close Warning: Can't use blame annotator:
svn blame failed on trunk/resources/images/open.svg: 195004 - Cannot calculate blame information for binary file 'file:///home/josm/svn/trunk/resources/images/open.svg'

source: josm/trunk/resources/images/open.svg@ 19346

Last change on this file since 19346 was 16851, checked in by Klumbumbus, 5 years ago

see #15240 - Change some png icons to svg:

  • closechangeset, derived from dialogs/changesetdialog and closechangeset in nodist, modified, PD and CC0 licensed
  • cursor/modifier/delete_node, cursor/modifier/delete, cursor/modifier/delete_segment, cursor/modifier/delete_way_normal, cursor/modifier/delete_way_only, cursor/modifier/delete_way_node_only derived from png, PD and CC0 licensed
  • open, openrecent,, modified, PD and CC0 licensed
  • movenodeontoway, derived from png and joinnodeway, PD and CC0 licensed
  • mapmode/delete, derived from png and dialogs/delete, PD and CC0 licensed
  • unglueways, derived from png and alignline, PD and CC0 licensed
  • movenode, derived from png and movenodeontoway, PD and CC0 licensed
  • mapmode/improvewayaccuracy, distribute, mapmode/extrude/dualalign, mapmode/node/autonode, simplify, derived from png, PD and CC0 licensed
  • Property svn:mime-type set to image/svg+xml
File size: 7.9 KB
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