== Improve the readability of ways This mapstyle improves the visibility of ways (highways, waterways, buildings). Highways and waterways have colors that are more pregnant. Very handy for validators that are inspecting an area when zoomed out. Or for areas that are full of other objects. With this mapstyle you can also choose the color and the width of the outline of buildings. It also highlights damaged/destroyed buildings. That is important for humanitarian mappers doing post-disaster mapping. === Usage and installation 1. Open the [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/MapPaintPreference Map Paint Styles preferences] * via the header of the Map Paint Styles panel with the [[JOSMImage(dialogs/mappaintpreference)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/MapPaint#MapStyleSettings Preferences] button or * via [wikitr:/Help/Menu/View View menu] → ''Map paint styles'' → ''Map paint preferences'' or * via the general preferences dialog [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Edit Menu Edit] → [wikitr:/Help/Action/Preferences Preferences] → [[JOSMImage(dialogs/mapstyle,24,middle,link=)]] [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/MapPaintPreference Map Paint Styles] 1. Click the [[JOSMImage(dialogs/add)]] plus sign on the right and enter the URL of the style file: [/josmfile?page=Styles/ColorWays&style https://josm.openstreetmap.de/josmfile?page=Styles/ColorWays&style] 1. Confirm by clicking the OK button (twice) and exit See for more installation instructions: [wikitr:/Styles] When installed you can right click on the mapstyle and choose building outline color and line width. [[Image(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vdgwebsites/mapcss/main/mapstyle-colorpicker.JPG,link=)]] === Legend Highways * unclassified → white * track → dotted brown - green * residential → light green - blue * service → aqua blue * tertiary → yellow Railways * railway=* → dotted brown Waterways * river → default * stream → DeepSkyBlue === The code {{{ #!style type="mapcss" meta { title: "Color Ways"; description: "Choose your preferred color and line width of building outlines for better visibility on different backgrounds. Also highways and waterways have clearer colors"; version: "0.2.[[revision]]_[[date]]"; author: "Martien, osm username martien-176 (formerly martien-vdg)"; link: "https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles/ColorWays"; } /* Setting Options */ setting::colordisplay { type: color; label: tr("Color used for displaying buildings"); default: green; } setting::building_line_width { type: double; label: tr("Choose line width of building"); default: 2; } /* Settings */ /* Buildings */ way[building] { color: setting("colordisplay"); } way[building] { width: setting("building_line_width"); } /* Highways */ way[highway=primary] { width: 6; } way[highway=secondary] { width: 4; } way[highway=tertiary] { width: 4; } way[highway=unclassified] { width: 4; color: white; } way[highway=track] { width: 4; color: peru; dashes: 12,9; dashes-background-color: springgreen; } way[highway=service] { width: 3; color: aqua; } way[highway=residential] { width: 2; color: Aquamarine; } /* Railways */ way[railway] { width: 3; color: brown; } /* Waterways */ way[waterway=stream] { width: 2; color: DeepSkyBlue; } way[waterway=river] { width: 6; } /* Damaged buildings */ way[destroyed:building], way[damaged:building] { width: 4; color: white; dashes: 12,9; dashes-background-color: red; text: eval("Damaged"); text-color: white; text-halo-color: white; font-size: 15; text-position: center; } }}} If you have questions or remarks, you can reach me via [https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/martien-176]