Changeset 21574 in osm for applications/editors

2010-06-03T21:37:36+02:00 (15 years ago)

better translation

1 edited


  • applications/editors/josm/i18n/

    r21559 r21574  
    22  This file can be used to add some special messages to the translation,
    33  which are not part of the programm texts, but should be translated nevertheless.
     5  The tex before is for translators */
    6 tr("You requested too many nodes (limit is 50,000). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm"); // OSM server message
    7 tr("Database offline for maintenance"); // OSM server message
    8 tr("The maximum bbox size is 0.25, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm"); // OSM server message
    9 tr("could not get audio input stream from input URL"); // Java message loading audio data
    10 tr("Audio Device Unavailable"); // Java message loading audio data
    11 tr("You must make your edits public to upload new data"); // use has not made edits public
    12 tr("town"); // Nominatim search place type
    13 tr("forest"); // Landuse type used in multipolygons
    14 tr("farmland"); // Landuse type used in multipolygons
    15 tr("boundary"); // relation type
    16 tr("multipolygon"); // relation type
    17 tr("route"); // relation type
     8/* OSM server message */ tr("You requested too many nodes (limit is 50,000). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm");
     9/* OSM server message */ tr("Database offline for maintenance");
     10/* OSM server message */ tr("The maximum bbox size is 0.25, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm");
     11/* Java message loading audio data */ tr("could not get audio input stream from input URL");
     12/* Java message loading audio data */ tr("Audio Device Unavailable");
     13/* use has not made edits public */ tr("You must make your edits public to upload new data");
     14/* Nominatim search place type */ tr("town");
     15/* Landuse type used in multipolygons */ tr("forest");
     16/* Landuse type used in multipolygons */ tr("farmland");
     17/* relation type */ tr("boundary");
     18/* relation type */ tr("multipolygon");
     19/* relation type */ tr("route");
    19 //** Strings in JFileChooser */
    21 tr("Details");
    22 tr("Attributes");
    23 tr("Modified");
    24 tr("Name");
    25 tr("File name:");
    26 tr("Size");
    27 tr("Type");
    28 tr("Files of type:");
    29 tr("Home");
    30 tr("List");
    31 tr("Look in:");
    32 tr("New Folder");
    33 tr("Create New Folder");
    34 tr("Refresh");
    35 tr("Save in:");
    36 tr("Up");
    37 tr("Up One Level");
    38 tr("View");
     21/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Details");
     22/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Attributes");
     23/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Modified");
     24/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Name");
     25/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("File name:");
     26/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Size");
     27/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Type");
     28/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Files of type:");
     29/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Home");
     30/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("List");
     31/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Look in:");
     32/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("New Folder");
     33/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Create New Folder");
     34/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Refresh");
     35/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Save in:");
     36/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Up");
     37/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("Up One Level");
     38/* Strings in JFileChooser */ tr("View");
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