[[TranslatedPages]] {{{#!comment = Java !OpenStreetMap Editor = }}} {{{ #!table style="border:0; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0 10px; width: 63em;" {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td valign=top style="border:1px solid #ccc; border-right:0" [[Image(source:trunk/images/logo.png,valign=top,link=,title=JOSM)]] }}} {{{#!td valign=top style="border:1px solid #ccc; border-left:0; padding: 20px;" {{{#!span style="font-size:120%" **JOSM** is an extensible editor for [osmwww: OpenStreetMap] (OSM) written in [https://www.java.com Java] 7. }}} {{{#!comment FIXME: add better description here }}} It supports loading GPX tracks, background imagery and OSM data from local sources as well as from online sources and allows to edit the OSM data (nodes, ways and relations) and their metadata tags. JOSM is [source:trunk open source] and licensed under [source:trunk/LICENSE GPL]. }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#CBEEA7; font-size:120%; padding:0px 15px 15px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" [[Image(source:trunk/images/openlocation.png, valign=middle, link=)]] Launch [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp] (version [[Version(tested)]])[[br]] {{{#!span style="font-size:83%" recommended version, all platforms, automatic update (if link above doesn't work for you, please read [https://www.java.com/en/download/faq/java_webstart.xml Web Start]) }}} }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#CBEEA7; font-size:120%; padding:0px 15px 15px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" [[Image(source:trunk/images/download.png, valign=middle, link=)]] Download [/josm-tested.jar josm-tested.jar] (version [[Version(tested)]])[[br]] {{{#!span style="font-size:83%" all platforms ([wiki:InstallNotes#Running how to run]) }}} }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc;" [/download/windows/josm-setup.exe Windows installer] (version [[Version(windows)]]) }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" [/download/macosx/josm-macosx.zip Mac OS X package] (version [[Version(macos)]], requires [https://www.java.com/en/download/faq/java_mac.xml Java 7]). Users of Mountain Lion see [wiki:Download#MacOSXMountainLionErrors Download]. }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" Latest [[Download#DevelopmentVersion|development version]] ([[Version(latest)]], [/josm-latest.jar]), [[Download#Ubuntu|Ubuntu package repository]] and [[Download|download options and older versions]] . }}} }}} }}} == What has been changed recently? == * [wiki:StartupPage Startup notes] (most important changes) * [wiki:Changelog Summarized changelog] (nicely summarized) * [/log/?verbose=on SVN changelog] (very detailed) {{{ #!table style="border:none;text-align:left;margin:auto" {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!th style="border: none" '''Learn'''[[br]] Topic or extension }}} {{{#!th style="border: none" '''Use'''[[br]] Complete list of ... }}} {{{#!th style="border: none" '''Create and improve'''[[br]] Materials how to create new solutions }}} {{{#!th style="border: none" '''Discuss''' }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==== style="border: none" {{{#!td style="border: none" JOSM program }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" * [wiki:Introduction Your very first edit in JOSM] * complete [[Image(source:trunk/images/help.png,link=wiki:Help,24,valign=middle)]] **[wiki:Help help system / documentation]** }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" ??? }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" After you encounter question, you ask for help at: * the [http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=54 OSM-forum] * OpenStreetMap's [https://help.openstreetmap.org/ question-and-answer site] (some answer may be incorrect or outdated) * various [osmwiki:Mailing_List OSM mailing lists] (e.g. [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk talk] and [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/newbies newbies], [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/ list overview]) * the [osmwiki:IRC OSM IRC channel], including our [irc://irc.oftc.net/josm own room] }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==== style="border: none" {{{#!td style="border: none" JOSM source code }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" * [wiki:Download#Source Download source code] * [wiki:DevelopersGuide#JOSMcore compile source code] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" Make useful change in code and [wiki:DevelopersGuide/PatchGuide create a patch] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" * [/newticket Create new discussion (ticket)] * Submit it at [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/josm-dev josm-dev] mailing list * Join [irc://irc.oftc.net/josm #josm] IRC channel }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==== style="border: none" {{{#!td style="border: none" [[Image(source:trunk/images/preferences/plugin.png,link=wiki:Plugins,24px,middle)]] **Plugins** [Help/Preferences/Plugins Installation instructions] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" * [wiki:Plugins] * [ticket:12787#comment:2 popular plugins] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" [wiki:DevelopersGuide/DevelopingPlugins Developing plugins] and [DevelopersGuide#JOSMplugins other resources] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" ??? }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==== style="border: none" {{{#!td style="border: none" '''[wiki:/Styles#Icons Icons]''' }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" ??? }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" [DevelopersGuide/DefaultPresets#NewIcons New Icons] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" ??? }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==== style="border: none" {{{#!td style="border: none" '''[wiki:Help/Plugin/Scripting Scripts]''', [Help/Plugin/Scripting#Howtoexecutescripts Install and execute scripts] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" * [Help/Plugin/Scripting#Scripts All known scripts] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" [Help/Plugin/Scripting#Howtowriteyourownscripts New scripts] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" ??? }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==== style="border: none" {{{#!td style="border: none" }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" }}} }}} }}} == Extensions == * [[Image(source:trunk/images/preferences/plugin.png,link=wiki:Plugins,24px,middle)]] **[wiki:Plugins]** ([Help/Preferences/Plugins installation instructions] [ticket:12787#comment:2 popular plugins]) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/propertiesdialog.svg,link=wiki:Presets,24px,middle)]] **[wiki:Presets]** ([Help/Preferences/Map#TaggingPresets installation instructions]) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/validator.png,link=wiki:Rules,middle)]] **[wiki:Rules]** (installation instructions) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/mapstyle.svg,link=wiki:Styles,24px,middle)]] **[wiki:Styles]** ([Help/Preferences/Map#MapPaintStyles installation instructions]) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/imagery_menu.png,link=wiki:Maps,middle)]] **[wiki:Maps Backgrounds]** ([Help/Preferences/Imagery installation instructions]) * () == Found a bug? | Have an idea? | Make a suggestion? ==#Bugs * Please report any bug found: Create a [/newticket new ticket] using the [wiki:Help/Action/ReportBug Report Bug] entry in the main menu [wiki:Help/Menu/Help Help]. Alternatively, the same function is available under [wiki:Help/Action/About About] and [wiki:Help/Action/ShowStatusReport Show status report]. * Discuss ideas and suggestions also in the [/newticket bug tracker], on the [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/josm-dev josm-dev] mailing list, or on the [irc://irc.oftc.net/josm #josm] IRC channel. == Contribute == * **Use JOSM** * Report bugs, discuss ideas, think of possible enhancements ([#Bugs see above]). * Participate in **[/report bug tracking]** * Review bugs, up/down vote tickets, find duplicates, test bugs, add more descriptive texts. * Correct/update/extend the **[wiki:Help online help]** * Unify all JOSM-related Wiki pages and join them with the online help. * **[wiki:Translations Translate]** program/documentation. * **Design** fancy new [wiki:Styles#Icons icons]. * **Write code** – get the code and write patches … * [wiki:Download#Source get the code] * See [wiki:DevelopersGuide developers guide] for build instructions and other details. ---- == This site == * This site is a combined online help and bug tracking system for JOSM and JOSM plugins. * No login is required to use this site (neither for reading nor for changes to wiki or bug tracker). * A login has the following advantages: * Mail is sent for changes in your own bug tracker tickets. This is possible by entering an e-mail as user name in the tickets, too, but then be aware that the address is openly visible and you are unable to change that later. * Page settings are remembered (e.g. input field size and a lot of other stuff). * Logins which have no e-mail address or which have not been used at least once are automatically deleted. * Logins to edit the OpenStreetMap database are separate from the logins on this server. * Copyright (CC-BY-SA and LGPL since April 2014) of this site is stated in the footer. == Contact == {{{ #!div class="wikipage compact" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; float:right; color: darkgray; font-size: 80%" Server sponsored by: [[br]][[Image(wiki:Sponsoring:hetzner.gif,title=Hetzner,alt=Hetzner,link=http://www.hetzner.de/)]] }}} * For problems, ideas, suggestions use the [/newticket bug tracker]. * The volunteers creating JOSM can be reached using the [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/josm-dev josm-dev] mailing list or the [irc://irc.oftc.net/josm #josm] IRC chat. * If you use social networks, see our [https://www.facebook.com/josmeditor Facebook] and {{{ #!html Google+ }}} pages.