= [[Image(UkraineRoadNetwork.png,36,middle,inline)]] Ukraine Road Network = == Description == You can use this mappaint style together with the default JOSM internal mappaint style. You can adjust the appearance in the [[Help/Dialog/MapPaint/StyleSettings|style settings]] of this style. For ideas/questions/bugs/suggestions or similar please write a message to [osmwww:user/Anton%20Melnichuk Anton Melnichuk]. {{{ #!style type="mapcss" meta { title: "Ukraine Road Network"; version: "0.1.[[revision]]_[[date]]"; description: "This style will help determine the grid of Ukrainian roads that are and are accounted for by Ukrainian legislation, and will help to correct errors, find intersections, as well as holes in the road graph."; author: "Anton Melnichuk"; icon: "UkraineRoadNetwork.png"; link: "https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles/UkraineRoadNetwork"; } meta[lang=uk] { title: "Українська мережа доріг"; description: "Цей стиль допоможе визначити сітку Українських дорог які є і обліковуються Українським законодавством, і допоможе виправити помилки, знайти перетини, а також дірки у дорожному графі."; } setting::colordisplayM { type: color; label: tr("Color used for displaying 'М-' Roads"); default: colorDisplayCustomPref#42FF77; } setting::colordisplayH { type: color; label: tr("Color used for displaying 'H-' Roads"); default: colorDisplayCustomPref#FFA03C; } setting::colordisplayP { type: color; label: tr("Color used for displaying 'P-' Roads"); default: colorDisplayCustomPref#FF6161; } setting::colordisplayT { type: color; label: tr("Color used for displaying 'T-' Roads"); default: colorDisplayCustomPref#0cc299; } setting::colordisplayO { type: color; label: tr("Color used for displaying 'O-' Roads"); default: colorDisplayCustomPref#548EFF; } setting::colordisplayC { type: color; label: tr("Color used for displaying 'C-' Roads"); default: colorDisplayCustomPref#2E4E8C; } /***************************************************/ /* Загальний набор стилей для визначення доріг в мережі */ /***************************************************/ relation[type="route"][route="road"][ref]> way|z12-14[highway] { text: ref; text-offset: -9; font-size: 10; text-halo-color: current; text-halo-radius: 2; } relation[type="route"][route="road"][ref]> way|z13-18[highway] { text: ref; text-offset: -9; font-size: 12; text-halo-color: current; text-halo-radius: 2; } way[highway][ref=~/М-.|Н-.|Р-.|Т-.|О.|С./] { width: 3; opacity: 0.6; casing-width: 2; casing-color: #fff; casing-opacity: 0.4; casing-dashes: 30,10; } way[highway][ref ^= "М-"] { color: #42FF77; color: setting("colordisplayM"); } way[highway][ref ^= "Н-"] { color: #FFA03C; color: setting("colordisplayH"); } way[highway][ref ^= "Р-"] { color: #FF6161; color: setting("colordisplayP"); } way[highway][ref ^= "Т-"] { color: #0cc299; color: setting("colordisplayT"); } way[highway][ref ^= "О"] { color: #548EFF; color: setting("colordisplayO"); } way[highway][ref ^= "С"] { color: #2E4E8C; color: setting("colordisplayC"); } relation[type="route"][route="road"][ref=~/М-.|Н-.|Р-.|Т-.|О.|С./] > way[highway]{ width: 5; opacity: 1; casing-opacity: 0; } /***************************************************/ /* ці стилі допоможуть виявляти проблеми з мережею */ /***************************************************/ /* Відношення е, але немае REF у вея для відношення! */ relation[type="route"][route="road"] > way[highway][!ref] { dashes: 30,5; dashes-background-color: black; } }}}