meta {
    title: "Kapor2 parcels";
    version: "0.2_2019-08-15";
    description: "Color coding of parcels obtained via Kapor2 plugin (export function)";
    author: "jose1711";

/* see (slovak) */
/* 1 */
area|z14-[name=~/, okopaniny, krmo/] {
    fill-color: #edddc9;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: orná pôda;
    text-position: center;

/* 2 */
area|z14-[name=~/, na ktorom bol chm/] {
    fill-color: #edddc9;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: chmeľnica;
    text-position: center;

/* 3 */
area|z14-[name=~/, na ktorom sa pestuje vini/] {
    fill-color: #edddc9;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: vinica;
    text-position: center;

/* 4+5 */
area|z14-[name=~/, ovocie, okra|pestuje okra/] {
    fill-color: #acd09d;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: záhrada;
    text-position: center;

/* 6 */
area|z14-[name=~/mi sadenicami na jednom/] {
    fill-color: #ace0a1;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: ovocný sad;
    text-position: center;

/* 7 */
area|z14-[name=~/trvalo poraste/] {
    fill-color: #c8f9cc;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: trvalý trávnatý porast;
    text-position: center;

/* 11 */
area|z14-[name=~/rieka, potok/] {
    fill-color: #b5d0d0;
    fill-opacity: 1.0;
    text: rieka, potok;
    text-color: black;
    text-position: center;

/* 12 */
area|z14-[name=~/jazero, /] {
    fill-color: #b5d0d0;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: vodná plocha;
    text-position: center;

/* 13 */
area|z14-[name=~/chov r/] {
    fill-color: #ace0a1;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: rybník - umelá vodná nádrž;
    text-position: center;

/* 14 */
area|z14-[name=~/M.*iar/] {
    fill-color: lightblue;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: močiar;
    text-position: center;

/* 15+16+17 */
area|z14-[name=~/budova ozna|budova bez oz/] {
    fill-color: #d8d0c9;
    fill-opacity: 0.4;
    text: budova;
    text-position: center;

/* 18 */
area|z14-[name=~/ktorom je .*dvor/] {
    fill-color: #e0dede;
    fill-opacity: 0.3;
    text: dvor;
    text-position: center;

/* 19 */
area|z14-[name=~/.*stavba.*lanov.*/] {
    fill-color: #e0dede;
    fill-opacity: 0.4;
    text: železničná/lanová dráha;
    text-position: center;

/* 21 */
area|z14-[name=~/.*stavba.*chlostn.*/] {
    fill-color: #e891a1;
    fill-opacity: 0.5;
    text: diaľnica/rýchlostná komunikácia;
    text-position: center;

/* 22 */
area|z14-[name=~/.*stavba.*chodn.*/] {
    fill-color: #fefefe;
    fill-opacity: 0.4;
    text: miestna komunikácia/chodník;
    text-position: center;

/* 23 */
area|z14-[name=~/komora,/] {
    fill-color: #b5d0d0;
    fill-opacity: 0.9;
    text: prístav/plavebný kanál;
    text-color: black;
    text-position: center;

/* 29 */
area|z14-[name=~/park a in/] {
    fill-color: #c8f9cc;
    fill-opacity: 0.5;
    text: sídlisková zeleň/park;
    text-position: center;

/* 30 */
area|z14-[name=~/ihrisko/] {
    fill-color: #89d2ae;
    fill-opacity: 0.5;
    text: ihrisko/kúpalisko/kemp;
    text-position: center;

/* 31 */
area|z14-[name=~/botanick/] {
    fill-color: #cdeab0;
    fill-opacity: 0.5;
    text: botanická záhrada/zoo;
    text-position: center;

/* 32 */
area|z14-[name=~/cintor/] {
    fill-color: #a9caae;
    fill-opacity: 0.5;
    text: cintorín;
    text-position: center;

/* 33 */
area|z14-[name=~/nerastov a surov/] {
    fill-color: #c4c2c2;
    fill-opacity: 0.5;
    text: ťažba nerastov;
    text-position: center;

/* 34 */
area|z14-[name=~/skaly, svahy, rokliny/] {
    fill-color: #d9d4ce;
    fill-opacity: 0.5;
    text: neplodná pôda;
    text-position: center;

/* 38 */
area|z14-[name=~/Lesn/] {
    fill-color: #acd09d;
    fill-opacity: 0.6;
    text: les;
    text-position: center;

/* building outlines */
way|z14-[name=~/hranica vlast|hranica so slu/] {
    fill-color: gray;
    fill-opacity: 0.4;


Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 2019-08-15T22:18:35+02:00
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