
Version 12 (modified by andy@…, 17 years ago) ( diff )

Added new shortcuts for zoom menu

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following shortcuts are the default setting (no, you can't change them yet (without hacking the source)).

A Add / Draw nodes
Shift-A Cycle through the different Auto zoom modes
D Delete nodes or ways. Pressing Ctrl forces delete, even if the object is in use.
N Add a new node or insert a new node into a way
S Select objects
Shift-Click Holding the "Shift" key when in "select" mode adds new element to existing selection.
Alt-Shift-Click Holding the "Alt" and "Shift" key when in "select" mode adds new node to current selection.
Z Zoom in by dragging
Alt-A Toggle display on / off of Authors dialog
Alt-C Toggle display on / off of Conflict dialog
Alt-E Toggle display on / off of Selection list dialog
Alt-H Toggle display on / off of Display history dialog (history is not fully implemented yet)
Alt-L Toggle display on / off of Layers dialog
Alt-R Toggle display on / off of Relations dialog
Alt-O Toggle display on / off of Command stack (the undo buffer)dialog
Alt-P Toggle display on / off of Property for selected objects dialog
Alt-V Toggle display on / off of validation dialog (requires plugin)
Ctrl-A Select all
Ctrl-Shift-A Unselect all
Ctrl-Shift-R Reverse ways
Ctrl-Shift-P Split ways
Ctrl-Shift-D Download
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D Download incomplete ways
Ctrl-Shift-U Upload
Ctrl-Shift-O Align nodes in circle
Ctrl-Shift-L Align nodes into a straight line
Ctrl-Right Pan display window
Ctrl-Left Pan display window
Ctrl-Up Pan display window
Ctrl-Down Pan display window
Ctrl-, Zoom in
Ctrl-. Zoom out
Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-Shift-Z Redo
Ctrl-N New file
Ctrl-O Open file
Ctrl-S Save file
Ctrl-Shift-S Save as
Ctrl-E Export to GPX
Ctrl-F Search
Ctrl-Q Exit Application
F1 Help
Shift-F1 About screen (with JOSM version number)
Ctrl-F1 Popup tooltip of current selected action
F12 Preferences
Space Activate the last used action again.
1 Zoom to data
2 Zoom to selection
3 Zoom to layer
4 Zoom to conflict
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.