= Not Check = Note: hopefully to be rewritten in Java to test all tags {{{ #!rule meta { title: "Not Check"; version: "1.[[revision]]_[[date]]"; author: "CjMalone"; link: "https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Rules/NotCheck"; baselanguage: "en"; } *[name][not:name][tag("name")==tag("not:name")] { throwWarning: "name and not:name matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } *[brand:wikidata][not:brand:wikidata][tag("name")==tag("not:name")] { throwWarning: "brand:wikidata and not:brand:wikidata matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } *[operator:wikidata][not:operator:wikidata][tag("operator:wikidata")==tag("not:operator:wikidata")] { throwWarning: "operator:wikidata and not:operator:wikidata matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } *[network:wikidata][not:network:wikidata][tag("network:wikidata")==tag("not:network:wikidata")] { throwWarning: "network:wikidata and not:network:wikidata matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } *[addr:postcode][not:addr:postcode][tag("addr:postcode")==tag("not:addr:postcode")] { throwWarning: "addr:postcode and not:addr:postcode matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } *[highway][not:highway][tag("highway")==tag("not:highway")] { throwWarning: "highway and not:highway matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } *[naptan:AtcoCode][not:naptan:AtcoCode][tag("naptan:AtcoCode")==tag("not:naptan:AtcoCode")] { throwWarning: "naptan:AtcoCode and not:naptan:AtcoCode matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } *[fhrs:id][not:fhrs:id][tag("fhrs:id")==tag("not:fhrs:id")] { throwWarning: "fhrs:id and not:fhrs:id matching, please check the tags and amend one."; } }}}