Version 13 (modified by 6 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
JOSM Validator Rules
The JOSM validator (Tag checker) can be customized with different rules based on MapCSS.
Choose Rules
There are base rules (e.g. Geometry or Highways) that cover dedicated features each. They can be combined with add-on rules that cover more special topics:
short description | author | description | version | |
addr:*=* on relations warning | gy-mate | More details | 1.4_2025-01-23 | |
addr:full warning | CjMalone | More details | 1.1_2024-02-09 | |
ATMs in Slovakia | Jose Riha | Rules implementing operator and ref tag checks for ATMs in Slovak Republic. More details | 9_2022-03-27 | |
Brazilian-specific rules | OpenStreetMap Brasil | Community rules for the most common errors and problems found in Brazil. Messages are in Portuguese only. More details | 2019-07-14 | |
Charge validation rules | Famlam | Rules to validate the charge and charge:conditional keys. More details | 1.3_2024-09-02 | |
Check Date | CjMalone | More details | 1.1_2023-05-20 | |
Colombia specific rules | Andres Gomez (AngocA) - Maptime Bogota | Validation rules for the most common issues found in Colombia. Messages are in Spanish, with suggestion and fixes. This is based on the Colombian Guide for Mapping which can be found in the OSM Wiki. More details | 2021-11-29 | |
Country Code Check | CjMalone | More details | 1.1_2023-04-09 | |
Czech Republic Address System | Jose Riha | Rules implementing checks for address tags specified by Czech Republic Address System. Only used in CZ and SK. More details | 2.17_2020-10-05 | |
Duplicate Attributes | CjMalone | More details | 1.2_2024-09-18 | |
Dutch specific rules | Famlam | Rules for The Netherlands only (European part). More details | 2025.02.07 | |
Extended runway rules | gaben | Extending core runway validation rules. Currently validating ref values and offering autofix for runways drawn as an area. More details | 1_2023-04-02 | |
Facebook not website | CjMalone | More details | 1.2_2023-04-12 | |
France specific rules | PanierAvide | Rules, which are limited to France only. More details | 1.102_2025-02-23 | |
Geology Validator | Kai Johnson | Validates mapping of geological and natural features More details | 6_2024-01-16 | |
Germany specific rules | Klumbumbus | Rules, which are limited to Germany only. More details | 1.23_2020-10-22 | |
GRB import issues | Midgard | Detect some data issues during GRB assisted mapping | 1.4_2020-08-08 | |
Hungary specific rules | gaben | Rules, which are limited to Hungary only. More details | 7_2024-09-28 | |
Indoor mapping rules | PanierAvide | Rules for validating indoor data More details | 1.1_2019-10-01 | |
Invalid Website Protocol | CjMalone | More details | 1.2_2023-04-07 | |
Iran-specific rules | Ebrahim Nejati | Rules, which are limited to Iran only. More details | 1.4 | |
Italy specific rules | francians, Klumbumbus | Rules, which are limited to Italy only. More details | 1.4_2020-04-01 | |
Jungle Bus - validation ruleset | nlehuby | Uncompromising validation of transit data More details | 0.13 | |
KeepRight Checks | Dave Manzer | Checks for errors based on KeepRight checks More details | 2_2020-04-05 | |
Luxembourg specific rules | David Morais Ferreira (dmlu), Guillaume Rischard (Stereo) | Rules, which are limited to Luxembourg only. More details | 0.5 | |
Missing main tag | CjMalone | More details | 1.1_2024-10-14 | |
Missing Opening Hours | CjMalone | Warn when signs of opening_hours, but no opening_hours More details | 1.1_2022-07-30 | |
Missing streetnumber or conscriptionnumber | Jose Riha | Copy value of housenumber tag to either streetnumber or conscriptionnumber More details | 1.6_2020-10-05 | |
Mountain bike specific rules | naoliv, Stefan Bauer | Rules which check the correct usage of mountain bike specific tags. More details | 1.0 | |
Not Check | CjMalone | More details | 1.1_2023-08-08 | |
Old Covid | CjMalone | More details | 1.1_2024-09-18 | |
OpenRailwayMap – extra ruleset for Germany | rurseekatze | Additional validation of railway data according to the OpenRailwayMap tagging scheme. More details | 2017-01-09 | |
OpenRailwayMap – international validation ruleset | rurseekatze | Validation of railway data according to the OpenRailwayMap tagging scheme. More details | 2017-01-09 | |
OSM Lint Validations | Dave Manzer | Checks for errors based on OSM Lint More details | 3_2020-10-05 | |
Pictures rules | PanierAvide | Rules for checking syntax of picture-related tags More details | 4_2023-11-11 | |
Portuguese-specific rules | ViriatoLusitano | Community rules for the most common errors and problems found in Portugal. Messages are in Portuguese only. More details | 1.6_2020-10-05 | |
Português-Erros comuns PT2 | OSM Portugal | AVISO: APLICAR APENAS EM PORTUGAL. Encontra principalmente erros de ortografia, abreviaturas em nomes, algumas etiquetas não aplicáveis a Portugal e alguns erros de etiquetas mal aplicadas. Os erros começam com "Portugal" para serem facilmente identificados. Verificar com CUIDADO os erros apresentados por esta lista, pois nem sempre são erros. More details | 1.41_2024-09-16 | |
Possible missing weekdays | Klumbumbus | Checks for possible missing weekdays in the opening_hours key. Note that opening hours without weekdays can be correct, so be careful when editing the osm data. More details | 1.2_2018-03-24 | |
Public Transport GTFS | skyper | Special rules for Public transportation supporting GTFS and tags for PTNA. More details | 0.0.43_2025-01-03 | |
QA Tool Inspired Validations | Dave Manzer & Milla Zagorski | Checks for errors inspired from Osmose tag checks | 37_2020-11-06 | |
Russian housenumbers | zetx16 | 1.1_2020-02-16 | ||
Seamark Validation Rules | Aun (Skippern) Johnsen | Rules to give warning when tagging of seamarks are not in accordance with standards in the data model More details | 0.1 | |
Slovakia specific rules | Filip009 | Rules implementing guideposts and route marker rules in Slovak Republic and some other common mistakes or forggetable things. More details | 6_2022-07-25 | |
Source object tag | gileri | Warn of source tags on objects that are obsolete, or will be in future edits More details | 1.3_2023-02-11 | |
swimming_pool tag confusion | nlehuby | Detect Suspicious leisure=swimming_pool | 0.17_2020-10-05 | |
This or That | CjMalone | More details | 1.2_2024-10-14 | |
Ukrainian phone numbers | code: andygol; icon: gontsa | Verify Ukrainian phone numbers formatting and validity. Rules for checking phone number formats in Ukraine. The phone must conform to the format +380 aa xxx xxxx;+380 aaa xx xxxx;+380 аааа хх ххх , where +380 is the code of Ukraine, аа / ааа / аааа is the code of the operator or area, ххх хххх / хх хххх / хх ххх - number format for seven-, six- and five-digit numbers that can be used in the local network without using the network code. Toll-free phones 0 800 ххх ххх must be specified without a country code, the phone:UA key is used to record them. More details | 0.12_2022-05-27 | |
Ukrainian Streets and Addresses | darkonus | Validation of street names and addresses in Ukraine | 0.52_2023-11-28 | |
Validating tasks in HOT TM projects (HOT TM Validator Checker) | Patrik_B | Few rules mostly for flagging objects with layer tag. More details | 23_2023-07-23 |
To add more rules to your list, open the Validator Preferences: Edit -> Preferences -> Validator -> Tag Checker Rules (2nd tab)
Create new rules
If you want to add your rules to this list use one of the two options:
- Simply create a page in this wiki with your rule, e.g. Rules/MyRuleName. This is similar to Styles and Presets. See there for more information about this topic.
- Externally hosted rule URLs can be entered when editing the RulesSource page.
If your rule applies to a limited area, use Territory selectors, to limit the execution to the area.
Rules managed in JOSM wiki
JOSM wiki based Rules is the preferred method.
- Rules/AddrFullWarning
- Rules/AddrRelationWarning
- Rules/AtmsSlovakia
- Rules/ChargeRules
- Rules/CheckDate
- Rules/CountryCodeCheck
- Rules/CzechRepublicAddressSystem
- Rules/DuplicateAttributes
- Rules/FacebookWebsite
- Rules/FranceSpecificRules
- Rules/Geology
- Rules/GermanySpecific
- Rules/HungarySpecific
- Rules/IncompleteObjectWarnings
- Rules/IndoorRules
- Rules/InvalidWebsiteProtocol
- Rules/ItalySpecific
- Rules/KeepRight
- Rules/MissingMain
- Rules/MissingOpeningHours
- Rules/MissingStreetnumberOrConscriptionnumber
- Rules/MissingWeekdays
- Rules/NotCheck
- Rules/OSMLint
- Rules/OldCovid
- Rules/Pictures
- Rules/Portuguese-Errors-PT2
- Rules/Portuguese-Specific
- Rules/PublicTransportGtfs
- Rules/QAToolInspiredValidations
- Rules/Runways
- Rules/SlovakiaSpecificRules
- Rules/SourceObjectTag
- Rules/SuspiciousSwimming_Pool
- Rules/ThisOrThat
- Rules/UkrainePhoneNumbers
- Rules/ValidatingBuildingsInHOTTMProjects
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