2009-06-17T10:04:22+02:00 (15 years ago)

remove all these ugly tab stops introduced in the last half year

1 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/actions/UploadAction.java

    r1670 r1677  
    4242 * An dialog is displayed asking the user to specify a rectangle to grab.
    4343 * The url and account settings from the preferences are used.
    44  * 
     44 *
    4545 * If the upload fails this action offers various options to resolve conflicts.
    4646 *
    236236     * Synchronizes the local state of an {@see OsmPrimitive} with its state on the
    237237     * server. The method uses an individual GET for the primitive.
    238      * 
     238     *
    239239     * @param id the primitive ID
    240240     */
    286286    /**
    287287     * Synchronizes the local state of the dataset with the state on the server.
    288      * 
     288     *
    289289     * Reuses the functionality of {@see UpdateDataAction}.
    290      * 
     290     *
    291291     * @see UpdateDataAction#actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
    292292     */
    299299     * Handles the case that a conflict in a specific {@see OsmPrimitive} was detected while
    300300     * uploading
    301      * 
     301     *
    302302     * @param primitiveType  the type of the primitive, either <code>node</code>, <code>way</code> or
    303303     *    <code>relation</code>
    349349     * Handles the case that a conflict was detected while uploading where we don't
    350350     * know what {@see OsmPrimitive} actually caused the conflict (for whatever reason)
    351      * 
     351     *
    352352     */
    353353    protected void handleUploadConflictForUnknownConflict() {
    387387    /**
    388388     * handles an upload conflict, i.e. an error indicated by a HTTP return code 409.
    389      * 
     389     *
    390390     * @param e  the exception
    391391     */
    404404    /**
    405405     * Handles an upload error due to a violated precondition, i.e. a HTTP return code 412
    406      * 
     406     *
    407407     * @param e the exception
    408408     */
    428428     * {@see OsmPrimitive}, i.e. a HTTP response code 410, where we know what
    429429     * {@see OsmPrimitive} is responsible for the error.
    430      * 
     430     *
    431431     *  Reuses functionality of the {@see UpdateSelectionAction} to resolve
    432432     *  conflicts due to mismatches in the deleted state.
    433      * 
     433     *
    434434     * @param primitiveType the type of the primitive
    435435     * @param id the id of the primitive
    436      * 
     436     *
    437437     * @see UpdateSelectionAction#handlePrimitiveGoneException(long)
    438438     */
    446446     * {@see OsmPrimitive}, i.e. a HTTP response code 410, where we don't know which
    447447     * {@see OsmPrimitive} is causing the error.
    448      * 
     448     *
    449449     * @param e the exception
    450450     */
    472472     * Note that an <strong>update</strong> on an already deleted object results
    473473     * in a 409, not a 410.
    474      * 
     474     *
    475475     * @param e the exception
    476476     */
    490490    /**
    491491     * error handler for any exception thrown during upload
    492      * 
     492     *
    493493     * @param e the exception
    494494     */
    543543    /**
    544544     * handles an exception caught during OSM API initialization
    545      * 
     545     *
    546546     * @param e the exception
    547547     */
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