57 | | Development version (version [[Version(latest)]], [/download/josm-latest.jnlp josm-latest.jnlp] or [/josm-latest.jar josm-latest.jar]), [https://github.com/openstreetmap/josm/releases macOS dev builds], [wikitr:/Download#Ubuntu Ubuntu repository] and all [wikitr:/Download Download] options. |
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| 58 | }}} |
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73 | 77 | * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,link=wikitr:/Presets,24,middle,alt=presets,title=Presets)]] **[wikitr:/Presets]** allow you to select predefined tags for objects. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/TaggingPresetPreference installation instructions]) |
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