2017-03-13T17:04:29+01:00 (8 years ago)

Do not include text label in area style - use a separate class and start merging code for on-line and in-area drawing.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/mappaint/styleelement/TextLabel.java

    r11717 r11722  
    1515import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.styleelement.LabelCompositionStrategy.StaticLabelCompositionStrategy;
    1616import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.styleelement.LabelCompositionStrategy.TagLookupCompositionStrategy;
     17import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.styleelement.PositionForAreaStrategy.CompletelyInsideAreaStrategy;
    1718import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.CheckParameterUtil;
    1819import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils;
    5455     */
    5556    public Color haloColor;
     58    /**
     59     * The position strategy for this text label.
     60     */
     61    private final PositionForAreaStrategy labelPositionSteategy;
    5763    /**
    6672     * @param haloRadius halo radius
    6773     * @param haloColor halo color
    68      */
     74     * @deprecated since 11722, To be removed in mid-2017
     75     */
     76    @Deprecated
    6977    public TextLabel(LabelCompositionStrategy strategy, Font font, int xOffset, int yOffset, Color color, Float haloRadius, Color haloColor) {
    70         CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(font);
    71         CheckParameterUtil.ensureParameterNotNull(color);
    72         labelCompositionStrategy = strategy;
    73         this.font = font;
     78        this(strategy, font, xOffset, yOffset, color, haloRadius, haloColor, new CompletelyInsideAreaStrategy());
     79    }
     81    /**
     82     * Creates a new text element
     83     *
     84     * @param strategy the strategy indicating how the text is composed for a specific {@link OsmPrimitive} to be rendered.
     85     * If null, no label is rendered.
     86     * @param font the font to be used. Must not be null.
     87     * @param xOffset x offset
     88     * @param yOffset y offset
     89     * @param color the color to be used. Must not be null
     90     * @param haloRadius halo radius
     91     * @param haloColor halo color
     92     * @param labelPositionSteategy The position in the area.
     93     */
     94    protected TextLabel(LabelCompositionStrategy strategy, Font font, int xOffset, int yOffset, Color color, Float haloRadius, Color haloColor, PositionForAreaStrategy labelPositionSteategy) {
     95        this.labelCompositionStrategy = strategy;
     96        this.font = Objects.requireNonNull(font, "font");
    7497        this.xOffset = xOffset;
    7598        this.yOffset = yOffset;
    76         this.color = color;
     99        this.color = Objects.requireNonNull(color, "color");
    77100        this.haloRadius = haloRadius;
    78101        this.haloColor = haloColor;
     102        this.labelPositionSteategy = Objects.requireNonNull(labelPositionSteategy, "labelPositionSteategy");
    79103    }
    92116        this.haloColor = other.haloColor;
    93117        this.haloRadius = other.haloRadius;
     118        this.labelPositionSteategy = other.labelPositionSteategy;
     119    }
     121    /**
     122     * Copy constructor that changes the position strategy.
     123     *
     124     * @param other the other element.
     125     * @param labelPositionSteategy the position
     126     */
     127    private TextLabel(TextLabel other, PositionForAreaStrategy labelPositionSteategy) {
     128        this.labelCompositionStrategy = other.labelCompositionStrategy;
     129        this.font = other.font;
     130        this.xOffset = other.xOffset;
     131        this.yOffset = other.yOffset;
     132        this.color = other.color;
     133        this.haloColor = other.haloColor;
     134        this.haloRadius = other.haloRadius;
     135        this.labelPositionSteategy = labelPositionSteategy;
    94136    }
    177219        }
    179         return new TextLabel(strategy, font, (int) xOffset, -(int) yOffset, color, haloRadius, haloColor);
     221        Keyword positionKeyword = c.get(AreaElement.TEXT_POSITION, null, Keyword.class);
     222        PositionForAreaStrategy position = PositionForAreaStrategy.forKeyword(positionKeyword);
     224        return new TextLabel(strategy, font, (int) xOffset, -(int) yOffset, color, haloRadius, haloColor, position);
    180225    }
    190235        if (labelCompositionStrategy == null) return null;
    191236        return labelCompositionStrategy.compose(osm);
     237    }
     239    /**
     240     * Gets the strategy that defines where to place the label.
     241     * @return The strategy. Never null.
     242     * @since 11722
     243     */
     244    public PositionForAreaStrategy getLabelPositionSteategy() {
     245        return labelPositionSteategy;
     246    }
     248    public TextLabel withPosition(PositionForAreaStrategy labelPositionSteategy) {
     249        return new TextLabel(this, labelPositionSteategy);
    192250    }
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