Changeset 18722 in josm for trunk/resources

2023-05-09T19:06:23+02:00 (22 months ago)

Fix #22831: Add additional memorial values for the historic=memorial preset (patch by JeroenHoek, modified)

1 edited


  • trunk/resources/data/defaultpresets.xml

    r18719 r18722  
    71497149            <key key="historic" value="memorial" />
    71507150            <text key="name" text="Name" />
    7151             <combo key="memorial" text="Type" values="bust,plaque,statue,stele,stone,war_memorial" values_context="memorial" values_searchable="true" />
     7151            <combo key="memorial" text="Type" values_context="memorial" values_searchable="true">
     7152                <list_entry value="bust" short_description="Like a statue, but only showing the upper half of a person." />
     7153                <list_entry value="plaque" short_description="A commemorative sign, often mounted on a wall." />
     7154                <list_entry value="statue" short_description="A statue representing a person." />
     7155                <list_entry value="stele" short_description="An upright slab engraved or painted with decorations or inscriptions." />
     7156                <list_entry value="stone" short_description="A stone with an inscription, picture, or similar." />
     7157                <list_entry value="war_memorial" short_description="A building, monument, statue or other edifice celebrating a victory or commemorating those who died or were injured in a war." />
     7158                <list_entry value="sculpture" short_description="A non figurative sculpture which does not match any of the other categories." />
     7159                <list_entry value="cross" short_description="A cross-shaped memorial." />
     7160                <list_entry value="blue_plaque" short_description="A blue plaque commemorating a historical link to that location. (UK)" />
     7161                <list_entry value="obelisk" short_description="An obelisk." />
     7162                <list_entry value="ghost_bike" short_description="A bicycle painted white permanently placed as memorial for a victim of a road accident (usually cyclists)." />
     7163                <list_entry value="stolperstein" short_description="10cm × 10cm brass plaque commemorating victims of Nazi persecution. (EU,RU)" />
     7164                <list_entry value="bench" short_description="A bench placed in memory of someone or something; usually has a plaque, and sometimes a statue sitting on (part of) it." />
     7165            </combo>
    71527166            <optional>
    71537167                <text key="inscription" text="Inscription" />
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