Version 7 (modified by 12 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Um die Vollständigkeit von Adressen zu überprüfen, empfehlen sich folgende Styles:
- Coloured_Streets Häuser und Straßen mit dem gleichen Namen werden in einer Farbe dargestellt. Da nur der 1. Buchstabe des Straßennamens relevant ist, kann es zu gleichen Farben bei benachbarten Straßen kommen. Zu einer vollständigen Adresse gehört auch die Postleitzahl (PLZ) und der Ort. Straßen sollten hingegen keine Adressbestandteile (addr:) haben (wird sonst rot markiert).
- Coloured_Postcode Häuser und Straßen mit dem gleicher PLZ werden in einer Farbe dargestellt. Die letzte Stelle der PLZ wird dafür ausgewertet, so dass es im ungünstigen Fall auch benachbarte Bereiche mit gleicher Farbe gibt. Postleitzahlengrenzen (boundary=postal_code) werden rot gestrichelt dargestellt. Straßen sollten mit postal_code=..... versehen sein (wird sonst rot markiert).
- Coloured_Suburb Nur anwendbar für größere Städte, die Ortsteile haben. Alle zum Ortsteil gehörenden Häuser werden in der gleichen Farbe dargestellt. Da nur der 1. Buchstabe der Ortsteile ausgewertet wird, kann es im ungünstigen Fall zu gleichen Farben bei benachbarten Ortsteilen kommen. Alle Grenzen werden als Hilfsmittel rot gestrichelt markiert.
Hilfreich bei der Fehlersuche ist auch: HousenumberValidator OSM Inspector Roof modelling
Hinweise und Wünsche bitte an geozeisig
meta { title: "Coloured Streets"; version: "1.0127_2021-04-10"; description: "Coloring of buildings in the color of the street"; author: "geozeisig"; link: ""; watch-modified: true; } /* highlight buildings */ area["addr:street"^="A"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="A"] { fill-color: #00FFFF; color: #00FFFF; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="A"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #00FFFF; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="A"] { color: #00FFFF; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #00FFFF; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="B"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="B"] { fill-color: #7fffd4; color: #7fffd4; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="B"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #7fffd4; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="B"] { color: #7fffd4; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #7fffd4; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="C"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="C"] { fill-color: #8a2be2; color: #8a2be2; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="C"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #8a2be2; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="C"] { color: #8a2be2; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #8a2be2; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="D"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="D"] { fill-color: #a52a2a; color: #a52a2a; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="D"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #a52a2a; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="D"] { color: #a52a2a; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #a52a2a; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="E"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="E"] { fill-color: #e9967a; color: #e9967a; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="E"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #e9967a; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="E"] { color: #e9967a; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #e9967a; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="F"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="F"] { fill-color: #8fbc8f; color: #8fbc8f; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="F"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #8fbc8f; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="F"] { color: #8fbc8f; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #8fbc8f; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="G"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="G"] { fill-color: #2f4f4f; color: #2f4f4f; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="G"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #2f4f4f; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="G"] { color: #2f4f4f; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #2f4f4f; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="H"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="H"] { fill-color: #ff1493; color: #ff1493; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="H"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ff1493; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="H"] { color: #ff1493; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ff1493; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="I"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="I"] { fill-color: #1e90ff; color: #1e90ff; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="I"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #1e90ff; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="I"] { color: #1e90ff; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #1e90ff; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="J"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="J"] { fill-color: #228b22; color: #228b22; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="J"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #228b22; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="J"] { color: #228b22; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #228b22; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="K"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="K"] { fill-color: #ffd700; color: #ffd700; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="K"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ffd700; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="K"] { color: #ffd700; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ffd700; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="L"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="L"] { fill-color: #BF9017; color: #BF9017; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="L"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #BF9017; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="L"] { color: #BF9017; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color:#BF9017; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="M"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="M"] { fill-color: #adff2f; color: #adff2f; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="M"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #adff2f; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="M"] { color: #adff2f; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #adff2f; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="N"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="N"] { fill-color: #ff69b4; color: #ff69b4; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="N"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ff69b4; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="N"] { color: #ff69b4; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ff69b4; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="O"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="O"] { fill-color: #cd5c5c; color: #cd5c5c; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="O"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #cd5c5c; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="O"] { color: #cd5c5c; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #cd5c5c; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="P"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="P"] { fill-color: #4b0082; color: #4b0082; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="P"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #4b0082; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="P"] { color: #4b0082; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #4b0082; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="Q"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="Q"] { fill-color: #f08080; color: #f08080; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="Q"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #f08080; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="Q"] { color: #f08080; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #f08080; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="R"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="R"] { fill-color: #F75617; color: #F75617; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="R"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #F75617; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="R"] { color: #F75617; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #F75617; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="S"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="S"] { fill-color: #32cd32; color: #32cd32; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="S"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #32cd32; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="S"] { color: #32cd32; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #32cd32; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="T"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="T"] { fill-color: #ba55d3; color: #ba55d3; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="T"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ba55d3; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="T"] { color: #ba55d3; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ba55d3; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="U"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="U"] { fill-color: #9370db; color: #9370db; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="U"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #9370db; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="U"] { color: #9370db; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #9370db; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="V"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="V"] { fill-color: #3cb371; color: #3cb371; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="V"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #3cb371; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="V"] { color: #3cb371; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #3cb371; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="W"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="W"] { fill-color: #808000; color: #808000; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="W"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #808000; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="W"] { color: #808000; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #808000; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="X"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="X"] { fill-color: #7cfc00 ; color: #7cfc00 ; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="X"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #7cfc00; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="X"] { color: #7cfc00; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #7cfc00; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="Y"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="Y"] { fill-color: #6b8e23; color: #6b8e23; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="Y"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #6b8e23; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="Y"] { color: #6b8e23; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #6b8e23; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="Z"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="Z"] { fill-color: #ff4500; color: #ff4500; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="Z"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ff4500; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="Z"] { color: #ff4500; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ff4500; text-halo-radius:2 } /* have street, miss city */ area[building][addr:street][!addr:city] { width: 2; text: eval("city?"); fill-color: #FF0000; fill-opacity:0.9; text-color: #000000; font-size: 10; casing-width: 1; casing-color: #FFFF00; } node[addr:housenumber][!addr:city]::halo { text: eval("city?"); symbol-shape: triangle; symbol-fill-opacity:0.7; symbol-fill-color: #FF0000; symbol-size: 30; symbol-stroke-color: #FFFF00; z-index: -1; } /* have housenumber, miss street */ area[building][addr:housenumber][!addr:street] { text: eval("street?"); width: 2; fill-color: #FF0000; fill-opacity:0.9; text-color: #000000; font-size: 10; casing-width: 1; casing-color: #FFFF00; } node[addr:housenumber][!addr:street]::halo { text: eval("street?"); symbol-shape: triangle; symbol-fill-opacity:0.7; symbol-fill-color: #FF0000; symbol-size: 30; symbol-stroke-color: #FFFF00; z-index: -1; } /* have street, miss housenumber */ area[addr:street][!addr:housenumber] { width: 2; fill-color: #FF0000; fill-opacity:0.9; text: eval("number?"); text-color: #000000; font-size: 10; casing-width: 1; casing-color: #FFFF00; } node["addr:street"][!"addr:housenumber"][!amenity]::halo { text: eval("number?"); text-color: #FF0000; font-size: 12; symbol-shape: triangle; symbol-fill-opacity:0.7; symbol-fill-color: #FF0000; symbol-size: 30; symbol-stroke-color: #FFFF00; z-index: -1; } /* have street, have addr is not correct */ way["highway"]["addr:country"], way["highway"]["addr:postcode"], way["highway"]["addr:city"], way["highway"]["addr:street"] { text: eval("no addr!"); color: red; width: 5; dashes: 20,4; dashes-background-color: #FFFF00; object-z-index:-1.0; } /* all marked housenumber in black color */ node["addr:housenumber"] { font-size: 10; text-color: black; } area[building]["addr:housenumber"] { text-color: black; font-size: 10; } /* higway=residetial without name */ way[highway=residential][!name] { color: #FF0000; width: 5; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: eval("no name!"); text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #FF0000; text-halo-radius:2; dashes: 20,4; dashes-background-color: #FFFF00; }
Attachments (6)
(194.4 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
Style settings (NOZIP)
(299.5 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
Example Coloured Streets (NOZIP)
(182.7 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
exampleColouredStreetsLowZoom (NOZIP)
(82.9 KB
) - added by 10 years ago.
JOSM internal compared to Coloured Streets (NOZIP)
(549 bytes
) - added by 4 years ago.
(687.0 KB
) - added by 4 years ago.
Testcenter (NOZIP)
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