
Version 4 (modified by darkonus, 3 years ago) ( diff )


Coloured buildings

Classification of buildings

Detached: building=detached
Terraced: building=terrace
Apartments: building=apartments
Garage(s): building=garage(s)

too generell, better use the values above
House: building=house
Residential: building=residential

Hotel: building=hotel
Church: building=church, building=cathedral
Retail: building=retail
Hospital: building=hospital
Commercial: building=commercial
Industrial: building=industrial

School (only building): building=school
Area of School: amenity=school
University: building=university
Civic: building=civic
Domitory: building=dormitory

amenity with the value of amenity

shop with the value of shop

office with the value of office



        title: "Coloured";
        author: "darkonus"; 
        version: "0.1_7_2022-05-08";
        description: "Style to classify buildings. Translation of the geozeisig style";
        link: "";
        title: "Coloured";
        description: "Стиль для класифікації будівель. Переклад стилю від geozeisig";
        link: "";
area[building=residential], area[building:part=residential]  
        text: eval("Житлове приміщення");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FFFFFF; 
        fill-color: #FFFFFF; 
        width: 3;
        dashes: 10,2;
area[building=house], area[building:part=house] 
        text: eval("Житло");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FFF88B; 
        fill-color: #FFF88B; 
        width: 3;
        dashes: 10,2;

area[building=detached], area[building:part=detached] 
        text: eval("Односімейна");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FFFD36; 
        fill-color: #FFFD36; 
        width: 3;
area[building=semidetached_house], area[building:part=semidetached_house] 
        text: eval("Двосімейна");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FFFC00; 
        fill-color: #FFFC00; 
        width: 3;
area[building=terrace], area[building:part=terrace] 
        text: eval("Ряд житлових");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FFFC00; 
        fill-color: #FFFC00; 
        width: 3;
area[building=apartments], area[building:part=apartments] 
        text: eval("Багатоквартирна");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FF9E00; 
        fill-color: #FF9E00; 
        width: 3;
area[building=garage], area[building:part=garage]  
        text: eval("Гараж");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #A37237; 
        fill-color: #A37237; 
        width: 3;
area[building=garages], area[building:part=garages]  
        text: eval("Гаражі");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #A37237; 
        fill-color: #A37237; 
        width: 3;

area[building=parking], area[building:part=parking]  
        text: eval("Будівля-стоянка");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #A37237; 
        fill-color: #A37237; 
        width: 3;
area[building=hotel], area[building:part=hotel]  
        text: eval("Готель");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #F26100; 
        fill-color: #F26100; 
        width: 3;

area[building=commercial], area[building:part=commercial]  
        text: eval("Комерційна");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #D76EFF; 
        fill-color: #D76EFF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=warehouse], area[building:part=warehouse]  
        text: eval("Склад");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #D76EFF; 
        fill-color: #D76EFF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=toilets], area[building:part=toilets]  
        text: eval("Туалет");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #D76EFF; 
        fill-color: #D76EFF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=service], area[building:part=service]  
        text: eval("Службова");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #D76EFF; 
        fill-color: #D76EFF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=industrial], area[building:part=industrial]  
        text: eval("Промислова");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #C224FF; 
        fill-color: #C224FF; 
        width: 3;

area[building=church], area[building:part=church]  
        text: eval("Церква");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #9224FF; 
        fill-color: #9224FF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=chapel], area[building:part=chapel]  
        text: eval("Каплиця");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #9224FF; 
        fill-color: #9224FF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=mosque], area[building:part=mosque]  
        text: eval("Мечеть");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #9224FF; 
        fill-color: #9224FF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=synagogue], area[building:part=synagogue]  
        text: eval("Синагога");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #9224FF; 
        fill-color: #9224FF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=temple], area[building:part=temple]  
        text: eval("Храм");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #9224FF; 
        fill-color: #9224FF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=cathedral], area[building:part=cathedral]  
        text: eval("Собор");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #7D1DDD; 
        fill-color: #7D1DDD; 
        width: 3;

area[building=retail], area[building:part=retail]  
        text: eval("Торгівля");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #A5FC4E; 
        fill-color: #A5FC4E; 
        width: 3;

area[building=supermarket], area[building:part=supermarket]  
        text: eval("Супермаркет");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #A5FC4E; 
        fill-color: #A5FC4E; 
        width: 3;
area[building=kiosk], area[building:part=kiosk]  
        text: eval("Кіоск");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #A5FC4E; 
        fill-color: #A5FC4E; 
        width: 3;

area[building=roof], area[building:part=roof]  
        text: eval("Навіс");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #CBA371; 
        fill-color: #CBA371; 
        width: 3;

area[building=hospital], area[building:part=hospital]  
        text: eval("Лікарня");
        text-color: black; 
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FF5566; 
        fill-color: #FF5566; 
        width: 3;
area[building=fire_station], area[building:part=fire_station]  
        text: eval("Пожежна");
        text-color: black; 
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FF5566; 
        fill-color: #FF5566; 
        width: 3;
        color: #FF5566; 
        width: 3;
area[building=school], area[building:part=school]  
        text: eval("Школа");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #884CFF; 
        fill-color: #884CFF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=kindergarten], area[building:part=kindergarten]  
        text: eval("Дитсадок");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #884CFF; 
        fill-color: #884CFF; 
        width: 3;
        color: #884CFF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=university], area[building:part=university]  
        text: eval("Універ");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #7834FF; 
        fill-color: #7834FF; 
        width: 2;
        color: #7834FF; 
        width: 3;
area[building=civic], area[building:part=civic] 
        text: eval("Громадська");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FF2238; 
        fill-color: #FF2238; 
        width: 3;
        dashes: 10,2;
area[building=train_station], area[building:part=train_station] 
        text: eval("Залізнична");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FF2238; 
        fill-color: #FF2238; 
        width: 3;

area[building=dormitory], area[building:part=dormitory]  
        text: eval("Гуртожиток");
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 9;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #F07B2D; 
        fill-color: #F07B2D; 
        width: 3;

area[building=yes][amenity][building!=church][building!=cathedral], area[building:part=yes][amenity][building:part!=church][building:part!=cathedral] 
        text: eval("Заклад");
        text-color: black; 
        dashes: 20,4;
        font-size: 10;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #FF2238; 
        fill-color: #FF2238; 
        width: 3;

area[building=yes][shop], area[building:part=yes][shop]
        text: eval("Крамниця"); 
        text-color: black; 
        dashes: 20,4;
        font-size: 10;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #3E43D2; 
        fill-color: #3E43D2; 
        width: 3;

area[building=yes][office], area[building:part=yes][office]
        text: eval("Офіс"); 
        text-color: black; 
        font-size: 10;
        z-index: 1;
        color: #39D237; 
        fill-color: #39D237; 
        width: 3;
        dashes: 20,4;
/* highlight wrong schoolbuildings */
way[building=yes][amenity=school], way[building:part=yes][amenity=school]
        text: eval("познач школу");
        font-size: 12;
        z-index: 1;
        color: red;
        width: 5; 
        dashes: 20,4;
        dashes-background-color: #FFFF00;
/* highlight wrong kindergarten buildings */
way[building=kindergarten][amenity=school], way[building:part=kindergarten][amenity=school]
        text: eval("познач садочок");
        font-size: 12;
        z-index: 1;
        color: red;
        width: 5; 
        dashes: 20,4;
        dashes-background-color: #FFFF00;

/* highlight wrong church */
way[building=yes][amenity=place_of_worship], way[building:part=yes][amenity=place_of_worship]
        text: eval("познач церкву");
        font-size: 12;
        z-index: 1;
        color: red;
        width: 5; 
        dashes: 20,4;
        dashes-background-color: #FFFF00;


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