2009-10-24T20:06:29+02:00 (15 years ago)

Added autodetection and use of raster images already georeferenced

1 edited


  • applications/editors/josm/plugins/cadastre-fr/src/cadastre_fr/CadastreInterface.java

    r17215 r18271  
    398398    }
    400     public EastNorthBound retrieveCommuneBBox() throws IOException {
     400    /**
     401     * Retrieve the bounding box size in pixels of the whole commune (point 0,0 at top, left corner)
     402     * and store it in given wmsLayer
     403     * In case of raster image, we also check in the same http request if the image is already georeferenced
     404     * and store the result in the wmsLayer as well.
     405     * @param wmsLayer the WMSLayer where the commune data and images are stored
     406     * @throws IOException
     407     */
     408    public void retrieveCommuneBBox(WMSLayer wmsLayer) throws IOException {
    401409        if (interfaceRef == null)
    402             return null;
     410            return;
    403411        String ln = null;
    404412        String line = null;
    421429        in.close();
    422430        urlConn.disconnect();
    423         return parseBBoxCommune(line);
    424     }
    426     private EastNorthBound parseBBoxCommune(String input) {
     431        parseBBoxCommune(wmsLayer, line);
     432        if (wmsLayer.isRaster() && !wmsLayer.isAlreadyGeoreferenced()) {
     433            parseGeoreferences(wmsLayer, line);
     434        }
     435    }
     437    private void parseBBoxCommune(WMSLayer wmsLayer, String input) {
    427438        if (input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunStart) != -1) {
    428439            input = input.substring(input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunStart));
    435446            int l = input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunEnd, k+1);
    436447            double maxy = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(k+1, l));
    437             return new EastNorthBound(new EastNorth(minx,miny), new EastNorth(maxx,maxy));
    438         }
    439         return null;
     448            wmsLayer.setCommuneBBox( new EastNorthBound(new EastNorth(minx,miny), new EastNorth(maxx,maxy)));
     449        }
     450    }
     452    private void parseGeoreferences(WMSLayer wmsLayer, String input) {
     453        if (input.lastIndexOf(cBBoxCommunStart) != -1) {
     454            input = input.substring(input.lastIndexOf(cBBoxCommunStart));
     455            input = input.substring(input.indexOf(cBBoxCommunEnd)+cBBoxCommunEnd.length());
     456            int i = input.indexOf(",");
     457            int j = input.indexOf(",", i+1);
     458            double angle = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(i+1, j));
     459            int k = input.indexOf(",", j+1);
     460            double scale_origin = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(j+1, k));
     461            int l = input.indexOf(",", k+1);
     462            double dpi = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(k+1, l));
     463            int m = input.indexOf(",", l+1);
     464            double fX = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(l+1, m));
     465            int n = input.indexOf(",", m+1);
     466            double fY = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(m+1, n));
     467            int o = input.indexOf(",", n+1);
     468            double X0 = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(n+1, o));
     469            int p = input.indexOf(",", o+1);
     470            double Y0 = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(o+1, p));
     471            if (X0 != 0.0 && Y0 != 0) {
     472                wmsLayer.setAlreadyGeoreferenced(true);
     473                wmsLayer.fX = fX;
     474                wmsLayer.fY = fY;
     475                wmsLayer.angle = angle;
     476                wmsLayer.X0 = X0;
     477                wmsLayer.Y0 = Y0;
     478            }
     479            System.out.println("parse georef:"+angle+","+scale_origin+","+dpi+","+fX+","+
     480                    fY+","+X0+","+Y0);
     481        }
    440482    }
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