Changes between Version 332 and Version 354 of WikiStart

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • WikiStart

    v332 v354  
    1212  {{{#!td valign=top style="border:1px solid #ccc; border-left:0; padding: 20px;"
    1313   {{{#!span style="font-size:120%"
    14 **JOSM** is an extensible editor for [osmwww: OpenStreetMap] (OSM) for [ Java 8+].
     14**JOSM** is an extensible editor for [osmwww: OpenStreetMap] (OSM) written in [ Java 11+].
    1515   }}}
    1717FIXME: add a better description here
    19 It supports loading GPX tracks, background imagery, and OSM data from local sources as well as from online sources and allows to edit the OSM data (nodes, ways, and relations) and their metadata tags.
     19It supports loading GPX tracks, background imagery, and OSM data from local and online sources, and allows editing the OSM data (nodes, ways, and relations) and their metadata tags.
    21 JOSM is [source:/trunk open source] and licensed under [source:/trunk/LICENSE GPL].
     21JOSM is [source:/trunk open source] and licensed under the [source:/trunk/LICENSE GPL].
    2222  }}}
    2323 }}}
    2525  {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left  valign=top style="background:#CBEEA7; font-size:120%; padding:0px 15px 15px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc"
    27 Start [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp] (newest tested version, currently [[Version(tested)]]) \\
     27Launch [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp] (Latest tested version, currently [[Version(tested)]]) \\
    2828   {{{#!span style="font-size:83%"
    29 preferred distribution channel, all platforms, monthly automatic update ([wikitr:/Download#Webstart how to start]; [wikitr:/Changelog changelog])
     29Preferred distribution channel, all platforms, monthly automatic update ([wikitr:/Download#Webstart how to start]; [wikitr:/Changelog changelog]).
    3030   }}}
    3131  }}}
    3737[[Version(tested)]]) \\
    3838{{{#!span style="font-size:83%"
    39 all platforms ([wikitr:/Download#Java how to run]; [wikitr:/Changelog changelog]) 
     39All platforms ([wikitr:/Download#Java how to run]; [wikitr:/Changelog changelog]).
    4141  }}}
    4343 {{{#!tr ====================================
    4444  {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left  valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc;"
    45 [/download/windows/josm-setup.exe Windows installer] (version
    46 [[Version(windows)]], [wikitr:/Download#Mswindowswrapper how to install])
     45Windows installer ([/download/windows/josm-setup.msi MSI], [/download/windows/josm-setup.exe EXE]) (version
     46[[Version(windows)]]), or install from [ Microsoft Store] (see [wikitr:/Download#Mswindowswrapper how to install]).
    4747  }}}
    4848 }}}
    4949 {{{#!tr ====================================
    5050  {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left  valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc"
    51 [/download/macosx/ macOS package] (version
    52 [[Version(macos)]], or use [ homebrew], see [wikitr:/Download#macOS how].)
     51[/download/macosx/ macOS app] (version
     52[[Version(macos)]]), or use [ homebrew] (see [wikitr:/Download#macOS how to install]).
    5353  }}}
    5454 }}}
    5555 {{{#!tr ====================================
    5656  {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left  valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc"
    57 Development version (version [[Version(latest)]], [/download/josm-latest.jnlp josm-latest.jnlp] or [/josm-latest.jar josm-latest.jar]), [ macOS dev builds], [wikitr:/Download#Ubuntu Ubuntu repository] and all [wikitr:/Download Download] options.
     57Development version of [/download/josm-latest.jnlp josm-latest.jnlp], [/josm-latest.jar josm-latest.jar] (version [[Version(latest)]]). Windows (MSI, EXE) and macOS builds are available on [ GitHub].
     58  }}}
     59 }}}
     60 {{{#!tr ====================================
     61  {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left  valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc"
     62[wikitr:/Download#Ubuntu Ubuntu / Debian repository], and all other [wikitr:/Download download] options.
    5863  }}}
    5964 }}}
    6267== Getting Started ==
    63  * The [wikitr:/Introduction Introduction] page will guide you to your first successful edit.
    64  * See the official **[wikitr:/Help help system]** – `<F1>` reaches it everywhere on JOSMs interface and the [[JOSMImage(help,link=wikitr:/Help/Menu/Help,24,middle,title=Help)]] help button in dialogs.
    65  * Ask members of the OpenStreetMap community on
    66   * the [ OSM-forum]
    67   * OpenStreetMap's [ question-and-answer site]
    68   * various [osmwiki:Mailing_List OSM mailing lists] (e.g. [ talk], [ list overview])
    69   * the [osmwiki:IRC OSM IRC channel], including our [irc:// own room]
     68 * The [wikitr:/Introduction Introduction] page will guide you through your first successful edit.
     69 * See the official **[wikitr:/Help help system]** – Press `<F1>` anywhere in the JOSM interface or the [[JOSMImage(help,link=wikitr:/Help/Menu/Help,24,middle,title=Help)]] Help button in dialogs to access the help bowser.
     70 * Ask members of the OpenStreetMap community at
     71  * the [ OSM Community Forum]
     72  * various [osmwiki:Mailing_List OSM mailing lists] (e.g. [ talk], [ list overview])
     73  * the [osmwiki:IRC OSM IRC channel], including our [irc:// own room]
    71 == Extensions == 
    72  * [[JOSMImage(preferences/plugin,link=wikitr:/Plugins,24,middle,alt=plugins,title=Plugins)]] **[wikitr:/Plugins]** add more complex program features. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Plugins installation instructions])
     75== Extensions ==
     76 * [[JOSMImage(preferences/plugin,link=wikitr:/Plugins,24,middle,alt=plugins,title=Plugins)]] **[wikitr:/Plugins]** add more complex program features to JOSM. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Plugins installation instructions])
    7377 * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,link=wikitr:/Presets,24,middle,alt=presets,title=Presets)]] **[wikitr:/Presets]** allow you to select predefined tags for objects. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/TaggingPresetPreference installation instructions])
    7478 * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/validator,link=wikitr:/Rules,24,middle,alt=rules,title=Rules)]] **[wikitr:/Rules]** check and fix invalid data. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Validator#TagCheckerRules installation instructions])
    7579 * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/mapstyle,link=wikitr:/Styles,24,middle,alt=styles,title=Styles)]] **[wikitr:/Styles]** change the appearance of the mapview. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/MapPaintPreference installation instructions])
    76  * [[JOSMImage(imagery_menu,link=wikitr:/Maps,24,middle,alt=maps,title=Maps)]] **[wikitr:/Maps Backgrounds]** allow you to trace osm data from e.g. aerial imageries. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Imagery installation instructions])
     80 * [[JOSMImage(imagery_menu,link=wikitr:/Maps,24,middle,alt=maps,title=Maps)]] **[wikitr:/Maps Backgrounds]** allow you to trace OSM data, such as aerial imageries. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Imagery installation instructions])
    78 == Recent changes ==
     82== Recent Changes ==
    7983 * [wikitr:/StartupPage Startup notes] (most important changes)
    8084 * [wikitr:/Changelog Summarized changelog] (nicely summarized)
    8387== Found a bug? | Have an idea? | Make a suggestion? | [=#Contribute Like to contribute?]==#Bugs
    84  * Please report any bug found! Via the **[wikitr:/Help/Action/ReportBug Report Bug]** form in the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Help Help] menu it is easy.
    85  * **Create** and discuss ideas and enhancements as [/newticket ticket] and [#contact contact] the team.
    86  * **Contribute** with updates, corrections and [wikitr:/Translations translations] to unify all JOSM-related pages and join them with the [wikitr:/Help online help].
    87  * **Participate** in [/report bug tracking] with reviewing bugs, up/down vote tickets, find duplicates, test bugs, add more descriptive texts.
     88 * **Report** any bugs you found! The **[wikitr:/Help/Action/ReportBug Report Bug]** form in the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Help Help] menu makes it easy.
     89 * **Create** [/newticket tickets] with your ideas and enhancements and [#contact discuss] with the team.
     90 * **Contribute** with updates, corrections and [wikitr:/Translations translations] to standardize all JOSM-related pages and connect them with the [wikitr:/Help help system].
     91 * **Participate** in [/report bug tracking] by reviewing bugs, finding duplicates, testing bugs, adding more descriptive text.
    8892 * **Design** fancy new [wikitr:/Styles#Icons icons].
    89  * **Develop** get the [wikitr:"/Source code#Getthesource" Source] and see the [wikitr:/DevelopersGuide developers guide] for build instructions and other details.
     93 * **Develop** the [wikitr:"/Source code#Getthesource" source code] further. See the [wikitr:/DevelopersGuide developers guide] for build instructions and more details.
    91 == This site ==
     95== About this site ==
    9296 * This site is a combined help and bug tracking system for JOSM and JOSM plugins.
    93  * No login is required to use this site (neither for reading nor for wiki edits or the bug tracker).
     97 * No login is required to use this site (either to read or edit the Wiki or the bug tracker).
    9498 * But logging in has advantages:
    95   * Mail is sent for changes in your bug tracker tickets. This is possible by entering an e-mail as a username in the tickets too, but then be aware that the address is openly visible and you are unable to change that later.
    96   * Page settings are remembered (e.g. input field size and a lot of other stuff).
    97  * Logins that have no e-mail address or which have not been used at least once are automatically deleted.
    98  * Logins to edit the OpenStreetMap database are separate from the logins on this server.
    99  * Copyright (CC-BY-SA and LGPL since April 2014) of this site is stated in the footer.
     99  * You will receive notifications of changes to your bug tracker tickets. This is also possible by entering an e-mail as a username in the tickets, but be aware that the address will be publicly visible and you will not be able to change it later.
     100  * Page settings will be remembered (e.g. input field size and a lot of other stuff).
     101 * Registrations without an e-mail address and unused registrations are automatically deleted.
     102 * Accounts for editing the OpenStreetMap database are separate from the accounts on this server.
     103 * The copyright (CC-BY-SA and LGPL since April 2014) of this site is stated in the footer.
     104 * Personal data, such as e-mail address, is used only for contact purposes related to the JOSM software. There is no user tracking or advertising.
     105 * Data about the usage of this website is stored for statistical purposes (including usage initiated by JOSM). Raw logs including IP addresses are deleted after a few weeks when no longer required.
     107== About Certificates ==
     108 * JOSM wiki page uses a Let's Encrypt certificate which is constantly renewed ([/certs/]).
     109 * JOSM JAR release files are signed with a private certificate ([/certs/josm.openstreetmap.de_code.crt]) from a private CA ([/certs/stoecker2023.pem]). **You'll may have to accept a warning at least once.**
     110 * JOSM GitHub files and Windows version are signed with a private certificate ([/certs/josm.openstreetmap.de_code_github.crt]) from the same CA.  **You'll may have to accept a warning at least once.**
     111 * JOSM MacOS software is signed with an Apple certificate ([/certs/josm.openstreetmap.de_code_apple.crt]).
     112 * JOSM repository is signed with an individual OpenPGP key ([/josm-apt.key]).
    101114== Contact ==#contact
    104 #!div class="wikipage compact" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; float:right; color: darkgray; font-size: 80%" 
     116#!div class="wikipage compact" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; float:right; color: darkgray; font-size: 80%"
    105117Server sponsored by: \\
    106118[[Image(wiki:Sponsoring:fossgis.png,title=FOSSGIS e.V.,alt=FOSSGIS e.V.,link=]]
    108  * The volunteers creating JOSM can be reached using the [ josm-dev] mailing list or the [irc:// #josm] IRC chat.
    109  * If you use social networks, see our [ Facebook] and [ Twitter] pages.
     120 * Please use the bug [/newticket reporting system] for problems, but also for ideas and suggestions.
     121 * Inactive: The volunteers behind JOSM can be reached using the [ josm-dev] mailing list (Closed on 2024-05-16) or the [irc:// #josm] IRC chat.
     122 * Inactive: If you use social networks, see our [ Mastodon], [ Facebook] and [ Twitter] pages.