= Less Obtrusive Nodes = [[Image(less_obtrusive_nodes_preview.png)]] {{{ #!style type="mapcss" meta { title: "Less obtrusive nodes"; description: "Make nodes smaller when zoomed out. This makes navigating easier when viewing a large area. Also hides icons and text accordingly."; version: "1.[[revision]]_[[date]]"; author: "xeen"; link: "http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles/LessObtrusiveNodes"; min-josm-version: "5267"; } meta[lang=de] { title: "Unaufdringlichere Punkte"; description: "Kleinere Punkte auf niedrigen Zoomstufen. Erleichert Orientierung beim Betrachten eines größeren Bereichs. Gleiches gilt für Icons und Text."; } /* size nodes with zoom level *****************************************/ canvas { default-points: false; } node|z16- { symbol-size:1; symbol-shape: square; symbol-stroke-color: #ffff00; symbol-fill-color: #ffff00; } node:connection { /* in the previous version, the color was transparent, i.e. it was possible to see the ways "below" the node. I changed it to a black fill, which makes connected nodes easier to spot. If you want to have it transparent again, uncomment this: */ /* symbol-fill-opacity: 0; */ symbol-fill-color: #000000 } node|z17 { symbol-size: 2; } way > node|z17 { symbol-size: 1; } node|z17:connection { symbol-size: 2; } node|z18 { symbol-size: 4; } way > node|z18 { symbol-size: 2; } node|z18:connection { symbol-size: 4; } node|z19-20 { symbol-size: 5; } way > node|z19-20 { symbol-size: 3; } node|z19-20:connection { symbol-size: 5; } node|z21-22 { symbol-size: 6; } way > node|z21-22 { symbol-size: 4; } node|z21-22:connection { symbol-size: 6; } node|z23- { symbol-size: 7; } way > node|z23- { symbol-size: 5; } node|z23-:connection { symbol-size: 7; } /* Show text only on high zoom levels *********************************/ node|z1-18 { text: ""; } node|z19- { text-anchor-horizontal: center; text-anchor-vertical: bottom; text-offset-y: -8; font-size: 8; } node|z20 { font-size: 9; text-offset-y: -10; } node|z21- { font-size: 10; text-offset-y: -12; } node|z22- { font-size: 11; } /* hide icons and turn restrictions on low zoom ***********************/ node|z1-17, relation|z1-17[type=restriction] { icon-opacity: 0; } }}}