3 | | Trac is a '''minimalistic''' approach to '''web-based''' management of |
4 | | '''software projects'''. Its goal is to simplify effective tracking and handling of software issues, enhancements and overall progress. |
| 6 | {{{ |
| 7 | #!table style="border:0; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0 10px;" |
| 8 | {{{#!tr ==================================== |
| 9 | {{{#!td valign=top style="border:1px solid #ccc; border-right:0" |
| 10 | [[Image(/logo.png,top,link=,title=JOSM logo,alt=JOSM logo,128,margin-left=10)]] |
| 11 | }}} |
| 12 | {{{#!td valign=top style="border:1px solid #ccc; border-left:0; padding: 20px;" |
| 13 | {{{#!span style="font-size:120%" |
| 14 | **JOSM** is an extensible editor for [osmwww: OpenStreetMap] (OSM) written in [https://www.azul.com/downloads/?version=java-21-lts&package=jdk-fx#zulu Java 11+]. |
| 15 | }}} |
| 16 | {{{#!comment |
| 17 | FIXME: add a better description here |
| 18 | }}} |
| 19 | It supports loading GPX tracks, background imagery, and OSM data from local and online sources, and allows editing the OSM data (nodes, ways, and relations) and their metadata tags. |
6 | | All aspects of Trac have been designed with the single goal to |
7 | | '''help developers write great software''' while '''staying out of the way''' |
8 | | and imposing as little as possible on a team's established process and |
9 | | culture. |
| 21 | JOSM is [source:/trunk open source] and licensed under the [source:/trunk/LICENSE GPL]. |
| 22 | }}} |
| 23 | }}} |
| 24 | {{{#!tr ==================================== |
| 25 | {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#CBEEA7; font-size:120%; padding:0px 15px 15px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" |
| 26 | [[JOSMImage(openlocation,middle,link=,alt=open,title="")]] |
| 27 | Launch [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp] (Latest tested version, currently [[Version(tested)]]) \\ |
| 28 | {{{#!span style="font-size:83%" |
| 29 | Preferred distribution channel, all platforms, monthly automatic update ([wikitr:/Download#Webstart how to start]; [wikitr:/Changelog changelog]). |
| 30 | }}} |
| 31 | }}} |
| 32 | }}} |
| 33 | {{{#!tr ==================================== |
| 34 | {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#CBEEA7; font-size:120%; padding:0px 15px 15px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" |
| 35 | [[JOSMImage(download,middle,link=,alt=download,title="")]] |
| 36 | Download [/josm-tested.jar josm-tested.jar] (version |
| 37 | [[Version(tested)]]) \\ |
| 38 | {{{#!span style="font-size:83%" |
| 39 | All platforms ([wikitr:/Download#Java how to run]; [wikitr:/Changelog changelog]). |
| 40 | }}} |
| 41 | }}} |
| 42 | }}} |
| 43 | {{{#!tr ==================================== |
| 44 | {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc;" |
| 45 | Windows installer ([/download/windows/josm-setup.msi MSI], [/download/windows/josm-setup.exe EXE]) (version |
| 46 | [[Version(windows)]]), or install from [https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/josm/XPFCG1GV0WWGZX Microsoft Store] (see [wikitr:/Download#Mswindowswrapper how to install]). |
| 47 | }}} |
| 48 | }}} |
| 49 | {{{#!tr ==================================== |
| 50 | {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" |
| 51 | [/download/macosx/josm-macosx.zip macOS app] (version |
| 52 | [[Version(macos)]]), or use [https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/josm homebrew] (see [wikitr:/Download#macOS how to install]). |
| 53 | }}} |
| 54 | }}} |
| 55 | {{{#!tr ==================================== |
| 56 | {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" |
| 57 | Development version of [/download/josm-latest.jnlp josm-latest.jnlp], [/josm-latest.jar josm-latest.jar] (version [[Version(latest)]]). Windows (MSI, EXE) and macOS builds are available on [https://github.com/JOSM/josm/releases GitHub]. |
| 58 | }}} |
| 59 | }}} |
| 60 | {{{#!tr ==================================== |
| 61 | {{{#!td colspan=2 align=left valign=top style="background:#eee; padding:0px 15px 0px 13px; border:1px solid #ccc" |
| 62 | [wikitr:/Download#Ubuntu Ubuntu / Debian repository], and all other [wikitr:/Download download] options. |
| 63 | }}} |
| 64 | }}} |
| 65 | }}} |
11 | | As all Wiki pages, this page is editable, this means that you can |
12 | | modify the contents of this page simply by using your |
13 | | web-browser. Simply click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom |
14 | | of the page. WikiFormatting will give you a detailed description of |
15 | | available Wiki formatting commands. |
| 67 | == Getting Started == |
| 68 | * The [wikitr:/Introduction Introduction] page will guide you through your first successful edit. |
| 69 | * See the official **[wikitr:/Help help system]** – Press `<F1>` anywhere in the JOSM interface or the [[JOSMImage(help,link=wikitr:/Help/Menu/Help,24,middle,title=Help)]] Help button in dialogs to access the help bowser. |
| 70 | * Ask members of the OpenStreetMap community at |
| 71 | * the [https://community.openstreetmap.org/tag/josm OSM Community Forum] |
| 72 | * various [osmwiki:Mailing_List OSM mailing lists] (e.g. [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk talk], [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/ list overview]) |
| 73 | * the [osmwiki:IRC OSM IRC channel], including our [irc://irc.oftc.net/JOSM own room] |
17 | | "[wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] ''yourenvdir'' initenv" created |
18 | | a new Trac environment, containing a default set of wiki pages and some sample |
19 | | data. This newly created environment also contains |
20 | | [wiki:TracGuide documentation] to help you get started with your project. |
| 75 | == Extensions == |
| 76 | * [[JOSMImage(preferences/plugin,link=wikitr:/Plugins,24,middle,alt=plugins,title=Plugins)]] **[wikitr:/Plugins]** add more complex program features to JOSM. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Plugins installation instructions]) |
| 77 | * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/propertiesdialog,link=wikitr:/Presets,24,middle,alt=presets,title=Presets)]] **[wikitr:/Presets]** allow you to select predefined tags for objects. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/TaggingPresetPreference installation instructions]) |
| 78 | * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/validator,link=wikitr:/Rules,24,middle,alt=rules,title=Rules)]] **[wikitr:/Rules]** check and fix invalid data. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Validator#TagCheckerRules installation instructions]) |
| 79 | * [[JOSMImage(dialogs/mapstyle,link=wikitr:/Styles,24,middle,alt=styles,title=Styles)]] **[wikitr:/Styles]** change the appearance of the mapview. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/MapPaintPreference installation instructions]) |
| 80 | * [[JOSMImage(imagery_menu,link=wikitr:/Maps,24,middle,alt=maps,title=Maps)]] **[wikitr:/Maps Backgrounds]** allow you to trace OSM data, such as aerial imageries. ([wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Imagery installation instructions]) |
| 87 | == Found a bug? | Have an idea? | Make a suggestion? | [=#Contribute Like to contribute?]==#Bugs |
| 88 | * **Report** any bugs you found! The **[wikitr:/Help/Action/ReportBug Report Bug]** form in the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Help Help] menu makes it easy. |
| 89 | * **Create** [/newticket tickets] with your ideas and enhancements and [#contact discuss] with the team. |
| 90 | * **Contribute** with updates, corrections and [wikitr:/Translations translations] to standardize all JOSM-related pages and connect them with the [wikitr:/Help help system]. |
| 91 | * **Participate** in [/report bug tracking] by reviewing bugs, finding duplicates, testing bugs, adding more descriptive text. |
| 92 | * **Design** fancy new [wikitr:/Styles#Icons icons]. |
| 93 | * **Develop** the [wikitr:"/Source code#Getthesource" source code] further. See the [wikitr:/DevelopersGuide developers guide] for build instructions and more details. |
27 | | TracGuide is a good place to start. |
| 95 | == About this site == |
| 96 | * This site is a combined help and bug tracking system for JOSM and JOSM plugins. |
| 97 | * No login is required to use this site (either to read or edit the Wiki or the bug tracker). |
| 98 | * But logging in has advantages: |
| 99 | * You will receive notifications of changes to your bug tracker tickets. This is also possible by entering an e-mail as a username in the tickets, but be aware that the address will be publicly visible and you will not be able to change it later. |
| 100 | * Page settings will be remembered (e.g. input field size and a lot of other stuff). |
| 101 | * Registrations without an e-mail address and unused registrations are automatically deleted. |
| 102 | * Accounts for editing the OpenStreetMap database are separate from the accounts on this server. |
| 103 | * The copyright (CC-BY-SA and LGPL since April 2014) of this site is stated in the footer. |
| 104 | * Personal data, such as e-mail address, is used only for contact purposes related to the JOSM software. There is no user tracking or advertising. |
| 105 | * Data about the usage of this website is stored for statistical purposes (including usage initiated by JOSM). Raw logs including IP addresses are deleted after a few weeks when no longer required. |
32 | | == Starting Points == |
33 | | |
34 | | * TracGuide -- Built-in Documentation |
35 | | * [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/ The Trac project] -- Trac Open Source Project |
36 | | * [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/wiki/TracFaq Trac FAQ] -- Frequently Asked Questions |
37 | | * TracSupport -- Trac Support |
38 | | |
39 | | For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex. |
40 | | |
41 | | Trac is brought to you by [http://www.edgewall.com/ Edgewall Software], |
42 | | providing professional Linux and software development services to clients |
43 | | worldwide. Visit http://www.edgewall.com/ for more information. |
| 114 | == Contact ==#contact |
| 115 | {{{ |
| 116 | #!div class="wikipage compact" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; float:right; color: darkgray; font-size: 80%" |
| 117 | Server sponsored by: \\ |
| 118 | [[Image(wiki:Sponsoring:fossgis.png,title=FOSSGIS e.V.,alt=FOSSGIS e.V.,link=https://www.fossgis.de/)]] |
| 119 | }}} |
| 120 | * Please use the bug [/newticket reporting system] for problems, but also for ideas and suggestions. |
| 121 | * Inactive: The volunteers behind JOSM can be reached using the [https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/josm-dev josm-dev] mailing list (Closed on 2024-05-16) or the [irc://irc.oftc.net/josm #josm] IRC chat. |
| 122 | * Inactive: If you use social networks, see our [https://en.osm.town/@josmeditor Mastodon], [https://www.facebook.com/josmeditor Facebook] and [https://twitter.com/josmeditor Twitter] pages. |