
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#12787 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Usage statistics for plugins, styles and validation rules

Reported by: naoliv Owned by: stoecker
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Trac Version:
Keywords: Cc: Klumbumbus


(I don't know where I can report this, sorry)

While noticing that JOSM verifies if the plugins are updated (with a GET, I was thinking if it's possible to generate some statistics (or a rough estimative) for it (and possibly for the map styles and validation rules).

Is it possible to know how many people are using each plugin, style, etc?

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Change History (4)

comment:1 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Cc: Klumbumbus added

comment:2 by bastiK, 8 years ago

We do have a script to collect this kind of statistics. Theses are the plugins with more that 100 downloads in the last two and a half months:

  109 (  0.2%) geojson
  124 (- 0.3%) mirrored_download
  128 (- 0.3%) commons-imaging
  130 (  0.3%) surveyor2
  138 (* 0.3%) indoorhelper
  172 (* 0.4%) SeaChart
  175 (  0.4%) josm-config
  175 (* 0.4%) indoor_sweepline
  213 (  0.4%) ebdirigo
  224 (* 0.5%) sds
  224 (  0.5%) josm-plugin-opengl
  267 (* 0.6%) kartverketimport
  268 (  0.6%) freemapkapor
  275 (* 0.6%) NanoLog
  289 (* 0.6%) josm-geojson
  297 (* 0.6%) matsim
  300 (* 0.6%) videomapping
  352 (* 0.7%) globalsat
  368 (* 0.8%) canvec_helper
  386 (* 0.8%) czechaddress
  392 (* 0.8%) epci-fr
  392 (* 0.8%) ImproveWay
  402 (- 0.8%) openstreetbugs
  421 (* 0.9%) CustomizePublicTransportStop
  462 (* 1.0%) touchscreenhelper
  474 (* 1.0%) native_password_manager
  521 (* 1.1%) pointInfo
  524 (* 1.1%) OSMRecPlugin
  571 (* 1.2%) Tracer
  579 (* 1.2%) wms-turbo-challenge2
  592 (* 1.2%) ColumbusCSV
  616 (* 1.3%) kendzi3d_Improved_by_Andrei
  618 (* 1.3%) michigan_left
  624 (* 1.3%) plastic_laf
  648 (* 1.4%) Tracer-testing
  661 (* 1.4%) surveyor
  686 (* 1.4%) scoutsigns
  742 (* 1.6%) rex
  775 (* 1.6%) TombPlugin
  780 (* 1.6%) imagery-xml-bounds
  801 (* 1.7%) ImproveOsm
  820 (- 1.7%) kendzi3d-jogl
  981 (* 2.1%) mbtiles
 1025 (* 2.2%) junctionchecking
 1050 (* 2.2%) tofix
 1072 (* 2.3%) livegps
 1080 (* 2.3%) CommandLine
 1106 (* 2.3%) conflation
 1106 (* 2.3%) jogl
 1161 (* 2.5%) Create_grid_of_ways
 1161 (* 2.5%) proj4j
 1223 (* 2.6%) tagging-preset-tester
 1230 (* 2.6%) gpsblam
 1257 (* 2.7%) colorscheme
 1257 (* 2.7%) DxfImport
 1268 (* 2.7%) rasterfilters
 1311 (* 2.8%) splinex
 1315 (* 2.8%) waypoint_search
 1322 (* 2.8%) ImageWayPoint
 1351 (* 2.9%) areaselector
 1502 (* 3.2%) jna
 1552 (* 3.3%) SeaMapEditor
 1577 (* 3.3%) openvisible
 1607 (* 3.4%) public_transport_layer
 1645 (* 3.5%) namemanager
 1716 (* 3.6%) importvec
 1728 (* 3.6%) lakewalker
 1752 (* 3.7%) ColorPlugin
 1769 (* 3.7%) tag2link
 1771 (* 3.7%) BuildingGeneralization
 1788 (* 3.8%) gpxfilter
 1837 (* 3.9%) walkingpapers
 1858 (* 3.9%) ShapeTools
 1866 (* 3.9%) graphview
 1906 (* 4.0%) routes
 1918 (* 4.0%) Tracer2
 1922 (* 4.1%) InfoMode
 1952 (* 4.1%) kendzi3d
 2001 (* 4.2%) ElevationProfile
 2009 (* 4.2%) scripting
 2030 (* 4.3%) routing
 2044 (* 4.3%) ext_tools
 2075 (* 4.4%) photoadjust
 2100 (* 4.4%) gson
 2128 (* 4.5%) osmarender
 2229 (* 4.7%) kendzi3d-resources
 2246 (* 4.7%) dataimport
 2256 (* 4.8%) mapdust
 2270 (* 4.8%) imageryadjust
 2285 (* 4.8%) poly
 2292 (* 4.8%) fieldpapers
 2375 (* 5.0%) pdfimport
 2380 (* 5.0%) SimplifyArea
 2474 (* 5.2%) cadastre-fr
 2547 (* 5.4%) AddrInterpolation
 2601 (* 5.5%) todo
 2642 (* 5.6%) tageditor
 2823 (* 6.0%) DirectDownload
 2836 (* 6.0%) photo_geotagging
 2934 (* 6.2%) waydownloader
 2985 (* 6.3%) alignways
 3093 (* 6.5%) geochat
 3233 (* 6.8%) pbf
 3283 (* 6.9%) continuosDownload
 3411 (* 7.2%) DirectUpload
 3487 (* 7.4%) merge-overlap
 3743 (* 7.9%) print
 3850 (* 8.1%) contourmerge
 4085 (* 8.6%) ImportImagePlugin
 4087 (* 8.6%) public_transport
 4300 (* 9.1%) wikipedia
 4651 (* 9.8%) download_along
 4913 (*10.4%) FastDraw
 5098 (*10.8%) RoadSigns
 5239 (*11.1%) FixAddresses
 5319 (*11.2%) editgpx
 5419 (*11.4%) Mapillary
 5495 (*11.6%) turnlanes
 5523 (*11.7%) undelete
 5640 (*11.9%) reltoolbox
 6113 (*12.9%) HouseNumberTaggingTool
 6217 (*13.1%) apache-http
 6456 (*13.6%) imagery_offset_db
 6817 (*14.4%) terracer
 7494 (*15.8%) OpeningHoursEditor
 8732 (*18.4%) measurement
 9436 (*19.9%) opendata
 9665 (*20.4%) reverter
10216 (*21.6%) PicLayer
11178 (*23.6%) log4j
12758 (*26.9%) ejml
13336 (*28.1%) apache-commons
14194 (*30.0%) geotools
15234 (*32.2%) jts
18486 (*39.0%) buildings_tools
19339 (*40.8%) utilsplugin2
28465 (*60.1%) turnrestrictions

Map styles, tagging presets and validation rules are not included so far, but it should be possible in principle.

in reply to:  2 ; comment:3 by, 8 years ago

Replying to bastiK:

We do have a script to collect this kind of statistics. Theses are the plugins with more that 100 downloads in the last two and a half months:

18486 (*39.0%) buildings_tools

Using them is different from simply installing.

One user may install buildings_tools and trace 10K buildings, other is install buildings_tools and trace 3 missing buildings.

I think we need Java-based solution that sends user "button activated" "menu item activated" to central server.

Personally, I would send these stats even in de-anonymised form.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Replying to

Using them is different from simply installing.

That may be true, but we aren't the NSA. What we have as statistics now is enough. We only use it very seldom to decide whether to include plugins in core or not.

We probably could get a statistic of the JOSM-hosted styles/presets also when analyzing the relative download numbers.

I think we need Java-based solution that sends user "button activated" "menu item activated" to central server.

That is simply too much infrastructure for user monitoring.

The most basic privacy principle is "data which does not exist cannot be misused". That's also the reason why we do not release (or even create) the gathered statistics except in cases where it's useful.

We do not even know how many people use JOSM and that's perfectly fine.

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