Um die Vollständigkeit von Adressen zu überprüfen, empfehlen sich folgende Styles: * [[Coloured_Streets]] Häuser und Straßen mit dem gleichen Namen werden in einer Farbe dargestellt. Da nur der 1. Buchstabe des Straßennamens relevant ist, kann es zu gleichen Farben bei benachbarten Straßen kommen. Zu einer vollständigen Adresse gehört auch die Postleitzahl (PLZ) und der Ort. Straßen sollten hingegen keine Adressbestandteile (addr:) haben (wird sonst rot markiert). * [[Coloured_Postcode]] Häuser und Straßen mit dem gleicher PLZ werden in einer Farbe dargestellt. Die letzte Stelle der PLZ wird dafür ausgewertet, so dass es im ungünstigen Fall auch benachbarte Bereiche mit gleicher Farbe gibt. Postleitzahlengrenzen (boundary=postal_code) werden rot gestrichelt dargestellt. Straßen sollten mit postal_code=..... versehen sein (wird sonst rot markiert). * [[Coloured_Suburb]] Nur anwendbar für größere Städte, die Ortsteile haben. Alle zum Ortsteil gehörenden Häuser werden in der gleichen Farbe dargestellt. Da nur der 1. Buchstabe der Ortsteile ausgewertet wird, kann es im ungünstigen Fall zu gleichen Farben bei benachbarten Ortsteilen kommen. Alle Grenzen werden als Hilfsmittel rot gestrichelt markiert. ''Hilfreich bei der Fehlersuche ist auch:'' [ HousenumberValidator] [ OSM Inspector] [ Roof modelling] Hinweise und Wünsche bitte an [ geozeisig] [[Image(Help_street.jpg)]] {{{ #!style type="mapcss" meta { title: "Coloured Streets"; version: "1.0[[revision]]_[[date]]"; description: "Coloring of buildings in the color of the street"; author: "geozeisig"; link: ""; watch-modified: true; } /* highlight buildings */ area["addr:street"^="A"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="A"] { fill-color: #00FFFF; color: #00FFFF; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="A"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #00FFFF; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="A"] { color: #00FFFF; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #00FFFF; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="B"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="B"] { fill-color: #7fffd4; color: #7fffd4; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="B"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #7fffd4; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="B"] { color: #7fffd4; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #7fffd4; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="C"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="C"] { fill-color: #8a2be2; color: #8a2be2; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="C"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #8a2be2; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="C"] { color: #8a2be2; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #8a2be2; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="D"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="D"] { fill-color: #a52a2a; color: #a52a2a; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="D"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #a52a2a; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="D"] { color: #a52a2a; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #a52a2a; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="E"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="E"] { fill-color: #e9967a; color: #e9967a; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="E"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #e9967a; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="E"] { color: #e9967a; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #e9967a; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="F"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="F"] { fill-color: #8fbc8f; color: #8fbc8f; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="F"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #8fbc8f; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="F"] { color: #8fbc8f; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #8fbc8f; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="G"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="G"] { fill-color: #2f4f4f; color: #2f4f4f; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="G"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #2f4f4f; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="G"] { color: #2f4f4f; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #2f4f4f; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="H"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="H"] { fill-color: #ff1493; color: #ff1493; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="H"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ff1493; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="H"] { color: #ff1493; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ff1493; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="I"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="I"] { fill-color: #1e90ff; color: #1e90ff; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="I"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #1e90ff; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="I"] { color: #1e90ff; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #1e90ff; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="J"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="J"] { fill-color: #228b22; color: #228b22; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="J"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #228b22; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="J"] { color: #228b22; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #228b22; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="K"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="K"] { fill-color: #ffd700; color: #ffd700; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="K"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ffd700; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="K"] { color: #ffd700; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ffd700; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="L"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="L"] { fill-color: #BF9017; color: #BF9017; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="L"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #BF9017; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="L"] { color: #BF9017; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color:#BF9017; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="M"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="M"] { fill-color: #adff2f; color: #adff2f; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="M"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #adff2f; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="M"] { color: #adff2f; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #adff2f; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="N"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="N"] { fill-color: #ff69b4; color: #ff69b4; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="N"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ff69b4; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="N"] { color: #ff69b4; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ff69b4; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="O"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="O"] { fill-color: #cd5c5c; color: #cd5c5c; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="O"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #cd5c5c; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="O"] { color: #cd5c5c; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #cd5c5c; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="P"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="P"] { fill-color: #4b0082; color: #4b0082; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="P"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #4b0082; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="P"] { color: #4b0082; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #4b0082; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="Q"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="Q"] { fill-color: #f08080; color: #f08080; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="Q"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #f08080; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="Q"] { color: #f08080; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #f08080; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="R"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="R"] { fill-color: #F75617; color: #F75617; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="R"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #F75617; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="R"] { color: #F75617; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #F75617; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="S"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="S"] { fill-color: #32cd32; color: #32cd32; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="S"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #32cd32; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="S"] { color: #32cd32; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #32cd32; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="T"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="T"] { fill-color: #ba55d3; color: #ba55d3; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="T"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ba55d3; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="T"] { color: #ba55d3; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ba55d3; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="U"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="U"] { fill-color: #9370db; color: #9370db; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="U"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #9370db; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="U"] { color: #9370db; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #9370db; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="V"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="V"] { fill-color: #3cb371; color: #3cb371; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="V"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #3cb371; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="V"] { color: #3cb371; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #3cb371; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="W"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="W"] { fill-color: #808000; color: #808000; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="W"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #808000; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="W"] { color: #808000; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #808000; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="X"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="X"] { fill-color: #7cfc00 ; color: #7cfc00 ; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="X"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #7cfc00; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="X"] { color: #7cfc00; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #7cfc00; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="Y"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="Y"] { fill-color: #6b8e23; color: #6b8e23; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="Y"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #6b8e23; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="Y"] { color: #6b8e23; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #6b8e23; text-halo-radius:2 } area["addr:street"^="Z"], relation[type=multipolygon]["addr:street"^="Z"] { fill-color: #ff4500; color: #ff4500; width: 3; fill-opacity:0.2; } node["addr:street"^="Z"]::halo { symbol-fill-color: #ff4500; symbol-shape: circle; symbol-size: 20; z-index: -1; } way["highway"]["name"^="Z"] { color: #ff4500; width: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: "name"; text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #ff4500; text-halo-radius:2 } /* have street, miss city */ area[building][addr:street][!addr:city] { width: 2; text: eval("city?"); fill-color: #FF0000; fill-opacity:0.9; text-color: #000000; font-size: 10; casing-width: 1; casing-color: #FFFF00; } node[addr:housenumber][!addr:city]::halo { text: eval("city?"); symbol-shape: triangle; symbol-fill-opacity:0.7; symbol-fill-color: #FF0000; symbol-size: 30; symbol-stroke-color: #FFFF00; z-index: -1; } /* have housenumber, miss street */ area[building][addr:housenumber][!addr:street] { text: eval("street?"); width: 2; fill-color: #FF0000; fill-opacity:0.9; text-color: #000000; font-size: 10; casing-width: 1; casing-color: #FFFF00; } node[addr:housenumber][!addr:street]::halo { text: eval("street?"); symbol-shape: triangle; symbol-fill-opacity:0.7; symbol-fill-color: #FF0000; symbol-size: 30; symbol-stroke-color: #FFFF00; z-index: -1; } /* have street, miss housenumber */ area[addr:street][!addr:housenumber] { width: 2; fill-color: #FF0000; fill-opacity:0.9; text: eval("number?"); text-color: #000000; font-size: 10; casing-width: 1; casing-color: #FFFF00; } node["addr:street"][!"addr:housenumber"][!amenity]::halo { text: eval("number?"); text-color: #FF0000; font-size: 12; symbol-shape: triangle; symbol-fill-opacity:0.7; symbol-fill-color: #FF0000; symbol-size: 30; symbol-stroke-color: #FFFF00; z-index: -1; } /* have street, have addr is not correct */ way["highway"]["addr:country"], way["highway"]["addr:postcode"], way["highway"]["addr:city"], way["highway"]["addr:street"] { text: eval("no addr!"); color: red; width: 5; dashes: 20,4; dashes-background-color: #FFFF00; object-z-index:-1.0; } /* all marked housenumber in black color */ node["addr:housenumber"] { font-size: 10; text-color: black; } area[building]["addr:housenumber"] { text-color: black; font-size: 10; } /* higway=residetial without name */ way[highway=residential][!name] { color: #FF0000; width: 5; font-size: 12; text-color: #000000; text-position: line; text: eval("no name!"); text-offset: 0; text-halo-color: #FF0000; text-halo-radius:2; dashes: 20,4; dashes-background-color: #FFFF00; } }}}