
Version 17 (modified by Klumbumbus, 4 years ago) ( diff )

remove watch-modified: true which has no effect

Suspicious leisure=swimming_pool

This ruleset checks for leisure=swimming_pool that have too much information and may be instead a leisure=sports_centre + sport = swimming.

        title: "swimming_pool tag confusion";
        version: "0.17_2020-10-05";
        description: "Detect Suspicious leisure=swimming_pool";
        author: "nlehuby";
        baselanguage: "en";
        min-josm-version: 14481;

        throwWarning: tr("If this is a facility containing one or more swimming pools it should be tagged leisure=sports_centre + sport=swimming.");
        group: tr("Suspicious tag association - possible confusion between swimming_pool and sports_centre");
        -osmoseItemClassLevel: "3080/30801/3";
        -osmoseTags: list("tag", "fix:chair", "leisure", "public equipment");
        assertNoMatch: "way leisure=swimming_pool";
        assertMatch: "way leisure=swimming_pool url=A";
        assertMatch: "node leisure=swimming_pool building=yes";
        assertMatch: "relation leisure=swimming_pool phone=+3334656565";


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