Changes between Version 19 and Version 25 of Help/MainToolbar

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/MainToolbar

    v19 v25  
    1 [[TranslatedPages]]
     1[[TranslatedPages(outdated=The search part would better fit under Help/Preferences/Toolbar or even Help/Action/Search.)]]
    3 == JOSM Main Toolbar ==
     3= JOSM Main Toolbar =
    46Some of the important default buttons:
    6  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/open.png)]]  [wikitr:/Help/Action/Open Open]
    7  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/save.png)]]  [wikitr:/Help/Action/Save Save]
    8  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/download.png)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download from OSM ...]
    9  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/upload.png)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Upload Upload data]
    10  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/undo.svg,24)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Undo Undo]
    11  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/redo.svg,24)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Redo Redo]
    12  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/dialogs/search.png)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search for objects]
    13  * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/preference.png)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Preferences Preferences]
     8* [[JOSMImage(open)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Open Open]
     9* [[JOSMImage(save)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Save Save]
     10* [[JOSMImage(download)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Download Download data...]
     11* [[JOSMImage(upload)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Upload Upload data...]
     12* [[JOSMImage(undo,24,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Undo Undo]
     13* [[JOSMImage(redo,24,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Redo Redo]
     14* [[JOSMImage(dialogs/search)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search for objects]
     15* [[JOSMImage(preference)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Preferences Preferences]
    15 == Every button or menu item can be placed here ==
     18== Context menu ==
     20A right click on the main toolbar offers a context menu with following items:
     21* **''Remove from toolbar''** - removes the button from the toolbar ''(only available if clicked on a button)''
     22* [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Toolbar Configure toolbar] - to open toolbar preferences for customization
     23* [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Shortcuts Edit shortcut] - to open keyboard shortcuts preferences ''(only available if clicked on a button)''
     24* A check box **''Do not hide toolbar and menu''** - If checked, the keystroke `TAB` will not toggle the main toolbar and main menu.
    17 You can change the buttons in the main toolbar by right clicking on it and choosing "'''[wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Toolbar Configure toolbar]'''". You can add all items from the [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main Menu] elements (Actions, Presets, Presetgroups, Separators,...) or any "button" from JOSM.
    19 === Add more presets to the main toolbar ===
     27== Customization ==
     28All items from the [wikitr:/Help/Menu main menu] elements including "preset groups" or any "button" from JOSM can be added and removed. \\
     29Default buttons may contain popular items, but for one's benefit customize them once,
     30see [[JOSMImage(preferences/toolbar,24,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Toolbar toolbar customization].
    21 Default buttons may contain popular items, but For one's benefit customize them once, see [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Toolbar Toolbar Customization].
     33Either explain all or non and do not duplicate as the list already exists above
     36=== Save and load buttons ===
     37Default buttons to [[JOSMImage(save)]] save current data, [[JOSMImage(download)]] download new data or [[JOSMImage(upload)]] upload the changes to server.
    23 === Save and load buttons ===
     41Does the search button explanation not belong to customization under Help/Preferences/Toolbar or even Help/Action/Search ?
     43=== Saved search button ===
     44The [[JOSMImage(dialogs/search)]] search button is a special button. It is customizable so you can set the tooltip, the icon and the search expression yourself. Each time you press the button, the specified search expression will be executed. Examples:
     45* If you set `amenity=bench` as ''search expression'' all objects with the tag `amenity=bench` will be selected.
     46* If you set `-selected` as ''search expression'', the selection will invert each time you press the button.
     47* More examples see [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search search]
    25 (stub)
     49You can create such a button also from within the [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search search dialog].
    27 === Saved search button ===
    28 The Search button is a special button. It is customizable so you can set the tooltip, the icon and the search expression yourself. Each time you press the button, the specified search expression will be executed. Examples:
    29 * If you set `amenity=bench` as searchExpression all objects with the tag `amenity=bench` will be selected.
    30 * If you set `-selected` as searchExpression, the selection will invert each time you press the button.
    31 * More examples see [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search]
    33 You can create such a button also from within the [wikitr:/Help/Action/Search Search window].
     51== See also ==
     52* [wikitr:/Help/EditToolbar Edit toolbar]
    3554Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]