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[[TranslatedPages]] {{{#!comment = Java !OpenStreetMap Editor = }}} {{{ #!table style="border:0; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0 10px; width: 63em;" {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td valign=top style="border:1px solid #ccc; border-right:0" [[Image(source:trunk/images/logo.png,valign=top,link=,title=JOSM)]] }}} {{{#!td valign=top style="border:1px solid #ccc; border-left:0; padding: 20px;" {{{#!span style="font-size:120%" **JOSM** is an extensible editor for [osmwww: OpenStreetMap] (OSM) written in [ Java] 6. }}} {{{#!comment FIXME: add better description here }}} Currently it supports loading stand-alone GPX tracks and GPX track data from the OSM database as well as loading and editing existing nodes, ways, metadata tags and relations from the OSM database. It is [source:trunk open source] and licensed under [source:trunk/LICENSE GPL]. }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#CBEEA7; font-size:120%; padding:0px 15px 15px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" [[Image(source:trunk/images/openlocation.png, valign=middle, link=)]] Launch [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp] (version [[Version(tested)]])[[br]] {{{#!span style="font-size:83%" recommended version, all platforms, automatic update ([ Web Start]) }}} }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#CBEEA7; font-size:120%; padding:0px 15px 15px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" [[Image(source:trunk/images/download.png, valign=middle, link=)]] Download [/josm-tested.jar josm-tested.jar] (version [[Version(tested)]])[[br]] {{{#!span style="font-size:83%" all platforms ([wiki:InstallNotes#Running how to run]) }}} }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc;" [/download/windows/josm-setup.exe Windows installer] (version [[Version(windows)]]) }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" [/download/macosx/ Mac OS X package] (version [[Version(macos)]]). Users of Mountain Lion see [wiki:Download#MacOSXMountainLionErrors Download] }}} }}} {{{#!tr ==================================== {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" Latest [[Download#DevelopmentVersion|development version]] ([[Version(latest)]], [/josm-latest.jar]) , [[Download#Ubuntu|Ubuntu package repository]] and other [[Download|download]] options. }}} }}} }}} == What has been changed recently? == * [wiki:StartupPage Startup notes] (most important changes) * [wiki:Changelog Summarized changelog] (nicely summarized) * [/log/?verbose=on SVN changelog] (very detailed) == Extensions == * [[Image(source:trunk/images/preferences/plugin.png,link=wiki:Plugins,24px,middle)]] **[wiki:Plugins]** ([Help/Preferences/Plugins installation instructions]) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/propertiesdialog.png,link=wiki:Presets,middle)]] **[wiki:Presets]** ([TaggingPresets installation instructions]) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/validator.png,link=wiki:Rules,middle)]] **[wiki:Rules]** (installation instructions) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/dialogs/mapstyle.png,link=wiki:Styles,middle)]] **[wiki:Styles]** (installation instructions) * [[Image(source:trunk/images/imagery_menu.png,link=wiki:Maps,middle)]] **[wiki:Maps Backgrounds]** ([Help/Preferences/Imagery installation instructions]) == Getting Started | [[Help]] == * Comprehensive introduction on the [osmwiki:JOSM OpenStreetMap wiki]. * The official [[Image(source:trunk/images/help.png,link=wiki:Help,24px,valign=middle)]] **[wiki:Help help system / documentation]** (can be reached with {{{<F1>}}} from within JOSM). * Tutorial on []. * Ask members of the OpenStreetMap community on * the [ OSM-forum] * various [osmwiki:Mailing_List OSM mailing lists] (e.g. [ talk] and [ newbies], [ list overview]) * the [osmwiki:IRC OSM IRC channel], including our [irc:// own channel] * [wiki:HowTo HowTos] and some [wiki:TutorialVideos video tutorials] (mostly outdated) == Found a bug? | Have an idea? | Make a suggestion? ==#Bugs * Please report any bug found: Create a [/newticket new ticket]. When reporting a bug, please include the first three blocks of the **status report** (Help -> [wiki:Help/Action/ShowStatusReport Show status report]). * Discuss ideas and suggestions also in the [/newticket bug tracker], on the [ josm-dev] mailing list, or on the [irc:// #josm] IRC channel. == Contribute == * **Use JOSM** * Report bugs, discuss ideas, think of possible enhancements ([#Bugs see above]). * Participate in **[/report bug tracking]** * Review bugs, up/down vote tickets, find duplicates, test bugs, add more descriptive texts. * Correct/update/extend the **[wiki:Help online help]** * Unify all JOSM-related Wiki pages and join them with the online help. * **[wiki:Translations Translate]** program/documentation. * **Design** fancy new [wiki:Styles#Icons icons]. * **Write code** – get the code and write patches … * [wiki:Download#Source get the code] * See [wiki:DevelopersGuide developers guide] for build instructions and other details. ---- == This site == * This site is a combined online help and bug tracking system for JOSM and JOSM plugins. * No login is required to use this site (neither for reading nor for changes to wiki or bug tracker). * A login has the following advantages: * The JOSM applet can store settings on the server. * Mail is sent for changes in your own bug tracker tickets. This is possible by entering an e-mail as user name in the tickets, too, but then be aware that the address is openly visible and you are unable to change that later. * Page settings are remembered (e.g. input field size and a lot of other stuff). * Logins which have no e-mail address or which have not been used at least once are automatically deleted. * Logins to edit the OpenStreetMap database are separate from the logins on this server. * The secured HTTPS version of this site uses a [wiki:ServerCertificate SSL certificate] with the SHA1 fingerprint `C5:8A:CF:54:15:7D:37:1F:21:6D:5D:92:B4:B4:FA:3A:3C:AA:14:6C`. == Contact == {{{ #!div class="wikipage compact" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; float:right; color: darkgray; font-size: 80%" Server sponsored by: [[br]][[Image(wiki:Sponsoring:hetzner.gif,title=Hetzner,link=]] }}} * For problems, ideas, suggestions use the [/newticket bug tracker]. * The volunteers creating JOSM can be reached using the [ josm-dev] mailing list or the [irc:// #josm] IRC chat. * If you use social networks, see our [ Facebook] and {{{ #!html <a href="" rel="publisher">Google+</a> }}} pages. * The server running this service is operated by [ FOSSGIS] society.
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