
Opened 7 years ago

#15600 new enhancement

Better RAM management

Reported by: hsimpson Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: RAM Cc:


Some Ideas to improve the RAM-Management:

Why? JOSM crashes, when the RAM is full. If you work with high-detailled aerial photos and mapillarry, the preset RAM-maximum won't last for a long time.
Meanwhile changing the RAM-Limit is very difficult right now.

-New option in the settings for an easy way to change the RAM-limit.
-Pop up, if over 95% of the RAM-limit is used with options for clearing the cache, saving the Data-Sets to a local drive and changing the RAM-Limit. All processes which could create more RAM-Data should be paused while the pop up is still open.

These enhancements could prevent many crashes of JOSM (for me, this ist nearly the only reason for crashes).


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