELE=Telecommunications
840 | PYL_AERL=Aerial
841 | PYL_BRDG=Bridge
842 | PYL_PIER=Bridge pier
843 |
844 | RAS_UNKN=
845 | RAS_SURV=Surveillance
846 | RAS_COST=Coast
847 |
848 | RTB_UNKN=
849 | RTB_RAMK=Ramark
850 | RTB_RACN=Racon
851 | RTB_LDG=Leading
852 |
853 | ROS_UNKN=
854 | ROS_OMNI=Omnidirectional
855 | ROS_DIRL=Directional
856 | ROS_ROTP=Rotating pattern
860 | ROS_AERO=Aeronautical
861 | ROS_DECA=Decca
862 | ROS_LORN=Loran
864 | ROS_TORN=Toran
865 | ROS_OMGA=Omega
866 | ROS_SYLD=Syledis
867 | ROS_CHKA=Chiaka
868 | ROS_PCOM=Public communication
869 | ROS_COMB=Commercial broadcast
870 | ROS_FACS=Facsimile
871 | ROS_TIME=Time signal
872 | ROS_PAIS=Physical AIS
873 | ROS_SAIS=Synthetic AIS
874 | ROS_VAIS=Virtual AIS
875 | ROS_VANC=Virtual AIS, North cardinal
876 | ROS_VASC=Virtual AIS, South cardinal
877 | ROS_VAEC=Virtual AIS, East cardinal
878 | ROS_VAWC=Virtual AIS, West cardinal
879 | ROS_VAPL=Virtual AIS, Port lateral
880 | ROS_VASL=Virtual AIS, Starboard lateral
881 | ROS_VAID=Virtual AIS, Isolated danger
882 | ROS_VASW=Virtual AIS, Safe water
883 | ROS_VASP=Virtual AIS, Special purpose
884 | ROS_VAWK=Virtual AIS, Wreck
885 |
886 | RSC_UNKN=
887 | RSC_LIFB=Lifeboat
888 | RSC_ROKT=Rocket
889 | RSC_LBRK=Lifeboat rocket
890 | RSC_RFSW=Refuge, shipwrecked
891 | RSC_RFIT=Refuge, intertidal
892 | RSC_LBOM=Lifeboat on mooring
893 | RSC_RDIO=Radio
894 | RSC_FSTA=First aid
895 | RSC_SPLN=Seaplane
896 | RSC_ACFT=Aircraft
897 | RSC_STUG=Tug
898 |
899 | REA_UNKN=
900 | REA_SFTY=Safety
901 | REA_NANC=No anchoring
902 | REA_NFSH=No fishing
903 | REA_NATR=Nature reserve
904 | REA_BRDS=Bird sanctuary
905 | REA_GRSV=Game reserve
906 | REA_SEAL=Seal sanctuary
907 | REA_DEGR=Degaussing range
908 | REA_MILY=Military
909 | REA_HIST=Historic wreck
910 | REA_INST=Inshore traffic
911 | REA_NASF=Navigational aid safety
912 | REA_STRD=Stranding danger
913 | REA_MINE=Minefield
914 | REA_NDIV=No diving
915 | REA_TBAV=To be avoided
916 | REA_PROH=Prohibited
917 | REA_SWIM=Swimming
918 | REA_WAIT=Waiting
919 | REA_RSCH=Research
920 | REA_DREG=Dredging
921 | REA_FSNC=Fish sanctuary
922 | REA_ERES=Ecological reserve
923 | REA_NWAK=No wake
924 | REA_SWNG=Swinging
925 | REA_WSKI=Water skiing
926 | REA_ESSA=Environmentally sensitive
927 | REA_PSSA=Particularly sensitive
928 |
929 | ROD_UNKN=
930 | ROD_MWAY=Motorway
931 | ROD_MAJR=Major road
932 | ROD_MINR=Minor road
933 | ROD_TRAK=Track
934 | ROD_MAJS=Major street
935 | ROD_MINS=Minor street
936 | ROD_CRSG=Crossing
937 | ROD_PATH=Path
938 |
939 | RUN_UNKN=
940 | RUN_AERP=Aeroplane
941 | RUN_HELI=Helicopter
942 |
943 | SEA_UNKN=
944 | SEA_GENL=General
945 | SEA_GAT=Gat
946 | SEA_BANK=Bank
947 | SEA_DEEP=Deep
948 | SEA_BAY=Bay
949 | SEA_TRCH=Trench
950 | SEA_BASN=Basin
951 | SEA_MDFT=Flat
952 | SEA_REEF=Reef
953 | SEA_LEDG=Edge
954 | SEA_CNYN=Canyon
955 | SEA_NRRW=Narrows
956 | SEA_SHOL=Shoal
957 | SEA_KNOL=Knoll
958 | SEA_RIDG=Ridge
959 | SEA_SMNT=Seamount
960 | SEA_PNCL=Pinnacle
961 | SEA_APLN=Abyssal plain
962 | SEA_PLTU=Plateau
963 | SEA_SPUR=Spur
964 | SEA_SHLF=Shelf
965 | SEA_TRGH=Trough
966 | SEA_SDDL=Saddle
967 | SEA_AHLL=Abyssal hills
968 | SEA_APRN=Apron
969 | SEA_AAPN=Archipelagic apron
970 | SEA_BLND=Borderland
971 | SEA_CMGN=Continental margin
972 | SEA_CRIS=Continental rise
973 | SEA_ESCT=Escarpment
974 | SEA_FAN=Fan
975 | SEA_FZON=Fracture zone
976 | SEA_GAP=Gap
977 | SEA_GUYT=Guyot
978 | SEA_HILL=Hill
979 | SEA_HOLE=Hole
980 | SEA_LEVE=Levee
981 | SEA_MVLY=Median valley
982 | SEA_MOAT=Moat
983 | SEA_MTNS=Mountains
984 | SEA_PEAK=Peak
985 | SEA_PVNC=Province
986 | SEA_RISE=Rise
987 | SEA_SCNL=Sea channel
988 | SEA_SCHN=Seamount chain
989 | SEA_SEDG=Shelf-edge
990 | SEA_SILL=Sill
991 | SEA_SLOP=Slope
992 | SEA_TRRC=Terrace
993 | SEA_VLLY=Valley
994 | SEA_CANL=Canal
995 | SEA_LAKE=Lake
996 | SEA_RIVR=River
997 | SEA_RECH=Reach
998 |
999 | SLC_UNKN=
1000 | SLC_BWTR=Breakwater
1001 | SLC_GRYN=Groyne
1002 | SLC_MOLE=Mole
1003 | SLC_PIER=Pier
1004 | SLC_PPER=Promenade pier
1005 | SLC_WHRF=Wharf
1006 | SLC_TWAL=Training wall
1007 | SLC_RPRP=Rip rap
1008 | SLC_RVMT=Revetment
1009 | SLC_SWAL=Sea wall
1010 | SLC_LSTP=Landing steps
1011 | SLC_RAMP=Ramp
1012 | SLC_SWAY=Slipway
1013 | SLC_FNDR=Fender
1014 | SLC_SFWF=Solid face wharf
1015 | SLC_OFWF=Open face wharf
1016 | SLC_LRMP=Log ramp
1017 | SLC_LWAL=Lock wall
1018 | SLC_ICEB=Ice breaker
1019 |
1020 | SIT_UNKN=
1021 | SIT_PRTC=Port control
1022 | SIT_PRTE=Port entry & departure
1023 | SIT_IPT=IPT
1024 | SIT_BRTH=Berthing
1025 | SIT_DOCK=Dock
1026 | SIT_LOCK=Lock
1027 | SIT_FLDB=Flood barrage
1028 | SIT_BRDG=Bridge passage
1029 | SIT_DRDG=Dredging
1030 | SIT_TCLT=Traffic control
1031 | SIT_PLTG=Pilotage
1032 | SIT_SPCL=Special
1033 | SIT_ONCT=Oncoming traffic
1034 |
1035 | SIW_UNKN=
1036 | SIW_DNGR=Danger
1037 | SIW_OBST=Maritime obstruction
1038 | SIW_CABL=Cable
1039 | SIW_MILY=Military
1040 | SIW_DSTR=Distress
1041 | SIW_WTHR=Weather
1042 | SIW_STRM=Storm
1043 | SIW_ICE=Ice
1044 | SIW_TIME=Time
1045 | SIW_TIDE=Tide
1046 | SIW_TSTR=Tidal stream
1047 | SIW_TIDG=Tide gauge
1048 | SIW_TIDS=Tide scale
1049 | SIW_DIVE=Diving
1050 | SIW_WTLG=Water level gauge
1051 | SIW_VRCL=Vertical clearance
1052 | SIW_HIWM=High water
1053 | SIW_DPTH=Depth
1054 | SIW_CURR=Current
1055 |
1056 | SIL_UNKN=
1057 | SIL_SILO=Silo
1058 | SIL_TANK=Tank
1059 | SIL_GRNE=Grain elevator
1060 | SIL_WTRT=Wwater tower
1061 |
1062 | SLO_UNKN=
1063 | SLO_CUTG=Cutting
1064 | SLO_EMBK=Embankment
1065 | SLO_DUNE=Dune
1066 | SLO_HILL=Hill
1067 | SLO_PINO=Pingo
1068 | SLO_CLIF=Cliff
1069 | SLO_SCRE=Scree
1070 |
1071 | SCF_UNKN=
1072 | SCF_VBTH=Visitor berth
1073 | SCF_CLUB=Nautical club
1074 | SCF_BHST=Boat hoist
1075 | SCF_SMKR=Sailmaker
1076 | SCF_BTYD=Boatyard
1077 | SCF_INN=Public inn
1078 | SCF_RSRT=Restaurant
1079 | SCF_CHDR=Chandler
1080 | SCF_PROV=Provisions
1081 | SCF_DCTR=Doctor
1082 | SCF_PHRM=Pharmacy
1083 | SCF_WTRT=Water tap
1084 | SCF_FUEL=Fuel station
1085 | SCF_ELEC=Electricity
1086 | SCF_BGAS=Bottle gas
1087 | SCF_SHWR=Showers
1088 | SCF_LAUN=Laundrette
1089 | SCF_WC=Toilets
1090 | SCF_POST=Post_box
1091 | SCF_TELE=Telephone
1092 | SCF_REFB=Refuse bin
1093 | SCF_CARP=Car park
1094 | SCF_BTPK=Boat trailers park
1095 | SCF_CRVN=Caravan site
1096 | SCF_CAMP=Camping site
1097 | SCF_PMPO=Pump-out
1098 | SCF_EMRT=Emergency telephone
1099 | SCF_SLPW=Slipway
1100 | SCF_VMOR=Visitors mooring
1101 | SCF_SCRB=Scrubbing berth
1102 | SCF_PCNC=Picnic area
1103 | SCF_MECH=Mechanics workshop
1104 | SCF_SECS=Security service
1105 |
1106 | SPM_UNKN=
1107 | SPM_FDGA=Firing danger area
1108 | SPM_TRGT=Target
1109 | SPM_MSHP=Marker ship
1110 | SPM_DGRG=Degaussing range
1111 | SPM_BARG=Barge
1112 | SPM_CABL=Cable
1113 | SPM_SPLG=Spoil ground
1114 | SPM_OFAL=Outfall
1116 | SPM_RCDG=Recording
1117 | SPM_SPLA=Seaplane anchorage
1118 | SPM_RCZN=Recreation zone
1119 | SPM_PRVT=Private
1120 | SPM_MOOR=Mooring
1122 | SPM_LDNG=Leading
1123 | SPM_MDST=Measured distance
1124 | SPM_NOTC=Notice
1125 | SPM_TSS=TSS
1126 | SPM_NANC=No anchoring
1127 | SPM_NBRT=No berthing
1128 | SPM_NOTK=No overtaking
1129 | SPM_NTWT=No two-way traffic
1130 | SPM_RWAK=Reduced wake
1131 | SPM_SPDL=Speed limit
1132 | SPM_STOP=Stop
1133 | SPM_WRNG=Warning
1134 | SPM_SSSN=Sound ship siren
1135 | SPM_RVCL=Restricted vertical clearance
1136 | SPM_MVDT=Maximum vessel draught
1137 | SPM_RHCL=Restricted horizontal clearance
1138 | SPM_SCNT=Strong current
1139 | SPM_BRTH=Berthing
1140 | SPM_OHPC=Overhead power cable
1141 | SPM_CHEG=Channel edge gradient
1142 | SPM_TELE=Telephone
1143 | SPM_FCRS=Ferry crossing
1144 | SPM_MTRL=Marine traffic lights
1145 | SPM_PLIN=Pipeline
1146 | SPM_ANCH=Anchorage
1147 | SPM_CLRG=Clearing
1148 | SPM_CTRL=Control
1149 | SPM_DIVG=Diving
1150 | SPM_RBCN=Refuge beacon
1151 | SPM_FGND=Foul ground
1152 | SPM_YCHT=Yachting
1153 | SPM_HPRT=Heliport
1154 | SPM_GPS=GPS
1155 | SPM_SLDG=Seaplane landing
1156 | SPM_NENT=No entry
1157 | SPM_WRKP=Work in progress
1158 | SPM_UKPP=Unknown purpose
1159 | SPM_WELH=Wellhead
1160 | SPM_CHSP=Channel separation
1161 | SPM_MFRM=Marine farm
1162 | SPM_AREF=Artificial reef
1163 |
1164 | TRK_UNKN=
1165 | TRK_FIXM=Fixed marks
1166 | TRK_NFXM=No fixed marks
1167 |
1168 | TSS_UNKN=
1169 | TSS_IMOA=IMO adopted
1170 | TSS_NIMO=Not IMO adopted
1171 |
1172 | VEG_UNKN=
1173 | VEG_GRAS=Grass
1174 | VEG_PDDY=Paddy
1175 | VEG_BUSH=Bush
1176 | VEG_DCDW=Deciduous wood
1177 | VEG_CONW=Coniferous wood
1178 | VEG_WOOD=Wood
1179 | VEG_MGRV=Mangroves
1180 | VEG_PARK=Park
1181 | VEG_PKLD=Parkland
1182 | VEG_MCRP=Mixed crops
1183 | VEG_REED=Reed
1184 | VEG_MOSS=Moss
1185 | VEG_TREE=Tree
1186 | VEG_EVGT=Evergreen tree
1187 | VEG_CONT=Coniferous tree
1188 | VEG_PLMT=Palm tree
1189 | VEG_NPMT=Nipa palm tree
1190 | VEG_CSAT=Casuarina tree
1191 | VEG_EUCT=Eucalypt tree
1192 | VEG_DCDT=Deciduous tree
1193 | VEG_MRVT=Mangrove tree
1194 | VEG_FLOT=Filao tree
1195 |
1196 | WAT_UNKN=
1197 | WAT_BKRS=Breakers
1198 | WAT_EDDY=Eddies
1199 | WAT_OVFL=Overfalls
1200 | WAT_TDRP=Tide rips
1201 | WAT_BMBR=Bombora
1202 |
1203 | WED_UNKN=
1204 | WED_KELP=Kelp
1205 | WED_SWED=Sea weed
1206 | WED_SGRS=Sea grass
1207 | WED_SGSO=Sargasso
1208 |
1209 | WRK_UNKN=
1210 | WRK_NDGR=Non-dangerous
1211 | WRK_DNGR=Dangerous
1212 | WRK_DREM=Distributed remains
1213 | WRK_MSTS=Mast showing
1214 | WRK_HULS=Hull showing
1215 |
1216 | ZOC_UNKN=
1217 | ZOC_A1=A1
1218 | ZOC_A2=A2
1219 | ZOC_B=B
1220 | ZOC_C=C
1221 | ZOC_D=D
1222 | ZOC_U=U
1223 |
1224 | COL_UNK=
1225 | COL_WHT=White
1226 | COL_BLK=Black
1227 | COL_RED=Red
1228 | COL_GRN=Green
1229 | COL_BLU=Blue
1230 | COL_YEL=Yellow
1231 | COL_GRY=Grey
1232 | COL_BRN=Brown
1233 | COL_AMB=Amber
1234 | COL_VIO=Violet
1235 | COL_ORG=Orange
1236 | COL_MAG=Magenta
1237 | COL_PNK=Pink
1238 |
1239 | PAT_UNKN=
1240 | PAT_HORI=Horizontal stripe
1241 | PAT_VERT=Vertical stripe
1242 | PAT_DIAG=Diagonal stripe
1243 | PAT_SQUR=Squared
1244 | PAT_STRP=Stripes
1245 | PAT_BRDR=Border
1246 | PAT_CROS=Cross
1247 | PAT_SALT=Saltire
1248 |
1249 | CND_UNKN=
1250 | CND_UCNS=Under construction
1251 | CND_RUIN=Ruined
1252 | CND_URCL=Under reclamation
1253 | CND_WLES=Wingless
1254 | CND_PCNS=Planned construction
1255 |
1256 | RAD_UNKN=
1257 | RAD_CNSP=Conspicuous
1258 | RAD_NCSP=Not conspicuous
1259 | RAD_REFL=Radar reflector
1260 |
1261 | VIS_UNKN=
1262 | VIS_CNSP=Conspicuous
1263 | VIS_NCSP=Not conspicuous
1264 |
1265 | DPU_UNKN=
1266 | DPU_METR=Metres
1267 | DPU_FTFT=Fathoms & feet
1268 | DPU_FTHM=Fathoms
1269 | DPU_FTFR=Fathoms & fractions
1270 |
1271 | EXH_UNKN=
1272 | EXH_24H=24 hours
1273 | EXH_DAY=Day
1274 | EXH_FOG=Fog
1275 | EXH_NGHT=Night
1276 | EXH_WRNG=Warning
1277 | EXH_STRM=Storm
1278 |
1279 | EXP_UNKN=
1280 | EXP_WTHN=Within
1281 | EXP_SHLR=Shoaler
1282 | EXP_DEPR=Deeper
1283 |
1284 | FNC_UNKN=
1285 | FNC_HBRM=Harbour master
1286 | FNC_CSTM=Customs
1287 | FNC_HLTH=Health
1288 | FNC_HOSP=Hospital
1289 | FNC_POST=Post office
1290 | FNC_HOTL=Hotel
1291 | FNC_RAIL=Railway station
1292 | FNC_POLC=Police station
1293 | FNC_WPOL=Water-police station
1294 | FNC_PILO=Pilot office
1295 | FNC_PILL=Pilot lookout
1296 | FNC_BANK=Bank
1297 | FNC_DIST=District control
1298 | FNC_TRNS=Transit shed
1299 | FNC_FCTY=Factory
1300 | FNC_POWR=Power station
1301 | FNC_ADMIN=Administrative
1302 | FNC_EDUC=Educational
1303 | FNC_CHCH=Church
1304 | FNC_CHPL=Chapel
1305 | FNC_TMPL=Temple
1306 | FNC_PGDA=Pagoda
1307 | FNC_SHSH=Shinto shrine
1308 | FNC_BTMP=Buddhist temple
1309 | FNC_MOSQ=Mosque
1310 | FNC_MRBT=Marabout
1311 | FNC_LOOK=Lookout
1312 | FNC_COMM=Communication
1313 | FNC_TV=Television
1314 | FNC_RADO=Radio
1315 | FNC_RADR=Radar
1316 | FNC_LGHT=Light support
1317 | FNC_MCWV=Microwave
1318 | FNC_COOL=Cooling
1319 | FNC_OBS=Observation
1320 | FNC_TMBL=Time ball
1321 | FNC_CLOK=Clock
1322 | FNC_CTRL=Control
1323 | FNC_ASHM=Airship mooring
1324 | FNC_STAD=Stadium
1325 | FNC_BUSS=Bus station
1326 |
1327 | HLU_UNKN=
1328 | HLU_METR=Metres
1329 | HLU_FEET=Feet
1330 | HLU_KMTR=Kilometres
1331 | HLU_HMTR=Hectometres
1332 | HLU_SMIL=Statute miles
1333 | HLU_NMIL=Nautical miles
1334 |
1335 | JRS_UNKN=
1336 | JRS_INT=International
1337 | JRS_NAT=National
1338 | JRS_NSD=National sub-division
1339 |
1340 | CHR_UNKN=
1341 | CHR_F=Fixed
1342 | CHR_FL=Flashing
1343 | CHR_LFL=Long flashing
1344 | CHR_Q=Quick flashing
1345 | CHR_VQ=Very quick flashing
1346 | CHR_UQ=Ultra quick flashing
1347 | CHR_ISO=Isopahsed
1348 | CHR_OC=Occulting
1349 | CHR_IQ=Interrupted quick flashing
1350 | CHR_IVQ=Interrupted very quick flashing
1351 | CHR_IUQ=Interrupted ultra quick flashing
1352 | CHR_MO=Morse
1353 | CHR_FFL=Fixed/flash
1354 | CHR_FLLFL=Flash/long flash
1355 | CHR_OCFL=Occulting/flash
1356 | CHR_FLFL=Fixed/long flash
1357 | CHR_ALOC=Occulting alternating
1358 | CHR_ALLFL=Long flash alternating
1359 | CHR_ALFL=Flash alternating
1360 | CHR_ALGR=Group alternating
1361 | CHR_QLFL=Quick flash plus long flash
1362 | CHR_VQLFL=Very quick flash plus long flash
1363 | CHR_UQLFL=Ultra quick flash plus long flash
1364 | CHR_AL=Alternating
1365 | CHR_ALFFL=Fixed and alternating flashing
1366 |
1367 | LIT_UNKN=
1368 | LIT_HIGH=High
1369 | LIT_LOW=Low
1370 | LIT_FANT=Faint
1371 | LIT_INTS=Intensified
1372 | LIT_UINT=Unintensified
1373 | LIT_RSTR=Restricted
1374 | LIT_OBSC=Obscured
1375 | LIT_POBS=Part obscured
1376 |
1377 | SYS_UNKN=
1380 | SYS_NONE=None
1381 | SYS_OTHR=Other
1384 | SYS_BWR2=BNIWR 2 sides
1385 | SYS_BNWR=BNIR side independant
1387 |
1388 | CON_UNKN=
1389 | CON_MSNY=Masonry
1390 | CON_CONC=Concreted
1391 | CON_BDRS=Loose boulders
1392 | CON_HSRF=Hard-surfaced
1393 | CON_USRF=Unsurfaced
1394 | CON_WOOD=Wooden
1395 | CON_METL=Metal
1396 | CON_GRP=GRP
1397 | CON_PNTD=Painted
1398 | CON_FMWK=Framework
1399 |
1400 | SUR_UNKN=
1401 | SUR_MUD=Mud
1402 | SUR_CLAY=Clay
1403 | SUR_SILT=Silt
1404 | SUR_SAND=Sand
1405 | SUR_STON=Stone
1406 | SUR_GRVL=Gravel
1407 | SUR_PBBL=Pebbles
1408 | SUR_CBBL=Cobbles
1409 | SUR_ROCK=Rock
1410 | SUR_LAVA=Lava
1411 | SUR_CORL=Coral
1412 | SUR_SHEL=Shells
1413 | SUR_BLDR=Boulder
1414 |
1415 | QUA_UNKN=
1416 | QUA_FINE=Fine
1417 | QUA_MEDM=Medium
1418 | QUA_CORS=Coarse
1419 | QUA_BRKN=Broken
1420 | QUA_STKY=Sticky
1421 | QUA_SOFT=Soft
1422 | QUA_STIF=Stiff
1423 | QUA_VCNC=Volcanic
1424 | QUA_CALC=Calcareous
1425 | QUA_HARD=Hard
1426 |
1427 | PRD_UNKN=
1428 | PRD_OIL=Oil
1429 | PRD_GAS=Gas
1430 | PRD_WATR=Water
1431 | PRD_STON=Stone
1432 | PRD_COAL=Coal
1433 | PRD_ORE=Ore
1434 | PRD_CHEM=Chemicals
1435 | PRD_DWTR=Drinking water
1436 | PRD_MILK=Milk
1437 | PRD_BXIT=Bauxite
1438 | PRD_COKE=Coke
1439 | PRD_IIGS=Iron ingots
1440 | PRD_SALT=Salt
1441 | PRD_SAND=Sand
1442 | PRD_TMBR=Timber
1443 | PRD_SDST=Sawdust
1444 | PRD_SCRP=Scrap
1445 | PRD_LNA=LNG
1446 | PRD_LPA=LPG
1447 | PRD_WINE=Wine
1448 | PRD_CMNT=Cement
1449 | PRD_GRAN=Grain
1450 |
1451 | SOU_UNKN=
1452 | SOU_KNWN=Known
1453 | SOU_UKNN=Unknown
1454 | SOU_DFUL=Doubtful
1455 | SOU_UNRL=Unreliable
1456 | SOU_NBFD=No bottom found
1457 | SOU_LKWN=Least known
1458 | SOU_LUKN=Least unknown
1459 | SOU_NSRV=Not surveyed
1460 | SOU_NCNF=Not confirmed
1461 | SOU_MANT=Maintained
1462 | SOU_NMNT=Not maintained
1463 |
1464 | RST_UNKN=
1465 | RST_NANC=No anchoring
1466 | RST_RANC=Restricted anchoring
1467 | RST_NFSH=No fishing
1468 | RST_RFSH=Restricted fishing
1469 | RST_NTRL=No trawling
1470 | RST_RTRL=Restricted trawling
1471 | RST_NENT=No entry
1472 | RST_RENT=Restricted entry
1473 | RST_NDRG=No dredging
1474 | RST_RDRG=Restricted dredging
1475 | RST_NDVG=No diving
1476 | RST_RDVG=Restricteddiving
1477 | RST_NWAK=No wake
1478 | RST_TBAV=To be avoided
1479 | RST_NCST=No construction
1480 | RST_NDSC=No discharging
1481 | RST_RDSC=Restricted discharging
1482 | RST_NEXD=No exploration/development
1483 | RST_REXD=Restricted exploration/development
1484 | RST_NDRL=No drilling
1485 | RST_RDRL=Restricted drilling
1486 | RST_NHAR=No historical artifacts removal
1487 | RST_NLTG=No lightering
1488 | RST_NDRA=No dragging
1489 | RST_NSTP=No stopping
1490 | RST_NLND=No landing
1491 | RST_RSPD=Restricted speed
1492 | RST_NOVT=No overtaking
1493 | RST_NCOV=No convoy overtaking
1494 | RST_NPOV=No passing or overtaking
1495 | RST_NBRT=No berthing
1496 | RST_RBRT=Restricted berthing
1497 | RST_NMFT=No making fast
1498 | RST_RMFT=Restricted making fast
1499 | RST_NTRN=No turning
1500 | RST_RFWD=Restricted fairway depth
1501 |
1502 | GEN_UNKN=
1503 | GEN_AUTO=Automatic
1504 | GEN_WAVE=Wave
1505 | GEN_HAND=Hand
1506 | GEN_WIND=Wind
1507 |
1508 | STS_UNKN=
1509 | STS_PERM=Permanent
1510 | STS_OCAS=Occasional
1511 | STS_RCMD=Recommended
1512 | STS_NIUS=Not in use
1513 | STS_IMTT=Intermittent
1514 | STS_RESV=Reserved
1515 | STS_TEMP=Temporary
1516 | STS_PRIV=Private
1517 | STS_MAND=Mandatory
1518 | STS_EXTD=Extinguished
1519 | STS_ILLD=Illuminated
1520 | STS_HIST=Historic
1521 | STS_PBLC=Public
1522 | STS_SYNC=Synchronised
1523 | STS_WCHD=Watched
1524 | STS_UWCD=Unwatched
1525 | STS_EDBT=Existence doubtful
1526 | STS_OREQ=On request
1527 | STS_DPAW=Drop away
1528 | STS_RSNG=Rising
1529 | STS_INCR=Increasing
1530 | STS_DECR=Decreasing
1531 | TS_STNG=Strong
1532 | STS_GOOD=Good
1533 | STS_MODY=Moderately
1534 | STS_POOR=Poor
1535 |
1536 | TYP_UNKN=
1537 | TYP_SKCH=Sketch
1538 | TYP_CTLD=Controlled
1539 | TYP_PSSG=Examination
1540 | TYP_PSSG=Passage
1541 | TYP_REMT=Remote
1542 |
1543 | SOU_UNKN=
1544 | SOU_ESND=Echo-sounder
1545 | SOU_FSSN=Side-scan sonar
1546 | SOU_MLBM=Multi-beam
1547 | SOU_DIVR=Diver
1548 | SOU_LDLN=Lead-line
1549 | SOU_WDRG=Wire-drag
1550 | SOU_LASR=Laser
1551 | SOU_VACC=Vertical acoustic
1552 | SOU_EMAG=Electromagnetic
1553 | SOU_PHGY=Photogrammetry
1554 | SOU_SATL=Satellite
1555 | SOU_LEVL=Levelling
1556 | SOU_SSSN=Side-scan sonar swept
1557 | SOU_COMP=Computer
1558 |
1559 | TOP_UNKN=
1560 | TOP_CONE=Cone, point up
1561 | TOP_ICONE=Cone, point down
1562 | TOP_SPHR=Sphere
1563 | TOP_ISD=2 spheres
1564 | TOP_CAN=Cylinder
1565 | TOP_BORD=Board
1566 | TOP_SALT=X-shape
1567 | TOP_CROS=Cross
1568 | TOP_CUBE=Cube, point up
1569 | TOP_WEST=Cones point together
1570 | TOP_EAST=2 cones base together
1571 | TOP_RHOM=Rhombus
1572 | TOP_NORTH=2 cones up
1573 | TOP_SOUTH=2 cones down
1574 | TOP_BESM=Besom, point up
1575 | TOP_IBESM=Besom, point down
1576 | TOP_FLAG=Flag
1577 | TOP_SPRH=Sphere over rhombus
1578 | TOP_SQUR=Square
1579 | TOP_HRECT=Rectangle, horizontal
1580 | TOP_VRECT=Rectangle, vertical
1581 | TOP_TRAP=Trapezium, up
1582 | TOP_ITRAP=Trapezium, down
1583 | TOP_TRI=Ttriangle, point up
1584 | TOP_ITRI=Triangle, point down
1585 | TOP_CIRC=Circle
1586 | TOP_CRSS=2 upright crosses
1587 | TOP_T=T-shape
1588 | TOP_TRCL=Triangle, point up over circle
1589 | TOP_CRCL=Upright cross over circle
1590 | TOP_RHCL=Rhombus over circle
1591 | TOP_CLTR=Circle over triangle, point up
1592 | TOP_OTHR=Other
1593 |
1594 | TRF_UNKN=
1595 | TRF_INBD=Inbound
1596 | TRF_OBND=Outbbound
1597 | TRF_ONEW=One-way
1598 | TRF_TWOW=Two-way
1599 |
1600 | LEV_UNKN=
1601 | LEV_PSUB=Part-submerged
1602 | LEV_DRY=Dry
1603 | LEV_SUBM=Submerged
1604 | LEV_CVRS=Covers
1605 | LEV_AWSH=Awash
1606 | LEV_FLDS=Floods
1607 | LEV_FLTG=Floating
1608 | LEV_AMWL=Above MWL
1609 | LEV_BMWL=Below MWL